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3 of egg whites into batter mixture, then fold in the remaining whites. 8. Fill cake mold with batte

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offers for more information. Whistler, British Columbia Although this destination in British Columbi

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Wolf Retirement Navigation June 2018

4 cup soy sauce • 1 lime, halved • Extra-virgin olive oil • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pep

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Wolf Retirement Navigation May 2018

2 pounds skirt steak • 2 tablespoons canola oil • 1 pound asparagus • 2 teaspoons crushed red pepper

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Wolf Retirement Navigation November 2018

7 care at a TBI facility in Clearwater. But there is a lot more to Tony than his accident or injury.

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Wolf Retirement Navigation July 2018

4 cup olive oil • Salt and pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Heat grill to medium. 2. In a small bowl,

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19; 11 a.m.–12 p.m. Don’t Forget! All of our offices will be closed from Monday, Dec. 24, 2018, to T

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Wolf Retirement Navigation APRIL 2018


April 2018

MY ANGEL Celebrating My Favorite Girl

April is one of my favorite months of the year because of one very special day: Tax Day. I’m kidding! I love this month because my daughter’s birthday is in April. Many of my clients have worked with me since before Isabella was born. So with her fifth birthday coming soon, I thought I’d share with everyone an update on how she’s doing. First of all, she’s growing like a weed. Every day, I have to blink and try to figure out how she got so tall all of a sudden. I remember the moment I held her for the first time. It took a little bit of effort to bring Isabella into the world, and before she came, I was excited, but a little scared. I hadn’t been around children much before that. Though Danielle and I were ready to be parents, part of me wondered if I was really up for the challenge. When she did arrive,

we were very blessed. Everything went smoothly, and Isabella came into the world healthy with 10 fingers, 10 toes, and all of my heart. The first time I held her, it felt like the most natural thing in the world. A lot has changed since I cradled her in my arms in the hospital. Now, she’s turning 5, her favorite color is blue, she loves getting new clothes from her Aunt Neal, and she loves spending time with her grandmother. Plus, she’s in preschool, so it’s no surprise that she loves My Little Pony. In fact, I took her to see “My Little Pony: The Movie” a few months ago. It was the first movie she and I had seen together in the theater, and I’m happy to report I was not the dad who fell asleep and started snoring loudly. Isabella is growing up so fast, and I don’t want to sleep through any of our moments together. After this summer, she’ll be attending the big kids’ school, aka kindergarten, at the local elementary school. I guess she’s going to be a big kid herself pretty soon. My wife and I are trying to teach her all the important lessons about life, and we have given her age-appropriate chores so she can start to learn responsibility. Taking care of her new white Siamese kitten, Ringo, is a big responsibility she was excited to have.

I’m also making it a point to teach Isabella about money. At 5, she already has a savings account — in the form of a piggy bank. Isabella is learning about the importance of saving, and she happily collects every bit of change she finds. When the piggy bank becomes heavy, we take it to the VyStar machine and have all the coins converted into cash. It’s not exactly managing stocks, but it’s a good start, and I’m proud of her. Who knows? Maybe one day Isabella will be working in the office with me! I am blown away by how blessed I am to have such a wonderful daughter. She’s growing up fast. The future might be scary, but I’m proud I get to be her dad, protecting her and showing her the way. Happy fifth birthday, sweetheart! –Adam Wolf, CPA, CFP ® Annuity guarantees rely on the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurer. Any comments regarding safe and secure investments, and guaranteed income streams refer only to fixed insurance products. They do not refer in any way to securities or investment advisory products. Fixed Insurance and Annuity product guarantees are subject to the claims‐paying ability of the issuing company and are not offered by Retirement Wealth Advisors.

Isabella is growing up so fast, and I don’t want to sleep through any of our moments together.

Investment Advisory Services offered through Retirement Wealth Advisors (RWA), a Registered Investment Advisor. Wolf Retirement Navigation LLC and RWA are not affiliated. Investing involves risk including the potential loss of principal. No investment strategy can guarantee a profit or protect against loss in periods of declining values. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice and are not intended as investment advice or to predict future performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Consult your financial professional before making any investment decision.

This information is designed to provide general information on the subjects covered; it is not, however, intended to provide specific legal or tax advice and cannot be used to avoid tax penalties or to promote, market, or recommend any tax plan or arrangement. Please note that Wolf Retirement Navigation LLC and its affiliates do not give legal or tax advice. You are encouraged to consult your tax advisor or attorney.

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Don’t Miss Out on the


We tend to picture energetic dogs and cats thriving in young families with children, but animals are often happy to live with older, less active adults. These kinds of homes are especially suited to older animals that might otherwise have to spend their last days in the pound. Depending on your schedule and mobility, you might not want to adopt a large dog. But small lap dogs, cuddly cats, and even birds can make a great addition to your home.

As long as you do not suffer from allergies, having a pet can be great for your health. The American Heart Association says pet ownership, particularly dog ownership, may be linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Researchers found evidence to support this claim when they discovered that registered dog owners in Sweden had lower rates of cardiovascular disease and a lower risk of death than individuals without dogs. Physical fitness is far from the only benefit of pet ownership. The love and companionship our animal friends offer can alleviate depression or loneliness. Linda Anderson, founder of the Angel Animals Network in Minneapolis, says, “Older pet owners have often told us how incredibly barren and lonely their lives were without their pet’s companionship, even when there were some downsides to owning an active pet.”

Caring for a pet takes work, but for many people, the benefits greatly outweigh the challenges. An energetic dog encourages you to leave the house and go for walks, a talkative parrot makes time spent alone less lonely, and a soft cat curled up on your lap helps alleviate a stressful day. If you can’t have a pet in your home due to lease restrictions or mobility challenges, you don’t have to miss out on the benefits of being around animals. Consider volunteering at a local animal shelter. You can help care for cats, dogs, and other animals while they wait for their own forever home. There are thousands of pets in shelters across the country waiting for someone to care for them. If there’s room in your retirement plan, why not invite one into your home? You might discover both you and your new friend have something to gain.


Tune in every Sunday for the “Sunday Morning Money

Report” on CBS 47 at 9:05 a.m. for financial news and retirement tips in just two minutes.


Tune in every Monday from 11 a.m. to noon for “4 Your Money” on “River City Live” on Channel 4, The Local Station. Re-airs on Tuesdays from 6–7 a.m. on Channel 17. Tune in to NBC 12 on Tuesdays for Jacksonville’s Retirement Coach, Adam Wolf, on “First Coast Living,” from 11 a.m. to noon and again from 2–3 p.m.

Every day, we’re grateful to our clients who continue to trust us as we help them navigate the road to financial security. It means a lot when you introduce your friends and family to us so we can help them, too!

Thank you to Patricia T. and Peggy C. for your referrals!

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GROWING FOR THE FUTURE Tips to Grow and Protect Your Retirement Wealth

Spring is a time for growth, and while it’s certainly a great time to start your garden — and not kill any plants this year — there is one thing you should definitely try to grow: your retirement wealth. Saving for retirement can be stressful, but there are things you can do to make it a little easier. Here are a few simple suggestions for growing your retirement wealth this spring. 1. Start today! The magic of compounding interest means the younger you start, the more you can save for retirement. But no matter your age, the best thing you can do is start saving now. 2. Contribute to your 401(k)/401(b)/457 plan up to your employer’s match. It’s free money! 3. Open an IRA, preferably a Roth IRA, because of the added tax-free advantages. 4. Rein in your spending and live within your means. 5. Turn a hobby into a moneymaking side job. 6. Seek opportunities for passive income, like a rental property. 7. If you’re eligible for Social Security, maximize your benefits

by deferring for a few years. You can take benefits as early as age 62 or defer payments as late as age 70. 8. Take advantage of catch-up contributions. Once you turn 50, you are eligible to go beyond the normal contribution limits of IRAs and 401(k)s. For traditional and Roth IRAs, you can contribute an extra $1,000. This means you could contribute up to $6,500 per year to your IRA. And for a 401(k), people who are 50 or older can add an extra $6,000, for a total of $24,500 per year! This can provide a real boost to your retirement accounts. These are ideas and strategies you can adopt today, but it’s not enough to just grow your retirement wealth. You need to protect your wealth, too. Just as bugs or squirrels can destroy your vegetable garden, a bad turn in the market can destroy your retirement garden before you can reap the rewards if you fail to plan properly. Fortunately, Adam Wolf knows how to protect what you’ve grown for retirement. In addition to these strategies, there are investment and insurance products available to help your retirement savings last and grow. Call 904-232-8760 and learn how to protect the wealth you grow through every season.


This simple, delicious recipe only takes 20 minutes from start to finish. It’s also a great way to encourage kids to eat their broccoli. The next time you make pasta, leave the canned sauce in the pantry and make this instead!


• 3/4 pound pasta (shells or orecchiette) • 2 cups broccoli florets • 3 tablespoons olive oil • 1 pound ground turkey

• 2 cloves garlic, chopped • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper • Salt • Parmesan cheese


1. Cook the pasta according to package directions. Add broccoli when pasta is 1 minute from done. Drain both and return to pot. 2. Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add the turkey, garlic, crushed red pepper, and a pinch of salt. Cook while breaking up meat with a wooden spoon for 3–5 minutes. 3. Combine turkey with pasta and broccoli mixture, adding the remaining olive oil as you stir. Serve in bowls topped with Parmesan cheese.


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904-232-8760 4230 Pablo Professional Court Ste. 101 Jacksonville, FL 32224


• Happy Birthday, Isabella! PAGE 1

• Do Pets Fit Into Your Retirement Plan? PAGE 2

• Thank You! PAGE 2

• How Does Your Retirement Garden Grow? PAGE 3

• Pasta With Turkey and Broccoli PAGE 3

• 3 Places to View Natural Wonders PAGE 4

Naturescapes One-of-a-Kind

Tips forYourTripBack inTime

Eco tip: Look, but don’t touch! It’s illegal to touch a sea turtle in Hawaii. Bioluminescent Plankton in Jamaica Imagine looking out at the water as the sky gets dark and seeing it turn a bright, glowing blue. That’s the sight you might be treated to at Luminous Lagoon in Jamaica, where dinoflagellates, microscopic organisms in the water, lend their glow to the lagoon. These tiny organisms thrive in areas where salt water and fresh water meet, making the lagoon in springtime an ideal place to see them. Eco tip: To ensure this magical sight will remain for years to come, always go with a “pack it in, pack it out” mentality. Take all of your belongings with you when you leave and be

respectful of the beautiful environment that is yours to enjoy. Northern Lights in Scandinavia One of the most elusive natural wonders, the aurora borealis, can only be seen on dark nights in the most northern parts of the world. That makes Sweden and its Scandinavian neighbors a great place to see the phenomenon. From December through April, you’ll have your best chance of seeing the northern lights. Sightings are dependent on solar activity, so it’s impossible to predict the exact timing and location, but they’re easier to see during the longer, darker nights of winter and early spring. Eco tip: Book your trip through a responsible travel company, such as those that practice a fair-trade policy.

If you’re lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time, you might see rare magical sights — baby turtles scuttling toward water, glowing lagoons, or a shimmering sky. But when and where do you need to be to catch these natural wonders? Sea Turtles Hatching in Hawaii On Oahu’s North Shore, head to Turtle Beach, which gets its name from the many turtles that nest along its shores. During late spring and summer, the waves subside, allowing turtles to crawl onto the beach to lay their eggs. Baby turtles hatch at night and make their way to the water by the light of the moon. If you do head to the beach at night to see this spectacle, don’t use white light, as it can disrupt the turtles’ progress (that means no flash photography).

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2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! Jacksonville & Fleming Island