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Visions 2022

Painted Sun Face, Liana Asoulin - Handelman 32 Peruvian Faux Tapestry Collage, Ava Blacker PROSE 7 T

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VISIONS 2021.25

5781 Volume XXVIII 2 3 4 5 Invisible Ice Cream 6 7 Western Mystery It once happened that Michel and

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Brighton Visions and Values Booklet

outdoor lifestyle. It is the aspiration of our customers; open hearts, open minds, open possibilitie

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Industriekatalog 2020

76 11 200 140x140 14,5 47 [email protected]

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ManuelCanovas - 2020

ManuelCanovas - 2020 2020 COLLECTION – Front cover: Wallpaper, SALENGRO Sofa, SALENGRO Cushions (lef

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Register 2020

Register 2020 REGISTER2020 Christ’s College, Canterbury CANTERBURY Each boy at his best. CHRIST’S CO

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Spring 2020

och.htm Citygarden Keep heading a few blocks west to the Citygarden, a 2.9 acregreenspace filledwith

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Newsletter 2020

Newsletter 2020 NEWSLETTER 2020 ‘Proud and impressed with our industry in this year that was 2020. F

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Tracks 2020

Environment category. Both projects illustrate innovative models for partnering with local utilities

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Editor: Joanie Geffen Graphic Designer: Wendy Cramer Special thanks: Tom Elieff

Cover: Sophie Rosenfield ~ Kindergarten

Please Note: Most writing below fifth grade is in its original spelling and grammatical format


6 Quite an Interesting Sight ~ Ella Sadka 8 When I Step... ~ Hayden Rosenberg 10 “xbose” ~ Lyle Pailet & Noah Stern

4 The Magic of Nature ~ Lihi Platon 9 If I Had … ~ Benjamin Myers

12 Internet Dangers ~ Sivan Meyer 13 A Visit to NASA ~ Chyler Reiman 14 Toilet Paper Time ~ Rachel Karp 14 No Homework For Kids ~ Sarah Grossfeld

11 Fruit ~ Morgan Hacker 18 The Book ~ Jenna Files 21 Basketball ~ Guy Stern

22 A Perfect World ~ Natalie Rubin 23 A Raindrop’s Journey ~ Eden Behr 23 Rain Haiku ~ Hannah Blum 24/25 Krystall Clear ~ Brenna Norton

26 Hey You! ~ Alexis Kaganas 28 Frances ~ Ariella Weisman

31 Remembering My Past ~ Eliana Campbell 32 An Ocean of Memory ~ Sarah Fradkin

5 Burch Inspired Cat Collage ~ Benjamin Wilkofsky; Brody Rubin 7 Amy Giacomelli Inspired Tree, Mixed Media ~ Shaia Meyer 8 Circle Themed Print/Marker Drawing ~ Violet Tate 9 Haring Inspired Watercolor/Tempera ~ Benjamin Myers 15 Colored Pencil Drawing ~ Sasha Fairman, Miller Pailet & Leeam Ksabi 15 Colored Pencil Drawing ~ Ethan Margolies & Dani Reiman 16/17 Gilhooly Inspired Mixed Media Sculpture ~ Collaboration Grades K-3 19 Klee Inspired Prints/Oil Pastel ~ Victor Ovadia & Netanel Primo 20 Colored Pencil Tessellation Drawing ~ Sarah Orkin 26 Colored Pencil Journal Entry ~ Shira Rahamim 27 Colored Pencil Journal Entry ~ Jordan Zimmermann 29 Agamagram/Markers ~ Kayla Kosfiszer 30 Kandinsky Inspired Drawing, Watercolors/Marker ~ Noam Lipszyc 31 Abstract Collage Journal Entry ~ Brianna Richardson


The Magic of Nature

A whole new world awaits beyond the mountains, across deserts, deep in the jungles, under the seas. Beneath the stars, life can be so much more than just a plan to follow, a story with countless adventures, filled with danger and excitement. Are you brave enough to reach out and reveal the precious se- crets hiding? As you enter nature, you feel the difference at your feet: the gritty sand; the soft snow; the lush grass, and the rich dirt. You hear the difference: the sing- ing birds; the whooshing wind; the breaking waves. You smell the difference: the stale smell of the sea; the earthy smell of the woods; the fresh air of the snow. While you travel around, the best part comes when you open your eyes. You now can see nature: the tall mountains with snow canopies, the green for- est that covers everything beneath it, the pure sea with its invisible secrets, the smooth desert made out of sand. The waterfalls, the meadows, the beaches. What you sense from the wilderness is indescribable, but the feeling is simply a relief. A break from life; a moment to breathe. Nature is magical; it puts a spell on you to always want to come back. Just to touch snow again. To hear the birds tweet from the trees. To see the wa- ter sprinkle at sunset. At the end of the day, you can never stop exploring this whole new world you have just revealed.

Brody Rubin

Lihi Platon, Eighth Grade


Benjamin Wilkofsky, Kindergarten

n, Kindergarten


Quite An Interesting Sight (After seeing an unusual drawing)

You don’t see it every day. Well, at least I don’t. Very unusual. It would be great décor for Dumbledor’s house. Spoons in a tree.

I wonder if Professor McGonagill has forks in a tree.

Or if Professor Snape has knives in a tree. It still keeps me wondering about those spoons in a tree. At first, I didn’t see it. I thought they were leaves! Silver leaves. Oh, how beautiful that would be. Now, they are here,

but they are only spoons in a tree.

Ella Sadka, Sixth Grade




Benjamin Myers, Second Grade

If I had a older brother I would help him with his homework. If I had a younger brother I would play with him. If I had a older sister I would ahh…I don’t know what I would do with her. If I had a younger sister I would play with her. I would want siblings because without siblings you get bored a lot. I would want siblings because when you get hit your siblings can save you. I would not want siblings because you need to share everything. I would want siblings because I would get double everything I have. If you don’t have siblings you can always do something kind for friends, parents, and anybody else. I share candy with my friends because I like them.

Benjamin Myers, Second Grade



(eecummings mastered “found poetry”; this creative genre represents both an im- age and a comment, even breaking spelling and grammar rules, leaving it for the reader to discover, like a puzzle. Have fun!)


Answer: Boxes. Big brown cardboard boxes. You can hide inside them! Boxes. Yes!


(The following poem is a clever parody of Shakespeare’s Hamlet . All punctuation and capitalization belong to one of the versions from the Bard.)

To eat or not to eat-that is the question:

Whether ‘tis nobler to eat a clean smelling lemon,

A bitter taste and texture of your own fortune,

the seeds of bad fruit predicting a long life

Or by opposing, end it. To destroy it, to trash it-

No more-and as a group we say we end

The sourness of the thousand unaware taste buds

That tongue is heir to. ‘Tis a tartness

Wanting to be wished. To stop, to sleep-

To sleep-perchance to dream: ay, there’s the smile,

For in that sleep of other fruit what dreams may come

When we have shuffled off this fanciful flavor ride,

I will take an orange instead.

Morgan Hacker, Seventh Grade


Internet Dangers

Dear Parents,

There are many dangers on the internet. For example, people cyberbully. Cyberbullying means someone sends a message to you that threatens you. There are also child predators. Child predators are people who try getting private information that can help them commit a crime. Kids (mostly teenagers) also can be less happy because they don’t have as many follow- ers as their friends or think they are not pretty enough. People can be mean online, which leads into my first paragraph which is about cyber- bullying. A lot of people bully on the internet because they feel it makes them more popular or because they have low self-esteem. I don’t like cyberbullying because it hurts people and sometimes when one person does something mean there is a ripple effect. Cyberbullying also connects to child predators. This is another reason why the internet is so dangerous. Child predators try kidnapping children that they stalked online. But luckily I learned a good way to create a password that is hard to get into from a magazine called Time for Kids. First you can make a fun easy sentence like I love my dad. Then take a few letters out to make it look something like this Ilomyda. Then add a few numbers instead of some letters to make it look something like this, I7om5d@. These instructions can help kids and adults use the internet in a safer way. A lot of kids (mostly teenagers) are less happy because they don’t have that many fol- lowers on social media. People feel like they aren’t pretty enough because one person, ONE, makes a nasty comment.

To sum it all up, I think parents should supervise their kids more while their kid is on the internet because of cyberbullying, child predators, and social media.

Sincerely, Sivan Isabella Meyer

Sivan Isabella Meyer, Fourth Grade


A Visit to NASA

Dear Mom and Dad,

Have you ever wanted to go somewhere, but someone didn’t let you? Well if you have then you’ll understand why I chose this topic. I would love to go to NASA for one main reason. I LOVE SPACE. A few other reasons I would like to go to NASA is that it’s not expensive, most attractions are kid-friendly, and scientists suggest that while children are still young they should visit a science center such as NASA.

One reason I would like to go to NASA is that it’s not expensive. In fact, it’s $24.95 to get in and an additional $16.95 for the Limited Edition Galaxy Light Exhibit. Also since we live in Dallas you don’t need to pay for airfare since you can just drive to Houston.

Another reason I would like to go to NASA is because most attractions are kid-friendly. Although some are packed with boring information, others are loaded with information that will entertain kids for hours. In addition, most kids 8+ will like almost all of the attractions, as the starship gallery which has fascinating space shuttles like the APOLLO 11 Spaceship.

The last reason I would like to go to NASA is because the scientists suggest it. Who knows? It might inspire careers or jobs. For example, since I want to be a roboticist at NASA it would be a good start. For example, I could see if I like building space shuttles.

I know that we’ve been on a lot of trips, but I feel that NASA is a must because most trips we go on are not educational, but NASA is. Specifically, I could learn about the moon.

Did you know that over 100,000 teachers go to NASA to take part in the extraordinary learning experience? Those were some reasons why I would like to go to NASA. I hope these reasons, it’s not expensive, it’s kid-friendly, and scientists suggest it, help you consider taking me to NASA.

Chyler Reiman, Fourth Grade


Toilet Paper Time

One day I was 1 or 2 and bored, bored, bored! I didn’t want to take a nap. I didn’t want to play with dolls, and I didn’t want to play with my brother and sister. I had nothing to do! Then when I thought all is lost, I heard a noise. A noise I don’t always hear. It sounded like someone was flushing a toilet! Then I knew I wouldn’t be bored for long. When the flushing sound was over, I tried to remember where the sound was coming from. Now you might be like, “How do you not know where the bathroom is?” But just remember I was 1 or 2 years old. I, as quickly as I could, went to the bathroom. I guess you could say I had a funny light bulb moment. I was so excited. I couldn’t wait to pull a prank. Now I thought I could blow the flushing sound in someone’s ear, but I didn’t know how. I saw the toilet paper and I crawled as quickly as I could, making sure my parents couldn’t see me. Into the study, past my sister and into the kitchen. When my parents caught me they just lafed. I then tried it again when I was five, but it didn’t work!

Rachel Karp, Third Grade

No Homework for Kids

Do we really need homework? Is it that good for you? The answer is no! In my opinion, we should not have homework.

My first reason is it is more work. For example, kids are working all day and they need a break.

Another reason is research can even prove it. For example, a 2012 study found there’s no relationship between homework and good grades.

Lastly, it can be confusing. For example, parents can’t help their kids. It causes stress and arguments.

As you can see, we should not have homework!

Sarah Grossfeld, Third Grade


Ethan Margolies & Daniella Reiman, Fifth Grade

Sasha Fairman, Leeam Ksabi, & Miller Pailet, Fifth Grade



Noam Amsellem

Mylo Behringer

Hannah Blum

Sisi Caplovitz

Lucy Cohen

Jonah Frieden

Ellie Milstein

Cayman Orlowski

Noah Palant

Liat Staub

Nadav Twito

Claire Weiss

Eliana Yochananov

Tori Zimmermann

Kindergarten-Third Grade Collaboration 17

The Book

Books are rich and full of adventure, Yet for some the best part of a book is the closure.

Many despise the pages full of words, But books contain the freedom of birds.

With a single word you can soar away, Follow the pathway, Away from all your troubles and tears, Into a new frontier.

Ravaging seas and fire-breathing beasts, Technology beyond our wildest dreams. Legends of heroes saving the youth. Many say they’re lies, but all legends ring with truth. When engrossed in a book the world melts away, As you wander along the magical driftway. So as you can clearly see, the book is not your enemy, But, in fact, a place of dreams and tranquility.

Jenna Files, Seventh Grade


Victor Ovadia, First Grade

Netanel Primo, First Grade




We run onto the court and it’s my turn to shine

Our game begins and everyone in the stands begins to chime

The ball flies into the air and everything goes still

My team starts strong, hoping things won’t go downhill

Mind games initiate while the opposing bench hollers

My teammates, in the moment, as if the game’s worth a million dollars

We continuously score, bringing fear in the opponents' eyes

As the ball sinks in the hoop, the other team’s cheers die

The blaring horn signifies the second quarter is complete

Then we jog to the locker room for water and a seat

The other team, ready, has started a comeback

But their run comes to a halt as we regroup, back on track

Everyone’s face is sweating as the game concludes

The tone of the room is serious, given one team will lose

The refs are watching closely with every call crucial

Any call mistaken will most definitely be brutal

The clock runs down quickly and pressure begins to rise

I take the final shot and the outcome is a surprise

The ball falls in the hoop, ensuring that we win

The gym has gone crazy, but all I can do is just grin.

Guy Stern, Seventh Grade


A Perfect World

I lay in my bed gazing up at the ceiling fan,

wondering what a perfect world would look like.

The sun glowing throughout the day

and a sky full of stars at night.

A perfect world.

The smell of lavender and evergreen

fills the marvelous earth I so wish was real.

A perfect world.

Children’s laughter echoes,

as the big yellow bus heads to school.

A perfect world.

People offering to hold open the door

or making small talk with a stranger.

A perfect world.

Everyone is equal, no matter what.

Race, culture, gender, religion,

that doesn’t matter here.

A perfect world.

As I dream of my heavenly oasis, I realize my perfect world is achievable.

A perfect world starts with me.

Natalie Rubin, Seventh Grade


A Raindrop’s Journey

I was formed high above

in the womb of a pregnant cloud.

Falling, as I glanced at the world.

A world of happiness and love.

I dropped on a soft green leaf,

as I began to slide into filthy dirt.

I sat under earth patiently,

waiting to be found.

Days, weeks, months pass by.

Although I felt hopeless,

my head never dropped.

I felt the strong sun on my weak back.

You may not like it.

It was a glimmer of hope.

Drizzle, drizzle, drop, drop, stop!

I was lifted into the immense sky,

But no rain, no plants.

then formed into a small white cloud.

It was time to try again, but why?

Hannah Blum, Third Grade

Then I remembered.

When you fall, there is always a way back up.

Eden Behr, Eighth Grade


“Krystall” Clear

It was another heavenly day in Germany,

sun shining through the crisp wind,

children playing in the muddy, cobblestone streets,

still damp from a previous rain.

As the sun fell below the fertile mountains,

the children ran to wash up before dinner.

I was enlightened to see such a wonderful world.

But somehow there was an uneasy feeling beneath the joy.

In the distance I saw a group of resentful, uniformed men,

carelessly stomping their angry boots

where the children had played.

They began to destroy,

wall by wall,

home by home,

Jew by Jew.

The children who once smiled

were now wet from their tears,

never to stop crying.


The mothers who once prayed

were now being robbed of everything they own,

never to earn it back.

The fathers who once worked

were now being forced into death camps,

without a kiss goodbye.

But the young man’s hour was up,

this gruesome future was yet to come,

and I was yet to be broken.

I stayed in the shop of a Jewish man,

watching dreams crumble to dust,

and fresh blood stain

the muddy, cobblestone streets.

After all, I am only a krystal ball.

Brenna Norton, Eighth Grade


Hey You!

Yes, I am looking at you. You see that kid over there; he is looking for some shoes to wear. You wanna’ cross the street? There is a family that needs to eat. You have that skirt you never wore? That girl would like it; she is poor. You have a blanket you never use? That elder person over there has the flu. You have some EXTRA money, dear? Give it to the child who has much to fear. You have a dime? “I need money for dialysis,” read the sign.

Alexis Kaganis, Seventh Grade



Frances (Based on Betty Smith’s A Tree Grows in Brooklyn )

Frances An empathetic girl who transforms into a young woman,

Making mistakes along the way. Determined never to give up, Taking every chance fate throws her way. Working hard to make ends meet, Although that may not be her desire.

Living in a city where a tree can grow tall, Rooted beneath the rotten soil. Knowing her life may not resemble the tree’s strength, But striving for it every day.

Daughter of a mother who loves her son more than herself, But makes Frances feel inferior.

Who has a father that understands her, But is no longer there to express his love, A sister of two siblings who need her to survive.

A resident of a city where it is easy to go unnoticed; one among millions. Loving a father who will never be seen,

Yet feeling triumphant providing for her family. Needing to be acknowledged by her mother, Who never hears her silent cries. Giving help to others before herself Although she may need support the most. Fearing the judgment of others, While following her heart.

Dreams of being the best she can be, But nearly falling short. Realizing she tried her best while others tell her she did not. Having hope in her heart to see places unknown. First in her family to achieve the ultimate goal Of attending college. Francie.

Ariella Weisman, Seventh Grade


Kayla Kosfiszer, Sixth Grade



Remembering My Past

I step out onto the old deck, hearing the wood groan beneath my weight Frigid air blows past my face as I look at the forest I make my way down to the garden, past my father’s gravestone The fresh snow settles down on top of the roses placed there only this morning I remember the day he was taken from me Forced to his knees to take a bullet instead of me Guilt rises up inside of me For if it were not for me, he would be here to tend to the garden.

Eliana Campbell, Eighth Grade


An Ocean of Memory Sarah Fradkin, Eighth Grade

I walk across the golden beach my feet sinking into the soft warm sand bare toes moving around freely and my ears pleased with the sound of rushing waves

looking down the water is transparent as glass and beside my feet lays a seashell picking it up I am awed by the variation of color purple pink orange blue I play with it in my hand small ridges on top but smooth as silk on the bottom

coming closer the sand becomes cooler wetter as my feet start to submerge

entering the water I close my eyes to enjoy the smooth sea the fresh air laced with the scent of salt standing there I preserve the perfect moment as waves brush against my skin and my hair sways in the light breeze opening my eyes I soak in the beauty of it all the eternal sea stretching out to the horizon shimmering like stars at night in the deep blue expanse rays of sun fighting the clouds to be seen

as I exit the water I keep the small shell as a memory of this day a promise that someday I will return