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Wade Law Group July 2019

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Wade Law Group July 2018

4 cup balsamic vinegar • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme • 3 tablespoons raw honey • Salt and freshly ground

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Wade Law Group January 2019

4 small red onion, thinly sliced DIRECTIONS 4. Add citrus, arugula, and mint to onion mixture. Drizz

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Wade Law Group February 2019

8-inch cubes. 4. In a mixing bowl, combine salmon with all other ingredients. Season with salt and p

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Wade Law Group May 2019

options-for-all-heroes- 5k-runwalk FINE ART IN THE PARK May 18–19, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Lincoln Park

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Wade Law Group June 2019

event_listings.asp? 4

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Wade Law Group April 2019

Wade Law Group April 2019 APR 2019 WADE LAW GROUP THE LEGAL ISSUE 408-842-1688

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Wade Law Group March 2019

Wade Law Group March 2019 MAR 2019 WADE LAW GROUP THE LEGAL ISSUE 408-842-1688

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Wade Law Group February 2018

Presidents Day,” “Washington-Lincoln Day,” “George Washington Day,” and more. Let’s untangle how all

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Wade Law Group May 2018

2 pounds skirt steak • Salt and pepper to taste • 2 tablespoons canola oil • Grated pecorino Romano

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Wade Law Group November 2018

how-to- write-a-killer-thank-you-note. 2 3 TRUE CRIME SHOWS YOU HAVE TO SEE M

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Wade Law Group July 2019

JULY 2019


THE LEGAL ISSUE 408-842-1688



“Time spent on hiring is time well-spent.”

Gottsman, owner of The Protocol School of Texas. A candidate shouldn’t just be looking for any job; they should be enthusiastically pursuing a job with you.

–Robert Half

A growing business needs team members. Finding the right ones is essential in scaling a company and creating a vibrant culture. Every entrepreneur has made a bad hiring decision at some point or another. When that happens, it’s extremely costly to replace existing workers and train new ones. It’s vital to place a premium on developing a hiring process that allows you to select worthy candidates who will excel in their roles. A good hiring system involves many factors. You have to cast a wide net in order to attract the largest number of candidates, ensure the recruitment process presents your company as a place where top talent would want to work, and perhaps most importantly, identify the skills and characteristics that will allow you to choose the right people. Let’s take a look at some of the most important qualities a candidate can possess that can make a positive contribution to your business. Anyone you’re looking at hiring should, of course, be able to do the job they’re applying for. If you’re not absolutely certain that a potential hire will be able to pull their weight, every other consideration becomes moot. A chef could be the sweetest, most driven person in the world, but that’s all for naught if they can’t cook well. An unskilled hire becomes an anchor around the neck of their coworkers, which will sow seeds of discontent in a hurry. How refined a candidate’s skills need to be will depend on the nature of their position. Roles that require specialized talent, like graphic design or dentistry, should be filled with folks who are trained before they arrive on day one. You’ll still need to train them on the ins and outs of your company, but you simply cannot afford to teach employees in these positions the fundamentals of their job. For less specialized roles, you can hire based on soft skill. If somebody is friendly and organized, they have a chance to succeed as an office administrator even if they’ve never answered phones professionally. SKILLS

Gauging a candidate’s level of enthusiasm should be a central component of your hiring process. Does the candidate know about your products or services? Do they seem excited just to be in your office? In this regard, sometimes the questions they ask you during an interview are more important than the questions you ask them. After all, anyone serious about working somewhere is going to be curious about what that place is like.


A recent Gallup poll found that one-fifth of millennials have changed jobs within the past year, more than three times the percentage of nonmillennial workers. This statistic demonstrates the importance of inquiring about a candidate’s long-term aspirations. It also shows how important it is to provide advancement opportunities for your staff members. Employees will eventually leave your company, and you’ll have to replace them. That’s just a fact of life. How often you need to do so, however, depends on how well you hire. Every employee takes part in and contributes to your company culture, but hiring for culture fit alone can be a dangerous game. A good culture fit is not somebody who you think will be your friend and want to go for a drink after work. Too many business owners assume a perfect company culture is one where everyone wants to hang out all the time. That’s great, but what really matters is whether a candidate will enjoy working at your company and whether they reflect your core values. The best workplaces allow for a diversity of attitude and temperament, so don’t close yourself off looking for a certain type of personality. Instead, focus on assessing whether somebody can communicate well and get along with others. If they can do that, who cares where they spend their nights and weekends? CULTURE FIT


Amiel Wade

“Employees who actively target the places they want to work will bring a passion to the job far beyond those simply interested in collecting a paycheck,” says Diane

1 408-842-1688

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SUMMER AND HOST A GREAT COMPANY PICNIC Are you tired of watching perfect summer days pass your office by from the wrong side of the window? Instead of leaving work to enjoy the weather, bring your company outside! A company picnic is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the warm weather and foster team camaraderie through awards, team-building exercises and, of course, good food. Putting on a slam-bang company picnic is no easy feat, but if you start with these three fundamentals, you’ll be well on your way to pulling off an event the whole company will remember for years to come. PICNIC THEME The first step to organizing a company picnic is to choose a theme your employees will be excited about. From a Hawaiian luau to a country western barbecue, the possibilities are endless. To generate more hype at the office, you can hand out fun invitations that go along with the theme, like lei necklaces or custom sunglasses. At the actual picnic, the theme should influence your setup, team-building exercises, activities, and food and drink. PICNIC LOCATION Large public parks can easily accommodate big groups, but if you’re in a pinch, you can also use your company campus. If you have enough in your budget, you can rent a venue nearby that works with your theme. Make sure your location has enough seating for everyone and keep track of the weather reports for that day if you’re grilling outside.

PICNIC FOOD/DRINK Let’s not forget the most important part of a good company picnic — the food! First, you need to consider what type of picnic will go best with your theme. Will this picnic be a potluck, or will the food be catered? Will alcohol be allowed at the picnic? If so, will the company provide it, or will it be BYOB? When in doubt, just choose the realistic option for your budget and remember to stick with your theme. Ultimately, the purpose of your company picnic is to give your employees opportunities to bond outside the office and celebrate one another through awards and team building. Follow the above tips and your company picnic will go off without a hitch!


STOP CHECKING Don’t continuously glance at your phone during meetings, dinner dates, or any time you’re with others. This action shows your disinterest in what they’re saying and in what’s going on around you. Keeping your phone in your back pocket, in your purse, at your desk, or in your car will help you focus on what’s in front of you. PRACTICE SELF-AWARENESS If you receive a call while in public, be aware of the volume of your phone and voice. Move yourself to a less crowded area to speak freely, especially if you know the conversation might get heated. When you take a call, it’s good practice to leave some space between you and others. You don’t want to distract anyone with raised voices or gestures while you’re on your call. POLITELY EXCUSE YOURSELF If you must take a call, answer a text, or send an email, be sure to excuse yourself to the people around you and check your phone in a more private area. Simply saying, “I’m sorry, but I need to take this. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” gives everyone a sense of what’s going on while remaining respectful.

Silencing your phone during dinner, a party, or quality time with family is the polite thing to do. During National Cellphone Courtesy Month, it’s a good idea to reexamine cellphone etiquette and discover a few ways you can be more courteous to others. KEEP IT QUIET Whenever you find yourself in a place of worship, talking with others, or enjoying an event, silencing your cellphone is the most courteous thing you can do. A phone that is frequently ringing can be distracting for you and those around you. If you’re expecting an important call you don’t want to miss, turn on vibrate mode.

By following these four tips, you’ll be prepared for the next time you’re on a date, in a business meeting, or watching a movie in a sold-out theater. 2

As the scorching summer sun beats down, it’s hard to remember that just six months ago you were shivering through the winter, whether that meant a chilly 50 degrees F or bitter subzero temperatures. But if cooler temps sound like paradise, and a dip in the pool is no longer keeping you cool, it might be time to take a vacation somewhere chilly. Check out these three destinations to avoid the summer heat. ALASKA No place says chilly quite like Alaska. Trips to Alaska can be expensive during this time of year, but when you step into that crisp air with a cool mountainous view, you’ll understand why it’s a popular summer voyage. Travelers can choose to fly or take a cruise ship, and many cities feature tourism-packed excursions. A few notable locations include Anchorage, the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, and Denali National Park and Preserve. ICELAND Just as its name suggests, Iceland can be the perfect destination for travelers yearning to get away from the unbearable summer heat. With temperatures rarely exceeding 60 degrees F — the average high for the country — packing is easy for this relaxing vacation. Take a relaxing dip in one of the country’s many hot springs or enjoy tremendous views of the fjords. Even better, you can tour the country at any time because it’s sunny almost 24 hours a day. What could be better than a midnight hike around the fourth happiest country in the world? RELAX IN THESE COOL DESTINATIONS THIS SUMMER CHILL OUT

NORWAY Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean you have to give up your skiing hobby! Venture off to Norway and experience some of their most popular summer ski resorts. After a day or two shredding the slopes, experience the popular Norwegian Opera and Ballet in Oslo or choose between numerous outdoor and indoor exhibitions. Best of all, you won’t even break a sweat, as the average temperature in Norway’s hottest month barely hits 70 degrees F. Bordering Sweden and northern Finland, Norway can even be the beginning to a cool European tour this summer.



Skewers are a Fourth of July favorite, but these are not your classic kebabs. They’re a fresh, light, and fun way to start a barbecue. Oh, and they don’t require any actual cooking.


1 bunch fresh mint leaves

1 medium-sized watermelon, cubed

Salt, to taste

2 cucumbers, cut into 1/4-inch rounds

1 block feta cheese, cubed


1 packet of bamboo skewers


1. Assemble skewers by placing one

2. Lightly season with salt and chill in fridge until right before serving.

watermelon cube, one cucumber round, one feta cube, and one mint leaf on skewer in that order. Repeat until skewer is full.

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84 West Santa Clara Street, Ste. 750 San Jose, CA 95113


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Key Qualities to Look for in a New Hire

Hosting a Company Picnic

4 Tips for Perfect Phone Etiquette


Avoid the Summer Heat Somewhere Cool

Watermelon Cucumber Skewers


3 Local Events to Check Out



SILICON VALLEY BEER WEEK When: July 19–28 Where: Locations vary

Hop-lovers across the valley have been waiting for this: Silicon Valley Beer Week. This year’s festivities will kick off right here in San Jose with a Brew at the Zoo party at Happy Hollow Park and Zoo. Dozens of breweries from the Bay Area and beyond will show up with beer for guests to sip while they enjoy live music, a limited-time Jungle Adventure exhibit, and samples of local honey. Things will only go uphill from there with more beer-focused activities, including a beer can cornhole tournament, Original Gravity’s seventh anniversary party, the Camino Brewing Summer Jubilee, and more.

It’s the height of the California summer: a time of year when some people want to head inside to beat the heat and others want to enjoy the sunshine. Fortunately, San Jose has plenty of activities for everyone. Here are a few of our favorites coming up this month.

‘CABARET’ When: July 18 to Aug. 25 Where: City Lights Theater, San Jose

MUBADALA SILICON VALLEY CLASSIC When: July 29 to Aug. 4 Where: San Jose University Tennis Center, San Jose

If you don’t want to leave the air conditioning, there are few things more entertaining than a production at City Lights Theater. This month features the kickoff of “Cabaret” in partnership with Tams-Witmark, a Concord Theatricals company. The theater is eschewing more modern adaptations in favor of the 1966 version of this classic, which “explores the dark, heady, and tumultuous life of Berlin’s natives and expatriates as Germany slowly yields to the emerging Third Reich.” Tickets cost $25–$46, or you can upgrade to cafe seating for the full theatrical experience.

If you’re a tennis fan, the Mubadala Silicon Valley Classic is probably one of your most anticipated events of the year. In addition to kicking off the U.S. Open Series, it’s the longest running women-only professional tennis tournament in the world and the pride of the San Jose University Spartans. This year’s event will include a 28-player singles draw and a 16-team doubles draw competing for a hefty $800,000 purse.