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Zionsville: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis

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FyzicalSouthwest: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis

cordele Expires 05-31-20

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SmartSports: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis n° 222047 - Level Medium

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MPTS: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis

2 cup tomato-basil pasta sauce KNEE EXTENSION STRETCH While sitting, tighten your top thigh muscle t

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PTRC. Relieving Low Back, Hip, & Knee Arthritis Pain

2 hour or until the chicken is cooked and the vegetables are hot. EXERCISE ESSENTIALS Try these exer

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FyzicalNewOrleans: Relieving Low Back, Hip, & Knee Arthritis

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Courcier Clinic. Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis P…

2houroruntil thechicken iscookedand thevegetablesarehot. • 1 tbsp olive oil • 2 tbsp butter New Team

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NOVAphysiotherapy_Relieving Low Back, Hip, & Knee Arthritis

2 cup tomato sauce (pasata) • 3 tbsp hot sauce2 • tbsp plant-based milk • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar Be

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Superior_Relieving Low Back Hip & Knee Arthritis

1 - Check solutions, print more free sudoku an You can find relief from your arthritis pain. Call To

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AspenRehab: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis

• Balance confidently and securely • Sit for long periods comfortably • Walk for long distances • Li

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Ellis: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis Pain

kneebook CALL TODAY! (208) 523-8879 Physical Therapists Are The Mechanics Of Your Body Think Ellis P

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Zionsville: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis

ZPT GaZette The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Getting To Know The Zionsville Physical Therapy Staff! Staff Spotlight: MARISSAWILDING, DPT

Marissa Wilding graduated from Ohio University in 2014 with her doctorate in physical therapy, then moved to Kansas City, where she worked and gained her professional experience in manual therapy, post-operative rehabilitation, and sport performance. She has had training in Ola Grimsby techniques, McKenzie method, and International Pain and Spine Institute clinical education. Marissa enjoys working with patients who have had all sorts of musculoskeletal pathologies and sports injuries. She uses a combination of manual therapy techniques to reduce pain and restore normal movement, in addition to therapeutic exercise to regain strength. She aims to create a partnership with her patients to help them feel better, get stronger, and return to their previous hobbies, work or sports activities. Marissa moved to Zionsville early this year, and joined ZPT in February, 2017, where she won the hearts of her patients and co-workers with her infectious laugh, her effective care, and her bright enthusiasm. Q: Where did you grow up? A: I grew up in Sidney, Ohio, a small town an hour north of Dayton. I grew up with my two older sisters, Jenny and Emily. I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Dayton and attended Ohio University for physical therapy school, GO BOBCATS! Q: What do you like to do when not fixing people in physical therapy? A: I enjoy hiking, reading, knitting, exploring new places to eat, and most of all spending time with my family, especially my two little nieces, Ellie and Jane.

Q: What is a unique fact that not everyone knows about you? A: When my sisters and I were younger, we would take an annual picture with the largest zucchini in my grandpa’s garden. Q: Favorite food? A: I lived in Kansas City for a little over 2 years, so my love of BBQ has grown exponentially! Q: What do you like best about working at ZPT? A: The people! It is rewarding to work in a fun and positive clinic where everyone shares the collective goal of getting our clients back to “fighting form.” Working in a small town creates an enjoyable atmosphere where you are not just another number, but everybody truly does know your name.

ZPT GaZette The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

July 2017

Dear ZPT friends,

Midsummer greetings! How are you doing? Enjoying the extended days, the beautiful sunsets, patriotic parades, outdoor concerts, a cool swim in the pool, family vacations? Are your 4-H projects turned in? (that last one was from my younger days!) Today I am in “mulch recovery mode”…you know…when you’ve spent time outside digging, lifting, squatting, reaching, bending – all for the sake of a few lovely plants, bushes, a tree, a landscape outside your home or at a friend’shome.Ugh! Iaudiblymoanandgroanafterover-doing it–mybackandhips feel thestrain. Must. Rest. I first discovered my lower back arthritis when I was in my late thirties after having a DEXA scan which revealed evidence of deterioration. Since then I have known to “be careful” while lifting, pushing and pulling, use good body mechanics, and don’t try to be superwoman and lift too much weight. The LAST thing I want to do is make my back condition worse! Therefore, here in the July ZPT Gazette, I am revealing a few of Elaine’s Secrets to Living with Arthritis, and Remaining Active: ELAINE MORRISON Owner


• Getting To Know Marissa Wilding • Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis

• 7 Tips To Help Your Arthritis • FREE Arthritis Pain Screening • Why YOU Need A “Tune Up”

1. After bending or lifting or mulching, go to Recovery Position, lying on floor with lower legselevatedandsupportedoncouch.Remainhereseveralminutes, repeating prayers, moaning loud enough for family members, including dogs, to notice and empathize. 2.Rollbackon foam roller.Yes, it isalmost likeyourphysical therapistmobilizing your spine, except the roller does not care for you. It is just there for you at any hour. 3. Inversion Table: basement device at home, purchased at Costco. Much like traction, but funner (new word), as you hang from your ankles at an angle, on purpose. Tested in our family by members ages 20 to 92. 4.Variousexercises:atmyage,yogaseems tohelp themost,since itcombines bodyawareness,breathing,withplentyofstretches,balancework,strengthening andspinalstabilization. Ialsodowalking, jogging,elliptical trainerorbikingas tolerated tomaintaincardiacand respiratoryendurance,and toburnadequate calories toeatbrownies.Or,uh,veggies.Yes,whole foodsand lotsofvegetables.

So, there you have it…”secrets” revealed! This month’s newsletter aptly focuses on arthritis, primarily osteoarthritis of the lower spine, hips and knees. In our practice, here at ZPT, we see these conditions quite often, and in some cases, it is difficult to determine which joint is causing the most pain. There are specific patterns that joint pain typically travels when the source is the spine vs. the hips, vs. the knees. Our physical therapists can discern the difference. Here are a few symptoms you might be experiencing that point to possible arthritic changes: • Difficulty fully bending or straightening the knee or hip (folded knee pulled up to chest) • Pain with weight bearing, standing, or walking (can be pain in the groin or in the front or back of the thigh) • Swelling, tenderness or heat emanating from a joint • Sudden, transient feeling of leg not supporting your body weight • Stiffness in the back, hips, or knees, especially in the mornings or after prolonged sitting or standing. • Grinding or popping sounds in joint when moved (may or may not be painful, just noisy). If this sounds like your daily experience, consider a visit to ZPT and let us help you find a good recovery position, a few good manual or mechanical helps to reduce your pain, and some appropriate exercises for your unique situation. Arthritis does not have to slow you down to a grinding halt. You may just discover some great methods to manage it. So you can go…watch a sunset.

Patient Success SPOTLIGHT I'm back working part time at the golf course! "There was weakness in my left thigh, stiffness in my lower back and general lack of flexibility in my hips and lower back. After physical therapy at ZPT, I’m back working part time at the golf course: cutting greens and tees all with no pain. I’m also rolling greens and lifting thecart ramp, twenty timesaday, as the roller is loaded and unloaded for each green including practice greens. I'm planning to play some golf this summer as well thanks to Katie and Taylor!” - Robert C.

Best regards, Elaine P.S. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1

Next FREE Back Pain and Sciatica Workshop is Saturday, August 12, at 10:00 a.m. Call the office or visit our website to register. Seating is limited.


Physical Therapists Are The Mechanics Of Your Body

Think Zionsville PT FIRST Why You Need To Come Back In For A Tune- Up: � Move without pain � Bend and move freely � Balance confidently and securely � Sit for long periods comfortably

� Walk for long distances � Live an active and healthy lifestyle

"Review Us" on our website or on YELP! We value your feedback!

Take care of your aches and pains. See our updated website to learn how.

Do You Have Difficulty Bending Or Reaching?

• Decrease your pain • Increase your strength • Increase your activity level We can help:

• Increase your flexibility • Improve your health • Get you back to doing what you love to do

Mention or Bring in This Coupon Today For a FREE Arthritis Pain Screening

Call Today: 317.873.2033

Offer valid for the first 25 people to schedule. Expires 8-15-17.

RELIEVING LOW BACK, HIP & KNEE ARTHRITIS Do you suffer from back, knee or hip pain? It is possible you may have osteoarthritis inthose joints.Osteoarthritis (OA) isthemostcommoncondition of the joints, affecting approximately 27 million Americans. With OA, there is a breakdown in the cartilage covering the ends of bones. As the cartilage wears away, the bones become exposed and rub against each other.

The deterioration of cartilage also affects the shape and makeup of the joint so that itno longer functionssmoothly.The ligamentsand tendonsaround the joint become stiff and the muscles that support the joint can become weak. This leads to even more painful rubbing of the joint surfaces. Therearemanystudiesandpatientsuccessstoriespromotingtheeffectiveness ofphysicaltherapyforosteoarthritis.OurexperttherapistsatZionsvillePhysical Therapyaretrainedspecifically intreatingpatientssufferingfromosteoarthritis and work to obtain optimal results. Study Shows How to Relieve OA Pain. In a medical study, 83 patients with osteoarthritis were assigned to receive either hands-on physical therapy (treatment group) or a pill that actually did nothing to help their pain without them knowing (placebo group). Tests were done to measure how well the people were doing 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 1 year later. The results were very impressive with the patients who had hands-on physical therapy combined withgentle,specificexercises.Theyshowedsignificant improvements in their pain, mobility and function. By 8 weeks, patients were able to walk further and faster with much less, or completelyresolvedpain.Their jointstiffness,achesandmobilityhad improved by 55% as compared to the group who had no treatment. At one year, patients 7 TIPS TO HELP YOUR ARTHRITIS When itcomes to treatingarthritis,youmayhavemoreoptions thanyou realize.There is a lot you can do to reduce your aches and pains from arthritis, while gaining more mobility and function. People often experience pain from arthritis because of stiff joints, muscles and other tissues. In addition, muscles become weak, therefore not supporting the arthritic joints. Our customized physical therapy treatments promote muscle strength, improve range of motion, increase mobility and ease pain. Coupling PT interventions with the following tips can help you live life to the fullest and get you back to doing the things you love: 1. Education and self-management. Knowing more about the anatomy and physi- ology of your joints, and how your muscles protect the joints, helps you to under- stand which activities to continue and which to limit or modify. During a course of physical therapy, you have opportunities to show your therapist how you walk, stretch, squat, lift and reach, so that your body mechanics can be corrected and you can begin to practice better methods for doing your day-to-day activities. 2. Weight loss. Maintaining your recommended weight or losing weight if you are overweight can lessen your pain by reducing stress on your affected joints. Weight loss specifically helps ease pressure on weight-bearing joints such as the hips and knees, as well as relieves lower back strain from a large abdomen..

in the treatment group still were doing great in terms of less pain and more mobility.Otherbenefits included lessneed forsurgerywithonly5%ofpatients in the treatment group having undergone surgery as compared to 20% with the placebo group. Ifyouaresuffering fromosteoarthritis,ourphysical therapy treatments relieve your pain. Isn’t it time you did something about your pain and movement? Call us today at Zionsville Physical Therapy to learn more about our ARTHRITIS PROGRAM so we can make a positive difference in your life. Annalsof InternalMedicine:February1,2000vol.132no.3173-181.GailD.Deyle,MPT;NancyE.Henderson, PhD,MPT;RobertL.Matekel,MPT;MichaelG.Ryder,MPT;MatthewB.Garber,MPT;andStephenC.Allison, PhD,MPT,ECS 3. Footwear and insoles. If arthritis affects your spine, hips, knees or feet, better footwear and insoles can reduce pain and improve walking. 4. Knee braces. For osteoarthritis with associated knee instability, a knee brace can reduce pain, improve stability and reduce the risk of falling. 5. Canes, walking/hiking sticks, walkers or crutches. Canes and walking or hiking sticks can increase your base of support, making uneven surfaces more easily and safely navigated. Your physical therapist will have specific recommendations for you, based on your tested skills in balance and strength. Refusing to use a crutch, cane or walker doesn’t necessarily make you look younger; it can result in a fall and fracture, and much worse pain and dependence. 6.Heatandcold. Many people find the heat of a warm bath, heat pack or paraffin bath eases arthritis pain. Others find relief in cold packs. Still others prefer alternating the two. 7. Exercise. Exercise has been proven to help reduce arthritis pain while increasing strength and function. Knowing the right kinds of exercises to do is the key. Working with our PT’s in a specific course of physical therapy based on your particular issues, will get you MOVING in the right direction.

CALL TODAY! 317.873.2033