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Winston & Damman MAY 2018

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Winston & Damman May 2019

Winston & Damman May 2019 On Your Side (810) 966-WINS (9467) May 2019 The Ballad of Hannah My Daught

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Winston & Damman July 2018

4 cup cilantro • Salt and pepper, to taste 3. Cut kernels off cob and combine with shallots, chilis,

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Winston & Damman APRIL 2018

Softball Obsession 3 Awesome Ways to Create Lasting Memories There’s Room on the Road for Bicyclists

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Winston & Damman January 2018

Winston & Damman January 2018 On Your Side (810) 966-WINS (9467) January 2018 Dancing Through 2017 H

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Winston & Damman March 2018

4 cups hot milk • 1 head cabbage, cored and shredded DIRECTIONS 1. Steam potatoes for 30 minutes. Pe

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Winston & Damman August 2018

2 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese, ideally Parmigiano-Reggiano • Salt and pepper, to taste DIRECTI

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Winston & Damman September 2018

4 cup apricot preserves 4. In a cast-iron skillet or large sauté pan over medium heat, grill sandwic

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Winston & Damman June 2018

4 cup soy sauce DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 425 F. 2. Rinse wings under cold water and pat dry.

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Winston & Damman June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped • Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably P

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Winston & Damman February 2019

16-inch thick and cut into 4x6-inch cards. 5. On a parchment-lined baking sheet, bake cookie cards f

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Winston & Damman MAY 2018

On Your Side (810) 966-WINS (9467)

May 2018

A Low-Key Mother’s Day

In the Midst of a Hectic Season

left, it’s a lot more hectic. But it’s the kind of controlled chaos that I’ve come to love. Every once in a while, my husband and I chuckle and say to each other, “You know, at some point, this is all going to stop.” Today, somebody has a track meet, another kid has a volleyball game, and then there’s baseball practice, and it’s go, go, go, but one day they’re going to be out of the house and out on their own. So we make sure to take stock of that fact and really relish the opportunity to support the kids and spend as much time with them as possible. But as much as I’ve tried over the years, I still haven’t learned how to be in two places at once. There are times when a deposition runs late and I get back to the house hours later than I would have liked and think, “Oh yeah — somebody’s gotta cook for these kids!” But luckily, these moments never come between me and my kids. I’ve made sure to build a close relationship with each of them, giving them space to talk to me “In the hustle and bustle of the everyday, it can be tough to recognize your own efforts, but when Mother’s Day comes around, sometimes I look at my kids and think, “Well hey, maybe I am doing something right here.”

The month of May means Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and kids across the country are readying their floral bouquets and breakfast spreads to honor their moms for the holiday. With our family, Mother’s Day is usually spent cheering away at one of my son Zach’s baseball tournaments, followed by a fancy dinner, and maybe some nice flowers for me. It’s a pretty low-key day, but I appreciate it; it’s nice to be reminded of your place in your kids’ lives every once in a while. In the hustle and bustle of the everyday, it can be tough to recognize your own efforts, but when Mother’s Day comes around, sometimes I look at my kids and think, “Well hey, maybe I am doing something right here.” I can tell you that raising three incredibly busy and active kids in the midst of running a law firm is no easy feat, but it’s a welcome challenge. Though I don’t think I’m going to win “Mother of the Year” anytime soon, I am proud of the way I manage to juggle the million different responsibilities of my practice while still being there nearly every day for my kids. For me, forging that delicate balance between my work and personal life is mostly a matter of planning ahead — especially during this season. Between my kids’ travel ball games and all kinds of depositions, hearings, and facilitations, everything gets a time slot in the calendar, which pretty much turns to law as soon as it hits the schedule. When the kids were smaller, we had a lot of family to help us out, but now that we’re older and much of that family has

about whatever they’d like. For Zach, that often means inquiring about my work. “Did you win?” he’ll ask. “Did you help your client?” For us, Mother’s Day may be a simple affair, but as I’m out to eat with my husband and kids after Zach has won his game, I’ll for sure be overwhelmed with a wave of gratitude. I’m so grateful to have these kids in my life, experiencing the joys and struggles of motherhood at every turn with my husband Shawn by my side and the most incredible kids I could ever imagine. Plus, I don’t have to cook that night, either — so that’s a plus.

–Nicole Winston

(810) 966-9467 • 1

Published by The Newsletter Pro .

Road Trips Don’t Have to Be Painful

Summer is right around the corner, which means you’ll soon pile the whole family into the car, ready to brave the road for a vacation. Everyone knows that riding in the car for hours can be torture. But with a little creativity, you can turn the worst part of a long trip into a fun event. PACK A TRAVEL GAME When the excitement of the family vacation starts to wear off, keep the peace and entertain your kids with a travel game. Many board game manufacturers offer travel-sized versions that are easy to pack and play in the car. Before your next road trip, consider purchasing digital Yahtzee, which packs all the fun of the classic game without the dice, or IQ Fit, a logic game with over 100 challenges. Both games cost around

rules are simple. The first person starts by saying, “fortunately,” and mentioning something good about the road trip or the destination. The next person (moving clockwise) then follows by saying something “unfortunate” about the previous person’s statement. Take turns with every passenger in the car. If someone stumbles, they get a strike; three strikes and you’re out. The last passenger standing wins. PLAY AN AUDIOBOOK OR PODCAST We get it. Sometimes passengers don’t want to play games. Occasionally, they’d rather relax or take a nap. However, your listening material doesn’t have to be limited to Dad’s favorite music. Instead, consider listening to a family-friendly audiobook or podcast, which can make the longest and most boring parts of your trip an entertaining or educational experience. Almost any popular book is available in audio form, but it can be hard to find an enjoyable podcast. “Transistor” is a science-focused podcast that explores subjects kids and adults will find fascinating. Or if you’re looking for something fictional, try “Storynory,” in which the narrator tells fairy tales and legends from all over the globe. one year of the accident, and the sooner, the better. Ask them for the form, fill it out, and send it in as soon as you can. 3. DO NOT give a statement to an insurance adjuster, or sign any releases. Insurance adjusters will claim that they need a recorded statement from you about the accident, otherwise they’ll “close” your case. They may also ask for a release, medical or otherwise. Under no circumstances should you give them what they want without an attorney present. These adjusters are trained to trip you up with trick questions, making you say things that they’ll later use against you to diminish the value of your claim. 4. Consult with an attorney. Obtaining compensation from insurance companies after an accident is a complicated process, full of pitfalls for the unwary and inexperienced. To avoid making a mistake and jeopardizing your claim, you’ll want an experienced personal injury attorney on your side. Call Winston & Damman at (810) 966-WINS today to schedule a free consultation. We’ll ensure that you take the best course of action at every turn and maximize the value of your claim.

$10 and can provide hours of entertainment. INCLUDE THE WHOLE FAMILY

Once the travel games no longer pique anyone’s interest, try an activity that can be fun for the whole family: a traditional road trip game. If you have a car full of storytellers, try “Fortunately, Unfortunately.” The

Give Your Claim a Fighting Chance 4 Things You Need to Do After a Car Accident

If you suffer an injury in a car crash, it’s important to act fast. You can bet that the other driver’s insurance company will begin conducting an investigation into the accident right away, building a case to fight any claim you may have against them. To stay ahead of the game and ensure you receive the no-fault insurance benefits you need, follow these four steps to give your case a fighting chance. 1. If necessary, seek medical care immediately, and report all your injuries to the first responders and other medical professionals . Injuries may seem minor at first, but if you’ve been hurt at all, it’s best to see a doctor to get yourself checked out and have any injuries recorded on your medical records. If a minor ache turns into a serious concern later on, you’ll be able to prove that it came from the accident and was not a result of a pre-existing condition. 2. Notify your insurance company of the accident. Many people hesitate to tell their insurance that they’ve been in an accident, worried that they’ll raise their rates. But in nearly every case, they’re going to find out about the case eventually. What’s more, to receive no-fault benefits, you need to file a benefit application within

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Fictional Lawyers You DON’T Want in the Courtroom

We know we can’t believe everything we see in the movies or on TV. There are countless examples of Hollywood writers getting simple details totally wrong. Some of the worst offenders are fictional lawyers. In many cases, the TV lawyer who wins every case would be a total mess in a real courtroom. Here are just a few of the best-worst fictional lawyers you could hire. Saul Goodman (“Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul”) Fans of the hit TV series “Breaking Bad” and its spinoff show “Better Call Saul” are very familiar with sleazy lawyer Saul Goodman. Described as a real “criminal lawyer,” Goodman will do anything to help his clients — and in this case, that’s not a good thing. He’s laundered money, hired hitmen, and committed countless acts of fraud, which means, if you hired him, you could end up with a lawyer who’s arrested on the day of your trial. You wouldn’t want Goodman on your legal team any more than you’d want Walter White teaching your kids. Fletcher Reede (“Liar Liar”) In the movie “Liar Liar,” attorney Fletcher Reede wins a big divorce case when he reveals his client, Samantha Cole, was only 17 when she got married and signed her prenup. Since minors can’t enter legal contracts, Fletcher argues Cole’s prenup was void. In a real courtroom,

the opposing lawyer would have pointed out that the prenup wasn’t void, but “voidable.” There’s a big difference. A voidable contract can be valid if the minor becomes an adult and lets a “reasonable amount of time” pass. After 15 years of marriage, Cole ratified the once voidable prenup. This is a rookie mistake for Reede to make. Matthew Murdock (“Daredevil”) On the surface, Matthew Murdock seems like the perfect lawyer. He’s smart, compassionate, and willing to work for pies to help those in need. Unfortunately, he’s also the vigilante Daredevil, and his after-hours superhero work often hinders his abilities in the courtroom. On the Netflix series “Daredevil,” Murdock is tasked with defending Frank Castle, the gun-toting Punisher. After a night fighting crime as Daredevil, Murdock shows up to court late and unprepared. His biased questioning causes Castle to sabotage his own case, and due to his reckless behavior, Murdock fails in his duty to his legal partner, Foggy Nelson. While real-life lawyers aren’t superheroes or TV stars, most of them are far more skilled in their craft, and you can count on them to be thorough and give your case the respect it deserves.

Grilled Skirt Steak With Asparagus

Asparagus and steak is a classic pairing. Skirt steak packs a ton of flavor without the high price point of other cuts, and this is the best time of year to buy asparagus. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get grilling!


• 1 1/2 pounds skirt steak • 2 tablespoons canola oil • 1 pound asparagus DIRECTIONS 1. Heat grill to high. Season

• 2 teaspoons crushed red pepper • Salt and pepper to taste • Grated pecorino Romano cheese

side, depending on desired doneness. Skirt steak is thin and will cook quickly. 4. Let steak rest for 10 minutes. While it’s resting, grill asparagus for 6 minutes, turning once. 5. Sprinkle cheese and crushed red pepper on asparagus. Serve alongside steak.

room-temperature steak with salt, pepper, and 1 tablespoon oil. Any oil with a high smoke point, such as canola, will work. 2. Trim bottom inch of asparagus. Season with salt, pepper, and remainder of oil. 3. Cut steak into four portions and grill for 3–5 minutes per




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Inspired by Food Network

516 McMorran Boulevard Port Huron, MI 48060 (810) 966-WINS (9467)


this edition INSIDE


How Nicole Winston Juggles Being a Mom and Practicing Law How to Make Your Road Trip a Breeze 4 Things You Need to Do After a Car Accident Hollywood’s WORST Lawyers Grilled Skirt Steak With Asparagus Gear Up for Grilling Season




Get Your Grill On 2 May Holidays, 2 Reasons to Grill

The Mediterranean Burger Take your patty to the next level with a Mediterranean twist. Mix feta cheese and garlic into your ground beef before forming your patties. Serve it on a grilled ciabatta bun topped with marinated red peppers and arugula for flavor and texture. If you want to get extra fancy, pour a bit of balsamic reduction over the patty before adding the toppings. The Portobello Burger For a delicious veggie burger even meat eaters will love, use a portobello mushroom as your patty. Remove the stems, then marinate the mushrooms for 15 minutes in a mixture of 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar, 3 tablespoons

Is there anything more American than grilling a burger outside on Memorial Day? This year, there’s another reason to fire up the grill that weekend: In addition to being Memorial Day, May 28 is also National Hamburger Day! Enjoy this delicious coincidence by heating up the grill, gathering the fixings, and making one of these tasty burgers at home. The Classic Burger Nothing beats the American classic: a seasoned beef patty, a slice of cheddar cheese, a squirt each of mustard and ketchup, a layer of crunchy lettuce, some thinly sliced onions, and a couple of zesty pickles. For a homemade touch, make the pickles yourself by soaking cucumbers in a brine of vinegar, dill, and salt.

olive oil, and a clove of minced garlic.

Season the shrooms with salt and pepper, then place them on the grill just as you would any other burger. Gruyere cheese is the perfect creamy topping, and you can use grilled focaccia bread topped with garlic aioli. As you bask in the late spring weather and the inviting smell of delicious food this Memorial Day, take a moment to remember the Americans who gave their lives so we could enjoy these freedoms, and thank those who served.

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Published by The Newsletter Pro .