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Zionsville: Run Injury Free

running • Lack of flexibility Common injuries with running or exercising: • Patellofemoral pain • Me

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Zionsville: Pregnancy & Back Pain

Homecoming Class: Friday nights May3,10,17,24andJune14,21,and 28. 7-9:30 pm, for couples expecting i

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Zionsville PT: National PT Month

Two More Workshop Dates To Save! CALL TODAY! 317.873.2033

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Zionsville: Back Pain & Gardening


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Zionsville: Happy Thanksgiving

Zionsville: Happy Thanksgiving THE NOVEMBER, 2019 ZPT GaZette NEWSLETTER Holiday greetings to our pa

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Zionsville: Winter Survival Guide

show or a concert to attend with a family member or friend. Here are a few of the ZPT staff favorite

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Zionsville: Relieve Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain

symptomsconditionsdetail.aspx?cid=95bd746b-b25f-46f5- 8373-fb56c9f6b46a • Wall push-ups. These are e

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Zionsville: Natural Ways To Relieve Arthritis

bending and movements a year! Knee osteoarthritis pain is generally felt under the knee cap, but can

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Zionsville: Live Without Neck Pain & Headaches

Punter. He has experienced PT first hand after surgeries and rugged workouts. His family means a gre

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Zionsville: Walk Again Without Pain

Zionsville: Walk Again Without Pain Walk Again Without Pain! ZPT The Newsletter About Your Health An

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Zionsville: Women's Health

ZPT The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

November 2018

Getting to Know the Zionsville PT Staff AMANDA RAINES, PT TECH

If you have been in our therapy gym anytime this past summer, you have likely met Amanda Raines, our newest PTTech. She was hired after becoming a stellar intern with us just prior to her graduation from IUPUI in May, 2018. She earned her BS degree in Kinesiology, studying Exercise Science and Pre-Physical Therapy. Grew up in: Anderson, IN. Now lives in: Fishers, IN Tell us about your family: I have a small immediate family. I’m an only child and my parents are my best friends. Some may know that I lost my father last November around Thanksgiving and I cherish every moment I get to spend with my Mom and the rest of my family. What made you first interested in Physical Therapy as a profession? I was a gymnast growing up and had an accident where I fractured my left elbow at a young age. After healing frommy injury, I had another injury on the uneven bars, where I broke the same arm again. I had 12 screws and 2 plates put into my left forearm. I went through extensive physical therapy to regain strength in my left arm again. I thought this would be a setback for me, but I actually came back stronger than I was before. If it wasn’t for physical therapy, there would be no way that I would go back and continue competing in gymnastics and cheerleading. I realized how life-changing physical therapy was for me and I immediately sparked an interest in this rewarding career. What did you like best about your IUPUI studies or activities? I loved how IUPUI had so many service learning opportunities, which gave me hands-on experiences to prepare me for my future. During my undergraduate studies, I worked one on one with many individuals. I was a wellness coach, a personal trainer, and an advocate for providing health and wellness facilities to those in urban Indianapolis. My favorite service learning class was being a personal trainer for adults with disabilities. During this experience, I trained adults with Down syndrome for 8 weeks. Creating fun and functional workouts for these adults was challenging, but very enjoyable!

Plans for the future? I plan to hopefully be in PT school this coming summer. PT school interviews are just around the corner and I hope to stay in the Indianapolis area. I am very excited and anxious about this next chapter in my life! Hobbies or special interests? I am a health enthusiast and enjoy working out and eating healthy. I love weight training and trying new things at the gym to challenge myself. Another interest of mine is music. I go to about 20 concerts a year and I enjoy just about every kind of genre. Something most people do not know about you: I used to compete in NPC bikini bodybuilding shows and qualified for the Nationals, where you can earn a pro card. I would like to get back into bodybuilding one day and compete for my pro card. Amanda, we think you are "pro" at helping all of the patients, therapists, techs and receptionists --keeping ZPT running on time efficiently and effectively! Thanks for ALL you do!

ZPT GaZette The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

November 2018

Dear ZPT family and friends,


Veterans’ Day and Thanksgiving Day: both are celebrated in November, and both have to do with being grateful. When I consider the courage that is required to train and serve our country in the armed services, I am awed by it, and very grateful for those who have served and are currently serving in the United States military. I am also grateful for the many blessings and comforts we all enjoy, and for the family and close friends I have. Here’s a great suggestion for the month of November: start and keep a “Gratitude Journal” and begin by listing ten things for which you are grateful. Write a little more each day. This creates an attitude of

• Women's Health & Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy • FREE Back Pain & Sciatica Workshop • We Are Thankful For Our Patients • Healthy Recipe


gratitude, as just this simple act requires our brains to stop scanning for negativity and, instead, seeing the positives. I started a gratitude journal last spring, and it helps me to rest and sleep better at night. Let me know what it does for you! Another way we can practice thankfulness is to contribute to the wellbeing of others. The Caring Center in nearby Lebanon works to stabilize families in crisis and to move those caught in poverty towards self-sufficiency. Just one of the many ways they do this is through a food pantry. The current needs are peanut butter, canned veggies, toilet paper, crackers, spinach, pineapple, spaghetti sauce, evaporated milk, canned chicken, cereal, sugar, syrup, mixed veggies, apple juice and tomato juice.The Caring Center is also in need of monetary donations to help with renovation costs for the food pantry. Donations can be made through their website, or you can contact us here at ZPT for more information. Our clinic will be collecting food pantry items in the entry area and transporting bags and boxes of food up to the Caring Center or to the Shalom House in Lebanon over the next 3 months. Please bring in your donations from the above list anytime we are open for business (generally 7 AM to 7 PM Monday through Thursday, 7 AM to 5 PM Friday). Thank you in advance! Lastly, I want to extend a big THANK YOU to the many patients and persons who have referred someone to ZPT this past year! We appreciate our dear patients and their dedication to getting better, becoming stronger, and returning to their regular activities. We send our love and our gratitude for you! Keep up the good work!

Patient Success SPOTLIGHT

Incredible! "I returned toZPTwithhighhopes,and the team delivered incredible care— again! My goals were to resume daily activities at work and home without limitations and pain—back to baseline! It is so easy to work with ZPT, and it was pleasant to arrive and be taken care of by talented staff that are always available and willing to help. Thank you all, especially Marissa but also Katie, Katia, Taylor and the rest of the staff." - Stacey P.

Gratefully, Elaine P.S. Shout to the Lord, all the earth; break out in praise and sing for joy! Psalm 98:4.

END OF THE YEAR BENEFITS! Have you met your deductible and/or your out of pocket "maximum"? If so your physical therapy will be paid by your insurance, so use your benefits to actually benefit your body, to treat pain, strain, stiffness, weakness, balance issues or difficulties with walking or moving. Use your Health Savings Account to pay for your physical therapy!

Pumpkin Lentil Soup

• ½ tsp. ground ginger • 3 Tbsp. honey

INGREDIENTS • 1 Tbsp. coconut oil • 1 large onion, chopped • 3 cloves garlic, chopped or minced • 1 (15oz.) can pumpkin • 1 cup dry red lentils, rinsed • ½ cup water • 2 ½ to 3 cups vegetable broth

• Salt and pepper to taste • ½ to 1 cup unsweetened almond milk • Optional Garnish: pumpkin seeds, pomegranate seeds, honey, cinnamon

• ½ tsp. ground cinnamon • ½ tsp. ground nutmeg

DIRECTIONS Heat coconut oil in a large pot on medium heat, and saute onion until translucent. Add garlic, cook and stir one more minute. Stir in pumpkin, lentils, water, and vegetable broth. Add cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, honey, salt and pepper; stir. Bring soup to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes, or until lentils are cooked through. Use a hand blender or VitaMix blender to puree the soup. As you puree, add the almond milk slowly, starting with ½ cup and add more until desired consistency is reached. Taste test and add salt and pepper as desired, to enhance flavor. Transfer to bowls and (optional) garnish with pumpkin seeds, pomegranate seeds, sprinkle of cinnamon and a drizzle of honey. Makes 4-6 servings.

We Are Thankful For Our Patients We are thankful for our patients and our supportive medical community. Zionsville Physical Therapy wishes all of our patients a Happy Thanksgiving!


BACK PAIN & SCIATICA: Saturday, November 17 & Saturday, December 8, both at 10:00 a.m. These free one hour workshops are interactive talksandquestion/answer sessions with ZPTowner and physical therapist, Elaine Morrison, on the topic of Back Pain and Sciatica. “Each time we do these workshops it is fun and different, because the participants are different each time. They all bring questions and issues to discuss, and we spend time not only going over the basic anatomy and physiology of the lower back and nerves, but also what can be done to help take care of the spine naturally, without medications, injections or surgery,” reports Elaine, after one of the recent workshops. If you find yourself avoiding certain activities (such as bending, lifting, standing in line, walking long periods, driving longer distances in your car, wearing tie shoes) because you have recently injured your back or are currently dealing with back pain and spasms, these workshops are for you. We want to share information that will help you take control of your situation, as much as possible, to gain the pain relief and get you back to doing the things you love to do.

Theseworkshops require registrationbycalling317.873.2033ore-mailing our office at [email protected]. Seating is limited. Register now, and get ready to feel more in control of your back pain BEFORE the busy holiday season!


By Elaine Morrison, PT So, this is personal. I started studying and attending continuing education sessions about pelvic floor weakness and pelvic dysfunction when I was a young physical therapist and new mom, because I realized that being pregnant and recovering from delivery was no easy task! In fact, I had tried to get help from the physical therapists I knew at the time but could not find anyone who could ease the pain or help with the instability I was experiencing. I promised myself that I would become that “go-to” person! This was in the early to mid 1990’s, and there were only two or three “women’s health” PT providers and only one pelvic floor specialist in PT in the Indy area. We came together and offered courses on the topics, and I traveled to various states to learn about pregnancy and back pain, stabilization during and after pregnancy, urinary and fecal incontinence and biofeedback/surface electromyography for pelvic floor rehabilitation. While studying about women’s health issues, I learned about osteoporosis and the specific exercises that will help and protect (and which ones will hurt) the spine and other bones. I attended several courses on the topic of lymphedema, and especially treatment after breast cancer treatments. Next came other difficult topics of vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, dyspareunia - which were addressed in more advanced coursework. I had a mentor who allowed me to partner with her and we started our own division of our PT company, just for women’s health issues. We positioned ourselves next door to the Urogynecologists at Methodist Hospital - where we both participated in patient rounds, discussions, and taught the interns about what physical therapists do to retrain the pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor dysfunction can occur in males also, so another course on male pelvic pain helped identify what could be done in PT to help with painful spasms and difficulty with incontinence in the male population. Now, I find myself in the position of seeing several pelvic floor PT’s spring up in the area, and truly - I am glad. Glad that there are professionals in this area who are dedicated to helping folks with these intimate issues - incontinence, inability to completely evacuate, pain with intercourse, frequent urination, spasms in the pelvic floor with sitting or lifting, tailbone pain, difficulty stabilizing the pelvis during pregnancy, and sciatica or back pain during pregnancy. Now it’s your turn! So, how do I get help from a pelvic floor physical therapist and what exactly should I expect? Good questions! :) You can choose to come to physical therapy now without a doctor’s order for PT, for 24 days of treatment before we would need to have a signature on the plan of care. This is a state law. However, for Medicare recipients, your physician should already be aware of the problem for which you are seeking PT help, so that they will send a prescription, or sign the plan of care to enable us to see you for several weeks.

On the first visit at ZPT, as with any skilled PT evaluation, you will fill out medical history information and identify specific areas for which you are seeking help. Then I will evaluate your condition - strength, pain, alignment, motion, and balance in a private treatment room, much like a physician’s exam room. You may have someone present for this and any appointments. There are both internal and external methods of treating the pelvic floor, and you can help determine with which you will be most comfortable. I find that much of my time with each patient involves education regarding the anatomy and physiology of the pelvis, and pinpointing the reason each patient is having pain or dysfunction. We discuss several conservative, behavioral changes that can create a healthier body, better “working parts” and a stronger, more stable pelvis. Each time you come for an appointment, you can expect to learn best exercises, research proven methods to improve your function, have hands- on help with your trigger points, and gain suggestions for you to do on your own or with your partner at home. Healing and strengthening can take several weeks. Typically after about 6 to 8 weeks, my patients indicate that they can do most of the work on their own, and they are feeling much better, much more knowledgeable, and returning to activities they love. For me, the therapist, the satisfaction comes from knowing I have helped someone improve the quality of their life. It’s not very glamorous, but … sometimes the best things in life are the unseen work of people caring for others.

CALL TODAY! 317.873.2033