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WE Care Vancouver guide

WECare Vancouver Your guide to making a difference in Vancouver

Explore issues and organizations that need your help Choose a cause you’re passionate about See how you can contribute to driving real change


Inside Discover ideas, inspiration and activities to help you—together with your family, friends or co-workers—create positive change in Vancouver.

4 5

Welcome to WE Care Vancouver

Ignite your passion passion for making a difference A message from Craig Kielburger and

Marc Kielburger, Co-Founders, WE.


Doing good is doable

12 Take it to the next level Follow these four simple steps to help

you get started as a change-maker.


24 Here to help you 32 WECare Vancouver

© WE Charity 2017. All rights reserved.


We’re excited and proud to launch the WE Care Vancouver initiative under the guidance of Marc and Craig Kielburger and the WE Charity team. Parq Vancouver places a high level of importance on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), of which volunteerism is a key component. Our CSR investments are focused in three areas, including family resiliency, arts and culture, and health and responsible gaming. We are thrilled to announce our community corporate partner, Victory Square Technologies, a BC technology incubator, will work alongside Parq Vancouver to create our footprint in volunteerism and community engagement, with the goal of making Vancouver the most caring community in the country. Welcome to WE Care Vancouver Let’s make Vancouver the most caring city in Canada!

To learn more, please visit .

Warm regards,


Ignite your passion for making a difference Not sure where to begin? We’ve created this guide to help you get started.

Through your everyday actions, big or small, you can make a world of difference in the lives of others. By joining together at home and at work to support causes that you care about, you not only create positive social change, you inspire others to get involved, too. There are so many benefits to giving back. When you combine social action with socializing, you connect with others in a whole new way. You have the opportunity to spend quality time with the people in your life, growing closer to each other by working together to achieve a shared goal. You’ll feel more connected to your community and personally invested in helping it thrive. And when you see the results of your efforts, you’ll experience a greater sense of satisfaction and purpose.

It’s easy to get started when you follow the four simple steps outlined in this guide. The process begins with figuring out the cause you’re most passionate about, followed by identifying the ways you can meaningfully contribute to achieve your goal. We know your life is busy, so we've included a year's worth of simple actions you can do in as little as a few minutes at a time. Throughout this guide, you'll find ideas and advice to inspire your thinking and kick-start your efforts. Together, let’s foster hope, build community and contribute to a better world, today and for the next generation.

Craig Kielburger Co-Founder, WE

Marc Kielburger Co-Founder, WE

WE makes doing good, doable. WE is a movement that believes when we come together we can create an even better world. WE makes it easy for you to get involved—whether at home, school or work—by offering resources to help you create positive social change in your community and around the world.


Doing good is doable Whether you’re just

community. Join programs offering friendship and support to recent immigrants and refugee families. ► ► Volunteer to be an English-language tutor to a new family and to provide literacy support. ► ► Share a meal. Reach out to immigrants and refugees by inviting them to coffee or dinner to learn more about their traditions and share yours. Let’s stand together to learn more about Indigenous peoples through investigating and sharing facts with your community. Did you know: ► ► For over 100 years, more than 150,000 Indigenous children were placed in Indian Residential Schools— government-funded, church-run institutions often located hundreds of kilometres from their homes— that removed the influence of parents in the spiritual, cultural and intellectual development of First Nations, Métis and Inuit children. ► ► There were 139 federally supported residential schools identified across Canada. The last residential school wasn’t closed until 1996. ► ► The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s final report on residential schools contained 94 calls to action. ► ► You can explore news and resources on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada website . ► ► Add some new ideas to your social media feeds by following and engaging with thought leaders from Indigenous communities. Get started at @Rec_Can . ► ► In 2015, the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation opened as a permanent research centre at the University of Manitoba.

beginning your journey as a change-maker, or you’re a seasoned volunteer, these 50 actions will help you make a difference all year long. Some will take only a few minutes of your time, and all of them are super simple, so they’re a perfect fit for your busy life. Winter Model inclusiveness through these everyday actions of friendliness and understanding. You’ll set a positive example for your children, coworkers and friends. ► ► Choose to be friendly and strike up a conversation with a stranger. ► ► Purchase or make multilingual signage for your child’s school to welcome visitors and to support new English-language learners. ► ► Share a genuine compliment. Notice the little things and share those positive observations with the people around you. ► ► Take part in street or music festivals celebrating different cultures in your ► ► Smile at the people you pass on the street. ► ► Do a favour for a friend.


A photo of one of the below activities; lessons, sharing meal with immigrant, etc

Note: no photos of kids by themselves, they must be with someone that resembles a parent

► ► Pass it on. Let your child’s teachers know about the Introducing Indigenous Contributions and Issues lesson packages created by WE curriculum specialists and available for free at . ► ► Share the story and the art it inspired. In memory of 12-year-old Chanie Wenjack, an Indigenous boy who died in the bitter cold after escaping a residential school to head home to the family he was taken from, the late musician Gord Downie created Secret Path—an album and a graphic novel of the same name, illustrated by Jeff Lemire. Filmmaker and artist Terril Calder used her

talent to tell Chanie's story through an animated film. These powerful stories will help kids and adults alike to understand Canada’s dark history of mistreatment of Indigenous families, its lasting legacy and how young people today can help change Canada’s future.


Spring As the population grows, so does the demand we put on the environment. But by practising small ways to decrease our environmental impact, we can make a big difference together. Try these green activities at home: ► ► Unplug electronics when you are not using them—even when they are off, they are still drawing energy. ► ► Thirty percent of a home's energy use comes from lighting. Turning off the lights when you leave the room can dramatically reduce the amount of energy used in your home. ► ► Set your thermostat up two degrees in summer, down two in winter. ► ► Plant a tree to create shade, absorb carbon dioxide and add beauty to your yard. ► ► Start a backyard composter to turn organic waste into growing gold. ► ► Carpool when you can. On your way to dance class, hockey practice or math tutoring? Share drop-off and pickup duties with another family or two. This will reduce carbon dioxide emissions, save money and find you extra time. ► ► Instead of letting the tap run to get a cold glass of water, fill up reusable water bottles and store them in the fridge. ► ► Use a tote bag when you shop.

A photo of a person using a tote bag, or any of the activities on the right →


Summer Celebrate people who have achieved success on their own terms by hosting an at-home movie festival for family and friends, featuring these films with strong positive role models and messages. ► ► Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012) — Hushpuppy is a strong and brave six-year- old who doesn’t let anything keep her down. ► ► Bend it Like Beckham (2002) — Jess secretly pursues her dream to play soccer, despite her parents’ wishes. ► ► Gandhi (1982) — This biographical drama shows how Mohandas Gandhi led a nation to freedom without violence. ► ► Hugo (2011) — Hugo and Isabelle are determined to seek the truth and make the world a better place. ► ► Spellbound (2002) — A documentary about eight kids preparing for the National Spelling Bee and realizing that it’s okay to be different.

Get introspective: take some time to foster your family’s empathy, as well as explore your strengths and what you have to offer others. Talk across the dinner table or when you’re in the car together.

► ► What are some of the challenges you’ve overcome as a family?

► ► What did you do to overcome those challenges?

► ► What did you learn from facing those challenges–and how can you use those skills to solve other problems? ► ► How does it make your family feel when you see someone who might be suffering, such as someone experiencing homelessness in our city? ► ► Ask each other: If there’s one thing you could change about your community, what would it be? Why? ► ► What are the things about our family that we’re most proud of? ► ► What would the moral of your family’s story be? What message do you want people to take away after seeing your story?


Fall Canadians aged 15 to 24 are more likely to volunteer compared to older groups. And, with more access to information than ever before, youth are able to form knowledgeable opinions and inspire new movements. Help your kids discover themselves, their passions and their potential to lead with these tips: ► ► Teach the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you. ► ► Help your kids do what is hard and confront what they fear: Speaking in public, standing up for what they believe or fighting the status quo. ► ► Reward with responsibility: Prepare kids for adulthood by making them take charge, rather than being served. ► ► Encourage kids to offer their time to community service. Youth who volunteer are more likely to do well in school, graduate and vote. ► ► Talk about the day’s news headlines with kids. Ask: what information would they want to share about a key issue if they were a world leader? A journalist? ► ► Give teens the freedom to hold down part-time jobs, and earn and manage their own money.

Photo of a family volunteering together, or one of the activities here on the right →


Photo of WE Day Family

► ► Attend WE Day Family Vancouver to cap your year of social activism. Sign up for our newsletter at for updates.

Help kids find their gift. Every child has something special to offer. And just as everyone has a talent to share, every child can find a social issue or cause that sparks their passion. Here are 7 easy ways to nurture a child’s talents: ► ► For the academic: Help your kids launch a charity math-a-thon or geography contest in their school, where they collect pledges for the number of countries they can name on a world map. ► ► For the athlete: Organize a sports tournament for charity, or raise pledges through a challenge event. You can set a dollar amount for each goal scored or each mile you run. ► ► For the artist: Start a community mural project that invites participants to express their thoughts about an issue. As a family, design greeting cards to sell during the holidays or to raise awareness for charity. ► ► For the musician: Set up a charity concert or open mic night at school. Share your musical gift with residents at a retirement home or

write a personalized song for a friend or relative who could use a pick-me-up. ► ► For the tech whiz: Contact a local charity or non-profit and offer to develop their website or presence on social media. ► ► For the compassionate listener: Encourage your quiet kid to start a peer counselling group, or be the one their friends come to when they need a friendly ear. ► ► For the leaders: Running for student council is a great way for every young person to gain leadership skills and create positive change. Talk to them about speaking at school about an issue or a cause they care about.


Take it to the next level Follow these four steps to reach your goal. You would like to make a difference in your community. Why not invite others—your family, circle of friends, co-workers—to join by contributing their unique talents in aid of a good cause? By working together as a team, you can unleash the power of your collective enthusiasm, skills, energy and drive. And it is a great way to spend time together in a meaningful way.

It all starts with exploring the issues that are most important to you, and learning more about root causes and how to tackle them. Then set a specific, measurable goal that you can work toward. In this section (starting on page 14), we’ll give you some ideas to kick-start this discussion to decide on your mission as a team.

Step 1 Find your passion and purpose

In this section (starting on page 22), you’ll learn how to identify the steps you need to take in order to reach your goals, and how to put those steps into a concrete action plan. You’ll also find five ready-made campaigns you can follow to make an impact.

Step 2 Create an action plan


It’s time to get out there and make it happen! Even small actions can make a difference. Starting on page 28, you’ll discover tips on how to amplify your cause (and make an even bigger impact) along with easy ways to help your campaign stay on track.

Step 3 Take action

It’s important to look back at your goals to evaluate and celebrate the impact you’ve made individually or as a group. Wrap up your campaign by sharing your results and thanking everyone who contributed (page 30). Ready to get started? Read on to begin your step-by-step journey to making a difference.

Step 4 Celebrate and share your impact


Step 1 Finding your passion and purpose

We are all energized by our passions—and when we apply them to an issue in order to create change, the impact is truly extraordinary. You have so much to offer: your time, energy, expertise, compassion. As you rally together with family and friends to help others, you’ll also discover a renewed sense of purpose. If you’re eager to make a difference but aren’t sure where to begin, start with these ideas to help you identify a cause that’s important to you.


1 Make it personal

A personal connection to a cause can supercharge your commitment and fuel your desire to make things better. Start by thinking about issues affecting those around you—family, friends, neighbours or colleagues—and what you can do to help. There are so many ways to contribute and any number of local organizations looking for donors and volunteers. You may be passionate about fundraising for medical research, taking a stand against bullying, coaching a kids’ soccer team … it all starts with identifying what matters most to you.

2 Explore your neighbourhood

With friends or family, take a walk around your neighbourhood to look for issues close to home. You may notice something that’s present, like litter, or something that is missing, like wheelchair accessibility or a safe place for kids to play. Are there people who are homeless or in need? Reach out to community resources to find out how you can you help.

3 See the bigger picture

Beyond our own small circle, we’re all connected through our shared humanity. Each day, the headlines shine a light on some of the world’s most challenging issues: human rights, sustainability, natural disasters, poverty, access to education, food insecurity. It’s through empathy and compassion—by putting ourselves in another’s shoes—that we feel compelled to help. Have a discussion with your crew—you may find that your passions and interests lead you to look far beyond your local community.

Learn more from WE about specific local issues.


Before you take action, take some time to explore the issues you’re passionate about. Over the next few pages, we’ll explore a number of local issues challenging our city. With more context and perspective, you’ll have a better understanding of how you can get involved and be inspired to become part of the solution.


Addiction In Vancouver, fatal drug overdoses have reached crisis proportions. In August 2017, the number of people who died from suspected overdoses passed the 2016 total, and the City of Vancouver estimates it will grow to more than 400 people by year end. Fentanyl is a deadly factor—a recent BC Coroners’ report found the opioid present in 78 percent of all fatal overdoses. Drug addiction affects not only the individual but friends, family and the community. Without the means to buy drugs, people who are addicted may turn to theft (often from their families, but also shoplifting or breaking into cars and homes), or resort to selling sex or drugs to fund their habit. The Downtown Eastside neighbourhood has been particularly hard hit by these issues, with a number of community members struggling with substance abuse, poverty, homelessness and mental health disorders. But addiction isn’t limited to a specific neighbourhood or income level—it’s a widespread issue that can take many forms, including alcohol and drug abuse, eating disorders, gambling and other compulsive behaviours. Addiction is defined as any behaviour a person engages in that they know has a negative impact on their life, but they feel powerless to stop. Vancouver’s Dr. Gabor Maté , an addiction expert who has worked for years in the Downtown Eastside, urges people to take a compassionate approach toward addiction, whether in ourselves or in others. Maté believes that recovery for the individual and for our community comes when the shame associated with addiction is removed.

How you can help Become part of the solution by helping existing community programs offering addiction recovery support, education volunteers and donations of cash or other items—get in touch with your chosen charity or non-profit to find out what they need most. You can do some research on programs in your area, or check out these organizations making a difference in Metro Vancouver: and prevention. Local organizations welcome

► ► Compassion for Addiction

► ► Together We Can Addiction Recovery & Education Society

► ► Covenant House Vancouver


Mental health Mental health is about well-being. With positive mental health, you’re able to cope with stress, connect with others, contribute to your community and realize your full potential. If you struggle with mental health issues, it can profoundly affect how you think, feel and act, making it more difficult to manage day-to-day and creating barriers to wellness. It’s estimated that one in five Canadians will experience mental illness at some point in their lives. One of the biggest hurdles to getting better is overcoming the stigma attached to mental health disorders. People living with mental illness can be misunderstood and feared by others and often experience discrimination as a result. It’s no wonder that many are reluctant to talk about it or seek out help. But with treatment, most people living with mental health problems can improve and many recover completely. You can help break the stigma by learning more about mental health and raising awareness about this important issue. With understanding and compassion, we can promote wellness by creating a more caring, supportive environment for everyone.

How you can help ► ► Learn more. Not Myself Today from the Canadian Mental Health Association offers resources, advice and tips on how you can support anyone you know affected by mental health issues. ► ► Use the power of arts therapy to boost positive well-being. Studies have shown that engagement in the arts of all kinds has a calming effect that can decrease anxiety and help people express what they’re feeling. If there’s someone in your life who needs help with depression or anxiety, you can show support by taking a class or going to a gallery, concert or live show together. Don’t get hung up on being an expert before taking part—the experience itself can be healing and transformative. ► ► Support mental health and wellness organizations in Vancouver. Volunteer your time as a board or committee member, offer your expertise or organize a fundraiser. Here are just a few of the organizations making a difference in Vancouver: • Canadian Mental Health Association BC Division

• AnxietyBC

• HeretoHelp


Homelessness For most of us, the idea of not having a place to call home is unfathomable. For those living on the street or a shelter, or the “hidden homeless” couch- surfing or living in temporary accommodations, finding a safe, decent and permanent place to live is a daily struggle. In the 2017 Homeless Count, the BC Non-Profit Housing Association found that 3,605 people in Metro Vancouver were homeless, with that number growing every year. People find themselves homeless for different reasons: they’ve lost their job, their health is deteriorating or they are fleeing domestic violence. Some struggle with addiction or mental health issues. In Vancouver’s expensive real estate market, limited access to affordable housing makes it difficult to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty.

How you can help ► ► Get together with family and friends to serve up warm meals or help with drop-in programs at a local homeless shelter. (Check out the shelter listings offered by the Greater Vancouver Shelter Strategy to find one near you.) ► ► Donate funds to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank so that they can buy quality fresh food and support local food distribution programs. ► ► Get involved as a volunteer or donate to Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver and help build affordable housing for low income families.


Inclusion To be a truly inclusive city, everyone should feel valued and respected, and have access to the same opportunities, regardless of physical or mental abilities, age, ethnicity, religion, culture, sexual orientation or gender identity. In Vancouver, we pride ourselves on being a welcoming place. We recognize that diversity and inclusion are part of what makes us, according to The Economist , one of the most livable cities in the world. Yet, there’s still more that can be done to create a better, more caring city. You can help build community, promote better access to opportunities and break down the walls that separate us from each other by getting involved. There are any number of organizations working to advance inclusion in many different ways, so check out areas that interest you the most and join together with family and friends to get started. We’ve listed a few, at right, to give you some ideas.


How you can help ► ► Welcome immigrants and refugee newcomers — Mosaic BC ► ► Promote accessibility for people with disabilities — Rick Hansen Foundation ► ► Connect with Indigenous elders and youth — Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society ► ► Empower women to achieve economic independence — Dress for Success ► ► Provide a safe place for at-risk women and children — Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre ► ► Support LGBTQ/2S equality and outreach Qmunity Find other ways to get involved at Go Volunteer


Step 2 Create an action plan

What steps can you take to tackle the issues you care about? Community building comes in many forms—you can volunteer your time, offer your skills and professional experience, donate money or much-needed items, or simply be there for someone in need. Discuss with your team how best to move forward to achieve your goals and then decide on a course of action. Here are five different ways to make an impact.

1 Volunteering

3 Fundraising

By giving your time and talent to an organization, you’ll help them carry out their mission while becoming part of the solution.

Collect donations of money from individuals, businesses, charitable foundations or government agencies in support of a special campaign or a charity’s ongoing operations.

2 Awareness-raising

4 Material support

Speak up, reach out and garner attention for a cause or issue in order to increase others’ understanding of its urgency and importance. Share your knowledge about an issue by posting to your social media network, writing for local websites or newspapers, or giving a talk at your neighbourhood community centre or library.

Collect donations of items like canned food, gently used clothing or books for a charitable cause.

5 Advocacy

Support a cause or push for change by taking a stand on an issue. Collect signatures for a petition, call or write elected officials in your city or province, cast your ballot—whatever action you choose, let your voice be heard!


Action Plan checklist

□ □ Decide on your cause. □ □ Pick a charity or non-profit and let them know you want to help. □ □ Decide on the type of action—is it a single event or longer-term campaign? □ □ Set an exact timeline and a S.M.A.R.T. goal (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound). □ □ Organize your group with specific roles, including a leader, a treasurer and a group secretary to manage communications. □ □ Create an engaging web or social media page that tells people why you’re taking action and how people can contribute. □ □ Reach out to your community and wider network to join you in your campaign. □ □ Track your progress and watch as you reach your goal. □ □ Share updates with your team and supporters. □ □ Tally your fundraising proceeds or donated goods and deliver them to your chosen charity. □ □ Celebrate your success with your team and thank everyone who made it possible.


Here to help you

When you commit to making your world a better place by joining WE Care Vancouver, help is always a phone call, email or a few computer keystrokes away. Here’s a rundown of the support system that’s available to you, and how to access it. WE Care Vancouver microsite This online hub houses a continually growing archive of program resources and content, including video, articles and action guides. It’s the go-to for everyone who’s taking part in the WE Care Vancouver program, and it’s available to you 24/7. WE Care Vancouver e-newsletter Delivered straight to your inbox, the e-newsletter will keep you up-to-date on program events and news. You’ll get a regular dose of inspiration in the form of quick-read articles and profiles of local charities, non-profits and individual change-makers. Plus, find fun and easy activities for taking action in your community. Sign up at

WE Care Vancouver families workshops

Hosted by WE, these three interactive service- learning sessions, spaced throughout the year, help you hone your social change-making skills in a safe and judgment-free environment. Workshops welcome adults and the children in their lives for an inspiring keynote speech and hands-on facilitated action planning sessions. It’s an incredible opportunity to receive low-ratio coaching, and it’s free to participate. For dates, details and to sign up, check back at , sign up for the newsletter, or email [email protected] WE Families engagement team WE Care Vancouver staff are here to answer your questions, offer guidance and help you every step of the way. Reach out to [email protected] .


WE Care Vancouver kit This is the digital guide to doing good in Vancouver. In it, you will find step-by-step instructions for beginning, building, executing and celebrating the results of your own volunteer campaign. Crunched for time? Pick and choose from a variety of super- easy social-change actions, many of which you can do in less than an hour. Share the download link with family, friends and colleagues:

Social media Join the conversation with fellow change-makers from around the world! Follow @WEMovement on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. WE Day Family Vancouver This stadium show is a celebration of the work you’ve done all year long to help make Vancouver the most caring city. Coming your way in Fall 2018, WE Day Family is a can’t-miss evening of music performances and inspiring talks by local and international thought leaders, as well as change-makers like you. Within the show itself, and at booths around the venue, WE offers tools and resources that show you how to volunteer and make a difference. Sign up for the e-newsletter at for details as they develop.

Email Have a question, or need advice on your WE Care Vancouver action plan? Email our WE Care Vancouver engagement team at [email protected] .


Step 2 Create an action plan (continued)

Looking for ideas and resources? Here are five ready-made WE campaigns to help you make an impact.

WE Scare Hunger Highlighted Issue: Hunger

Raise awareness about food insecurity and collect canned goods for donation to local food banks.

Learn more

Made possible by Ford Canada.

WE Bake For Change Highlighted Issue: Your choice

Organize a bake sale (or two!) with friends, neighbours, colleagues or community members to raise money for your chosen cause.

Learn more

Made possible by Robin Hood.


WE Won’t Rest Highlighted Issue: Homelessness

Everyone should have a place to call home. Come together with your friends, family and community to help break the stereotypes surrounding homelessness. Share daily facts to bust myths and shed light on the realities of homelessness.

Learn more

WE Take Charge Highlighted Issue: The Environment

Plant a garden in May, then lead a community clean-up in June to bring awareness to the importance of sustainability, and show how simple everyday actions help reverse the damage humans have done to our environment.

Learn more

Made possible by Unilever.

WE Volunteer Now Highlighted Issue: Volunteerism

Connect with a cause or passion, then rally your community and volunteer with purpose.

Learn more

Made possible by Cineplex.

Find more ideas and resources, including articles and newsletters, at .


It can be a challenge to find the time and energy to volunteer. Here are some tips to help you stay on top of your social action plan and see your campaign through to your goal. Step 3 Take action

1 Team up

Many hands make light work! Recruit as many volunteers as possible to help you successfully execute your group action plan. Assign specific roles so that everyone has defined responsibilities and deliverables and knows exactly what to do to contribute. If you’ve taken on the role of group leader, it’s important to delegate to others so that it’s truly a team effort from beginning to end.

2 Be accountable

For complete transparency, create a fundraising or campaign page to track progress and update your volunteers and supporters with regular reports. Be sure to assign a treasurer to take responsibility for any money raised.

3 Educate and inspire

Share impact stories, photos, activity updates and campaign results through social media. Consider bringing in a guest speaker—a community leader or someone from your chosen charity—to share their knowledge and success stories with your group.


Tips on getting the word out ► ► Choose a catchy campaign slogan or tagline. (Think #icebucketchallenge or “It’s in you to give.”) ► ► Create pages or group chats on social media to generate excitement, provide updates and promote upcoming events. ► ► Extend your campaign reach by encouraging your social media network to share your campaign through their personal pages. ► ► Take advantage of existing information hubs in your community, workplace or kids’ schools to promote your campaign through bulletin boards, newsletters or local websites. ► ► Make it easy for people to take part by setting up an online fundraising page on a crowd-funding platform. For a food or clothing drive, designate a clear time and place for people to drop off their items. ► ► Help people feel like they’re part of something meaningful by sharing stories about the individuals or communities that you’ll be helping.



Step 4 Celebrate your impact

It’s time to share that “feel good” glow from making a difference in your community. You did it! Congratulations on completing your successful campaign and becoming a force for good in your community. As a final wrap up, throw a party to acknowledge your group’s hard work and celebrate the difference you’ve made through your actions. At the event, let everyone know the results in a concrete way (dollars raised, volunteer hours donated, canned goods collected, people helped— however you’ve decided to measure your impact). Thank all those who participated and let donors and other supporters know how their efforts have made a difference.


By shedding light on the city’s most pressing social issues, like homelessness, addiction and food insecurity, and providing the information, tools and support needed to make a difference, WE Care Vancouver inspires Parq Vancouver employees and Vancouverites alike to discover their passion for social change. WE Charity brings you the WE Care Vancouver campaign and created this guide to help you get started transforming your community. Learn more and sign up for the e-newsletter at . WECare Vancouver

Follow @WEmovement

© WE Charity 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written consent of the publisher. For permission requests, please contact: [email protected]

WE Charity 339 Queen St. E. Toronto, ON, Canada M5A 1S9