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We Believe Case Statement



It is the responsibility of each generation to reach their generation for Christ.

– Jack Wyrtzen


We Believe...

We know you have a passion for reaching this generation for Christ. And you believe the Great Commission calls us to go out to the nations, to share the Gospel, and to disciple young people.

For over 80 years, Word of Life has been faithful to carry out God’s work and the vision of our founders, Jack Wyrtzen and Harry Bollback. Over the past several years, Word of Life’s leadership has sought God’s guidance and wisdom in how to reach this generation with the Gospel. We believe God has allowed us to be strategically positioned through our campuses in New York and Florida to make an eternal impact on youth here in America and around the world. God has graciously provided the resources to transform our facilities into a platform that allows for maximum effectiveness on our New York campus.

Now is the time to turn our attention to Word of Life Florida...

During the past five years, The Coast (previously known as the Florida Youth Camp) has averaged more than 3,100 campers each summer. In addition, the Bible Institute teaching site is host to over 100 college students each academic year. Thousands of adults and youth are hosted annually through a retreat ministry and the RV Park. Our International Ministries staff team also transitioned to the Florida campus and with more than 1,500 missionaries on six continents, helping these servants to become and remain strong in their effectiveness and outreach is a priority! To help maximize ministry in this growing area, new facilities and upgrades are planned. The launch of the We Believe Campaign – will, by God’s grace:

1. Increase Student Capacity 2. Enhance Camper Experiences 3. Expand RV Park Spaces 4. Strengthen Missionary Families 5. Improve Guest Hospitality

These projects will allow us to grow and to have more effective ministry in the years to come, reaching this generation through evangelism and discipleship. Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel and for your prayerful consideration.

Trusting Him,

Don Lough, Jr. President & CEO


We Believe In Reaching This Generation

Holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain. Philippians 2:16

We believe it is the responsibility of every generation to reach their generation for Christ. Today’s youth face incredible challenges. Students are besieged daily by the onslaught of a broken society that no longer holds to biblical values. In almost every aspect of their lives, students face decisions that often lead to unhealthy moral and spiritual destinies. • Only 30% of born again parents embrace the existence of Bible- based absolute moral truth. Barna, April 2022 • Today, Gen Xers and Millennials are more likely to believe that horoscopes provide useful guidance for their life and the Bible is not the accurate and reliable Word of God. The Seismic Generational Shift in Worldview: Millennials Seek a Nation Without God, Bible and Churches, 2021 • Three out of four Millennials (75%) said they are seeking to identify their purpose in life. Barna, November 2021 • Approximately half of the world’s population is under the age of 30. United Nations


We Believe This Generation Can Reach The Next For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. Romans 1:16a An Unchanging Message that Changes Lives! The Word of Life story began in the heart of Jack Wyrtzen, a young evangelist in New York City. As he shared his faith on street corners, the ministry began to grow. A small radio broadcast followed and rapidly expanded to rallies, camps and conferences, Bible Institutes, international missions, and student ministries in local churches.

This story has continued in countless young lives who have been touched and changed in more than 80 countries around the world.

Today, through the worldwide ministries, we continue to focus on four things...

Scripture We are committed to the Scriptures as the source and foundation for ministry. Evangelism We are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by boldly proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and challenging people to respond.

Discipleship We are committed to the intentional process of teaching and influencing others to become more like Jesus Christ. Youth We are committed to reaching youth whose culture constantly changes with biblical truth that never changes.


We Believe In Changed Lives What happens in lives...

At Word of Life, today’s youth hear the Gospel and learn to study and apply biblical truth through personal discipleship and to effectively share their faith. We believe as students learn the Word of God, they discover the will of God. At Word of Life Camps... Every year more than 16,000 young people and families experience camp in the United States, and more than 100,000 attend camps around the world. At every Word of Life camp, guests hear the Gospel and are challenged to grow closer to the Lord. At Word of Life Bible Institutes... Through rigorous study, active discipleship in daily life and practical ministry outreach, students are immersed in the Word of God and challenged to immediately use what they learn in the classroom.

More than 40,000 alumni around the world are making an impact in their local communities and churches, as well as serving as pastors, missionaries, and ministry leaders.

Through Youth and International Ministries...

In 80 countries on six continents, Word of Life missionaries are touching the lives of thousands of young people every week.

Launch Camps

Grow Youth Ministries

Deepen Bible Institutes

Share International Ministries and Internships

Reach the World Career


Autumn’s formative years were overshadowed with abuse, insecurity, and homelessness. She felt her father never loved her, so she wondered how a Heavenly Father could possibly love her. When she was 14, a pastor and his wife fostered her, led her to the Lord, and soon adopted her into their family. Autumn later attended the Bible Institute, and God’s Word made an eternal difference in her life. For the first time, she understood how God was working in her life. She was excited to share the truth of Scripture as she counseled with campers and led some of them to faith in Christ. “The Bible Institute helped me find my priorities and identity in Christ.” As a student, she and the other girls had to move between the conference center rooms and the camp cabins depending on the needs of the season. But she was used to this because of her background in the foster care system. She is excited that students will soon be building community in the new dorm. Now Autumn is a resident services coordinator at a Christian women’s shelter where she has been able to share her story of hope and restoration.

Autumn Johnson Millett Featured on 60 Minutes 2011 The Coast 2014

Camp Crew 2015 Bible Institute 2016

60 Minutes follow-up feature

What does this mean? There has never been a greater time to reach young lives with the life-changing message of the Gospel!

Autumn and her brother in the 2011 60 Minutes feature


Countries Word of Life Reaches

North America • 3 Countries • 5 Locations

• 72 Missionaries • 5 Camp Properties • 4 Bible Institutes

South America • 9 Countries • 11 Locations


• 9 Locations • 168 Missionaries • 8 Camp Properties • 3 Bible Institutes • 2 Discipleship Training Centers

• 394 Missionaries • 8 Camp Properties • 1 Bible Institute • 6 Discipleship Training Centers

Central America / Caribbean / Mexico • 19 Countries • 19 Locations • 221 Missionaries • 9 Camp Properties • 1 Bible Institute • 7 Discipleship Training Centers


• 13 Countries • 14 Locations • 132 Missionaries • 8 Camp Properties • 1 Bible Institute • 5 Discipleship Training Centers



• 17 Countries • 21 Locations • 224 Missionaries • 11 Camp Properties • 3 Bible Institutes • 2 Discipleship Training Centers


• 13 Countries • 15 Locations • 232 Missionaries • 3 Camp Properties • 2 Bible Institutes • 5 Discipleship Training Centers


• 67 Missionaries

I have seen the impact of Word of Life around the world. From Ukraine to South Korea to Uganda to the Philippines, God is raising up the leaders of tomorrow. They are young, passionate, deeply committed, and eager to learn the Word of God so they can share the Good News of Jesus around the world. I know of no ministry doing more to reach young people for Christ. Word of Life is changing the world, one young life at a time.

Dr. Ray Pritchard President, Keep Believing Ministries


95% of adult Christians made their decision to follow Christ before the age of 18 – and half of them made that decision before the age of 13.


Believing Over The Years History of Word of Life Florida

ThenNow 72 Full-Time and Part-Time Staff 1985 Word of Life Florida began with a donation of 500 acres

2021 Conference Center 7,500 conference and retreat guests

January 1990

Conference Center opened

June 1990

Youth Camp opened

2022 The Coast 3,919 campers registered

November 1995

RV Park opened with 50 lots

2022 Bible Institute 2,917 total graduates sent out

Bible Institute opened with 75 students


2022 Pursuit Camp 1,056 campers

January 2017

Pursuit Camp opened with 66 campers

2022 International Ministries More than 1,500 missionaries worldwide

Advancement and International Ministries relocated from New York



We Believe The Best Is Yet To Come The We Believe Campaign is all about the Gospel – reaching more campers as youth, training young adults through the Bible Institute, and developing and encouraging our missionaries so they can be sent, and the Gospel truly can reach the whole world.

1. Increase Student Capacity at the Bible Institute

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 In 1996, Word of Life’s leadership sensed the need for a presence in the southern states. The Bible Institute was not part of Florida’s original master site plan, so the staff had to be creative with making space for essential areas. Currently, youth camp cabins and conference center rooms are doubling as Bible Institute dorm rooms. One of the top factors a high school senior considers when choosing a college is facilities. Building a space designated especially for Bible Institute students results in a focused campus life experience. And it also frees up housing for retreat guests and campers.

Student Life Center

Dormitory • 160 Beds Include 4-Person Suites with Private Bathrooms • High Efficiency Construction with Individual Room Heat and Air Exchange • Individual Storage Areas • Lighting and Power in Sleeping Areas for Each Student

• 44,000+ Square Feet • Bible Institute Offices • Library • Student Lounges • Café • Mailroom • Exercise Facility

• Complete Room Furnishings • Resident Leader Apartments

Conceptual Rendering of Student Life Center / Dormitory


Training Students for Maximum Impact

Students discover the will of God for their lives by being immersed in the Word of God. We are committed to the intentional process of teaching and influencing others to become more like Jesus Christ. As students learn and apply these truths in their daily walk with the Lord and through ministry, they are equipped to lead lives of maximum effectiveness and to make a difference wherever God leads them. Work only God can do I never had a more intense experience in developing my own faith before I became a student at the Bible Institute. I grew up in church, but that was nickels and dimes compared to the wealth of what I have learned here at Word of Life. After graduation, I served with Word of Life around the world as an intern. Looking back, I am astounded by God’s goodness and faithfulness over the years. Looking forward, I can’t wait to be involved as a staff member in the life- changing work that takes place here at Word of Life – a work that only God can do! God is still calling faithful men and women to follow! Jordan Ross Pines, Ranch & Island Camper 2001-2015 Bible Institute 2016-2018 Cross Cultural Internship (CCI) 2019-2021 Word of Life Bible Institute Staff – Current

Learn more about CCI

Am I a spender... or an investor? What we spend we lose. God blesses what we invest for eternity.

Jordan on the Missions Reality trip to Paraguay, 2018


2. Enhance Camper Experiences at The Coast

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17

Campers experience high energy action, form lifelong friendships, and make defining decisions about their faith as they spend their days worshiping, studying biblical truths, and having fun in the sun. Sports is used as a medium for evangelism and discipleship and has been a part of Word of Life for decades. Every element of camp is geared to give young people an opportunity to connect with God and each other. Meals are served family style, and campers can eat as much as they’d like. These new and remodeled facilities will add critical enhancements to dining, support, and recreational components of the ministry.

New Athletic Field

Remodeled Dining Room

• Sports and Activity Area • Support Building with Bathroom and Storage

• Accommodate up to 600 People • New Entrance • Cafeteria Seating

Designated Spaces • Camp Office • Health Center • Bookstore

Proposed Remodeled The Coast Dining Room


My favorite part about camp was the worship rallies. I made a decision to rededicate my life to Christ and to stop following the worldly temptations and trends.

– Savannah

At the campfire, I went up and threw my stick in for rededication. I felt like I drifted away and needed to start fresh.

– Ciara

My favorite part about camp is the food, activities, and being with my friends. My decision was to put a ribbon on the cross and accept Jesus as my Savior.

– Diesel

I am humbled by what God has been doing in the ministry of Word of Life Florida over the last 30 years. We are in a new season in which every bed on the property is being used. Two years in a row we have had to turn campers away because we do not have enough space to accommodate them. I am excited about this campaign because it is going to allow us to make room for more young people to experience a life- changing opportunity.

Rich Andrews Vice President, Florida Ministries


3. Expand Spaces in the RV Park And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25 A place has been created for guests who want to enjoy their winters in the warm Florida sun. They can experience an environment where Christ is honored, and there is a warmth of ministry and fellowship that is truly unique with plenty to do. Many not only find godly friendships, but also find a greater purpose on campus by volunteering in areas of interest, leading small groups, and encouraging Bible Institute students.

Currently all the lots are full, and there is a waiting list of over 100 people.



• 300 Additional Sites • Larger than Standard Lot Size

• All-Purpose Room • Bathrooms • Offices

Proposed RV Park Expansion

The RV Park community is having a profound effect on the ministry of Word of Life Florida. More than $1.1 million raised to provide camp scholarships over the last 10 years.


Ron thought he had everything he needed in life. He was happily married, was a successful golf-pro, and a good Catholic. But it wasn’t until the mid-1980’s when his teenage daughter, Chrissy, was dying of Hodgkin’s Disease that he sought to know the truths in the Bible. One day Chrissy said something to him that got his attention. “Dad, I am going home to Heaven soon, and I don’t think I will ever see you again. You go to church and know about God... but you don’t know Jesus.”

After Ron trusted Christ as Savior, he and his wife, Flo, became connected with Word of Life. Ron and Flo’s faith continued to grow as they heard God’s Word preached while attending conferences at Word of Life in Schroon Lake, New York and in Hudson, Florida. In 1996 the Stansburys purchased a Park Model in the Word of Life Florida RV Park. Soon after, Flo went Home to be with the Lord. Ron continued serving in many ways on the Florida campus. But what gives him the most joy is helping to raise funds for camp scholarships through a variety of events. His favorite remark is, It’s all about the kids!

Ron Stansbury


4. Strengthen Missionary Families

Look to Me, and be saved, All you ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:22

Word of Life became an international ministry in 1955 when Harry Bollback and Harold Reimer began the ministry in Brazil. Now, more than 1,500 missionaries on six continents are touching millions of people around the world annually with the life-changing message of the Gospel. At the very core is evangelism, disciples making disciples and leaders training leaders. Several years ago, the International Ministries staff team relocated from New York to the Florida campus to better meet the needs of our worldwide missionary family. As we remain committed to our mission and heritage of the last 65+ years, we are excited to present new facilities with space to support projected growth and effectively carry out training, coaching, counseling and missionary care.

Missionary Training Center

• Dedicated Areas for Training • Support Raising • Church Partnership Training • Crisis Counseling • Respite Care • Meeting Rooms • Staff Office Space

Conceptual Rendering of Missionary Training Center


We love camp ministry! The time here has taught

us a lot about reaching and

training the next generation. We will put these into practice on our return to Brazil and for the rest of our lives. – Junior & Yael Menezes

I thank God for counselors who offer knowledge, experience, and a safe place to help missionaries through unique challenges. Without it, I don’t know if I would still be on the mission field.

– Anonymous

Word of Life is currently serving in 80 countries with over 1,500 missionaries, and we are growing at a significant pace. We must train up the next generation of young missionaries and then care for them in a whole diversity of ways both before and once they are on the field. This new facility will help us accomplish these objectives at a much greater level of quality and efficiency for the sake of the Gospel all around the world.

Kris Stout Vice President, International Ministries


5. Improve Guest Hospitality

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10

A Trademark in Conference Ministry Word of Life’s conference ministry began in Schroon Lake, New York more than 60 years ago. People of all ages are welcomed to a beautiful location where they have the opportunity to grow in their walk with the Lord. For some, the spiritual decisions are made to initiate a new beginning, and for some it is a renewed commitment to follow Him. The conference and retreat experience at Word of Life Florida has been the springboard to thousands of changed lives, and we desire to minister to thousands more. Significant upgrades have not been made to the conference center facilities for more than 30 years. Expanding the dining room will increase capacity and allow for separate groups to be served at the same time. Renovating the Poolside Lanai will create a premier multipurpose area for meetings, breakout sessions, and program activities. Drawing guests to the property includes an overall campus refresh which will ultimately lower the cost of general upkeep.

Wyrtzen Conference Center • Renovate and Expand Signature Dining Room

Poolside Lanai Meeting Space • Upgrade and Renovation • Seating, Technology, and Kitchen Upgrade

General Property Upgrades • Front Gate Access • Property Signage

• Sidewalk and Roadway Lighting • Site Improvement and Landscaping • Road, Curb, and Parking Lot Repair

Proposed Remodeled Poolside Lanai


Word of Life has never lost its clear focus of being a Gospel- centered ministry for teenagers and families. The fruit of their ministry is seen in the transformed lives of thousands of people all over the world. It is a privilege for me to share the Word of God at both Schroon Lake and Florida every year and to be blessed by the reports of their worldwide outreach. Their ministry is carried out with excellence and integrity.

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Pastor Emeritus, The Moody Church


We Believe... He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.

Ecclesiastes 3:11


We Believe Campaign Goal Total – $35,800,000

Increase Student Capacity Bible Institute $15,030,000

• Student Life Center / Dormitory

Enhance Camper Experiences The Coast Camp $4,200,000

• Athletic Field

• Health Center • Remodeled Dining Room

Expand Spaces RV Park $3,995,000

• Additional Lots • Clubhouse

Strengthen Missionary Families International Missionary Training Center $8,700,000

• Missionary Care • Conference Rooms • Office Space

Improve Guest Experiences Campus Upgrades and Renovations $3,875,000

• Poolside Lanai Upgrade • Dining Room Expansion • General Property Upgrades


Campaign – Proposed Timeline






| General Property Upgrades


| RV Park Expansion


| Bible Institute Student Life Center/Dorm |

| Poolside Lanai


| The Coast Dining Room


| International Missionary Training Center |

| Wyrtzen Conference Center |

This timeline will be adjusted as financial commitments are received.

God’s Blessings Over the Past 10 Years!

Build Campaign – Phase 1: Bollback Student Life Center Goal: $13,500,000 Raised: $13,914,810 Build Campaign – Phase 2: Huskies Health and Athletic Center, Adirondack Hall, Island and Florida Youth Camp Projects Goal: $20,580,000 Raised: $20,695,062

Life Change Challenge – Covid Pivot and Life Change Camper and Student Funds

Goal: $4,400,000 Raised: $4,585,311

To God be the Glory, Great Things He has Done!


Gift Plan Join Us In Believing

# of Partners

Gift Amount


1 .................................. $10,000,000 ............ $10,000,000 1 .................................... $6,000,000 .............. $6,000,000 2 .................................... $3,000,000 .............. $6,000,000 3 .................................... $1,000,000 .............. $3,000,000 7 ....................................... $500,000 .............. $3,500,000 10 ..................................... $250,000 .............. $2,500,000 20 ..................................... $100,000 .............. $2,000,000 25 ....................................... $50,000 .............. $1,250,000 35 ....................................... $25,000 ................. $875,000 Many ..................................... Various .................. $675,000


Commitments may be made over three years in the form of: • Cash or Check • Appreciated Assets • Real Estate • Securities

Our Commitment Word of Life is committed to a policy of moving ahead as the Lord provides. The ministry will not incur debt. Financial commitments are required prior to commencing projects. The ministry is committed to financial accountability. Copies of the ministry’s audited financial statements and 990 are available online at and upon request. Word of Life is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and has a four-star rating from Charity Navigator.


Legacy Giving Goal: $25,000,000 We believe everyone can have a part – over 350 families have made Word of Life a part of their Estate Planning

Moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:2

Often, the day we depart for glory is our best opportunity to leave a legacy. Estate planning can help you plan well for the people and ministries you love. Your legacy gift may provide the opportunity to make a larger gift to Word of Life than is possible during your lifetime. It could support a special project or continue your annual giving. It can also be given in memory of a loved one. Word of Life receives financial support through several types of gifts. Some gifts are regular and support ongoing ministry and missionary outreach. Some gifts are for one-time ministry special projects. Others are legacy gifts given through a will or trust. By naming Word of Life as a beneficiary, your legacy gift helps sustain the ministry and provides resources to expand Word of Life’s worldwide efforts in evangelism and discipleship. Your gift can also help to extend the reach of the ministry through the provision of Life Change Scholarships or missionary support. We had a wonderful experience with the will and estate planning professionals at PhilanthroCorp! They have the ability to ask thought-provoking questions we would have never thought about on our own. It was nice we didn’t need to justify our planning decisions with anyone. We were all Christians, sharing a like-minded faith. – Joshua and Kristen Peterson As you review the resources God has entrusted to you and explore different opportunities to give, would you prayerfully consider including Word of Life in your legacy plans? We can connect you with trusted ministry partners who can help you think through this process with a biblical worldview. They will help you design or update a plan for your estate attorney to implement so your legacy has an eternal impact.

For more information or to talk to someone personally, contact:

John Nelson Director, Word of Life Foundation 518.494.6217 or [email protected]

Unrestricted estate gifts received over the course of the campaign will be directed to specific projects as determined by the President & CEO.



We are blessed to be led by an Executive Staff and Board of Directors who are committed to the stewardship of this campaign and the vision of Word of Life.

Executive Team

Board of Directors

President: Dr. Donald H. Lough, Jr. Vice President/Treasurer: Mr. B. John Nelson Secretary: Lt. Col. Walter R. Price, (Ret.)

Donald H. Lough, Jr. President & CEO

B. John Nelson Executive Assistant to the President and Director of Word of Life Foundation

Dr. Mark L. Bailey Dr. John S. Barnett Mr. Mark R. Berardelli Mr. Andrew C. Brown Mr. Bob G. Brown

Kristopher Stout Vice President, International Ministries

Eric Messer Vice President, Operations and Central Services

Mr. Roger L. Burdick Mr. Robert C. Doll, Jr. Mr. Andres N. Fernandez Paz Dr. Christopher Gnanakan

Brian Baker Vice President, New York Bible Institute and Camps

Mr. Cory J. Hansen Mr. Robert L. Horst Mr. Joseph J. Hunt Mr. Alex W. Konya Mr. Robert L. Lanyon Mr. Chad J. Lubke Dr. Ronald D. Moore Rev. Philip A. Moser II Mr. John M. Page

Rich Andrews Vice President, Florida Ministries

Mark Strout Executive Dean, Global Bible Institutes

Mr. Jonathan H. Price Mr. John H. Reimer, Jr. Mr. Brian M. Smoker Mr. Kristopher M. Stout Capt. Dane C. Swanson, USN (Ret.) Mr. Ronald D. Wyrtzen

John Collins Director, Youth Ministries

Chip Nightingale Director, Advancement


Word of Life PO Box 600 Schroon Lake, NY 12870