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Year 11 Course Booklet

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Year 10 Course Booklet

service. Decisions, decisions, decisions A combined Commerce course that touches on the foundations

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Science. Assessment The course contributes towards NCEA Level 2, with 13 of the 20 credits externall

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Year 11 Course Booklet

Year 11 Course Booklet 2022

Welcome to the Christ’s College Diploma

You are among the first year group who will graduate into NCEA with a Christ’s College Diploma. The Diploma is designed to provide you with a range of learning experiences, both inside and outside the classroom. You will be allocated to a range of classes for some subjects and have a choice of classes for other subjects. By the end of the year, you will have experienced many of the subjects on offer at Christ’s College, along with selected courses to prepare you for NCEA. All courses in Year 11 are taught in semesters, allowing you to select a larger number of courses overall. Even though the overall subject may be the same, by changing courses halfway through the year you can be exposed to a range of topics that interest you.

There are two types of courses designed to meet your learning needs.

Core courses These give you core knowledge in each subject. As one-year Diploma students, the number of compulsory core subjects is lower than the full two-year programme, but still covers the range of learning areas of the New Zealand Curriculum.

Prep courses

These give you deeper, expert knowledge in a subject. They are designed to prepare you directly for NCEA Level 2, but you may also choose a prep course for deeper knowledge. Most prep courses take place in the final semester of Year 11.

Core subjects (assigned)

Core subjects (choose)

• Physical Education • Health and Leadership • Wellbeing • Mathematics • Religious Education • Financial Literacy

• Arts (at least one semester of Drama, Music, or Visual Arts) • English (at least one core course; prep highly recommended) • Social Sciences (at least one semester of Commerce, History, or Geography) • Technology (at least one semester of DVC, Digital Technology, Materials Technology) • Science (at least one semester of Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Space Science, Physics)


Year 11 Curriculum 2022

Number of subject choices

Assigned core (no choice)

Compulsory core (choice of one of the above)

Additional core or prep options

• 6 x 2 periods a week • 1 x 4 periods a week

• 3 x 4 periods a week • 2 x 2 periods a week

7 prep courses; 1 must be Mathematics Can also replace a prep course with 1 x 4 periods a week core or 2 x 2 periods a week core Language students take Language 3 & 4 for NCEA Level 2, which is 2 prep courses of the 7. Learning support classes are in lieu of 1–2 prep courses

16 periods

16 periods

28 periods

Students that wish to take triple Science should speak directly to the Assistant Principal – Curriculum or the Timetabler to receive individual instructions for option selection. When considering courses, it is helpful to work backwards from NCEA Level 2. Which subjects MAY you want to take? Do they have a prep course? When you have that list, how many course options do you have left to fill?

On the following pages, you will find information on specific courses under each subject.

NB: All courses are subject to sufficient student numbers. No course is guaranteed to run.



Year 11 Curriculum 2022



YEAR 12 NCEA Level 2

YEAR 13 NCEA Level 3



Accounting Agribusiness Art (General) Art (Design, Painting, Photography, Sculpture) Art History Biology Building Construction Business & Enterprise Chemistry Classical Studies Design & Visual Communication (DVC) Digital Technologies Drama Earth & Space Science Economics English Financial Literacy French Geography

Health History Japanese Materials Technology Mathematics

Mathematics with Calculus Mathematics with Statistics Media Studies Mechanical Engineering Music Physical Education Physics Psychology Religious Education Spanish (Not offered from 2023)

Sports Leadership Systems & Justice Te Ao Ma¯ ori Te Reo Ma¯ ori Wellbeing Workshop Technology


Subject taught

Compulsory for all

Subject not taught

Potential future offering, dependant on numbers


Entering options online

Options are entered online at You will be emailed a direct link to your school email. The email also contains your student access code and password. You can go to the above address and enter your access code and password manually if you prefer. If you do not receive an email, or if you delete it, see Timetabler William Bell. Subject choices 2022 – login details Enter your subject choices for next year when you are ready. You can go back and change or reorder them any time before the deadline. All subject choices must be entered by 8am on Friday 13 August at the latest. You will not be able to enter your options after this date as the school will start to make decisions about 2022 classes immediately after the deadline. Please ensure you discuss your subject selection with your parents/guardians before entering them into the system. Please see Assistant Principal – Curriculum Nicole Billante if you have any questions about your subject options or Timetabler William Bell if you have any problems with submitting your options.


Click on this direct link to enter your preferences:

Direct link to my Web Preferences account.

Or enter the address into your browser and log in with your student access code and password.


Year 11 Curriculum 2022

Step 1: Click Add New Preferences To view your subject information, click “View Subject Details” near the top right of the screen. To select (or change) your preferences, click the green “Add New Preferences” button.

Step 2: Select Your Preferences Carefully read the “View Instructions” at the top of the page about your option choices for next year. Select your subjects from the drop-down lists. You have 30 minutes to do this before your session expires.

Once complete, click the green “Proceed” button.

Note: You are not finished until you complete Step 3.

Step 3: Submit Valid Preferences If you are happy with your preferences, click the green “Submit Valid Preferences” button, which will open your “Preferences Receipt”. Or, if you would like to change your preferences, click “Cancel” and this will take you back to the Preferences selection page. It is important that you enter your choices in order of how important they are to you. You can click “Reorder Preferences” on the right of the screen if you need to change your preference order and then “Save Order”. Note: Your choices will not be submitted unless you click “Submit Valid Preferences”.

Step 4: View/Print Receipt

If you wish to print a “Preferences Receipt”, click “Open Print View” and then “Print Receipt”.

To continue, click “Return to Home Page”.

If you want to change your preferences now, or at any time before the deadline, repeat the whole process by clicking “Add New Preferences”.

Exit by clicking “Logout”.


Course descriptions

A guide to key words Subject: The curriculum areas – the main topic of subject. Courses: The different classes offered by a subject area.

NZC Learning


Course option Course option Course option


The Arts


Stage movement

Clowning around



Year 11 Curriculum 2022


The Arts

By the end of Year 11, you must have completed one core course of your choice from any of The Arts. You may choose any prep course.


Prep courses

Core courses

Students may take one or both prep courses.

Clowning around Pure fun – all the games you love, plus basic skills. The course explores the freedom that dramatic expression offers and encourages boys to find a variety of ways to harness the power of drama.

Acting techniques and styles of theatre Extend your skills and prepare for Level 2 Drama with character work. Look into the past and discover new techniques and genres.

Recommended for those new to Drama.

Prerequisite for: Level 2 Drama.

Stage movement and fighting Love to move? Jump, slide, roll and fight your way into stage combat alongside performance skills. This course focuses on the power of movement in dramatic performance. This is about the visual and physical spectacle of how to bring stories to life. Acting technique and performance Bring characters to life. Be involved in a production and extend your skills. This course looks at the dramatic techniques involved in character development. By working through the production process, students develop greater awareness of the intricacies of characterisation in Drama.

Creating theatre Extend your skills in writing and devising new theatre. Combine all of your drama skills and prepare for the tasks of Level 2 Drama.

Prerequisite for: Level 2 Drama.

Recommended for those looking at continuing Drama.

Creating theatre and theatresports Create a performance out of the games you love. This course enables development not only of dramatic techniques, but also quick thinking and how to respond to others in the dramatic moment.

Recommended for those looking at continuing Drama.

10 Year 11 Curriculum 2022


Visual Arts

Core courses

Core courses

Solo/ensemble performance Students focus on both solo and ensemble performance skills, working to improve their working knowledge of musical styles and ability to performmusic to the best of their musical ability. Strongly recommended for students having – or those who have had – instrumental/voice lessons on their chosen instrument/voice. Create musical works to include songwriting Students create works for both their chosen instrument(s) or ensembles (bands) and develop skills in musical notation, lead sheets, theoretical aspects, sound production, recording, and completing both live performance and professional recording of their works. Recommended for students who like to work within both a solo and ensemble (band) situation and collaborate with peers in musical creativity.

Sculpture This course encourages students to express their creative ideas in the context of Sculpture. Students' critical-thinking skills and creative abilities are nurtured through student-directed projects. Students learn a range of visual communication techniques in an art-making context. They learn about the techniques and processes used by established artists and apply these in the making of their own artwork. This course is inspired by the Scape Public Art festival. Students make a series of maquettes, or scale models, proposed for a site of their choice. This project encourages exploration through a range of art materials and art-making objectives, and explores the theme of connection to place and identity. Photography This course encourages students to express their creative ideas in the context of Photography. Students' critical-thinking skills and creative abilities are nurtured through student-directed projects. Students learn a range of visual communication techniques in an art-making context, including learning about pictorial, technical and conceptual conventions. They learn about the techniques and processes used by established artists and apply these in the taking of their own photographs. It explores the theme of whakapapa, migration and identity. Students make a series of photographic works for exhibition. This project encourages exploration through a range of approaches to photography and its presentation.

Prep courses

Music-making in prep for L2 Developing the technical skills in performance and creativity work to ensure a smooth transition into the Level 2 programme. Ability to performon an instrument/voice and ensure you are having formal lessons are strongly advised.

Prerequisite for: Level 2 Music.


The Arts

Visual Arts continued ...

Core courses

Contemporary Maˉ ori Art This course encourages students to express their creative ideas in the context of Contemporary Ma ˉ ori painting. Students' critical-thinking skills and creative abilities are nurtured through student- directed projects. Students learn a range of visual communication techniques in an art-making context. They learn about the techniques and processes used by established artists and apply these in the making of their own artwork. In this course, students look at the art of Shane Cotton and make paintings informed by tikanga Ma ˉ ori.

Painting This course encourages students to express their creative ideas in the context of Painting. Students' critical-thinking skills and creative abilities are nurtured through student-directed projects. Students learn a range of visual communication techniques in an art-making context. They learn about the techniques and processes used by established artists and apply these in the making of their own artwork. Projects include drawing from architecture or assemblage and developing a series of abstract paintings on hardboard.

12 Year 11 Curriculum 2022

Prep courses

Large-scale Painting For students who have completed the Painting core course. This course encourages students to express their creative ideas in the context of Painting. Students develop a series of works and produce resolved large-scale paintings on canvas.

Year 11 Visual Arts studies give students further opportunities in a range of creative fields, including photography, animation, architecture, film and design. Sculpture This course encourages students to express their creative ideas in the context of Sculpture. Students respond to a self-directed brief and produce a coherent series of original sculpture and installation artworks, which are recorded and submitted in the form of an A1 panel. Students' critical-thinking skills and creative abilities are extended as they learn to reflect on, and evaluate, their artworks. Students learn to select and present artworks for different contexts. Prerequisite for: any Level 2 Art. Recommended for students pursuing Sculpture in NCEA. Painting This course encourages students to express their creative ideas in the context of Painting. Students respond to a self-directed brief and produce a coherent series of original drawings and paintings, which are recorded and submitted in the formof an A1 panel. Students' critical-thinking skills and creative abilities are extended as they learn to reflect on, and evaluate, their artworks. Students learn to select and present artworks for different contexts.

A semester of the Painting core course is a prerequisite.

Prerequisite for: any Level 2 Art. Highly recommended for students pursuing Painting in NCEA.

Photography This course encourages students to express their creative ideas in the context of Photography. Students respond to a self-directed brief and produce a coherent series of original photographic artworks, which are submitted in the form of an A1 panel. Students' critical-thinking skills and creative abilities are extended as students learn to reflect on, and evaluate, their artworks. Students learn to select and present artworks for different contexts. Prerequisite for: any Level 2 Art. Recommended for students pursuing Photography in NCEA.

Prerequisite for: any Level 2 Art.



By the end of Year 11, you must complete one core course from the options below. A prep course is highly recommended.

These courses are designed to teach core English skills in a range of contexts and provide academic rigour and engagement. While all courses are accessible to all students, courses offer differing levels of academic challenge to differentiate for student needs. Students should speak to their English teacher for further advice.

Core courses

Taking it to the streets Unpack historical protest movements and how they have paved the way for 21st century activism. Text types: images, speeches, song, media reports. Recommended for students interested in social issues.

Rage against the machine Examine how those in power retain control through the use of tools such as manipulation and surveillance. Text types: novel, short stories, film. Recommended for students interested in power and/or politics and comparing texts. How to get away with murder Read a range of texts about characters who commit and get away with homicide. Text types: novels, short stories. Recommended for students interested in the power and intrigue of storytelling. All the world's a stage Explore English through theatre. From Shakespeare to Sainsbury, we discover how plays have changed over time through both study and performance. Text types: drama (plays), film. Recommended for students interested in drama and theatre and exploring these texts through a literary lens.

The newsroom: live-streamed investigative journalism

Put your sharp mind and curious soul to work in uncovering inconvenient truths. We will be creating our own media company and live- streaming our product. Text types: documentaries, print,television, online news sources. Recommended for students interested in journalism and media. Don’t judge me Honestly face the inequalities in our society. We will take a look at the ways literature exposes these and the solutions it has to offer. Text types: novel, film. Recommended for students interested in social issues and comparing texts.

14 Year 11 Curriculum 2022



Core courses continued ...

Fake it until you make it It is no secret that marketing can persuade us to spend, but in what ways? Focus on advertising within specific time periods. We will investigate how language and visual aids are used to blindside the truth. Clever marketing can easily fool even the most careful person into believing they are making the right choice – find out if it is you.

It's the little things that count Look at thematic connections in film and literature that celebrate moments of joy and beauty. This is all about looking at the little moments of pleasure in the everyday.

Text types: poetry, film, creative writing.

Recommended for students interested in the joy that can come from a good story.

Text types: print, film, online advertisements.

Recommended for students interested in the power of media and marketing.

An eye for an eye: retribution and revenge Delve into the distinctly human phenomenon of revenge.

On the cutting-room floor Explore visual texts as a mode of storytelling. Look specifically at how a director's choices do make a difference.

Text types: short stories, creative writing

Recommended for students interested in exploring philosophical ideas and applying them to different texts.

Text types: cartoons, graphic novels, film.

Recommended for students interested in film studies.

The evolution of English Travel to the past to examine the origins of English since Anglo-Saxon times, taking a fascinating journey through Old English, Middle English and Modern English. Speculate about the future of English, based on contemporary trends, and invent your own version of the English of the future. Text types: a range of excerpts across different historical periods. Recommended for students interested in the amazing nuances of language.

Our New Zealand identity Explore the relationship between New Zealand Maori visual artists and New Zealand literature and how they mapped an important phase in carving a modern identity for our culture.

Text types: artwork, poetry, short stories.

Recommended for students interested in New Zealand art, history, identity and literature.

16 Year 11 Curriculum 2022

Prep courses

All prep courses can lead to either English 201 or English 202.

Direst ambition An investigation into the nature of ambition – from Shakespeare's dire warnings to Andrew Niccol's optimistic exhortations. We find that literature across the last four centuries has a lot to teach us about our fundamental human nature. Prepare to feel discomfort. Alternative reality An exploration of the generation of setting in film and in writing. In English literature, the walls do speak, as do the curtains, the furniture, the atmosphere. Which methods are used by writers and directors to create a sense of place? In darkness and in light Gothic fiction as a response to The Enlightenment. An exploration of this genre in terms of style – how literature shines a light, or casts a shadow, on the ideas of its time. Articulation and manipulation Looking at how to address the age-old problem of representation (and misrepresentation) in literature. Who has the loudest voice and who is missing from our view.


Health and Wellbeing

By the end of Year 11, you must complete a course in Health Education and a course in Wellbeing. For Year 11, you will be assigned to the following two classes:

Health Education


Year 11 Wellbeing

Year 11 Health

Within the Year 11 Wellbeing programme, students continue to work on the key areas of wellbeing introduced in Year 9 and developed further in Immerse & Inspire. Students focus on how to develop a growth mindset, and build strategies for resilience and grit. Self-regulation and understanding emotions, particularly around dealing with stresses in life, is a key new area of focus at this level.

Within the Year 11 Health course, students challenge ideas around personal and social drinking, and look at what responsible drinking is and how this differs from the traditional New Zealand view on the consumption of alcohol. They develop critical-thinking skills in relationships to sexuallity and positive relationships; investigate and understand their rights and responsibilities in sexual relationships and how consent and the law work. Students take a critical look at the negative role that porngraphy has played in developing unhealthy ideas in relation to intimate relationships.

18 Year 11 Curriculum 2022


The Humanities

By the end of Year 11, you must have completed one core course of your choice from any of The Humanities. You may choose any prep course. By the end of Year 11, you must also have completed a compulsory course in Financial Literacy.


Compulsory A basic understanding of how finances work and how to budget and plan is a foundation skill for all students. Through the use of a range of activities and online tools, students have the resources to make informed, final decisions in their future.


Students may take one or both prep courses.

Economics An introduction to the fundamentals of micro and macroeconomics. Microeconomics analyses why consumers and producers behave the way they do. Why will a consumer pay $200 for a pair of shoes but will not pay more than $5 for a breakfast bun? Macroeconomics focuses on the big New Zealand picture. Why are house prices so high? What effect does the minimum wage have? How can we make the economy grow? Prerequisite for: an advantage for taking Economics, Agribusiness, or Business and Enterprise at Level 2, but not required. Accounting An introduction to the fundamentals of the accounting cycle. Students learn how to process accounting information, both manually and using a software package. They also produce financial information to be able to analyse in order to support the decisions of an organisation.

Core Decisions, decisions, decisions

A combined Commerce course that touches on the foundations of business, economics and accounting through the lens of decision-making. It answers several questions. Will this product sell? How much should I sell it for? Should I use social media to advertise? Am I a just-for-profit business? Why do consumers do that? Recommended for students who enjoy Commerce but would prefer not to carry out their ideas in a practical context and sell their product.

Prerequisite for: Level 2 Accounting

20 Year 11 Curriculum 2022



Natural environment – Amazon Rainforest A study of a large natural environment in South America. We cover the characteristics of a large natural environment that include how it is formed and changes over time; how people interact with a large natural environment; and how people's perceptions of a large natural environment change over time. Prerequisite for: an advantage for taking Geography at Level 2, but not required.

Megacity madness This course looks at the effects of urbanisation and congestion on people and environments, with case studies from around the world. Recommended for students with an interest in the impact of development on both humans and the planet. Extreme natural events This course looks deeper at how extreme natural event(s) have shaped environments. All events have an impact on people and places around the world and students compare the nature of these events and their consequences. Recommended for students with an interest in the physical world.



The abuse of power This course also looks at how people and groups have challenged the abuse of power. Students investigate the rise of leaders who use and abuse their positions for their own personal, ethnic or national ambition. The impact of this then falls on ordinary people. Will you find your leader guilty of crimes against humanity? Recommended for students interested in leadership and how individual leaders assert their influence and impact on people. It is also helpful for those interested in the legal profession.


Students may take one or both prep courses.

Cultural environment – Monsoon Asia A study of population patterns and processes in selected countries in Monsoon Asia. We cover the nature and structure of the population; distribution and growth patterns; the processes of populationmovement; the reasons for the different living conditions; and sustainability issues associated with each of these. Prerequisite for: an advantage for taking Geography at Level 2, but not required.


The Humanities

History continued...

Outwit, outlast, outplay: The intrigue of gaining world supremacy An investigation into how Joseph Stalinmanipulated Russian society to gain power and how he outwitted opposition to extend his domination. The result being Russia outplaying the rest of the world to be the dominant force in themid-20th century. This influence still has an impact on our world today. Additional case studies may be used to assist in the development of skills such as inquiry, interpretation and critical thinking. Recommended for students especially interested in how an individual can develop into a totalitarian leader and take his country from despair to world domination. Prerequisite for: an advantage for taking History at Level 2, but not required.


Students may take one or both prep courses.

Rugby, race and revolution An investigation into why New Zealand became divided over a rugby tour from South Africa in 1981. This involves an invesigation into South African apartheid, New Zealand’s sporting contacts with South Africa and the significance of the tour then, and now. Additional case studies may be used to assist in the development of skills such as inquiry, interpretation and critical thinking. Recommended for students especially interested in how sport and the developing maturity of New Zealand collided. Prerequisite for: an advantage for taking History at Level 2, but not required.

22 Year 11 Curriculum 2022


At Year 11, languages are optional. If you wish to take NCEA Level 2, you should select both Language 3 and Language 4. Youmay choose to carry on with Language 3 only for enjoyment.

Prep courses

Japanese Language 4 Students must have completed Japanese Language 3. This course introduces and practises important language for those wishing to gain a national qualification in this subject. Topics include travelling, accommodation, health and school life. Film study also continues. This course is also very useful for travel.

French Language 3 Students must have completed Year 10 French. By the end of the course, students will be able to speak and write in a more flexible way and have developed a wider vocabulary. Topics include shopping, eating out, my style and making plans for social events. Film study also continues. This course is useful for travel.

Prerequisite for: Level 2 Japanese.

Prerequisite for: French Language 4. Level 2 French.

Te Reo 3 Students must have completed Year 10 Te Reo. By the end of the course, students will be able to speak and write in a more flexible way and have developed a wider vocabulary. Topics include food, social events, school and land.

French Language 4 Students must have completed French Language 3. This course introduces and practises important language for those wishing to gain a national qualification in this subject. Topics include making plans, going on holiday, visiting a chemist or doctor overseas and finding your way around foreign places. Film study also continues. This course is also very useful for travel.

Prerequisite for: Te Reo 4. Level 2 Te Reo.

Te Reo Language 4 Students must have completed Te Reo 3. This course introduces and practises important language for those wishing to gain a national qualification in this subject. Topics include health and wellbeing, town and exploring media.

Prerequisite for: Level 2 French.

Japanese Language 3 Students must have completed Year 10 Japanese. By the end of the course, students will be able to speak and write in a more flexible way and have developed a wider range of vocabulary, including kanji. Topics include town and directions, daily routines, shopping, leisure and weather. Film study also continues. This course is very useful for travel. Prerequisite for: Japanese Language 4. Level 2 Japanese

Prerequisite for: Level 2 Te Reo.



In Year 11, you will be assigned to one of the following classes for the whole year in Mathematics, based on an understanding of Year 10 Mathematics. These courses offer NCEA Level Achievement Standards to count towards Level 1 Numeracy. Students who completed NCEA Level 1 Mathematics in Year 10 will be placed in Level 2 Mathematics, unless otherwise requested.


Foundation Mathematics This is a full NCEA Level 1 course. It is designed for students to gain their numeracy requirements for NCEA through developing number, measurement and statistical skills. Most students in this course will not pursue Mathematics at Level 2, but strong performance in this course will allow students to advance if they wish.

This is a NCEA Level 1 algebraic course designed for students who intend to advance to Mathematics with Calculus in Years 12–13. Greater emphasis is placed on algebraic skills than in the other Mathematics courses while still developing core understanding of geometry and statistical inquiry. General Mathematics This is a NCEA Level 1 course designed for students who intend to advance to Mathematics with Statistics in Years 12–13. This course provides a knowledge base in a range of mathematical thinking, including linear algebra, geometry, and statistical inquiry.

24 Year 11 Curriculum 2022

Physical Education

Religious Education

By the end of Year 11, you will have completed two courses in Physical Education. These courses offer NCEA Level Achievement Standards. Physical Education A & B Boys have two periods a week working through a range of topics andmodules that include aspects of Physical Education. There are practical and theoretical aspects to the course. A range of modules may include participation in sport; strength and conditioning; health- related strategies; and ways to develop physical wellbeing. These build on aspects of the work done in Years 9–10. There is some opportunity to complete NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards that contribute towards Level 1 Literacy.

By the end of Year 11, you must have the following course in Religious Education. It offers NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards.

From Christ to Christ’s College An overview of Western history, religion, and ethics.

How did we get where we are? How should we live?

This course offers an overview of 2000 years of Christian history, from Jesus of Nazareth, with a particular focus on the Reformation and the development of Anglicanism. It explores tools for how to uncover “what actually happened”, as well as develop an understanding of various ethical models and how they apply to concrete situations. There is some opportunity to complete NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards that contribute towards Level 1 Literacy.



In Year 11, you must complete at least one semester of Science.

Biology, Chemistry, and Physics offer both A and B courses. A courses run in Semester 1 and B courses run in Semester 2. You must choose both courses to carry on with Level 2 NCEA. Earth & Space Science offers a prep course for students who wish to take this at Level 2 or are interested in this strand of Science in lieu of the three subjects studied in Year 10. You must choose to take either Bio/Chem/Physics A or Earth & Space as your compulsory science. If you do not wish to take Level 2 Science, you do not have to take Bio/Chem/Physics B.

26 Year 11 Curriculum 2022

Earth & Space Science


Biology A & B This course builds on the core course, with a strong emphasis on developing the skills and understanding required for further study in Biology. We delve deeper into genetics, cellular processes, and plant and animal adaptations. It prepares students for Years 12–13 Biology courses and beyond. However, it may also serve as an interesting option for those who simply enjoy the subject.

Earth & Space Science is the study of Earth processes, the solar systemand space beyond. It is a practical science that applies concepts fromphysics, chemistry and biology. It develops an understanding of how Earth and space systems interact, how they affect us, and howwe affect them. Earth & Space Science will investigate aspects of geology, plate tectonics, atmospheric and oceanic processes. It will also look at components of the solar system, and other astronomical features. There will be plenty of opportunities for practical investigations and field work. Prerequisite for: an advantage for taking Earth and Space Science at Level 2, but not required.

Prerequisite for: Level 2 Biology (both A & B courses).



Chemistry A & B The chemical concepts learnt in Years 9–10 form a platform for these courses. An attempt is made to systematise chemical information on the basis of the Periodic Table and a great deal of reaction chemistry is introduced. Students engage in a wide range of practical tasks designed to develop and reinforce a deeper understanding of the ways in which chemical species react together. Example tasks include investigating acid and base reactions, methods of testing for chemical substances, the properties of carbon compounds, reactions of chemical elements, and displacement reactions between metals.

Physics A & B The course serves as a foundation for Level 2 Physics but also provides a sound base for understanding the physics concepts that underpin aspects of many other subjects. Studies of motion, forces, energy, waves, electricity and magnetism will be further developed.

Prerequisite for: Level 2 Physics (both A & B courses).

Prerequisite for: Level 2 Chemistry (both A & B courses).



By the end of Year 11, you must have completed one core course of your choice from any Technology. You may choose any prep course.

Design & Visual Communication

Core courses

Prep courses

Architecture Students learn a range of visual communication techniques in an architectural context. They learn about the importance of architectural design and layout when sketching, rendering, technical drawing and 3D modelling. They experiment using a range of techniques and have the opportunity to investigate established Aotearoa architects to gather inspiration for their own design work. Recommended for students with an interest in design and architecture. Product design Students learn a range of visual communication techniques in a product design context. They learn about the importance of ergonomic design when developing a product using sketching, rendering, technical drawing and 3D modelling. They experiment using a range of techniques and have the opportunity to investigate established Aotearoa product designers to gather inspiration for their own design work. Recommended for students with an interest in design.

Students may take one or both prep courses.

Architecture Students develop their own architectural solution to a given brief with a Te Ao Ma ˉ ori theme. Emphasis is placed on developing key DVC skills, including sketching, rendering, and layout presentation in an architectural context. Students also produce a technical drawing using a drawing board, ruler and compass. Prerequisite for: Level 2 DVC. Recommended that is complemented by DVC design prep course. Product design Students develop their own product design solution to a given brief with a Te Ao Ma ˉ ori theme. Emphasis is placed on developing key DVC skills, including sketching, rendering, and layout presentation in a product design context. Students also produce a technical drawing using a drawing board, ruler and compass. Prerequisite for: Level 2 DVC. Recommended that is complemented by DVC architecture prep course.

28 Year 11 Curriculum 2022

Digital Technology

Core courses

Prep courses

Robotics and coding Students learn to write code in a range of programming languages as they work in the physical computing environment to problem solve and innovate using robotics. They gain an understanding of algorithms, design thinking and the need for testing and trialling in a programming sense. Recommended for students with an interest in digital technologies. Website design and development Students learn to design and code a website from scratch. They are introduced to a variety of web-coding languages, including HTML, CSS and Javascript, as well as a range of Adobe design software used to prototype web outcomes. They gain an understanding of web development tools, design thinking and the need for testing and trialling in a web environment. Recommended for students with an interest in digital technologies.

Students may take one or both prep courses.

Robotics and Coding Students develop their own programming-based solution to a given brief. The emphasis is on developing an understanding of programming in the context of the Python language. Students use an integrated development environment, such as PyCharm or Wing. They also learn how to comment code and develop a development log to show their testing and trialling. Prerequisite for: Level 2 Digital Technologies. Recommended that is complemented by the website design and development prep course. Website design and development Students develop their own web-based solution to a given brief. The emphasis is on developing skills, including UX Design, HTML, CSS and Javascript coding, branding and photo editing in a website or application context. Students use text editors and Adobe design software. They also learn how to comment code and develop a development log to show their testing and trialling. Prerequisite for: Level 2 Digital Technologies. Recommended that is complemented by the robotics and coding prep course.



Prep courses

Combined Technology

Note: Prep courses are prerequisites for different pathways.

Core courses

Industrial design Students use digital design tools to produce student-designed outcomes within an inquiry-based process. Outcomes reflect innovative solutions to design problems encountered throughout the design cycle. Product design tools used may include CAD software, CNC milling, laser cutting, laser engraving and 3D printing. Recommended for students with an interest in design, construction, and digital technologies and the intersection of them.

Wood construction Students develop their skills and understanding of workshop techniques in a wood-based context through the construction of a set project. They are introduced to a range of hand tools andmachinery used in the building construction industry. They learn to read and build froma working drawing.

Prerequisite for: Level 2 Building Construction.

Metal construction Students develop their skills and understanding of workshop techniques in a metal-based context through the construction of a set project. They are introduced to a range of hand tools and machinery used in the engineering industry. They learn to read and build from a working drawing.

Workshop Technology

Core courses

Prerequisite for: Level 2 Mechanical Engineering.

Wood construction Students learn how to safely use a range of wood-based tools and machinery to complete small construction projects in a wood workshop environment. Students gain an appreciation and knowledge of timber properties, tool capability and manufacturing processes in the context of Aotearoa. Recommended for students with an interest in design, carpentry and construction. Metal construction Students learn how to safely use a range of metal based tools and machinery to complete small construction projects in a metal workshop environment. Students gain an appreciation and knowledge of metal properties, tool capability and manufacturing processes in the context of Aotearoa. Recommended for students with an interest in design, construction, and mechanical engineering.

Materials technology Students design and develop a furniture item by working through the design process. They explore possibilities and broaden their understanding of a range of design and modelling tools and techniques, such as research, sketching, CAD modelling, function modeling, and construction techniques.

Prerequisite for: Level 2 Materials Technology.

30 Year 11 Curriculum 2022


Core Choices

The following table helps you understand the choices you need to make at the end of Year 10. You will be provided with an A3 copy of this table to talk through your options with parents and teachers.

The Arts

Choose one of the courses below




Visual Arts

Stagemovement and fighting

Clowning around



Solo and ensemble performance

Createmusical works


Acting techniques and performance

Creating theatre and theatresports

Contemporary Ma¯ori art



Choose one of the courses below

Taking it to the streets

How to get away withmurder

Fake it until you make it

On the cutting roomfloor

The newsroom Don’t judgeme


Our New Zealand identity

An eye for an eye: retribution and revenge

Rage against the machine

All the world’s a stage

It's the little things that count

The evolution of English


Choose one of the courses below





Megacity madness – urbanisation

Extreme natural events


Decisions, decisions, decisions

The abuse of power


Choose one of the courses below




Earth and Space Science



Biology A

Chemistry A


Physics A


Choose one of the courses below

Design & Visual Communication


Digital Technology

Workshop Technology

Combined Technology

Website design and development

Product design

Robotics and coding

Wood construction

Metal construction



Industrial design

32 Year 11 Curriculum 2022

Prep Choices

Choose six in total or identify substitutions

The Arts Subjects



Visual Arts



Acting techniques and styles of theatre


Creating theatre


Painting – large scale



Articulation and manipulation


Direst ambition

Alternative reality

In darkness and in light






Natural environment

Cultural environment –Monsoon Asia

Outwit,outlast,outplay: The intrigueof gaining worldsupremacy

Rugby, race and revolution


Economics Accounting

– Amazon Rainforest





Te Reo

French Language 3

French Language 4

Japanese Language 3

Japanese Language 4


Te Reo 3

Te Reo 4


Only if not done as a core course




Earth and Space Science



Biology A Biology B Chemistry A ChemistryB


Physics A Physics B


Design and Visual Communication

Digital Technology

Workshop Technology


Website design and development

Product design

Robotics and coding

Materials technology

Metal construction

Wood construction




One prep course

1 x Learning Support 2 periods each semester OR 4 periods 1 semester

1 x 4 period core (English and Humanities)

2 x 2 period core (Arts and Technologies)


Ngaˉ Miha Maˉ tauranga

The Christ’s College Diploma is designed to acknowledge achievement inside and outside the classroom. We believe that learning takes place in several ways and boys should be recognised for all their strengths.

Ngaˉ Miha Maˉ tauranga is the means by which this achievement is tracked.


The seven elements of Ngaˉ Miha:

Academic engagement Showing a commitment to learning through active participation in class, completion of expected work, and contributing to creating a positive learning environment. Character and Leadership A demonstration of Christian principles in what you say and do and utilising your character strengths for the good of yourself or others; helping to lead others to be at their best.


This means ‘the fronds of education’ or more figuratively, ‘unfolding knowledge’. The ‘miha’ is the tender young frond of the bracken fern which grows lushly in the forest and on the hills of the countryside.

This design symbolises the lush growth of the young as they spread out and become fully grown. The academic frond is the largest and all other fronds are off shoots of that.

The Christ’s College Hauora Cross is also symbolically at the centre.

34 Year 11 Curriculum 2022

Community and Service Active service to others – actions that show you are putting others (the community) above yourself. Discovery and Challenge Putting yourself outside of your comfort zone in order to develop new skills and confidence. Global Citizenship Learning about cultures and values beyond your own in order to understand our place as part of a global community.

Sustainable Futures Making efforts to create a sustainable world for the next generation – a world that is environmentally, culturally, socially, and economically sustainable. Taha Maˉ ori Showing a commitment to our bicultural nation by demonstrating an understanding of the Te Ao Mori (The Ma ˉ ori world).

Each element of Nga ˉ Miha, and the Diploma as a whole, can be awarded at Black and White (compulsory experiences), Silver (showing initiative of personal development) or Gold (making an impact on your community). Throughout Year 11, you will be able to submit

evidence of your achievements in the non- academic elements and track this through a personalised visual of Nga ˉ Miha.


Your Christ’s College Diploma

At the end of Year 11, you will graduate into NCEA study. Your Diploma will be awarded on your overall achievement of Black and White, Silver, Gold, or Gold with Academic Honours. You will also be provided with a transcript of your academic and non-academic achievements that have contributed to your award.

Christ’s College Diploma

Christ’s College Diploma

Name Surname

Name Surname

Has achieved the Black Award with Silver in Taha Ma- ori and Gold in Sustainable Future

Has achieved the Silver Award with Gold in Character and Leadership, Discovery and Challenge, and Community and Service

3 December 2021

3 December 2021

Executive Principal


Executive Principal


36 Year 11 Curriculum 2022

Christ’s College Diploma

Christ’s College Diploma

Name Surname

Name Surname

Has achieved the Gold Award

Has achieved the Gold Award with Honours

3 December 2021

3 December 2021

Executive Principal


Executive Principal
