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Athens-Tours to find the perfect guide for your trip. the Acropolis still stand, a testament to the

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Wolf Retirement Navigation September 2017

or guaranteed income that one cannot outlive, to name a few. There is no one-size-fits-all approach

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Wolf Retirement Navigation July 2018

4 cup olive oil • Salt and pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Heat grill to medium. 2. In a small bowl,

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Wolf Retirement Navigation - November 2017

7 care and had to live in a nursing home until she passed away in 2014. Participating in Tony’s Turk

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WolfRetirement Navigation July 2017


Born Hitting a Home Run When Negativity Blinds Us to Our Blessings

those who get the bad tickets

many things we can control. We get to decide how to raise our family and what kind of career to pursue. From an economic and business standpoint, we have significant control over our lives, compared to many throughout the world, because we are lucky enough to live in the United States of America. Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors who has ever lived and the fourth wealthiest person in the world, highlights this fact with what he calls the “ovarian lottery.” In a speech to a group of MBA students, Buffett described this hypothetical situation: Before you are born, you are told to design what the world will be like. Everything, from political systems to economic structure, is up to you. The only catch is that you then randomly draw one of 7 billion slips — one for each person on the planet. This determines who you are in the world. Your intelligence, health, whether you are born into wealth or poverty, and even the country you’ll be born in is all decided by that slip. Obviously, since you don’t know who you will be in this world, you would want to create a place where everyone is treated equally. “You don’t want anyone to be left behind,” Buffett says. “You want to incentivize the top performers, don’t want equality in results, but do want something where

Fourth of July is a great time on the First Coast. With naval air stations in Jacksonville and Mayport, we see, firsthand, what patriotism really means. My paternal grandparents both served in the Navy during WWII and were stationed in Jacksonville themselves. When I think about the sacrifices of Americans in the past and what our brave service men and women are doing to protect us today, I’m reminded of what we stand for as a country. There’s a lot to be proud of and grateful for as an American, despite all the negativity we are inundated with right now. We have significant control over our lives compared to many ... because we are lucky enough to live in the United States of America. The way I see it, folks worry too much about things they can’t control and respond with negativity. When something happens, the only thing you can control is how you react to it. It’s your decision to be upset about something and waste your energy being angry about what is beyond your control. Meanwhile, there are so

still have a decent life. You

also don’t want fear in people’s minds — fear of lack of money in old age or fear of cost of health care.”

As Buffett points out, the United States is a really great system. Our country is relatively secure, we’re presented with opportunities for education, and we hold freedom and equality near and dear to our hearts. Americans are literally born hitting a home run. We even see this in our investment and retirement planning! With a flexible plan in place, geared toward what we want to have happen in the future, we don’t have to worry about what we cannot control. With the knowledge we can provide for ourselves and leave a legacy for our family members, we have the freedom to enjoy ourselves and celebrate our independence. Happy Fourth of July! – Adam Wolf, CPA, CFP ®

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The Neuroscience Behind Meditation

then doing that over and over — can reshape behavior.”

tested with stressful multitasking before and after the eight-week period. The individuals in the meditation group were able to sustain their focus longer and reported feeling less stressed than both of the other groups. So what’s actually happening here? Well, to put it simply, those meditators were actively changing the way their minds form connections. Our brains are constantly being molded and reshaped by our surroundings, often by things we are completely unaware of. Each time we impulsively follow a habit pattern, that reaction is etched into our brains more deeply. But when a person sits down to meditate, they begin to consciously reject these knee-jerk impulses. As Newsweek writer Zoe Schlanger puts it, “Learning how to interrupt one’s reaction pattern — and

Though it’s often lumped in

with other New-Agey “self- help” ideas, neurological evidence indicates that meditation deserves a closer look. Take one trial

Research indicates that this “stillness of mind” can result in better attention, reduced susceptibility to addiction, and even “reduce the cognitive decline associated with normal aging,” according to one study published in the Neurobiology of Aging journal. happiness,” writes London School of Economics scholar Paul Dolan. It just makes sense that actively directing your attention should improve your quality of life — and the science backs it up. If you’re intrigued, check out apps on sites like or buddhify, which offer both guided and unguided meditation tracks for beginners. “What you attend to drives your behavior, and it determines your

reported on by Newsweek and conducted by a

computer scientist and neuroscientist at the University of Arizona, for

instance. In the trial, 45 participants were split into three groups. One group took eight weeks of body relaxation training, one group had no training whatsoever, and one group took “mindfulness-based meditation training.” Then they were


Fast Financial Tip

Qualified retirement plans come with built-in tax benefits. Employer-sponsored 401(k)s are funded with “pre-tax” dollars, meaning you end up with less taxable income when it comes time to pay Uncle Sam. Self- employed workers can also contribute to a SEP IRA or traditional IRA, both of which are tax deductible. Lower your taxes while simultaneously improving your retirement savings. Minimize Taxes By Maxing Out Retirement Accounts

Every day, we’re grateful to our clients who continue to trust us as we help them navigate the road to financial security. It means a lot when you introduce your friends and family to us so we can help them too! This month, we offer our special thanks to: Gwen P., Linda G. and Barbara C.

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Baby boomers aren’t like retirees of the past. On average, they value living an active lifestyle in retirement and want to take more trips, whether that be a weekend road trip or an excursion to Bangkok. An important step toward living an active retirement is making sure your finances match your goals, and a financial planner can be an integral part of that process. A successful retirement plan gives retirees the choice of what kind of lifestyle they want to live. In some cases, meeting with a planner shows soon-to-be retirees they can do more than they thought possible. In other cases, the meeting helps them determine what changes they need to make so their finances align with their retirement goals. One significant mistake seniors make during retirement planning is having accounts and assets that are misaligned with their plans. For example, it’s common for seniors to allocate funds to the stock market in a way that contradicts their goals. This is especially troublesome when you consider that the closer one gets to retirement, the less risks one should take. When you’re ready to plan your own retirement, whether you have your sights set on Margaritaville or somewhere else, give us a call at 904-232-8760 . Find out where you stand and how to live an active retirement that will have you singing.

In the summer of 2018, Jimmy Buffett will add another reason why Florida is one of the best places to retire. This past year, the laid-back singer announced the construction of Latitude Margaritaville, a senior living community where seniors will do a lot more than just nibble on sponge cake. Margaritaville will cater to retirees who desire an active lifestyle by featuring pools, spas, entertainment venues, fitness centers, and more. This new addition to Daytona Beach is expected to be popular, as it will cater to the fun, active brand of retirees entering their golden years.



• 1 tablespoon olive oil • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 jalapeno, minced • 1 cup quinoa • 1 cup vegetable broth • 1 (15-ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed • 1 (14.5-ounce) can fire-roasted diced tomatoes • 1 cup corn kernels, frozen, canned, or roasted • 1 teaspoon chili powder 1. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add garlic and jalapeno and cook, stirring frequently, until fragrant, about 1 minute. 2. Stir in quinoa, vegetable broth, beans, tomatoes, corn, chili powder, and cumin; season with DIRECTIONS

Watch Adam LIVE Mondays on Channel 4 at 11:00 a.m. and on the CW at noon and Tuesdays at 7:00 a.m.

• ½ teaspoon cumin • Salt and pepper to taste • 1 avocado, halved, seeded, peeled, and diced • Juice of 1 lime • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro leaves

salt and pepper, to taste. Bring to a boil; cover, reduce heat and simmer until quinoa is cooked through, about 20 minutes. Stir in avocado, lime juice, and cilantro.

Watch Adam every Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Channel 12.

Be sure to visit our website at

3. Serve immediately.

Recipe adapted from

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904-232-8760 4230 Pablo Professional Court Ste. 101 Jacksonville, FL 32224


• Born Hitting a Home Run PAGE 1

• The Neuroscience Behind Meditation PAGE 2

• Fast Financial Tip PAGE 2

• Retire in Margaritaville PAGE 3

• One-Pan Mexican Quinoa PAGE 3

• The World’s Happiest Vacations PAGE 4

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Destination: Happy People

Visit the Happiest Places in the World — It’s Contagious

place for the third consecutive year. With eight national parks, including Denali, Glacier Bay, and Gates of the Arctic, Alaska’s 663,000 square miles are filled to the brim with the wonders of nature. The Happiest Country in the World Denmark has long been the standard-bearer in this category. This year, it relinquished the title to its Scandinavian sister. Norway is home to some of the most breathtaking vistas on earth, most notably its western fjords like the world-famous Geirangerfjord and Nærøfjord. For the city wanderer, you’ll find choice seaside restaurants and walkable streets in towns like Bergen, the country’s second-largest city, which sports rainbow architecture and a 15th- century waterfront. Knowing the heart of a destination begins and ends with its people tack on beautiful scenery and daydream-worthy activities, and you just found yourself the perfect vacation.

Visit a hustling, bustling tourist trap and what do you get? Crowds of competitive travelers and a local populace that is sick to death of them. Visit a place with happy people, and you get good service, friendly faces, and you’ll learn firsthand what Harvard researchers affirmed in a 2012 study: Happiness is contagious. Luckily for the average traveler, the places that topped a nationwide Gallup poll and the United Nations’ annual World Happiness Report have plenty to offer in addition to cheerful locals. The Happiest States in the U.S. If we were to tell you that Hawaii is the happiest state in the country, you probably wouldn’t be surprised. And, sure enough, Hawaii ranked first in overall happiness for the sixth consecutive year. The sunny beaches, rich culture, and perfect weather give tourists a taste of paradise that the natives enjoy all year long.

Next in line is a state that has little in common with the Aloha State. Alaska came in second

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