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Visiting Angels January 2018

January 2018

5274 Scotts Valley Dr #102 Scotts Valley, CA 95066 831-430-0616 229 Reindollar Ave., Suite E Marina, CA 93933 831-392-0876


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Acknowledging the Unspoken How We Can Help Seniors Find Joy in the New Year

One January many years ago, I surprised my grandma by showing up on her doorstep. When she opened her door and gasped, I swear I never saw so much joy in a person’s eyes — after the shock wore off, of course. We enjoyed a delightful long weekend together, and I know my visit meant so much to her.

unspoken. To avoid being perceived as a burden, few seniors are willing to admit they feel depressed. However, just

asking a loved one how they are doing and encouraging them to talk about their feelings can do a world of good. They might not be

When my grandmother retired, her world became a lot smaller. She no longer saw the women she used to go to lunch with, and she

“This time of year, it’s important for both professional caretakers and

willing to share, but the knowledge that their sense of well- being is a priority can help a person feel noticed and loved. The new year is also a great time to plan a trip for seniors to look forward to — maybe a short road trip to visit an old friend, a vacation to a warmer climate, or an extended stay with distant relatives. When I surprised my grandma, I convinced her to visit me later that year and helped buy her plane tickets before I went back home. Our Visiting Angels are excellent when it comes to helping seniors through this post-holiday depression. They can plan trips to museums to help seniors stay mentally engaged, accompany them on walks so they can stay physically active, and help seniors identify volunteer opportunities so they can continue to be active in the community. A wonderful quote from Carl W. Buehner states, “They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” It doesn’t take much to make a difference in a person’s life. As we enter the new year, I encourage everyone to make a resolution to remember the little ways we can help the seniors in our lives feel loved all year long.

no longer heard new stories about work or the strangers she met while going about her day. Though she kept busy with gardening, reading, and needlepoint, her world changed so much that she grew quite depressed. These feelings of depression grew stronger after the holidays, as is the case for many seniors. After the hustle and bustle of the holidays, a lull in life starts to descend. This lull is often felt most keenly by seniors, who can feel isolated this time of year. Their families have gone back home to their busy lives, and there are few things to look forward to in the long winter months. This, combined with physical limitations, can cause seniors to experience feelings of loneliness and depression. This time of year, it’s important for both professional caretakers and family members to acknowledge the family members to acknowledge the unspoken.”


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Personalized Homecare ... When You Need It ... From People You Trust!

Ready to Book Your Dream Vacation?

ROAD SCHOLAR Looking for an adventure that will also quench your thirst for knowledge? For over 40 years, Road Scholar has dedicated itself to creating memorable and educational global travel experiences. Road Scholar crafts vacations that match your interests, group size, and desired activity level. Go on a maritime expedition with your grandchild in Hawaii or enjoy a solo adventure to the ancient ruins of Egypt or Greece. It’s like taking a semester abroad in college, but with fewer essays to write. Start planning your dream vacation at GLOBE AWARE Have you ever wanted to travel the world and help make the planet a better place? Then it’s time to consider “voluntourism.” Take the international trip you’ve always wanted by donating your time in a meaningful way. The experts in “aging with attitude” at Senior Planet celebrate Globe Aware for its success in catering to the adventurous and the generous. Learn how you can volunteer with orphans or help clean up coral reefs at There will never be a better time to take the trip you’ve dreamed of for years. Adventure is out there; don’t keep it waiting any longer. they don’t have the space for something, it shouldn’t be your job to hang on to it. Eliminating clutter will free up your space and allow you to treasure what you have. MOVE INTO A HOUSE YOU CAN FILL Once all of your children have left the nest, you’ll often find that you don’t need as many rooms. Selling your home and moving into one that isn’t half-empty will generate some extra cash and help you to live more efficiently. As an added bonus, you’ll often find that a cozier home increases happiness. The less time you have to spend on home maintenance, the more you can devote to the activities you love. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET Too often, we suffer from the urge to “keep up with the Joneses.” If our neighbor buys something, we want it too. But to really rightsize, you should resist the urge to meet other people’s standards. Retirement should help you make the most of your life, not anyone else’s. Before you make a purchase, especially a large one, ask yourself what’s motivating your decision. If it’s not going to make your life better, leave it on the shelf.

Are you ready to set out on a grand adventure? Many people spend their entire lives thinking about the exotic

locations they want to explore, only to let the opportunity slip through their

fingers. Stop dreaming about adventure and make it a reality with these top-of-the-line travel companies. GRAND CIRCLE TRAVEL Established by AARP founder Ethel Andrus, Grand Circle Travel specializes in affordable tour packages that let travelers focus on a true local experience. Your tour can include language lessons, visits to neighborhood schools, and home-hosted meals with local families, all of which allow you immerse yourself in the local culture. If you’ve been dreaming of a nautical adventure, Grand Circle Travel also boasts an impressive fleet of small ships for ocean sailing and river cruises. Satisfy your wanderlust by visiting As you approach retirement, it’s important to make sure your lifestyle is tailored to fit the end of your working life. This concept, known as “rightsizing,” can make your savings last longer, which provides you with the freedom to enjoy your later years. Kathy Gottberg, author of “Rightsizing: A Smart Living 365 Guide to Reinventing Retirement,” defines the concept as “conscious choices for a better lifestyle that more closely fits your new needs in retirement.” from work. For most of us, what really matters when we retire is spending time with loved ones and having memorable experiences. Nobody’s greatest regret is not having enough stuff. With that in mind, here are a few tips that will prepare you for a fruitful and fulfilling retirement. CLEAR OUT UNNEEDED GOODS If you’ve been in the same home for years or decades, you probably have more stuff than you need. Start by discarding anything that’s broken, damaged, or simply not getting any use. You should also make sure you’re not acting as a storage unit for friends or family members. If The earlier you can begin rightsizing, the more prepared you’ll be for the days when you no longer have an income




Anna May Robertson, better known as “Grandma Moses,” first picked up her paintbrush at 76. Though she had never painted before, Moses’ beautiful portraits of rural American life turned her into a beloved folk artist. Moses went on to paint over 1,500 paintings, many of which still hang in Vienna and Paris, before passing away at the age of 101. In 2003, Yuichiro Miura became the oldest person to climb Mount Everest, at the age of 70. His record was later broken, so Miura, after two major heart surgeries, climbed the mountain again, reclaiming his record at 80 years old. After a lifetime of fighting apartheid in South Africa, Nelson Mandela became the country’s first nonwhite president at age 75. Once his term was over, Mandela would continue to be an active advocate for equal rights around the world. Laura Ingalls Wilder published her first book at the age of 64. “Little House in the Big Woods,” published in 1932, was the first of Wilder’s best-selling eight-book series, which would inspire NBC’s beloved TV show “Little House on the Prairie.” With the new year upon us, it’s time to stop letting other people claim your age should hold you back. The possibilities are endless, so what will you accomplish this year?

AMAZING Accomplishments Made After 60

Why It’s Never Too Late to Shoot for the Stars

Our society has always been obsessed with youth, and this obsession sends a message that the older you are, the less you can achieve. But age is just a number, and if you’ve ever felt discouraged by that number, remember some of the greatest achievements in the world were accomplished much later in life. At 70 years old, Benjamin Franklin helped draft the Declaration of Independence, leading the American colonies to declare freedom from British tyranny.

BERRY GRANOLA Pistachio Goji


Want to spruce up your morning yogurt? Top it with this tasty granola. Even better, swap out the dairy for coconut yogurt and enjoy your vegan breakfast.

Ingredients • 1 cup rolled oats • ½ teaspoon salt

• ⅓ cup pistachios, chopped • ¼ cup coconut flakes • 1 teaspoon cinnamon • ⅓ cup goji berries

• 1 tablespoon coconut oil • 3 tablespoons maple syrup

Directions 1. Heat a large skillet over low heat. Add oats in a thin layer and toast for 1–2 minutes. Add coconut oil and salt, then stir. Continue toasting for 5–7 minutes, stirring occasionally. 2. Add maple syrup 1 tablespoon at a time; stir to coat. 3. Once oats are toasted, add pistachios, coconut flakes, and

cinnamon. Cook slowly until pistachios and coconut flakes are toasted but not burned, for about 5 minutes. 4. Remove from pan and stir in goji berries. 5. Let cool and enjoy as a snack or on top of your yogurt!

Recipe inspired by

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Personalized Homecare ... When You Need It ... From People You Trust!

5274 Scotts Valley Dr #102 Scotts Valley, CA 95066 24/7 831-430-0616


Scotts Valley Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday–Friday Home Care Organization #444700002


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Fighting Post-Holiday Blues

Adventure Is Waiting

Are You Ready for Retirement?


Are You Too Old to Achieve Your Dreams?

Start the Day Right With This Granola


Local Events

NewMemories in the New Year Make a Resolution to Have More Fun!

KICK THE SUGAR HABIT! WHERE: New Leaf Community Markets, Santa Cruz WHEN: Wednesday, January 17, 1 p.m. ADMISSION: Free WEBSITE: The average American consumes over 150 pounds of sugar every year, and it can really damage our bodies. Inflammation and elevated blood sugar often contribute to chronic disease. Sign up for this educational course and let certified nutrition consultant Madia Jamgochian show you the secret to kicking the bad sugar habit and living a healthier life!

Scotts Valley Educational Foundation is thrilled to present a grand evening of celebrating daughters and granddaughters! Get dressed up and invite your favorite gal out for a night in Wonderland. There will be dancing, entertainment, raffle prizes, and delicious treats. Reserve your tickets now and don’t be late for this very important date! VALENTINE’S ARTISAN CHOCOLATE AND WINE PAIRING CLASS WHERE: Silver Mountain Vineyards, Los Gatos

WHEN: Saturday, February 10, 12 p.m. ADMISSION: See website for registration WEBSITE:

DAUGHTER & ME DANCE: THE MAD HATTER’S BALL WHERE: Bruno’s Bar and Grill, Scotts Valley WHEN: Saturday, January 27, 6–10 p.m. ADMISSION: $75 per pair; $25 for each additional daughter WEBSITE: me-dance/

Is there anything better than wine and chocolate? This Valentine’s Day, spend an afternoon learning how to make artisanal French chocolate! Once you’ve created your new masterpiece, discover which fine wine will pair best with it. Be sure to register early to get in on this delightful experience.

