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Zionsville: Hip, Knee & Leg Pain

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Zionsville: Hip & Knee Pain With Running n° 229777 - Level Medium THE MOST COMMON KNEE INJURIES • Meniscus tear. A meniscus tear

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Intecore_Helping Hip Knee Leg Pain

3 cup brown sugar DIRECTIONS In a slow cooker, combine apple cider and cinnamon sticks. Wrap allspic

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Fleming: Hip, Knee & Leg Pain Relief

2-ounce) cans diced tomatoes • 2 to 3 tablespoons chili powder • 1 teaspoon salt • 1 teaspoon pepper

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HealthActions: Hip, Knee & Leg Pain

1su 6 4 7

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PTRC. Hip, Leg, & Knee Pain

Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doin

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Burlingame: Hip, Knee & Leg Pain

Burlingame: Hip, Knee & Leg Pain NEWSLETTER Thank You For AttendingOur 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OPEN HOUSE

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Biosport PT: Hip, Knee & Leg Pain


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Lott PT. Hip, Leg, & Knee Pain

M O N T H ! N O C O M M I T M E N T ! E X E R C

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Sports Rehab: Hip, Knee & Leg Pain

3 cup raw sunflower seeds DIRECTIONS Chop any large ingredients if necessary to make everything abou

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Advantage: Hip, Knee & Leg Pain

knees-and-hips-a-troubleshooting-guide-to-knee-and-hip-pain Lasertherapyusesaprocesscalledphotobiomo

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Zionsville: Hip, Knee & Leg Pain

ZPT GaZette The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Getting To Know The Zionsville Physical Therapy Staff! Staff Spotlight: Christi Johnson, OfficeManager

her sophomore year at University of Kentucky, studying Chinese International Business. Q: What do you like to do when not working at ZPT? A: Listening to music, caring for 8 chickens, gardening, hunting for morel mushrooms, and finding great deals at Goodwill! Q: What do you like best about working at ZPT? A: Meeting new people, and being part of a community that cares about one another. She loves bumping into former patients at the grocery store (hopefully not literally). Patients and staff have enjoyed the flower bouquets, seed samples, and eggs Christi has shared, as well as her choice of radio stations in the exercise gym, and her laughter and enthusiasm.

Christi began working for ZPT in 2006 as a medical record transcriptionist. Her speedy keyboarding and friendly personality made for a perfect fit when the clinic needed a Front Desk receptionist. Her duties expanded to Office Manager this past year as she undertook the billing, staff scheduling and administrative duties associated with running an independent outpatient clinic. Q: Where did you grow up? A: Noblesville. I was a band member and pom-pom girl at Noblesville High School. Q: College? A: Ball State, ’83 graduate with a B.S. in Home A: Married to Brad for 28 years, raised 2 beautiful daughters: Lily (who also worked at ZPT when in high school), graduated from Indiana University, and now is successful in Medical Sales, living in Chicago. Amber (who has worked summers at ZPT since her senior year in high school), is completing Economics Q: Family?

ZPT GaZette The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

May 2017

Dear ZPT friends, ThemonthofMay inthe Indianapolisarea….well, it races by, doesn’t it? Not only do we celebrate with the Mini-Marathon at the beginning of the month, but also the “Anti-Mini” here on the Zionsville Rail Trail, several community events and race-team excitement, radio and TV commercials telling us how to cook out and how to celebrate the 500 Weekend, and finally Memorial Day weekend with the traditional race-day events and a day off from work.


• Getting To Know Christi Johnson • Don’t Suffer Needlessly With Leg Pain • Arthritis Pain Grind You Down? • Oven Roasted Sweet Potato Hash Recipe • Refer A Friend Program


My favorite part of the race day (as I listen to the radio at home) has to be the patriotism and remembrance of those who have given their lives for our freedom, and the “fly-over” of the U.S. Airforce jets right before the race begins. These traditions at the Indy track set it apart from the other races, and give us all an opportunity to be grateful. Another big part of May for me is: TRANSITIONS! School programs, ceremonies, final concerts, recognition programs… I can remember picking up my oldest son, Nate, on his last day of kindergarten, at Eagle Elementary with Mrs. Smith. I cried. It was the end of a very special time! This year, this month, Nate, and his wife, Jenn, both turn 30 years of age. Where has the time gone? For sure, 24 years have passed, full of growth and learning, good byes and separations, new relationships and new jobs!

Currently, our Zionsville area students graduate and begin thinking of themselves as young adults. More transitions! They get ready for college, or tech school, or a year of mission work (mission: figure out what to do next!), and our college interns prepare for graduate school or full time work. We greet the college students back for summer jobs “here at home,” just so that we can miss them again when they leave in August. One of the visions I have for us at our home, and at ZPT, is “launching”

Patient Success SPOTLIGHT

the young people. And I mean this in the most loving and supportive way. Whether it’s contributing to the arts programs while they are in high school, or scholarships through service organizations here (shout out for Zionsville Optimist Club), providing Athletic Trainers for safe high school sports, or just speaking into the lives of young people when they are forming their ideas about who they are and what they want to do with their lives, we, at ZPT love our younger generation, and believe they have a lot to share, a great deal of enthusiasm to make this a better world, and a heart for helping. RACE on, young adults, RACE on. Gratefully, Elaine P.S. …Let us run with perseverance the RACE marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1 b

“Before PT, I tore my ACL playing football and was out for the season. After surgery, I came to ZPT, and Taylor and Katie helped me out. Before, I was slightly scared to run and jump, but now I’m not. I can’t wait to play football againand return toplayingoutsidewith my friends.” - Caleb P. I can't wait to play football! Mention or bring in this newsletter for a FREE Back Pain Screening! Call In Now: 317.873.2033

We want to keep you updated on all clinic news, events, and contests. Visit our web page on www.ZionsvillePT. com and keep up-to-date on everything fun happening at Zionsville Physical Therapy! See our Newly Updated Website and take a minute to “Review Us”! CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE

Next FREE Back Pain and Sciatica Workshop is June 17th. Call the office or visit our website to register. Seating is limited.

Refer A Friend Program

Physical Therapists Are The Mechanics Of Your Body

Flattery will get you everywhere! One of the greatest compliments we receive is to gain a new patient who has been referred by a current or past patient here at ZPT. It is our passion to reach the community with our natural and affordable treatments for pain, balance problems and weakness, so that more people can live out fuller and happier lives. Your family members or friends might be hesitant to come in to see us on their own, but with your encouragement (or heck, offer to bring them in!) they gain the courage to seek the professional opinions and care of our physical therapy team. New this month: 1. For any person referred by a current or past patient we will offer a free 20 minute screening or “discovery visit” with one of our PT’s to find out if physical therapy is right for their situation. 2. If your referred family or friend chooses physical therapy here at ZPT and completes their Plan of Care, they will thank you, and so will we, with a special ZPT gift you can use immediately! 3. NEXT STEP: think of someone you know who has pain or weakness, or unsteady walking, and kindly suggest to them that they, too, can benefit from conservative physical therapy care. Give them our phone number, or this newsletter, or our website, to have them contact our office for a free screening or an evaluation time slot. We are honored to help. Purchase your Gift Cards for Jones Greenhouse, $20 each, available here at ZPT. Proceeds go to the Zionsville Optimist Club for youth scholarships and service. (After using your gift cards for beautiful plantings and yard work, make your appointment for physical therapy or massage at ZPT at 317.873.2033).

Think Zionsville PT FIRST Why You Need To Come Back In For A Tune- Up: � Move without pain � Bend and move freely � Balance confidently and securely � Sit for long periods comfortably

� Walk for long distances � Live an active and healthy lifestyle

Take care of your aches and pains. See our updated website to learn how.

Oven Roasted Sweet Potato Hash Recipe

14 INGREDIENTS • 2 sweet potatoes, peeled & cubed into ½” cubes • 2 Tbsp. Olive oil, divided • ½ teas. Salt • ¼ teas. Pepper • 1 teas. Chili Powder • 1 teas. Cumin

• ½ teas. Oregano • ½ teas. Garlic Powder • ¼ teas. Cayenne Pepper • 1 whole Red Bell Pepper, seeded and diced • ½ whole Onion, diced • 1 clove Garlic, minced • 1 pinch Crushed Red Pepper Flakes • 2 Tbsp. chopped Fresh Parsley

DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 400*. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray. Place sweet potato cubes into a bowl and drizzle with 1 Tbsp. olive oil. Stir well to coat. Season with salt, pepper, chili powder, cumin, oregano, garlic powder and cayenne pepper. Stir again and spread sweet potatoes on backing sheet in single layer. Roast in preheated oven for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and stir so that they continue browning evenly. Return to the oven and roast for another 15-20 minutes or until browned and fork tender. Remove from oven and set aside. In a large skillet, heat remaining Tbsp. olive oil. Add red pepper and onion, season with small amount of salt, pepper and crushed red pepper flakes. Saute until onion is translucent, about 5-6 minutes. Add garlic and saute for another minute or two. Add roasted sweet potatoes and stir well to combine. Add chopped parsley and allow everything to heat thoroughly before serving.

DON’T SUFFER NEEDLESSLYWITH LEG PAIN Do you suffer from knee, hip or leg pain? You are not alone. CDC studies show that 30% of adults have reported some form of knee, hip or ankle joint stiffness or pain in a 30 day period.

According to Katie Poisel, PT and Orthopedic Specialist at ZPT, “when it comes to more common conditions, like hip or knee arthritis, usually there are movement difficulties or weakness in several regions, such as back, hips, core, or hip rotation.” She further explains that correcting the root of the issue, in addition to eliminating pain and allowing easy movement, often leads to long term improvement of symptoms. Having appropriate physical therapy after a surgery, whether it is arthroscopic, or a partial or total joint replacement, can improve quality of life and ease of normal functions. A diagnosis or arthritis or “aches and pains” in your legs shouldn’t keep you from remaining active and being able to do the things you love. When asked about student athletes, and leg pain, Dr. Katie further explains: Overtraining, improper conditioning and acute injuries can often keep kids out of sports or PE. By optimizing muscle function, mobility and body awareness, kids are more prepared to train specifically to their sports. An ankle sprain or a knee “tweak” in a child can have lasting impacts because a short-term acute injury can change a movement pattern dysfunction into a long-term habit. Over time, compensatory motions develop, and muscle or flexibility deficits show up months or years later. When Your Motion is Lost When you lose the movement of the hip, knee or ankle joints, your muscles Arthritis Pain Grind YouDown? Millions of people suffer with arthritic pain every day, taking over-the-counter or prescription medications to numb the pain and decrease the ongoing inflammation. The definition of arthritis is joint inflammation, however the term has acquired a wider meaning. Arthritis is now used as a generic term for osteoarthritis and other conditions that affect joints. The pattern, severity and location of arthritis symptoms can vary depending on the specific form of the disease. Typically, arthritic conditions are characterized by pain and stiffness in and around one or more joints. The symptoms can develop gradually or suddenly. Certain rheumatic conditions can also involve the immune system and various internal organs of the body. Physical therapy is an important part of the ongoing treatment for persons with arthritis; PT’s help you to move the affected joints in all directions needed, and .instruct you in appropriate exercises to stabilize the joints, improve your balance and help you resume the activities you love to do. Relieving Joint Pain Exercising is important to help reduce joint pain and stiffness. Light to

have to take on the abnormal strain. This leads to common aches and pains experienced by millions of people. Many people feel that medication will help solve their hip, knee or leg pain. While medication can help to decrease inflammation and pain, it cannot address the root cause of the problem. Most pain in the hip, thigh, knee or leg comes from poor flexibility, strength or coordination. Treating Leg Pain To determine the source of your leg pain our physical therapists examine your walking, squatting, joint movement, comparing the strength and mobility of the joints. A comprehensive treatment plan, including special hands on techniques, is made to achieve the fastest relief and the longest lasting results. If you are suffering with hip, knee or leg pain, call us today to learn more about how we can eliminate your pain and put a spring back in your step! moderate-intensity physical activity can prevent a decline in function, even restoring strength and joint motion. Here are some tips if you suffer with arthritis and are concerned about increasing your pain: 1. Start slow and low: do just a few minutes of stretching or walking to begin. Consider swimming or an aquatic exercise program which takes the pressure off the joints. We have a list of resources at ZPT if you need more information. 2. Take time, even a day, to rest between exercise sessions. This allows the muscles and joints to recover. 3. Use a cold pack or gentle heat pad to ease the pain or stiffness following exercise. Be cautious not to freeze or burn yourself; set a timer for 10-15 minutes. 4. Keep your body weight close to normal. 5. Consult with your physician, health care practitioner, and your ZPT joint-specialists to find out more regarding the pros and cons of topical medications or oral medications and their proper use. Find out if specific over-the-counter medications should be taken along with your other prescriptions. If you are suffering with arthritis, call us today and discover how we can help relieve your pain, returning you to a more active lifestyle!

CALL TODAY! 317.873.2033