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Yeargan & Kert LLC - January 2022

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Yeargan & Kert LLC - February 2022

2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 365 F. 2. Cut a slit lengthw

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Yeargan & Kert LLC - March 2022

Yeargan & Kert LLC - March 2022 THE DEFENSE REPORT MARCH 2022 404-467-1747 SAY

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Yeargan & Kert LLC - May 2022

Yeargan & Kert LLC - May 2022 THE DEFENSE REPORT MAY 2022 404-467-1747 THE LINK

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Yeargan & Kert LLC - April 2022

or judge must be fully convinced the defendant is guilty of the crime. To develop and prove guilt be

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Yeargan & Kert LLC - September 2022

8 tsp pepper If you were pulled over for a headlight requirement violation, give us a call right awa

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Yeargan & Kert LLC - June 2022

2 tsp salt For the Skewers • 2 lbs chicken breast, cut into bite-size cubes • 1 small pineapple, cut

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Yeargan & Kert LLC - July 2022

or dishes. When attendees aren’t eating, they can relax at a musical or cultural performance. The Po

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Yeargan & Kert LLC - August 2022

4 tsp pepper • 1 tsp Italian seasoning • 3 tomatoes, chopped • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 tbsp fres

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Yeargan & Kert - January 2020

Yeargan & Kert - January 2020 THE DEFENSE REPORT JANUARY 2020 404-467-1747 HOW

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Yeargan & Kert - January 2021

4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped drumsticks, lightly salted • 1 tbsp olive oil • 1 tbsp all-purpo

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Yeargan & Kert LLC - January 2022


JANUARY 2022 404-467-1747

AND BUILDING POSITIVE QUALITIES IN 2022 TRASHING BAD HABITS I’v e come to learn that there is good in ev eryone. We all make mistakes — we are only human, after all. Howev er, it is imp ortant to remember that mistakes do not de ne us, and there is v alue in maintaining the best v ersion of ourselv es. Instead, it’s imp ortant that we take a mistake, learn from it, identify any bad habits or decisions that may hav e led up to making it, and trash it. If it doesn’t serv e you, it’s essential to mov e forward. In 2022, let’s dev elop and exp and on qualities that best serv e ourselv es and others. In ex hibiting lov e, kindness, supp ort, and understanding toward others, we feel good about ourselv es and p rov ide a p ositiv e outcome for those on the receiv ing end. The p ast few years hav e p rov ided us with amp le time to re ect on ourselv es. The isolation had us all analyz ing ourselv es, wondering whether or not we hav e been our best selv es p rior to lockdown. As we inch closer and closer to a new normal in 2022, we need to keep looking forward.

Get in that ex ercise! Not only is it great for you p hysically, but it’s also mentally refreshing and keep s you alert and in a p ositiv e mindset, all of which is essential to make good, sound decisions. Ex ercise also p romotes better sleep , too — and we all know we need as much of that as humanly p ossible! In fact, it’s one of the best ways you could p ractice self-care. Could you dev elop better sp ending and sav ing habits? We p robably all could. Whether it’s sav ing up for a sp eci c v acation we would like to take or exp anding up on our sav ings or emergency fund, creating a budget and sticking to it is one of the best ways to reduce imp ulse buying. J ust be sure the budget is realistic and attainable. Lastly, our diet p lays a large role in bettering ourselv es. Be sure to make better choices while dining out, and learn to cook healthier, heartier meals at home. Esp ecially after holiday indulgences, dialing in our diet is imp ortant. Heading into the new year, my hop e is we all can supp ort each other in our e orts to bring out the best in each other as we p rogress toward our best selv es yet!

”It is important to remember that mistakes do not define us, and there is value in maintaining the best version of ourselves.”

Happ y New Year! May it be lled with happ iness, lov e, good health, and p rosp erity.

Set up a routine for yourself to keep yourself on track to meet goals and be mindful, taking time each day to re ect on the little things. Small corrections are much easier to make along the way than trying to p atch up big errors. If you nd yourself dev iating from a goal, there usually is a quick x .

–Jim Yeargan



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Companies lik e W arb y P ark er ha v e built a po w erful cus t omer f ollo wing f or cr ea ting dir ect-t o-c onsumer pr oducts tha t slash pric es b y cutting out the middleman. No w , Br andles s is doing the same thing f or small, e v ery da y pur chases.

Brandless is thriving again, nevertheless.

W hen y ou buy peanut butt er , y ou’r e not jus t buying the pr oduct — y ou’r e also buying the br and a ttached t o it, along with its c os ts of dis tributing and w ar ehousing, plus r etail spac e . By elimina ting wha t c o-f ounder and CEO Tina Shark e y calls a “br and tax, ” she r ealiz ed Br andles s c ould signicantly cut do wn the c os ts f or small pr oducts tha t people bought e v ery da y . W h e n Sh a r k e y a n d v e t e r a n e n t r e p r e n e u r Id o Le e r c a m e u p w i t h t h e c o n c e p t o f Br a n d l e s s , i t i m m e d i a t e l y c a u g h t r e . Th e y r a i s e d o v e r $ 1 6 m i l l i o n i n No v e m b e r 2 0 1 6 , a n d a t l a u n c h , r e c e i v e d o v e r $ 5 0 m i l l i o n i n v e n t u r e c a p i t a l f r o m Ne w En t e r p r i s e As s o c i a t e s , Go o g l e V e n t u r e s , a n d o t h e r s . Ho w e v er , their busines s model didn’t sus tain itself f or e v er — Shark e y s t epped do wn as CEO in Ma y 20 19 aft er friction betw een her and lead in v es t or Soft Bank V ision Fund. By February 20 20 , Br andles s had shut do wn and laid o 90% of its w orkf or c e , lea ving only a f e w t o manage open or ders.




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DIRECTIONS 1. Pr ehea t o v en t o 350 F. 2. In a pan o v er lo w hea t, melt 1 o z butt er . 3. Add leeks and carr ots and c ook f or 15 minut es, until soft ened but not c olor ed. 4. Stir in our and c ook f or 1 minut e . 5. Gr adually add chick en s t ock, s tirring until sauc e is smooth, then let simmer f or 10 minut es. 6. Stir in mus tar d and hea v y cr eam, then add c ook ed chick en and parsle y . Tr ansf er t o a lar ge o v enpr oof dish. 7 . In a pan, melt r emaining butt er . 8. Put a single lo sheet on a boar d and brush with melt ed butt er . Scrunch up pas try sheet and plac e on t op of chick en mixtur e . Continue until pie is c o v er ed. 9 . Bak e f or 20– 25 minut es, until the lo is golden and chick en mixtur e is bubbling.



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Yeargan & Kert, LLC 3715 Northside Parkway Building 100 Suite 500 Atlanta, GA 30327 404-467-1747



New Year Fine-Tuning

Go Brandless — Their Unique Comeback Story

Concealed Carry Laws for Georgia

What Are SCRAM Bracelets?

Chicken and Leek Filo Pie

Stick to Your Resolutions — For Real, This Time



New Year’s Ev e has come and gone, and now that the champ agne is nished and the decorations are p ut away, it’s time to buckle down and work on those New Year’s resolutions. The only p roblem is ... your resolutions for this year and last year are the same. Change is tough, so you’re not alone in being unable to stick to your resolutions. This year can be di erent, if you want it to be. Here are some tip s to keep you on track.

Have a specific goal.

Start small.

Have a plan.



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