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Zionsville: More Energy & Movement

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More Movement, More Energy

pinnacle Post Falls Location Phone: (208) 777-4242 Coeur d’Alene Location Phone: (208) 665-2000 FREE

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More Movement, More Energy

exhale R Stretch your arms overhead frequently throughout the day R Do strengthening exercises at le

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More Movement, More Energy

fullpotentialpt Exercise Essentials Outstanding relief for your aches... Try these simple exercises

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FyzicalElPaso: More Movement, More Energy

watermelon-cake Patient Success Spotlight This young athlete has made our team

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AdvantageRehabInc: More Movement, More Energy

4 cup extra virgin olive oil • 1 red onion, diced • 4 garlic cloves, minced • 2 medium carrots, dice

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Fyzical: More Movement, More Energy

workshops learn more and register. (There is no charge, this is a free service to the communit

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PeakPerformance: More Movement, More Energy

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Solutions: More Movement, More Energy

2 cup shaved Parmesan cheese For the Orange-Shallot Dressing: • 3 tablespoons fresh orange juice • 2

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ValleyRehabCenter: More Movement, More Energy

shoulder without pain. Now, my mobility has greatly improved! When I make certain movements, I have

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AdvantagePT: More Movement, More Energy


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Zionsville: More Energy & Movement

ZPT The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

December 2017

Getting To Know The Zionsville PT Staff Staff Spotlight: Katia Peña Garcia, PT Tech

Katia (pronounced KAH’-TEE-AH) joined the staff here in early fall this year, and is a delight to those who work with her – both staff and patients. She is a quick learner, an inquisitive student, and has set her career path goal of becoming a physical therapist. She graduated from ZCHS in 2013, attended Marian University and graduated in the spring of 2017 with a B.S. in biology and a minor in global studies. Katia did this while maintaining a high GPA and being a section leader in the flute section of the university marching and concert bands. Katia has applied to several physical therapy programs and is awaiting replies and interviews early in 2018. In the meantime, we are blessed to have her with us, providing care and relationship building here at ZPT. Q: Favorite food? A: Grilled cheese and tomato soup or anything with strawberries. I LOVE fresh strawberries! Q: Family? A: I live with my parents and my younger brother here in Zionsville. Both of my parents are great motivators for me. My younger brother attends Marian University, studying engineering. Q: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? A: I like reading books, watching movies, playing Dungeons & Dragons with my friends, and hanging out with my dog, Bonita. Q: Unique fact(s) most people don’t know about you? A: I really enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles and doing nail art. I recently completed a 40-hour interpreter training through MITS, plus CHI testing, working toward certification as a Spanish – English interpreter! Q: What do you like most about working at ZPT? A: I really like learning about physical therapy. I feel like I learn something new every day. I also really like interacting with the patients.

We all think you’re pretty special, too, Katia. Best wishes with your upcoming interviews and decisions.

ZPT GaZette The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

December 2017

Dear ZPT family and friends, Ho! Ho! Ho! Happy Holidays! Where does the time go? It seems like we just began our fall season and now we are preparing for the year- end, the holidays and get-

So I have written ten suggestions for you: easy steps to give you more energy, more movement, and less pain, especially in the winter months. See the article in this newsletter. I would love to hear from you to find out how these suggestions have worked for you. Don’t miss out! Choose 2 or 3 steps to start TODAY! A new habit usually takes about 21 days to “take hold” into your body and mind. Repeat your new step EVERY DAY for the next 3 WEEKS and enjoy a GREAT HEAD START into a happy and HEALTHY new year! Wishing you the blessings of peace, joy, good health, and love. p.s. I love the Book of Luke, and in Chapter 2 we find the story of our Savior, as researched and written by a Greek doctor by the name of Luke, a letter to people everywhere. The angel said to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke 2: 10-12. Gratefully, Elaine


• 10 Steps To More Energy & Less Pain • Staff Spotlight • Workshops


• Energy Drink Recipe • Childbirth Education

togethers! My husband, Kent, and I are looking forward to Christmas with our families, seeing our adult children and their spouses, children, and fiancé, and hearing about their lives and plans. My mom and I love to plan and prepare for them… mostly food, including traditional family meals and sweets. We are hoping to add some fun activities this year, as we will have two younger, little ones to play with and entertain. Yum! Fun! As the days grow shorter, the nights are darker and longer, I want share some observations about our behaviors. Less sunlight for some folks can result in some sadness and lethargy. It’s real. Others eat more to “boost their energy” resulting in weight gain and sluggishness if the chosen foods are unhealthy. Christmas parties and drinking alcohol… need I say more? We just don’t need the excess! This past year, I learned that my over-consumption of sugar (like a piece of pie, cake, or brownie) resulted in my lower back being stiffer and hurting more. Who knew?

Patient Success SPOTLIGHT Back to hitting and blocking in volleyball! "Once I had made the high school volleyball team, I practiced every day. This wore out my leg muscles, all the jumping! Eventually (it lead to) Achilles tendonitis, so painful I had to stop playing for a long time! Thankfully, we found ZPT, and the friendly staff helped me and reassured me that I would get better very soon. Now I am very confident during volleyball, and I can get back to hitting and blocking, thanks to the therapists at ZPT.” - Jade F. Up and down stairs easier! "It has been outstanding coming here for my physical therapy. The help I got was out of this world…with ZPT help I can now put on my blue jeans while standing up, and I am able to go up and down the stairs a lot easier." - Sonny R.

UPCOMING WORKSHOPS Balance, Dizziness and Fall Prevention Workshop: January 13, 2018, 10 AM Nutrition and Movement - Lunch & Learn Class: January 20, 2018, 11:30 AM See full workshop descriptions inside!


More Patient Success Return to running! "Marissa and the staff at ZPThelped me strengthen my knee so I could return to running. Before starting PT, I was having difficulty getting up and down the stairs. But now, within a few short weeks I can do stairs, AND I’m back to running. Thanks, ZPT.” - Cristy M.

Announcing: Childbirth Education Classes offered: BIRTH BOOT CAMP Training for an amazing hospital birth experience!

Fridays, January 12th through February 16th, 2018, 6:30 to 9:00 pm, at Zionsville Physical Therapy.

Cost is $275/ couple (includes book).

To register, visit, or call 317.721.7332. (Elaine’s friend, Liz Escoffery, is the Birth Boot Camp instructor)

Announcing 2 New FREE Workshops!

NUTRITION AND MOVEMENT – A LUNCH AND LEARN CLASS: Saturday, January 20, at 11:30 a.m. This class will include the science of feeling great, with recent research and a review of how our body works. It will be interactive, challenging, and healthy refreshments will be served. It is for you if: • You’re tired of the conflicting nutrition information we hear and want evidence-based suggestions. • You’re often fatigued, have joint aches or muscle pain. • You have arthritis or other inflammation that keeps you from being more active. • You have difficulty having regular bowel movements. • You feel stuck at a certain weight that isn’t ideal, and you just want some reasonable approaches. Call the office or stop in our clinic to register for this class. Bring a friend and you are entered for a drawing for a door prize. 317.873.2033.

BALANCE, DIZZINESS AND FALL PREVENTION: Saturday, January 13, at 10:00 a.m.

This is workshop is full of self-help techniques to overcome dizziness, reduce your risk of falling, and become steadier on your feet. It is for you if: • You’ve felt unsteady on your feet and concerned that you might fall. • You’ve missed out on family activities or outings because of your balance or dizziness issues. • You’ve given up on some of the things you love to do because of your unsteadiness. • You’re noticing changes in your balance ability and just want to be proactive. Call the ZPT office to register: 317.873.2033. Reserve your seat and one for someone you know who has problems with their balance or has experienced falling.


So, you need some weapons to fight the winter droops, the fatigue and stiffness?Beattheblahsand instead,boostyour immunesystemandenergy? Try these easy (and a few challenging) steps NOW: 1. Stop eating after 7pm. Instead, drink an herbal tea or water after an earlier supper time. 2. Go to bed a little earlier to allow 7 or more hours of sleep. If you get up more than once per night, you might need to come see Elaine for a little PT. 3. Drink more water EARLY in the day. Take your weight in pounds, divide by 2, then drink that number of ounces of water every day. Your urine should be clear or very light yellow. 4. Take a brisk walk…outdoors whenever possible. Research points to the physical and emotional benefits of walking and spending time in nature. Find a park or path, grab a walking buddy, and GO! Everyday. Start small and gradually work up to 30 minutes or more. 5. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. You know that’s what your body needs for energy and repair. 8 to 10 servings per day. Yikes! 6. Stretch and breathe! Get your arms overhead and inhale, then bring your arms down and back, like goal posts, exhaling. Repeat. Big, slow, deep breaths. 2 minutes twice a day. Add more stretches like a yoga or stretch class, or your home exercise program for ZPT! If you have forgotten your home exercise programwe can accept your confession, grant forgiveness and get you a new one. You’re welcome. 7. Try an exercise class to challenge your body: call ZPT and ask for Taylor

if you need a trainer for a few sessions. He’s great. Look for a group class with a gym, if you like that, and try strengthening, stretching, free weights or machines, dancing, boxing, spinning or swimming. If you have difficulty or pain when you move more, it is time for a tune-up visit with your friends here at ZPT.

8. Avoid high sugar foods, excess caffeine, and processed foods. Reward yourselfwithwholefoods,andyouwillfeelmoreenergizedwithinafewdays. 9.Attainandkeepyourselfpositive.Smile.Laugh!Watchacomedianor listen to a funny program on the radio or YouTube. The body releases chemistry that boosts your emotional state and immunity. Share good belly laughs with your family and friends. Find a silly joke and call us with your best. 10. Be JOYFUL. Ah, Joyful and triumphant…. Tis the season. Energy Drink Recipe: PURPLE PASSION

Enjoy for breakfast, lunch, or dinner…or a post- exercise energy boost. I use a VitaMix brand blender which completely crushes and blends the fruits, vegetables and ice cubes into a smoothie. This retains the fiber and vitamins. - Elaine

• 1 teaspoon (or more) chia seed • 1 teaspoon cinnamon • 1 scoop protein powder (Elaine prefers Juice Plus brand, vanilla) • Ice cubes

DIRECTIONS Blend all ingredients together. INGREDIENTS • 1 cup coconut water • 1 handful spinach or kale • ½ banana • ½ cup frozen blueberries (strawberries or mixed fruit)

CALL TODAY! 317.873.2033