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Wade Law Group February 2018

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Wade Law Group February 2019

8-inch cubes. 4. In a mixing bowl, combine salmon with all other ingredients. Season with salt and p

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Wade Law Group July 2018

4 cup balsamic vinegar • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme • 3 tablespoons raw honey • Salt and freshly ground

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Wade Law Group May 2018

2 pounds skirt steak • Salt and pepper to taste • 2 tablespoons canola oil • Grated pecorino Romano

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Wade Law Group November 2018

how-to- write-a-killer-thank-you-note. 2 3 TRUE CRIME SHOWS YOU HAVE TO SEE M

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Wade Law Group March 2018

Wade Law Group March 2018 MAR 2018 WADE LAW GROUP THE LEGAL ISSUE 408-842-1688

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Wade Law Group January 2018

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Wade Law Group April 2018

3 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • 1 tablespoon flat-leaf parsley, chopped • Kosher s

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Wade Law Group June 2018

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Wade Law Group August 2018

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Wade Law Group February 2018

FEB 2018


THE LEGAL ISSUE 408-842-1688


In the last six months during the testing phase, we were both pushed to our limits. That’s how your instructor makes sure you’ve earned your belt. You’re graded on everything you do, very strictly. It’s how you learn respect. You’re not only competing against other classmates, but you’re challenging yourself. Your teachers make you do additional drills and push you to the limit, constantly propelling you further to see what you’re capable of: Respect . You’re being critiqued six days a week and putting yourself through the ringer to meet their standards: Discipline . To earn the belt, you need to have a high enough score, and it’s a baseball system — three strikes, and you’re out. If you don’t do what is asked of you, there are repercussions. If you get three strikes, you can’t test again for eight months. So it’s a stressful, high-stakes situation. They’re testing you to see if you’re qualified to compete. When I finally got my belt, I felt very proud, because I knew I’d earned it. A black belt, like many things in life, isn’t given. It’s earned. Though I don’t compete anymore, I still train. And the philosophy I’ve learned through the martial arts and through most sports is something that I frequently call upon when I make business decisions. Last month, I welcomed two new members of our firm. When I hire someone, amongst other qualifications, I look for signs that they are disciplined and respectful. I’m looking for consistency in someone I’m going to work with. Discipline : I look for people who are excellent team members and who are conscientious about the work they’re doing. Respect : I seek people who are good at what they do, but also well-rounded. I found these qualities in our new attorney, Brian, and in our new client relations staff. I’m so glad to welcome them, and I look forward to starting this year off with an even stronger team — one that’s founded on discipline and respect.

The martial arts are grounded in respect. You learn respect for your teacher and for your fellow students. They’re also grounded in discipline, which you learn from training. To reach the next level, you have to commit to a regimen. You can’t earn a black belt without understanding these concepts. When I earned mine 10 years ago, I learned the foundations that would guide me not only in taekwondo, but in many aspects of life. Thanks to their many lessons, the martial arts have become a family activity for us. My daughter has a black belt, too, and she’s the reason I got into martial arts in the first place. She started a karate class, and I decided it would be a cool experience for us to have together. We trained every week and worked toward a common goal, and it brought us together during the highs and lows. Reaching that final belt was hard for both of us, no doubt about it. Honestly, my daughter probably hated it at times. It’s not easy. There were times I pushed her to stick with it, because I knew that despite the challenges, it would be something she’d be happy she did. Any of you with kids have been in that same place, I’m sure, when you encourage your child not to give up on an activity. You want them to learn discipline, right? “A black belt, like many things in life, isn’t given. It’s earned.”

We all look forward to getting to know you.

Respectfully yours,

–Amiel Wade

1 408-842-1688


LET THEM TAKE CHARGE If you see a team member taking the reins on a project, you need to reward their initiative. Employees who feel empowered to bring their own ideas into the fold are often the most productive and satisfied staff members. When you notice somebody going above and beyond, don’t let them toil in silence. A little acknowledgement and confidence will inspire other team members to bring their A-game, as well.

Valentine’s Day is all about showing love and appreciation to those around you. You’ve probably already booked a dinner reservation and ordered flowers for your significant other (at least, we hope you have), but don’t forget it’s just as important to show love to your employees. Spreading a little positivity will raise employee morale, and it doesn’t require a grand gesture on your part. Here are some easy, meaningful ways to let your employees know you care. HAVE A STAFF DINNER This one sounds obvious, but too few companies take the time to break bread with their teams. Eating is a fundamentally communal activity, and getting everyone together for a meal will boost spirits. Put a moratorium on any shop talk and use the meal as a chance to learn more about your employees’ lives. If you have a larger staff, it’s better to break into teams. Your staff dinner shouldn’t feel like a work event. The goal should simply be to have a good time. MAKE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PUBLIC Sometimes, a simple high-five and “Job well done!” is enough to remind your employees of your appreciation. But if you want to take giving props to the next level, create a shared space where employees can spread the love around. You can create a wall in the break room where employees can credit each other or you can provide a public forum for verbal encouragement. Either way, receiving wider recognition will mean a lot to your staff.

LITTLE TOKENS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE What if every one of your employees walked in on Valentine’s Day to find some candy hearts on their desk? And what if a few randomly selected boxes had a slip for a few hours of paid time off? It costs almost nothing to you, but it shows you’re thinking of them. Little, creative bonuses like this can be a huge pick-me-up. Don’t announce your plans in advance. The surprise will make the gesture all the sweeter.


After several years serving our state as an educator, Brian Robinson realized his true calling was law. As a public schoolteacher, he’d taken on leadership roles, and one of those was as a site representative mediating disputes between his colleagues.

drew me to Amiel was that we both came from a previous profession. His was law enforcement; mine was education. For similar reasons, we wanted to become attorneys. We both have a strong drive to serve people.” Outside of settling disputes, Brian is very active. He goes to the gym regularly and plays basketball. He also enjoys watching sports and reading, but he explains, “All that takes a backseat to spending time with my kids. Just as often as I’m lifting weights at the gym, I’m giving piggyback rides around the house.” Brian and his wife are proud parents to 3-year-old twins and a baby. “Finding balance is important to me,” Brian says. “In the long run, I always wanted to serve people by practicing law.” We’re so grateful to have him at our firm, and we look forward to combining Brian’s well-rounded expertise with our experienced team of attorneys.

The feedback he got from colleagues? Positive — he was good at his role.

“It was different from being a teacher. It was another side of me that I was exercising,” says Brian. “I realized I wanted to exercise this side full time. I wondered what else I could do career-wise that would allow me to do this more often.” Soon, the answer became clear: law school. “As lawyers, we do many things, and that’s true of any career. At the end of the day, we are helping people get to the end of their disputes.”

Brian joined our firm after observing that our values aligned with his. “One of the things that 2

You’ve been struggling with the decision for some time, but it’s reached the final point. You know the sad and frustrating truth: Your marriage is ending. OR BOTH? MEDIATOR, ATTORNEY,

Now, your next steps determine how much more sadness and frustration you have to endure.

When you know divorce is the next step in your life, it’s time to determine if an attorney is necessary to reach some agreement between you and your spouse. Keep in mind that the more you are able to agree upon, the less money you will ultimately spend fighting. If you can agree on some aspects of your divorce, but not everything, a mediator might be a better option. By working with a neutral attorney who acts as a mediator, you can potentially save thousands of dollars and avoid unnecessary fights in court. When you reach an agreement, your mediator will draft all of the necessary documents to settle your divorce. If you are fortunate, you will never have to go to court. You will simply sign the documentation prepared by the neutral attorney. If you are unable to agree, you’ll need to hire your own attorney to take over your case. Remember, just because you retain your own attorney, it doesn’t mean you are declaring war against your spouse or insinuating that a fight is unavoidable and your case will not settle.

Your attorney should try and resolve your case amicably, because it is always in your best interest to settle your case sooner. However, settling the case upfront may not always be possible, and that’s when you need an attorney who has a special set of skills. When you are searching for the appropriate attorney to represent you in your divorce case, you need to select someone who has two sets of skills. You need an attorney who can settle your case quickly and efficiently, and at the same time, will fight aggressively for your case if a fight becomes necessary.

For attorneys who fit the bill, contact Wade Law Group.



Hoping to shave off those extra holiday pounds or keep up with your New Year’s resolution? Look no further than this easy winter detox salad!


For the Salad •

For the Dressing •

3 cups chopped kale leaves

1 large carrot, roughly chopped

2 cups chopped broccoli florets

1/4 cup rice wine vinegar

2 cups chopped red cabbage

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 cup matchstick carrots

1 tablespoon finely chopped ginger

1 cup chopped cilantro

1 tablespoon honey

1/2 cup toasted slivered almonds

1 tablespoon white miso

1/3 cup sliced green onions

1/2 teaspoon sesame oil

1 diced avocado

Salt and pepper, to taste


Recipe inspired by 1. To make the salad, add all ingredients to a large bowl; toss to combine. 2. To make the dressing, add all ingredients to a blender or food processor. Pulse until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper or add extra honey for a sweeter taste. 3. Drizzle dressing over salad and serve immediately. 3 408-842-1688




84 West Santa Clara Street, Ste 750 San Jose, CA 95113


1 2

Respect and Discipline From 9 to 5

A Little Appreciation Goes a Long Way

Meet Brian


What If the Next Step in Your Marriage Is Divorce?

Whip Up This Winter Salad in a Flash!


Presidents Day or Washington’s Birthday


How the Holiday Came to Be

On the third Monday in February, the entire nation celebrates Presidents Day … sort of. While the holiday is known colloquially as Presidents Day, its official federal name is still Washington’s Birthday. If that wasn’t confusing enough, different states officially know it as “Presidents Day,” “Lincoln/Washington/Presidents Day,” “Washington-Lincoln Day,” “George Washington Day,” and more. Let’s untangle how all these variant names came about and delve into the fascinating history of the holiday.

However, in 1971, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act. This bill officially moved holidays that were once celebrated on specific dates, like Memorial Day and Columbus Day, to a particular Monday in a given month. This allowed for three-day weekends and, hopefully, encouraged retail sales with an extra day of shopping. But this, unintentionally, moved Washington’s birthday celebration to a day between his actual birthday and the birthday of another venerated president, Abraham Lincoln. By the late 20th century, Lincoln’s reputation and legacy were as titanic as Washington’s. Because Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, many states found it appropriate to make the day a commemoration of two great presidents rather than just one. By the 1980s, “Presidents Day” was the more widely acknowledged name, if not the official designation. Why it hasn’t received a uniform federal name is anyone’s guess, but at least when you say “Presidents Day,” everyone knows what you’re talking about. No matter what you call it, the day is a chance to celebrate some of the people who’ve made lasting contributions to our nation’s history. If you look at any presidential ranking, Washington and Lincoln are probably No. 1 and No. 2. It’s fitting, then, that we celebrate their birthdays in tandem.

Washington was born on February 22, 1731. Given his incredible contribution to the founding of the United States, it’s understandable that a national holiday would be established to commemorate his legacy. The holiday was first established in 1879 for employees in Washington, D.C. Six years later, it was expanded to include all federal offices nationwide. And for the next century or so, nothing changed.