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2 tsp salt. Bake for 6–8 minutes. 3. In a saucepan, combine ghee and garlic and cook over medium hea

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Yeargan & Kert - March 2021


MARCH 2021 404-467-1747


The importance of sleep is pretty well-stated in most health or health- based lifestyle articles you’ll find — but there’s a reason why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 1 in 3 American adults don’t get enough sleep at night. Sleep simply isn’t “fun.” (Not at first, anyway. It’s pretty fun to sleep in.) Why care about falling asleep? Because you juggle so many responsibilities and interests daily, and it seems impossible to juggle them while sleeping. But that’s the secret: It’s easier to juggle everything you need to get done in your day if you have enough sleep. Not only will you have more energy, but your body will also be at less risk for chronic illnesses that can slow you down or even kill you. The CDC recommends at least seven hours of sleep for most adults. Sleeping less than seven hours per day is associated with an increased risk of developing chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and frequent mental distress. With more sleep, you’ll be in a better mood to pursue your passions and interests. Having a job (or work to do every day) can help you sleep better as well. Interestingly, studies show that people who are unable to work or unemployed reported a lower healthy sleep duration (51% and 60%, respectively) than those who are employed (65%). Although you’d think someone without a job would have more time to sleep healthier, perhaps due to financial or other concerns, they often don’t. Being in a relationship can also help you sleep better. A married individual sleeps for a healthy duration almost 67% of the time, compared to unmarried individuals (62%) and divorced, widowed, or separated individuals (56%). But that doesn’t mean you need a significant other to get better sleep! If you want to improve your sleep, here are a few tips we can offer. First, buy a quality mattress . This is the most obvious, but it’s also the biggest hurdle because mattresses are expensive. However, we spend

about 26 years of our life sleeping, so why not spend them in maximum comfort? Along with quality pillows, ensure your spine gets all the support you need to avoid aches and pains. Second, choose quality bedding. Your sheets and blankets should make your bed feel as inviting as possible.

Third, avoid any light disruptions. Excess light can throw off your sleep and circadian rhythm. Blackout curtains or a sleep mask can help ensure you’re on the right track. (Ever heard of weighted, Bluetooth eye masks? They’re extremely comfortable if you require music at night!) Fourth, assess your environment and create your sleep sanctuary. Make sure your room always gets to the perfect temperature, and cultivate the type of peace and quiet you need, such as if you prefer the sound of a fan nearby. You can even put an air humidifier into your room and use essential oils for aromatherapy, including calming scents like lavender. If none of these suggestions work, you can always participate in a sleep study and improve your sleep through the insights of science. Your sleep should be a top priority for you because it can improve your life in nearly every possible way! We hope this helps you put your sleep first. A good night’s rest can transform our daily lives — wouldn’t it be great if we felt that every day? Thanks so much for reading, and I’ll chat with you next month, friends.

–Jim Yeargan



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If you ask Marc Randolph about his favorite place, he’ll mention an office building in Dallas, where Blockbuster had its corporate headquarters on the 27th floor. Randolph, one of the founders of Netflix and its first CEO, has no illusions about what happened to the former retail giant. In his new book, “That Will Never Work: The Birth of Netflix and the Amazing Life of an Idea,” Randolph shares how Netflix disrupted an industry and took the world by storm, an example every business leader can learn from. Randolph himself is fascinated by the nuts and bolts of business and entrepreneurship: “How does your business test new ideas? Can it happen faster? What’s the cost of having sloppy content hit the internet if it gets you out there sooner?” He examines how quickly you can put an idea in front of a customer where “you will learn more than you could in five months of R&D.” Randolph addresses these issues and

more in “That Will Never Work,” all the while explaining their relevance to entrepreneurs.

If you’re looking for more salacious details, he spends much of the first chapter debunking the stories about who had the idea for Netflix and whether or not it was an epiphany. “That story is beautiful,” Randolph writes. “It’s useful. It is, as we say in marketing, emotionally true. But as you’ll see in this book, that’s not the whole story.” The whole story is one we’ll let you read for yourself, and there is plenty more where that came from. Anybody can research Netflix online, but “That Will Never Work” is a rare glimpse into the inner workings of one of the 21st century’s most lucrative and secretive companies. Juicy stories pair well with marketing lessons, and the writing style is easy to get lost in — it really is a page-turner.

Driving Without a License? Here’s What Can Happen

In order to obtain a driver’s license in the state of Georgia, an individual must pass a vision exam, take a knowledge test, and pay a $10 permit fee. For individuals who are not yet 18, the individual must hold a learner’s permit for one year and one day before the individual becomes eligible to take a road skills exam. Adult drivers, however, can take a road skills exam without satisfying the one-year-and- one-day requirement. A charge of driving without a license refers to three different scenarios, which include the following:

most individuals from driving a motor vehicle on a highway unless that individual has a valid driver’s license. Not Having a Driver’s License in One’s Possession. In these situations, the motor vehicle operator is licensed to drive, but at the time of receiving the citation, the

In the state of Georgia, operating a motor vehicle without a driver’s license is more than just another type of traffic ticket or citation. This type of violation is instead a serious offense that has the potential to result in serious penalties. Yet, you’d be surprised how common it is. In 2011, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety released a report called “Unlicensed to Kill,” which found that nearly 1 in 5 fatal crashes in the United States involved a motor vehicle operator without a valid driver’s license. These crashes resulted in more than 21,000 fatalities from 2007–2009.

driver didn’t have a physical driver’s license with them. These charges are sometimes dismissed once an individual can prove they possessed a valid license at the time of the arrest. Other times, individuals might be subject to fines. So, make sure you have your driver’s license — it can save you from a higher risk of fatal crashes, plus potential fines. And if you get caught in a legal battle, call Yeargan & Kert to get the best Atlanta DUI defenders on your side!

A Canceled, Revoked, or Suspended Driver’s License. This type of offense will result in a minimum fine of $500 as well as additional penalties. Never Applied for a Driver’s License. The law in the state of Georgia prohibits



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At Yeargan & Kert, we value the importance of good health, and part of that is eating well. It’s very easy to eat well when it tastes great, of course — and a great, healthy meal starts with quality ingredients. That’s why you should consider cooking at home with these fresh, in-season ingredients for March!



This is a great time to get into roasting! Collect your favorite spices and pick out beetroot, broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, fennel, Brussels sprouts, even radish to create your ideal, late- winter, early-spring vegetable roast. You could also get into leeks, lettuce, spinach, and dandelion to create some delicious soups or salads. Not sure what to do with certain ingredients like rutabagas or turnips? Look online! Trying new meals with your fresh, local ingredients can be extremely rewarding.

If you’re looking to get your green on, why not try this light smoothie?



If you’re a fruit lover, you’re in luck — there are plenty of fruits to create your ideal fruit salad. Kiwis can be expensive to buy during other months, but they’re certainly in-season right now! For citrus flavors or beverages with your meals, you can also find orange, tangerine, clementine, lemon, and grapefruit all in-season. You’ll also notice apple and pear in great quantities in March as well as dried fruits.

• 1 1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

• 1 1/2 cups fresh organic spinach

• 1 organic apple, peeled and chopped

• 1 tbsp chia seeds

• 1/2 medium avocado

• 1 medium frozen banana



Don’t forget: Fish is more sustainable during certain seasons, too! In March, this would include anchovy, grey mullet, cod, sardine, sole, and tuna. We hope this article offers some inspiration for keeping up with your health this year! A poor diet can lead to a tremendous amount of pain later in life. Keep up with making 2021 better than ever and pick up your favorite ingredients from a local farmer’s market today!

1. In a large, high-powered blender, add all ingredients.

2. Blend on high for 1–2 minutes, or until all ingredients are well combined.

3. If necessary, add more almond milk to thin the smoothie.

4. Serve immediately and enjoy!



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Yeargan & Kert, LLC 3715 Northside Parkway Building 100 Suite 500 Atlanta, GA 30327 404-467-1747



Happy (or Nappy) National Sleep Week!

Netflix’s CEO on Pursuing Your Ideas

What Can Happen if I Drive Without a License?

Go Farm-To-Table: What’s In-Season in

Green Goddess Smoothie

3 Irish Travel Destinations for Your Bucket List



Traveling to Ireland might not be an option for you right now, but like a leprechaun hoarding gold, you can still fill up your bucket list with all of the pubs, rolling hills, and lucky sites you’d love to see. This month when you’re planning your trip to Dublin, Galway, or Cork, add these spots to your itinerary.


to throw themselves off a rocky cliff as a test of strength. The survivor was named clan chief, and later Leap Castle was built on that very site — beginning its long and bloody history. Read more about its haunted priest’s house, murder hole room, and bloody chapel at and meet the many ghosts that haunt its halls.

When Sean’s Bar closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the entire country of Ireland groaned. The pub is famous for its Irish whiskey, music, and history, which stretches back to 900 A.D., far enough to earn it the title of “Oldest Bar in the World.” As of this writing, Sean’s is slated to reopen when it’s safe again, and considering it has already survived the bubonic plague and the Spanish flu, odds are good that it will make it through this, too! Soon, you’ll be able to raise a glass in the same rooms where the noblemen of nearby Athlone Castle shared drinks in the 12th century. Find more historical tidbits at


Get ready to tie up your hiking boots! This roughly 2-mile hike, called Hare’s Gap, is one of the most famous and beautiful routes in Ireland. When you climb through this pass in the Mourne Mountains, you’ll be rewarded with views of glacial cliffs, boulder fields, and ancient- looking stone walls. Legend has it that the pass was part of the Brandy Pad smuggling route, used to ferry goods like soap, leather, spices, and coffee.


If you’re a fan of thrillers and true crime podcasts, you won’t want to leave Ireland without visiting Leap Castle. This 16th-century haunt was built by the fierce O’Bannon clan, who famously ordered two brothers

Safe travels, and ádh mór (good luck)!



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