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WAPT Rehab. Arthritis Pain Relief

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Rehab Access_ Arthritis Pain Relief

Rehab Access_ Arthritis Pain Relief The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Health

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WAPT: Helping Arthritis Pain Help Us Make a Difference This Holiday Season! HOLIDAY FOOD AND TOY DRIVE • During the m

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Valley Rehab Center: Arthritis Pain Relief

Valley Rehab Center: Arthritis Pain Relief Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Car

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Dynamic Rehab PT. Arthritis Pain Relief n°310547 - LevelHard Useyour logic to fill in thegridwithdigitsso thateachcolumn,row, an

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WAPT Rehab. Relief With Radiating Neck Pain & Headaches

HYHO+DUG Call 425.820.2110 or visit to schedule your appointment today! HVEHORZ

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Rise Rehab: Arthritis Pain

riserehab Patient Spotlight Hello...Ithasbeenoverthreeyearssinceyougavemeexercises. I am still doing

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Kerrville: Arthritis Pain Relief

8 cup cheese. Cover with another tortilla and cook for two to three minutes or until golden brown. F

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BridleTrailsPT: Arthritis Pain Relief n° 28718 - Level Medium 6 CALL TODAY! 425-889-0776 Play on your mobile these puzzles and

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EasternShore: Arthritis Pain Relief

Contact us today to schedule an appointment at 410-641-2900! Wedge Salad with Blue Cheese & Herb Dre

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PeakMotion: Arthritis Pain Relief

2 teaspoons juice,andcabbage; tosswell.Dividerice mixture evenly among 4 shallow bowls. Divide bean

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WAPT Rehab. Arthritis Pain Relief


It’s Time for Your Annual Physical Therapy Exam!

WHAT I S AN ANNUA L PT E XAM? Just like you see your doctor for an annual physical, it’s time you started having a physical therapy annual checkup. January is the time of year that we all start to think about getting healty again. Has your shoulder been sore at night or your knee painful with stairs? Does your back hurt with sitting, or are you feeling unsteady on your feet? Are you concerned about your posture? Sounds like you might need a checkup!

We will check your flexibility, arm and leg strength, core strength, posture, balance, and discuss your current activity levels. We will talk about your fitness goals for the year and set you up for success. Oh, we can also check your height, weight, and blood pressure too! Most major insurance companies and Medicare allow you to come straight to a physical therapist without needing a referral. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us today at [email protected] or by calling 425-820-2110 . | 425.820.2110


January 2020

Independently owned and operated since 1997

Osteoarthritis Can Be A Pain Physical Therapy Can Help

As we all age, our bodies experience a certain “wear and tear” on cartilage and joints.Thiscancause inflammationandpain,knownasarthritis.According to the AmericanArthritisFoundation,Osteoarthritis isthemostcommonformofarthritis, making itself apparent in people as they age. It can certainly take a toll on one’s body, resulting in achy or painful joints after exercise, after a long day on one’s feet,orevenafterprolongedperiodsof inactivity, thuscausing joints toconstrict. The most common areas of Osteoarthritis are found in the fingers, hips, knees, and spine. These are all joints that we use excessively, even in our daily lives. Just think - by the time you lift yourself out of bed, shower, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, and prepare to begin your day, you’ve already used these joints a multitude of times. Therefore, it isn’t surprising that pain can occur in them over time. If you believe you may be experiencing Osteoarthritis, give one of our physical therapists a call today to discuss pain relief. WHY DO WE EXPERIENCE OSTEOARTHRITIS? While it is true that Osteoarthritis is most common in older folks, that is not alwaysnecessarily thecase. It ispossible thatOsteoarthritiscanpresent itself in younger adults, especially if they are prone to weak joints, poor dieting, or if they

aren’t very active. Your cartilage works hard to protect your joints by absorbing the natural shocks that your body experiences on a daily basis.Therefore, much of your likelihood regarding Osteoarthritis is dependent upon the physical and nutritional lifestyles you partake in. Joint alignment can alter and the muscles around a joint can weaken over time, causing the cartilage to shift or thin. As cartilage wears down, Osteoarthritis becomes much more common. As Osteoarthritis progresses, more symptoms can arise. The most common symptoms are: • Joint pain. • Swelling or tenderness in or around the joint(s). • Feelingstiffaftersittingor layingdownforprolongedperiodsoftime,especially when getting up in the morning. • Inflammation or flare-ups of pain in the joint(s) after use. • Crepitus– also referred to as a “cracking or crunching” feeling when moving the joint(s), or the sound of bone rubbing on bone.

Print sudoku How Can Physical Therapy Help Osteoarthritis?


  According to the American Occupational Therapy Association, 1 in 5 adults are diagnosedwitharthritisannually.Physicalandoccupational therapyare themost common treatments for Osteoarthritis, usually helping with the relief of joint pain in just a few sessions. If you have arthritis, don’t fret - there is hope! While anti-inflammatoryandpainmedicationswillhelp for the timebeing, theyarevery much a short-term solution. Physical therapy can help in actually strengthening your joints and muscles once again, allowing for a much healthier and long-term pain relief solution. Occupational therapy will also help in learning to use your joints in new ways once again, allowing for the highest quality of life despite the severity of your arthritis. Our physical therapists are trained to help you with joint alignment, stability, muscle regeneration, and most importantly, pain relief. They are dedicated to helping you get back to your normal levels of mobility. Don’t settle for a life of aches and pains - physical therapy can get you back on your feet and doing the activities you used to love! If you are suffering from Osteoarthritis, give us a call today - we can get you back to living your best, most pain-free life.                         KWWSVXGRNXFRP Qr/HYHO+DUG


















   Relieve Knee Pain In Minutes Try this movement to relieve neck pain 


KWWSVXGRNXFRP The goal of Sudoku is to fill in the numbers 1-9 exactly once in every row, column, and 3 x 3 region. Qr/HYHO+DUG



  KNEE EXTENSION While sitting, tighten your top thigh muscle to press the back of your knee downward towards the ground. Repeat 3 times.  



Always consult your physical therapist or physician before startingexercisesyouareunsureofdoing.












Call 425.820.2110 or visit to schedule your appointment today! 3OD\RQ\RXUPRELOHWKHVHSX]]OHVDQGILQGWKHLUVROXWLRQVE\IODVKLQJWKHFRGHVEHORZ n° 323531 n° 34560 n°34361 n° 34100 n° 328411 n°34003



KETO Garlic Butter Turkey Meatballs

• 1 tbsp hot sauce • 1cup freshchoppedcilantro,divided • 4clovesgarlic,grated+2clovesgarlic, minced • 1 tsp Italian seasoning • 1/2 tsp redcrushedchilipepperflakes (optional) • 3 tbsp butter • 4 medium zucchini, spiralized • lemon juice • salt (to taste) • black pepper (to taste)

INGREDIENTS • 1/2 lb ground turkey meat • 1/2 lb ground pork meat (optional) • 1/2 cup shredded cheese • 1 crumbled bouillon cube (optional)

INSTRUCTIONS For turkey meatballs: Combine ground turkey and ground pork, cheese, grated garlic, Italian seasoning, bouillon cube, red chili pepper flakes, chopped cilantro and black pepper in a bowl. Mix well with your hands or fork to form medium balls. Arrange the turkey meatballs on a plate and set aside. Melt 2 tbsp butter in a large skillet over medium-low heat. Cook the turkey meatballs for 8-10 min on all sides until cooked through. While cooking, baste the meatballs with the mix of butter and juices. Remove to a clean plate and set aside. For zucchini noodles: In the same skillet, melt remaining 1 tbsp of butter; then add lemon juice, hot sauce, minced garlic, and red pepper flakes. Add zucchini noodles and cook for 3-4 min, stirring regularly, until zucchini is done but still crisp and juices have reduced a bit. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper and garnishwithmorecilantroorparsley.Pushzucchiniononesideof theskilletand add the turkey meatballs back to the pan and reheat for about a minute. Serve the garlic butter turkey meatballs with lemon zucchini noodles immediately with a lemon slice on the side.

“It’s not often you find PT providers who not only really know theirstuffbutalsoarecollectivelyreadilyaccessibletoanswer all your questions every time you visit. WAPT’s open plan PT studio/gym provides this opportunity. While still sustaining essentialprivacy, there’sosmosisforopenengagement.While you’reploddingthroughyourroutine,PTsareoftenabletotake a moment to talk to you when you want to better understand yourhealthcare issues,orhow themedical/insurancesystem works, or whatever. I rely on Mike, Cindy, and Allegra to help me deal with my osteoarthritis and wonky knees. They help me heal, keep me going, make me better informed, and put a bounce in my step as I walk out from a visit. Mike is always comingupwithnewways tohelptheirclients. I’mverygrateful to have them!” - Caroline C. “They help me heal, keep me going, make me better informed, and put a bounce in my step as I walk out from a visit”

Has Your Pain Come Back? Call Today! 425.820.2110

Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist.

Your therapist can discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist might recommend you come in for an appointment.

Learn more by calling 425.820.2110 or visiting our website at today!

Call 425.820.2110 or visit to schedule your appointment today!