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West Coast Chiropractic Experts - April 2021


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West Coast Chiropractic Experts - April 2020

West Coast Chiropractic Experts - April 2020 April 2020 Golfing Through the Generations Celebrating

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West Coast Chiropractic Experts - March 2022

West Coast Chiropractic Experts - March 2022 THE TIME MY DAD FOUND A FORTUNE A LITTLE CLEANING LEADS

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West Coast Chiropractic Experts - May 2022


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West Coast Chiropractic Experts - January 2022

Joint Pain Soreness is normal when working out, especially in the early days of developing a workout

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West Coast Chiropractic Experts - July 2022

or enjoy. Once in a while, replace overly salty or sweet snacks with fresher alternatives. cardiovas

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West Coast Chiropractic Experts - August 2022

4 cup of zucchini mixture into the skillet. Cook for 3–5 minutes, then flip. Cook for another 3–5 mi

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West Coast Chiropractic Experts - February 2022

2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste MEDITERRANEAN STUFFED CHICKEN BREAST Inspired by DiabetesS

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West Coast Chiropractic Experts - June 2022

4 cup of the marinade. 3. Seal bag and massage marinade into the chicken. Chill in the fridge overni

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West Coast Chiropractic Experts - November 2021

2 tsp honey • 1 tsp Dijon mustard • Salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS 1. In a skillet over medium

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West Coast Chiropractic Experts - April 2022

April 2022


It’s the most wonderful time of the year! That’s right, it's the Masters Tournament season at Augusta National Golf Club in Georgia. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say this is the greatest sporting event of all time. Every year, golf’s top pros are invited to play the same course for the same high-stakes event. And every year, we are reminded that Augusta National Golf Club remains a mystery! It’s one of those courses that shouldn’t be difficult. It’s short enough for the “old guys” like Phil Mickelson to play through but difficult enough to give the golfers who continue to evolve and perfect their craft a challenge. Yet, every year, there is always something curious that happens. Maybe the mystique of the event creates anomalies. It’s shrouded in tradition. For example, they still serve the iconic pimento cheese sandwich on white bread during the Masters. It’s the sporting event of the year, and yet they serve food that costs maybe $1 to make. Talk about pressure, I guess. Long-time readers may remember that I come from a golfing family. My maternal grandfather, Earl Martin, was a professional golfer, and my mom grew up working at his driving range. When my parents met, my dad also became a golfer, and soon my siblings and I spent a lot of days out on the green. I’m not that good at golf, but I still enjoy the sport to this day. While we can golf pretty much whenever we want in Las Vegas, the Masters always signals the start of the golf season. It’s like welcoming back an old friend. Golfing with my dad and siblings has made up some of our fondest memories together. Like any group of siblings, we had our fair share of massive fights, but growing up, we managed to mend our relationship and play like old pals. Golf will always remind me of my family, and I’m glad I can share it with my siblings and my own children. It’s also fitting that golf’s greatest event takes place in April when we happen to be celebrating my sister, Feliss' birthday at the end of the month (her birthday is May 1). She’s turning 50 this year, which seems impossible. I’m not sure how she keeps

getting older, yet I don’t! I’m kidding of course, but we can’t wait to travel

down to Malibu, California, to celebrate her milestone birthday and her daughter’s graduation from Pepperdine University. That’s hard to believe, considering she was a 6-year-old flower girl at my wedding!

The whole event is sure to be a fun, rowdy celebration. If we get too loud, we may even hear someone say “What is that undercurrent?” (That’s a joke only Feliss will get!) April also boasts World Siblings Day; so that, combined with the Masters, makes it hard not to feel a little sentimental. As I watch my two boys, Owen and Adam, grow up together, I’ve been able to watch a sibling relationship from a new perspective. They fight like any set of brothers, but you would never guess they could ever argue when watching them play the video game Fortnite. They work like a perfect team! I’ve also discovered they have their own system for equal division. The other day, our younger son told us he needed more toothpaste, but when I went to investigate, I found three travel-sized tubes and a full regular-sized toothpaste tube. When I asked him about it, he explained that the toothpaste was his brother’s. They were both adamant they couldn’t swap or share toothpaste. In their world, this was equal and fair, and who am I to stand in the way of brothers? I only hope that their toothpaste and Fortnite system propels them into a great friendship as adults. I think that’s what most parents want for their children. After all, I can’t imagine my life without my brother; he’s my best friend.

And I am willing to bet I know what he’s watching in April.

–Dr. Josh Satterlee




When you’re in pain, daily activities like walking to the mailbox or reaching for a plate from the cupboard can exacerbate inflamed joints and weak muscles. However, just simply being a human can intensify this pain, too. The reason is in your brain. For years, researchers have connected our mental well-being with our physical health. Study after study shows that those who suffer from mental illnesses also have intense bouts of pain. Physical therapy is a powerful treatment method designed to use your body’s strength and movement to stimulate physical healing. But to holistically recover from an injury or pain, you may have to also address your mental health. This spring, as April showers loom, consider a centuries-old practice that has shown time and time again to improve mental wellness. All it requires is a little dirt, patience, and the great outdoors. What is horticulture therapy? As the American Horticultural Therapy Association explains, horticulture therapy can improve cognitive and memory abilities, balance, language skills, and endurance, among

other benefits. It’s the practice of gardening to stimulate mindfulness. Dating back to

ancient Mesopotamia, the Persians were known for creating beautiful, calming gardens for this very purpose, and the first documented use of gardening for medical reasons is from the 1800s. Since then, connecting humans to plants is now a common treatment in many countries. What do I have to do? To effectively engage in horticulture therapy, you have to engage with nature. Plant a small garden in your yard and tend to it each day or week. Join a community garden, plant an indoor herb garden, or pluck weeds from your yard. If you’re not much of a gardener, try visiting local botanical gardens or hike a local trail and identify plant life each week. Or, ask your local nursery for suggestions about plants that are easy to care for. The goal is to physically and mentally connect with nature, which bonds you to a simpler form of life.

To learn more about horticulture therapy, connect with a local psychiatrist or counselor.

Everyone knows lasers can be awesome weapons in sci-fi, but not all lasers are deadly. In fact, they can help accelerate your healing process! But how? Let’s walk through laser therapy together — a highly safe, trusted treatment within physical therapy. The Science of Light It sounds like the murmur of a mad scientist to say that light energy from a laser can reduce your muscle’s pain and inflammation, accelerate healing in damaged tissues, relax your Heal Faster and Eliminate Pain With Lasers It’s Not Science Fiction — It’s Here

muscles, and even possibly stimulate nerve regeneration. However, science (or, in other words, decades of research) suggests that these effects actually occur. To put it simply, when a laser reaches a certain wavelength — specifically, within the infrared spectrum, which is greater than the red end of the visible light spectrum, but less than that of conventional microwaves — it can penetrate our skin, not unlike X-rays. With enough power, that wavelength can reach considerable depth for muscle therapy purposes. Lasers are excellent for physical therapy because they stimulate the building blocks of collagen, which is crucial for healing damaged tissues. Lasers can also decrease nerve sensitivity by decreasing bradykinin, a peptide that promotes inflammation. This is through normalizing ion channels, which act as cellular gatekeepers, and releasing endorphins,

the body’s natural pain reliever. Lasers can even have a pain-blocking effect on certain nerves in your body. Class 3 and 4 Lasers You’ll see two classes of lasers in physical therapy: Class 3 and 4. The main difference isn’t the wavelength, but the power used. This has a lot to do with the depth to which the laser needs to penetrate.

Class 3 operates at less than 500 milliwatts (mW) and is sometimes

referred to as a “cold laser” or LLLT for low-level laser therapy. These lasers don’t generate a lot of heat. Class 4 lasers operate at greater than 500 mW and do create a warming sensation on the skin, but they aren’t dangerous or harmful. The best laser is the one optimized to treat your particular injury or pain. Call your physical therapist with any questions — even just 1–2 treatments can make a significant difference.



Protein Doesn’t Equal Bulk! ENHANCE LIFELONG WORKOUT GOALS AND FIGHT AGING High-protein diets and protein powders are a bodybuilder favorite — which is probably why everyone thinks eating extra protein will make them bulky. But that’s not true! Here are four reasons why everyone agrees that protein is crucial to any healthy routine.

No. 1: Protein reduces your appetite and hunger levels.

growth, but it can also help maintain your muscle mass while you are losing weight or even aging. Who knew protein could be a part of your beauty regimen? No. 3: Protein boosts metabolism. Your body uses calories to digest and utilize nutrients in food, and it’s a lot easier for your body to process protein compared to other nutrients. That’s why high protein intake has been shown to significantly “boost” people’s metabolisms and increase the number of calories they burn. No. 4: Women need protein most, especially as they get older. As women age, protein becomes important to balance hormones as well

as keep weight off. This could be due to the abundant amino acids found in protein and how important they are to hormone production. In a 2015 study, hormone experts found that a diet of 20–30 grams of protein per meal can lead to significant anabolic and metabolic benefits for adults. The best way to consume protein is through high-protein meals. Don’t rely solely on protein powders, which often lack the additional nutrients, both macro and micro, that benefit a high-protein diet. Thankfully, there are many options for having this type of diet, even if you’re vegan. We hope this information will help you stay healthy for many decades to come!

While fats, carbs, and protein will affect your body in different ways, studies show that protein is the most filling. You won’t reach for midnight snacks as often, if at all. Not only does it help you feel fuller for longer periods, but it also accomplishes this with less food. In one study, increasing protein intake from 15%–30% of calories helped overweight women eat around 441 fewer calories every day without intentionally restricting their diet. No. 2: Protein increases muscle mass — and maintains it. Protein is in every cell in our bodies. For your muscles, protein not only helps promote muscle strengthening and



Inspired by


• 6 large eggs • 3 tbsp Greek yogurt • 1 tsp Dijon mustard

• 1 tsp lemon juice • Optional: Hot sauce, to taste • Optional: Paprika and chives, chopped, for garnish


1. In a large pot, add eggs and cover with water. Put on high heat, and then boil eggs for 10 minutes. 2. Once boiled, peel eggs by gently tapping and removing the shell. (Adding the eggs to an ice bath after boiling can make this task easier.) 3. Cut eggs lengthwise and place yolks into a medium mixing bowl. Set egg white halves open side up on a plate. 4. In a bowl, combine yolks, yogurt, mustard, lemon juice, and hot sauce (if desired) until smooth. 5. Transfer the yolk mixture into the egg white halves. Garnish with paprika and chives if desired.




10624 S. Eastern Ave., Ste. A-991 Henderson, NV 89052 702-472-8278

1. It’s the Best Season of All — Golf Season! 2. Your Garden Can Help You Heal! How Lasers Eliminate Your Pain 3. Why Protein Will Fight Aging — And More Healthier, Lighter Deviled Eggs 4. The Truth About ‘Exergaming’ INSIDE THIS ISSUE

Experts Love Fitness Video Games — You Might, Too ‘EXERGAMING’ CAN MAKE REAL EXERCISE FUN

To make your fitness goals more fun, you might consider implementing fitness video games, such as Ring Fit Adventure for Nintendo Switch, into your routine. But do they actually work at keeping you in shape, or are they a gimmick? Which is better? A treadmill or an active video game? Recently, researchers from Brazil and the UK put together a randomized trial comparing the physiological effects of jogging on a treadmill compared to playing a few rounds on an active video game. All participants had Type 1 diabetes, and exercise is crucial to managing the condition. What went into this study? All participants, no matter their activity, were tested for heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen consumption efficiency, and endothelial function (a marker for blood fluidity). Health readings were collected

on three occasions, including immediately after the activity, 30 minutes after, and 24 hours after. The study went on for three weeks, with two workouts per week. The results? The health readings were not only very similar, but also the blood glucose levels among participants declined to safe levels after both activities — with the added bonus that individuals who played active video games enjoyed the exercise a lot more.

“Exergaming” is all about putting yourself in a workout you enjoy most, especially for those with diabetes, says

Dr. Jorge Brito-Gomes, a researcher at the Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, Brazil. He told Eat This, Not That: "Gamifying exercise not only takes your mind off the exertion, but working toward rewards in the game or even competing against friends helps motivate you to keep coming back to do more." Looking for an active video game to try? Check out Ring Fit Adventure for the Nintendo Switch or Just Dance 2021 for all gaming consoles, or if you have a virtual reality headset, try Beat Saber, which starts out at low intensity as a rhythm game but can quickly turn into a mid- to high-intensity experience with increased difficulty!

Are games a replacement for gym exercise?

Not necessarily — it depends on your workout intensity and fitness goals. If you tend to go for mid- to high-intensity workouts, you need to find an active video game that allows you to achieve that level. When it comes to exercise, the human body doesn’t discriminate. Carrying heavy groceries burns calories just like weights do at the gym!


Published by Newsletter Pro |


Chiropractors are collaborators who stay in contact with many of their peers. That’s how Dr. Josh Satterlee met Dr. Michael Massey, owner of Massey Chiropractic in Athens, Tennessee. Recently, the two were chatting

outdoors as much as possible. Residents near Athens, Tennessee, may see Dr. Massey riding his bike on the road or in the mountains. In the warmer months, you may catch him spending his few moments of free time on his back deck. As a former art major, Dr. Massey recently took up painting, drawing, carpentry, and guitar, too! Dr. Massey currently lives in Tennessee with his wife, who he will celebrate a 35th wedding anniversary with this June. The pair currently work together, and they are excited for this next phase in their lives. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Massey to the team! We know he will be a tremendous asset to West Coast Chiropractic Experts, and we look forward to utilizing his expertise.

about a position Dr. Satterlee had opened at his practice, West Coast Chiropractic Experts. He wanted to know if Dr. Massey knew of anyone who would fit the

bill of what Dr. Satterlee needed. “And I said, ‘Me,’” Dr. Massey recalls.

After an extensive interview process, our staff at West Coast Chiropractic Experts is delighted to welcome Dr. Massey to the team as an expert witness who will provide his three decades of clinical chiropractic and insurance experience to evaluate auto accident cases and write reports for clients. Dr. Massey will continue to also operate his practice out of Tennessee. “Joining the West Coast team was a no-brainer,” Dr. Massey said. He has been looking for a way to expand and utilize his knowledge in a different way, and he has always respected the way West Coast operates. “They have a good structure. They have core values that they stick to. They do operate like they say they do,” Dr. Massey said. “Plus, [this is] a change of pace for me, and [I get to] flex that piece of knowledge.” Dr. Massey was born and raised in Cleveland, Tennessee, and originally pursued a few majors in college before landing on medical school. However, after an injury and thorough recovery plan with the help of a chiropractor, Dr. Massey found he had a passion for helping patients in a way that only chiropractors can. More than 30 years later, it’s safe to say he made the right choice! When it comes to hobbies, Dr. Massey is a utility man. He’s an avid traveler who enjoys cooking and getting


10624 S. Eastern Ave., Ste. A-991 Henderson, NV 89052