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WAPT_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain

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CorePT_Shoulder Wrist and Elbow Pain

4 cup extra virgin olive oil • 1 red onion, diced • 4 garlic cloves, minced • 2 medium carrots, dice

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NYSportsandSpinal_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain

NYSportsandSpinal_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain NEWSLETTER Where Is It Coming From? SHOULDER, ELBOW,

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PelhamPhysicalMed_Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist Pain

writereview?placeid=ChIJw wzpcVjzwokRxFhxt1kaEp8 Your positive review helps us impact more people’s

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SportAndSpineTherapyOfMarin_Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist Pain n°312259 - LevelHard n° 329149 n° 312259 The rules of the game are simple: each of the n

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TaylorRehab_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain

rotator cuff workshop on Saturday June 13th from 10-11 am at our Gateway location! You will learn th

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ArrowPTR_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain n° 315994 - Level Hard EXERCISE ESSENTIALS WAND SHOULDER FLEXION While holding an elasti

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PolishukPT_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain

PolishukPT_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain WWW. P O L I S H U K W E L L N E S S . C

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Quantum_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain n° 416609 - Level Expert FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA 7 5 3 3 9 9 www.quantumphysicaltherapy.

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ReboundPT_Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist Pain

sweet onion • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 tbsp minced fresh ginger • 2 tbsp red curry paste • 4 cups

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Cornerstone_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain

4 cup extra virgin olive oil • 1 red onion, diced • 4 garlic cloves, minced • 2 medium carrots, dice

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WAPT_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain

It'sOfficial We got the last signature from the city and we are done with construction and open for business. Keep an eye out for some new changes coming and look inside for a Q&A with Mike about insurance and referrals.



Independently owned and operated since 1997

DidYouJust Suffer a Sprainor aStrain? WWW.WAPTREHAB.COM

some cases, the inability to move a joint (elbow, wrist or shoulder). Sprains occur when a joint is forced beyond its normal range of motion, such as bending your wrist back during a fall. If you still have pain from a past injury, this is probably because you never fully recovered from the sprain or the joint is unstable. Sprains can be mild, or they can be traumatic, such as in the case of an automobile or workplace accident . What is a strain? A strain is an injury that overstretches or tears muscles or tendons (connects muscles to bones). A strain typically occurs at the point where the muscle is becoming a tendon and is stretched too fast, then suddenly contracts, as with quickly grasping for a falling heavy object.

You’ve probably had a sprain or strain at some point in your life. Chronic sprains and strains are not good as they lead to lasting problems such as weakness and joint damage. However, did you know that being strong, flexible and having good posture can go a long way to stopping sprainsandstrains?Sprainsandstrainsareextremelycommon injuries to the musculoskeletal system. What is a sprain? A sprain is an injury that overstretches or tears a ligament (tissue that connects bone to bone), which provides joints their stability. A severely damaged ligament during an injury or accident can cause a joint to become unstable. Symptoms may include pain, inflammation and in

Call Today: 425.820.2110

3. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist

2. Your therapist can

1. Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist.

discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home.

might recommend you come in for an appointment.

DoYouHaveShoulder, Elbow, orWristPain? You try to get through the day, but that nagging pain in your shoulder, elbow or wrist just keeps your attention focused on it. It sure is hard to concentrate on work, your family and other activities you need to do! We can help you get back to living!

It is common to fixate on that body part that hurts. The thought is that because it hurts there, the problem is right there! However, this is often not the cause. You see, the body part that is painful is usually the one that is doing all the work, because other areas are not doing their job. The body is truly amazing and all the parts work together as one whole, most of the time. However,whenanareaofyourbodybecomes weak or stiff because it was abused from poor posture, stress or injury, even an old one, other areas strain from the overwork to pick up the slack. A common word that is used for this type of repetitive injury strain is called “tendonitis”.This is simply an inflammation of the tendonsof thatarea,whichattachmuscles to bones. For example, a very common complaint is tennis elbow and even pain in the forearm or wrist area. However, why is

this happening in the first place? The upper extremity works in 3 parts, the shoulder, elbow and wrist. They rely on each other to make the incredible movements of your arm so you can reach grasp and do ordinary daily tasks we take for granted. They rely on your posture to be good in order to function properly. When you slouch or sometimes do a repetitive task, like reaching acrossyourdesk,certainmusclescanbecome too tight or strong while others become weak. This muscle imbalance leads to that area not working as well as it should. For example, you sit at a desk all day and you slouch your shoulders. Now, your shoulder doesn’t work as well, but you still move your mouse around with your arm, which causes your wrist and forearmmuscles tooverwork.As thishappens over time, you start to notice aches and pains in your wrist and elbow. If this goes on too

long, it becomes severe and you seek out medical help. Typically a brace may be put on the area, but that is not where the problem is, right? It’s because your shoulder was stiff and weak from your slouching. Now, a good physical therapisthas the rightmedical training tospot where your posture is not optimum and how you are compensating.The right evaluation and treatment can get you back to doing what you like to do, quickly and easily. With the trainingwegiveyou,youcanhelpyourselfstay well for the long haul and know what to do to prevent the problem from happening again. Give us a call today 425.820.2110 if your shoulder, elbow or wrist is hurting, we can help!

Try this movement if you are experiencing arm pain. Relieve Arm Pain In Minutes ELASTIC BAND INTERNAL ROTATION


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While holding an elastic band at your side with your elbow bent, start with your hand away from your stomach, then pull the band towards your stomach. Keep your elbow near your side the entire time. Repeat 10 times on each side.

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Strengthening Arm Muscles


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n° 315825 - Level Hard


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“I have always been an active person, and now I can be again!”

FREE Back Pain Consultation For You This coupon good for

Valid now through 08/31/18

Mention or bring in this coupon for a FREE Consultation with one of our physical therapy specialists! • Stiffness • Muscle spasms • Arthritis • Upper back pain The free consultation is ideal for people suffering with: • Lower back pain • Herniated discs • Sciatica • Spinal stenosis

Call Today 425.820.2110

Recipe To Reduce Your Pain Carrot, Ginger, Lime Raw Soup

Print sudoku “I have gotten wonderful results from the physical therapy I’ve gotten fromWAPT. My rehab, after operations on my knees and ankle, was specifically targeted and treated with new treatments available now, and good old therapy that continues to help people. Mike and Allegra designed a plan just for me, understanding who I am and my needs. Being a healthier grandmother was the motivation to get my knees and ankles working well. After falling down a lot, after a stroke, they were so sympathetic and worked on my ability to walk and balance, so I wouldn’t fall. I have always been an active person, and now I can be again! Mike and Allegra gave me a new outlook on life!” -Lana 3 7 1 8 2 9 7 2

A refreshing cool soup for spring and summer

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• 1 cup fresh carrot juice • Juice of 1 lime • 1-inchchunkginger root, juiced

• 1/2 large avocado • 1/2 ear of fresh organic, non- GMO raw corn


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Directions Pour the carrot, lime, ginger juice in a blender and add the avocado. Blend until smooth. Pour in a bowl and top the soup with fresh raw corn, shaved off the cob.

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n° 329837 - Level Hard Q & A WITH






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Q: Do I need a referral for Physical Therapy? M: In most cases you do NOT need a referral for Physical Therapy from your doctor. In Washington State, patients are allowed to come directly to physical therapists without needing a referral. Q: Are there any exceptions to this rule? M: There are a few. One good example is Worker’s Compensation injuries. If a patient has an approved work claim, they need to have a referral for PT. While not required, I strongly suggest that any patient injured in a car accident get a referral. Q: Can my insurance require that I have a referral for PT? M: Yes they can. However, this is pretty rare. The reason is that insurance companies now realize that in healthcare, Physical Therapy is very cheap and very effective compared to doctor visits, tests, medications, and specialists. Many insurance companies now require that PTs do our own authorization directly without needing referrals. Q: What about Medicare? M: Medicare has its own rules. According to Medicare, patients can be seen directly by a Physical Therapist for an initial visit and up to 30 days of treatment. To continue treatment a doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant must sign a plan of care for PT. For our Medicare patients, we send a plan of care and treatment summary to your doctor for you. 99% of the time, your doctor will see the plan of care and sign it and then send it back to us. Q: What if my injury is really bad? M: All of our staff has years of experience treating patients. If a patient comes directly to us and we have concerns about your injury, we will send you to your doctor or give you a recommendation if you need one. Additionally, as is always the case, if we are not getting the results we expect in PT, we will assist you in getting additional tests or examinations from a doctor or specialist. Q: How do I know if my insurance requires a referral for physical therapy? M: Just flip your insurance card over and call the 1-800 number on the back. Ask the person on the phone if you need a referral for “Outpatient Physical Therapy”. This information is also available online for most insurance companies. Q: What if I have pain, but I’m not sure if PT is right for me? M: Give us a call (425.820.2110) or send us an email ([email protected]). In fact, for anyone reading this, I’m going to offer a FREE Injury Screen to any of our current or former patients. If you are having pain or any trouble doing the things that you want to enjoy this summer, come on in for a Free Injury Screen with one of our PTs. Feel free to extend this offer to a friend or family member.

FREE INJURY SCREEN Start feeling better today. We can help!

Current and past patients schedule your free injury screen today!

6725 116th Ave NE Ste 130 Kirkland, WA 98033 425.820.2110


Expires 8/20/18

Top 10 Must Read Tips For Back Pain-Free Travel This Summer

Summer is upon us. And summer means travel! But the best laid travel plans can be ruined by an aching lower back. In celebration of of summer, here are our top 10 must-read tips for back pain-free travel this summer. 1. Pack light. You are better off using 2 or 3 smaller bags instead of one large bag. Remember that you will be lifting these bags in and out of your car trunk, off airport baggage carousels, into and out of overhead bins, etc. 2. Lift with your legs and never twist while lifting. Do not bend over at the hips when lifting. Instead bend your knees and lift using your legs. Most importantly, do not twist as twisting while lifting is one of the most common causes of back strain. Pivot with your feet so that your whole body moves instead of just twisting your back. 3. Ask flight attendants for help. If you explain you have a back condition, most flight attendants are eager to help. You’d be surprised how other passengers are also more than willing to help. If your bags are light, it’s even less of a burden to ask. 4. Aisle seat is best. Though most people prefer window seats, for someone with low back pain, an aisle seat can be a back-saver. It allows you to get in and out of your seat easier and move around the cabin more comfortably. 5. Do not hesitate to ask for wheelchair-assistance.  If walking from your parking spot all the way to the gate will be too much for your back, ask for wheelchair assistance. This is best done when you make your reservations. This way you won’t have to carry your luggage, walk to your gate, or stand in line at security. Traveling with a letter from your physical therapist can help explain your condition and help get you the accommodations that you need.

6. Sit with support. Whether traveling by plane or going on a road trip, maintaining proper posture when seated is important. To maintain the natural inward curve in your lower back, use a folded towel or blanket or a commercial lumbar roll. 7. Consider packing a travel footrest. With some conditions placing your feet on something so your knees are higher than your hips can reduce pressure on your lower back. A piece of luggage is a good substitute for a travel footrest. 8. Get up and move. Prolonged sitting tends to stiffen our back muscles and put a strain on our spine. If possible, try to get out of your seat or your car at least once every hour. Better yet, once every 30 minutes. Movement helps your circulation going which keeps your back loose and relaxed. It will help prevent blood clots too! 9. Stretch your hamstrings and hip flexors. For long periods, when you can’t get up due to meal or beverage service, or when the seat belt sign is on for a prolonged period, do stretching exercises while seated. Also try to get up and about, if you can, to do some stretches; this can help alleviate pain and pressure from your back. 10. Bring cold and hot packs for quick pain relief. Despite taking the necessary precautions, your back pain may still flare up while you’re away from the comforts of home. If so, try applying a cold pack or alternating ice and heat. Ice and hot packs should be easily accessible while traveling. If not, you can simply put some ice in a plastic bag and apply it to the area of pain. Plan ahead by bringing disposable hot packs that heat up when you open them.