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Yeargan & Kert LLC - February 2022

2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 365 F. 2. Cut a slit lengthw

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or judge must be fully convinced the defendant is guilty of the crime. To develop and prove guilt be

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Yeargan & Kert LLC - September 2022

8 tsp pepper If you were pulled over for a headlight requirement violation, give us a call right awa

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Yeargan & Kert LLC - July 2022

or dishes. When attendees aren’t eating, they can relax at a musical or cultural performance. The Po

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Yeargan & Kert LLC - January 2022

Yeargan & Kert LLC - January 2022 THE DEFENSE REPORT JANUARY 2022 404-467-1747

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Yeargan & Kert LLC - August 2022

4 tsp pepper • 1 tsp Italian seasoning • 3 tomatoes, chopped • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 tbsp fres

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Yeargan & Kert - June 2019

4 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped • Mint leaves, for garnish • Parmesan cheese, preferably P

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take-virtual-tour, check out these other gardens that allow you to explore without having to leave y

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Yeargan & Kert LLC - June 2022


JUNE 2022 404-467-1747

THE RIPPLE EFFECT OF PAYING IT FORWARD WHEN YOU CAN’T PAY IT BACK, PAY IT FORWARD As Maya Angelou once said, “When you learn, teach. When you get, give.” These are truly words to live by. We can only control ourselves, our own thoughts, and our own actions, thus, it’s only on us to be the change that we want to see in the world. June 15 is the Worldwide Day of Giving, a day dedicated to unleashing the power of people and giving our time, compassion, belongings, and experiences. It’s in our nature to do good for others and to pay it forward when others are kind to us. Genuine kindness can greatly impact and change lives for the better and can change the world, one act at a time. Whether it’s holding the door for a stranger, exchanging smiles with a passerby, picking up someone’s keys when they drop them, or picking up the tab for the person in line behind you, paying it forward and being kind to others not only makes other individuals feel good, but in turn, you feel good about yourself as well — it’s a chain reaction! We’ve all received selfless acts of kindness at one time or another, and I’m sure, paid it forward, sometimes without even realizing it. Sometimes, paying it forward brings about real change in the world. Here are just a few examples! 11-HOUR STARBUCKS CHAIN OF GENEROSITY At a Starbucks drive-thru in St. Petersburg, Florida, at 7 a.m., a woman paid for both her coffee and the coffee of the person in the car behind her. Touched by the act, the driver behind her then went on to pay for

the order behind them. This pattern continued for quite a few cars, and an employee then began keeping a tally of the act of kindness as customers passed through, each paying for the order behind them. This went on until 6 p.m. when the 379th customer ordered a coffee and did not pay for the order behind them. PIE IT FORWARD INITIATIVE In Detroit, Michigan, a pizza shop, known as Sister Pie, began a program in which people can purchase a slice of pizza for those who may not be able to afford it or left their wallets at home. Customers who are in need, or simply would like to sample the pizza can then take a coupon off of the wall for a slice of pizza that has already been paid for by a kind, generous soul. GIFTING A CAR SEAT INSTEAD OF A TICKET When a young mother was pulled over by a police officer in Emmett Township, Michigan, the police officer found that her 5-year-old daughter was riding in the car without a car seat because she was unable to afford one. Instead of ticketing her, he had the woman meet him at a local Walmart so that he could purchase a booster seat for the family. “It was the easiest 50 bucks I ever spent,” the police officer told FOX 17 news in Michigan.

Kindness is everywhere, and it’s important that we are all kind to each other without expecting anything in return, because it’s then that the good nature of people really presents itself. Your one act of kindness could change the world. Inspire kindness and pay it forward!

“Genuine kindness can greatly impact and change lives for the better and can change the world, one act at a time.”

–Jim Yeargan



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Did “Atomic Habits” by James Clear change your life in 2018? Was “Tiny Habits” by BJ Fogg one of your top books of 2019? If you’ve read those two bestsellers, you’re a step ahead of most entrepreneurs. But you might still be sleeping

with the help of your local library, you can start learning his secrets to success without paying a cent. In “High Performance Habits,” Burchard recommends six specific habits that will help you reach your personal and business goals. He calls this the HP6 model.

It takes multiple keys to unlock each habit. For example, to demonstrate courage, Burchard says you must “share your truth and your ambitions” by telling someone about your goals every day. But that alone isn’t enough. To truly form the habit, you also need to reframe struggle and zero in on someone worth fighting for — whether that’s your team, your clients, or your children. “High Performance Habits” is a business book, but it’s also a personal development book. It will force you to dive deep into your strengths, weaknesses, and motivations to unlock your real high-performance potential. You can use it to fit more tasks into a day, increase your confidence, or become a better leader — whatever your business needs! Pick up a copy today to see why Andrew Burns of Medium calls this “the epitome of a book that needs more than one read.”

1. Seek clarity. 2. Generate energy. 3. Raise necessity. 4. Increase productivity. 5. Develop influence. 6. Demonstrate courage.

on one of the original books on the power of habits, which is packed with gems you can’t find anywhere else: Brendon Burchard’s 2017 read “High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way.” Brendon Burchard is a legend in the world of personal development coaching. called him “one of the most successful online trainers in history,” and more than 2 million people have taken his online courses. But

As you can see, these aren’t your basic healthy habits like “drink water” and “get eight hours of sleep”! Burchard calls the first three “personal habits” and the last three “social habits,” and in the book he uses real-life examples to explain each habit. He also offers daily exercises that will help you form them.


Many times, after having a few drinks, drinking water, giving yourself some time to sober up, and then deciding to get behind the wheel, people still get pulled over, even though they were sure that they were extremely aware of their surroundings and careful on the road. No matter how careful a person driving under the influence is, especially in the summer months or over long holiday weekends, police are on the hunt, and there are many things that they look for when patrolling for drunken drivers. FAILURE TO FOLLOW SPEED LIMITS Whether drivers are under the influence or not, they tend to go over the speed limit without even realizing it. At night, when people tend to go out for a few drinks, fewer cars are on the road and it’s easy to pinpoint a speeding vehicle.

On the flip side of things, driving under the speed limit also raises red flags. When a police officer notices one of the only cars on the road very cautiously going 10–15 mph under the speed limit, they become suspicious. Because driving too slowly can also be dangerous, there are certain highways in Atlanta that have minimum speed limits. FAILURE TO USE HEADLIGHTS Cops will typically scan the highway, looking for vehicles that are driving in the dark without their headlights on. Not only is it a safety and visibility issue, but it can also be a sign that a driver is intoxicated and shouldn’t be on the road. Be sure to always check to make sure your lights are on before you drive. FAILURE TO USE TURN SIGNALS If you make a turn or change lanes without first activating your turn signal, police have

the authority to pull you over. Always be sure to signal your turns and lane changes well in advance — and make sure you use the right ones! FAILURE TO MAINTAIN A LANE This is likely the most common thing that people picture when they think of drunk driving: a vehicle swerving all over the road. However, all it really takes is a vehicle veering from their lane over the markers just a tad for a police officer to initiate a traffic stop. Remember that it’s a police officer’s job to keep both you and other drivers on the road safe! The best decision you can make is, if you’ve been drinking, even if you feel that you’ve sobered up and are safe to drive, get a designated driver. Your life depends on it!



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A criminal trespass charge can be tricky to navigate, especially because the nature in which the charge is incurred can be confusing. A criminal trespass charge can arise in many situations, including returning to your former place of work uninvited, refusing to leave somewhere that you were previously invited to, or sometimes even just standing in a certain area and accused of being in violation of Georgia’s Criminal Trespass statute, O.C.G.A 16-7-21. More important than tackling the reason for the charge is understanding the statute to successfully clear your name. According to the state statute, there are many reasons you could potentially be charged for trespassing, including intentionally damaging the property of another without their permission and the damage is under $500; entering someone’s property to commit an illegal act; entering somewhere when you were told you weren’t welcome; or interfering with the use of another’s property. It should be noted that the property in which you trespass can be a home, apartment, place of business, boat, aircraft, vehicle, or watercraft. In order for prosecutors to convict you of a criminal trespass charge, they must prove one element of Georgia’s trespass law. This means that you only have to violate one of the elements listed within the statute. If you are convicted of a criminal trespass charge, you are facing a misdemeanor charge with a fine ranging from $500–$1,000 and a maximum of 12 months in county jail. A criminal trespass charge should be taken seriously, and proving your innocence starts with us! Contact us today for a free case evaluation and, based on the facts of the case, we will help to create a defense to prove your innocence. CONVICTED OF TRESPASSING? THE INS AND OUTS OF A CRIMINAL TRESPASS CHARGE



Summer is here, and you know what that means: It’s time to break out the barbecue and meat skewers!

For the Marinade • 1 tbsp olive oil INGREDIENTS

DIRECTIONS 1. In a bowl, whisk together marinade ingredients. 2. In a reusable freezer bag, combine cubed chicken and all but 1/4 cup of the marinade. 3. Seal bag and massage marinade into the chicken. Chill in the fridge overnight. 4. The following day, preheat the grill to 400 F. Thread chicken and pineapple onto skewers, adding two cubes of chicken for each cube of pineapple. 5. Grill the skewers for 3–4 minutes per side, brushing with the reserved marinade in the final minutes. 6. Serve over rice or with your favorite barbecue sides!

• 2 tbsp soy sauce • 2 tbsp chili garlic sauce • 2 tbsp rice vinegar • 3 tbsp honey • Juice of 1 lime • 3/4 tsp smoked paprika • 1/2 tsp salt

For the Skewers • 2 lbs chicken

breast, cut into bite-size cubes • 1 small pineapple,

cut into 1-inch cubes



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Yeargan & Kert, LLC 3715 Northside Parkway Building 100 Suite 500 Atlanta, GA 30327 404-467-1747



Embracing Worldwide Day of Giving

Read This Book to Boost Your Performance

4 Reasons You May Be Pulled Over for DUI

Criminal Trespassing: What Is It?

Sweet and Spicy BBQ Chicken Skewers

Is Travel Insurance Worth Your Money?


If you’ve ever booked a plane ticket or hotel stay online, you’ve probably been offered an opportunity to “protect” your purchase for an additional fee. Since you’re spending big dollars on your trip, you may have hovered over the option, wondering if it’s a wise investment or a quick money-making scheme. Before you buy, you should know that trip protection and travel insurance are different. When you book directly through the airline or hotel or on a travel website like Travelocity or Expedia, they offer you trip protection. These plans often provide nothing more than a voucher you can use to reschedule in the event of a cancellation — something you won’t need if you book refundable accommodations. But you can also purchase travel insurance through a reputable third party, and these policies offer cash refunds if your trip is canceled or interrupted. They also typically cover lost or damaged bags, and high-quality policies will cover medical emergencies that occur at your destination. But there may be restrictions, so always make sure you understand the terms and buy coverage that offers the protection you want.

It can be hard to swallow the idea of paying more to insure yourself against an event that probably won’t happen. So, can you skip it? The risk you’re willing to take is up to you, but remember the amount of money you’re spending on travel and consider whether it’s worth protecting your investment. While you may decide against travel insurance for your weekend trip two states away, experts recommend always purchasing it for international travel or cruises due to the higher cost and potential for things to go wrong. The price, they say, is usually worth the peace of mind. If you’re going to purchase travel insurance, you should take the time to shop around, just like you did with your accommodations. Not all plans are created equal, so read the fine print and make sure you understand what is covered — and what is not. The last thing you want is to spend your hard-earned money on a policy that leaves you holding the bag.



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