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WGAT Employer Newsletter April 2018

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WGAT-Participant-Newsletter-April-18-ENG-EMAIL Celebrating over 60Years! of service Since 1957 A QUA

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graduate students and dependents 18 and older enrolled in a CSHL medical plan that are seeking to re

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WGAT Employer Newsletter April 2018

Celebrating over 60Years! of service Since 1957


APRIL 2018

Message from Executive Vice President Spring is here and we want you to know how much we appreciate our clients. Our partnership allows us to sustain a health plan committed to keeping your employees healthy and productive! We are continually looking for ways to enhance our health plan and 2018 is no different. As we shared in the last issue, this year we added two new conditions to our care management program and we are now offering free medicine responsive testing for all care management participants. We have also improved our pharmacy services for members who use specialty medications. And we hope your employees are enjoying the convenience of having more affordable access to board- certified providers through our telemedicine program, Doctor on Demand. In our participant version of WGAT Your Service, we remind members of what is new with their benefit plan for 2018. We are also launching a new Q&A column, which gives answers to some of the most popular questions we receive through our customer service line. Lastly, we share health tips based on current National Health Observances. Until next time, wishing you a wonderful spring season!

Participant Issue Now Available for download Here are some ideas for distributing this newsletter to your employees: • Send the PDF as an attachment and email to all employees • Print out and include as part of their paycheck or in their mailboxes • Send an email directing them to our website

David Zanze Executive Vice President Western Growers Assurance Trust to download our current or previous issues

APRIL 2018 –WG AT Your Service

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News Briefs

IRS Modifies HSA Contribution Limits

Now Integrating Lab Services WGAT’s telemedicine program, Doctor on Demand, is now filling requests for lab work as part of its new lab program. Launched last summer, this new service is available to WGAT's plan participants and their covered dependents. The new program results in a more seamless, paperless experience for the patient. The program allows Doctor on Demand doctors to expand their ability to treat and resolve patient issues, which contributes to a better overall patient experience. To offer the lab services, Doctor on Demand partnered with two top national laboratories LabCorp and Quest Diagnostics, which have a combined network of 4,000 services nationwide. By integrating the lab experience electronically, Doctor on Demand will give doctors direct access to a large array of tests without having to go through separate lab providers, and doctors will be able to review the results directly with the patient online. Any lab work requested by a Doctor on Demand provider would fall under a participant's diagnostic benefit; the lab would submit the claim and WGAT would process the benefit. Participants have the flexibility to visit any service center within their network - LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics. If you or your employees have any questions, contact Doctor on Demand at (800) 997-6196. allows PRxS to tailor each participant’s specialty pharmacy to their health condition, providing patients with direct access to a clinical team of nurses and pharmacists who can address specific questions related to prescribed medication. If you or your employees have any questions regarding the new process for specialty medications, contact the PRxS Customer Service line at (877) 782-9658.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently modified the contribution limits for health savings accounts (HSAs) covering families.The 2018 contribution limit for HSAs linked to family coverage will be $6,850— not $6,900, as the IRS had previously announced. In its Internal Revenue Bulletin No. 2018–10, released March 5, the IRS clarified that for HSAs, the annual tax-deductible contribution limit for tax year 2018 will stay at $3,450 for HSA account holders with self-only coverage through a high-deductible health plan. However, the limit must be lowered to $6,850 for account holders with family coverage through a high-deductible plan. Please note that individual contribution limits are unchanged. Additionally, health care flexible spending accounts (FSAs) were not affected for 2018. Because these changes apply to tax year 2018, please inform HSA participants in your company of the reduced maximum limit, since they may need to make adjustments in contributions for the remainder of 2018. Employees who have already contributed the maximum amount for 2018, such as a one-time HSA contribution at the beginning of the year, will need to receive a refund of the excess contribution. Generally, employees who over-contribute to an HSA and don't correct it, will get hit with a 6 percent excise tax.

Updated Specialty Pharmacy Services This year, WGAT's pharmacy benefit manager PinnacleRx Solutions (PRxS), moved from an exclusive specialty pharmacy arrangement to multi- specialty pharmacies. This updated arrangement

APRIL 2018 –WG AT Your Service

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What's NewWith CareManagement

$399 * Value

Depression and Pain Management Added to Care Management Program

Medication Responsiveness Testing Free For Care Management Participants

S t a r t i ng t h i s y e a r, emp l oy e e s who a r e participants of the WGAT care management p r o g r am a r e eligible for free medication responsiveness testing. This new benefit is in addition to discounts to medication copays. The test identifies medications that are right for participants, and which ones to avoid based on their unique genetic composition. Participating employees can rece ive a compl iment ar y medication responsiveness test (valued at $399) by calling their nurse care manager or the PHM nurse line at (844) 230-1121. Their designated nurse care manager will help the participant obtain their doctor’s authorization, which is required to receive the test. *Free Rxight® Medication Responsiveness Test for all care management participants - retail value of $399.99


Chronic Pain

If you have employees who suffer from depression or pain management, let them know they are now eligible to participate in the WGAT care management program, administered by our affiliate company, Pinnacle Health Management. Employees diagnosed with depression or pain management have access to support and guidance available through the program but, at this time, are not eligible to receive discounts on medication copays. However, those enrolled in the pain management program are covered for acupuncture benefits – please have employees refer to their summary plan description for coverage amounts.

To enroll in the care management program, employees can email [email protected] or call (844) 230-1121.

Too Busy To Be Sick?

Doctor On Demand connects you to board-certified doctors in minutes, on your schedule — nights and weekends included.

Brought to you by

To learn more visit:

APRIL 2018 –WG AT Your Service

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Administration Corner

Tips to Helping Employees Avoid Claims Billing and Coding Errors

• When an employee visits their provider for a preventive screening (most are still covered for free under the ACA), and the physician diagnoses and / or treats another health issue(s), an employee may be unaware that it results in a separate billing charge. Remind employees that treatments of current health conditions are not considered preventive. However, if the participant asks a question about another condition and the doctor does not perform a separately identifiable evaluation or service, there should be no additional billing code beyond the initial preventive screening code. • Participants should also be aware that lab work ordered by their provider, as part of the annual preventive screening, is covered for free. Also, the deductible or office copay does not apply.

It’s beenmore than two years since the new International Classification of Diseases (ICD) version 10 was launched, replacing the previous ICD-9 codes that were used to report medical diagnoses and inpatient procedures. While providers have transitioned to the new codes, WGAT participants may experience a billing issue on occasion for other reasons. WGAT aims to help participants prevent billing problems since they can result in an authorization denial for a test or procedure or delays in payment of a health care bill. Here are a few reminders to share with your employees: • Providers need to be aware that WGAT partners with Anthem Blue Cross for network provider access only. Also, the participant needs to confirm that the office has the most current address and phone number to reach him or her in the event of a billing issue. • Employees should be aware of their current deductible and/or office copay according to their benefit plan, so they don’t over or underpay at the time of visit. Your employees' benefit plan summary will list their deductible and office copays. Benefit plan summaries can be found online at

If an employee is unsure of what annual screenings are covered for free under the ACA, you can refer them to the list of services at preventive-care-benefits .

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WGAT Employee Spotlight Heather Bowen, Supervisor, Benefit Distribution and Installation

Q: What about WGAT most appealed to you when deciding to join our team? Heather: The company culture. During my time here, this company has shown to have a family-oriented environment with an emphasis on camaraderie, trust and values. WGAT has a workplace culture that celebrates opportunities, transparency, and the opinions of all to enrich conversations and diversity of thought. Q: What are your department goals for 2018? Heather: My department goals are to ensure that quality and accuracy are maintained within the areas of new business, plan changes, renewal paperwork and compliance. This starts with accuracy within the plancoding set-up and endswithproper identification card distribution, as well as maintaining a turnaround time of 30 days or less. I will also continue to train and develop my staff in departmental policies and procedures to ensure department and organizational standards are met. Heather first came to WGAT in June 2001. During her 17 years, she has gained considerable experience working in a variety of departments including enrollment and eligibility, claims and reinsurance. With her in-depth knowledge base and results-oriented personality, Heather continues to be a contributing factor to the improvement and growth of the Claims and Installation Department. This issue we put the spotlight on Heather Bowen, WGAT's Supervisor of Benefit Distribution and Installation. Heather supervises WGAT’s staff who install new business, administer plan and rate changes, process renewals and distribute health benefit material and identification cards to health plan participants and employers. She also makes sure the new business implementation process is completed in an accurate, timely and efficient manner and meets compliance requirements.

Q: What is a unique aspect of your company, perhaps something that you are proud of? Heather: The opportunity for growth as an employee. I, myself, am a prime example. I was very happy with the promotional and lateral opportunities that WGAT made available to me and to others in the company. I haven't seen this level of opportunity in too many companies. The ability for an employee to grow professionally and get promoted as their skill set develops definitely boosts morale and makes current staff members feel that their talents, capabilities and accomplishments are appreciated. That aspect of the company is definitely

something I am proud to be a part of. Q: What are your favorite hobbies?

Heather: I am a sports fanatic. My favorite teams are the Angels and the Dallas Cowboys. I also enjoy spending time with family, going to amusement parks and attending concerts. (Continue to page 7)

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Workplace Productivity

1. Smartphones Smartphones and tablet computers are a major distraction, especially in office environments. Text messages, alerts, and the urge to check social media sites, can pull employees’ attention away from the task at hand. 2. E-mail Misuse of e-mail can be another disturbance such as sending strings of e-mails to arrange a time for a meeting or conference call, when scheduling software could Workplace distractions are ever-present. They reduce workers’ productivity, increase stress, cause injuries and lower morale. Following an interruption, it typically takes a few minutes to return concentration to work. These short interruptions and recovery periods add up to large amounts of lost productive time. Workplace Distractions that Hurt Your Employees and Your Business There are a multitude of distractions that can affect employee safety and productivity that employers need to be aware of such as:

lessen distractions among staff: • Encourage frequent mini breaks. There is a limit to how long someone can focus intently on a task. Depending on the job, occasional stretch or walk breaks can help workers clear their minds, relax a little, and take care of personal phone calls and messages. • If necessary, managers can limit employee use of smartphones to break times. They can also model and encourage proper use of e-mail. • Only schedule meetings when a group discussion is necessary to accomplish work results. To keep meetings on track, they should be time-limited and have stated agendas. • If it doesn’t interfere with customer service, let employees take measures to muffle loud conversations. For example, if employees are subject to frequent interruptions from co-workers, then allow them to wear headphones or ear buds when necessary. It is possible to reduce distractions without burdening the workplace with excessive rules. Employers who do so will raise morale, prevent injuries, improve quality and boost profits.

accomplish the same thing with fewer messages. It also includes clicking the “reply all” button or sending a thank-you intended for one person to a group of ten. Again, these small interruptions compound over time. 3. Everyday interruptions Try to minimize common interruptions such as: • A co-worker who stops by to ask a quick question and sticks around to chat for a few minutes. • Meetings that are held because • The colleague who sits three cubicles away and is incapable of having a quiet conversation. 4. Personal issues In some cases, a worker’s thoughts might be its own distraction. A worker might be having a personal issue and is having a hard time focusing at work because of it. 5. Work pressures This includes perceived pressure to finish a job quickly. Employees may feel pushed to complete their work in a hurry or have to face short deadlines. To an extent, distractions are unavoidable, but they can be reduced. Here are some tips to help they’ve always been held, regardless of whether they accomplish anything.

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National Observances

(WGAT Employee Spotlight Continued from page 5)

April 2018 - National Alcohol Awareness Month

Q: What qualities should a successful leader have? Heather: Good communication skills, a strong knowledge and background in their specialty, and a general understanding of how to interact and relate to people on a professional level are important. Those qualities, as well as honesty, focus, passion and integrity are what make a successful leader and contribute to a culture of respect and loyalty. Heather: My role model is my dad. My dad instilled in me that with a strong work ethic and persistence, you will eventually succeed in whatever you pursue. He raised me to never give up or quit and to keep pushing through until you get to that point of success, no matter what it may be. Q: Who is your role model, and why?

May is International Mediterranean Diet Month, which promotes the benefits of “going Mediterranean.” The Mediterranean Diet is considered a healthy eating plan by the medical community because the plan includes fresh, unprocessed foods, healthy fats, beans, seafood, vegetables and fruit for dessert. This way of eating has been found to help fight against heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, and cognitive decline. Here are some ways to participate this month: • Download the Shop and Taste the Med Diet Toolkit at to educate employees of this healthy Since April 1987, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) sponsors Alcohol Awareness Month to help educate the community on how to battle alcoholism and other alcohol- related issues. • For tools on how to help educate your employees on alcoholism

prevention and assistance, visit to download their 2018 Guide, "Changing Attitudes – It’sNotaRiteof Passage."Additional information and resources to build employee awareness, can be found at , using search term, "Alcohol Awareness Month."

May 2018 - International Mediterranean Diet Month

eating plan. The website also provides free, printable handouts such as Getting Started on the Med Diet and Med Diet 10. • The Oldways online store offers items for purchase at bulk discount prices. Consider purchasing hard copy brochures, tear pads and other nutrition educational materials to distribute to employees.

Otherways employees can incorporate this diet into their daily eating plan: • Opt for fruit instead of ice cream, cake or baked goods • Use healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts, olives and avocados • Eat seafood at least twice a week

WG AT Your Service is a quarterly publication distributed to all participating employers of the WGAT health plan. It is published by Western Growers Assurance Trust 15525 Sand Canyon Avenue, Irvine, CA 92618. Please direct any inquiries or story ideas to the editors below. Senior Editor: Natalie Krosel ([email protected]) Editor and Writer: Cher Knebel ([email protected]) Contributing Writers: Bre Luhrsen ([email protected]) & Anthony Cano ([email protected])

Customer Service: Our representatives are available to assist you Mon. - Fri., 7am - 5:30pm (PST) | (800) 777-7898 |

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