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201906 SERC Transmission

harm determinations. Joan Gue ntner is currently a Compliance Program Administrator at FRCC. She wil

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201907 SERC Transmission Newsletter

201907 SERC Transmission Newsletter SERC Transmission Newsletter Generated Monthly for Stakeholders

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201905 SERC Transmission_Draft-1

201905 SERC Transmission_Draft-1 SERC Transmission Newsletter Generated Monthly for Stakeholders May

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Transmission and Generation Modeling

Committee related issues • Registration and Certification Issues • Compliance monitoringmethods: o S

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SERC Title Page

Committee related issues • Compliance Seminar topic suggestions • Open Forum topic suggestions • Com

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SERC Informational Package

BEC Standing Technical Committees Human Resources and Compensation Committee (HRCC) Critical Infrast

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201906 SERC Transmission_DRAFT-1

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SERC 101 Agenda

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SERC Title Page

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SERC Visitor Guide

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201905 SERC Transmission

SERC Transmission Newsletter Generated Monthly for Stakeholders

May 2019

Volume 6: Issue 5





By Jason Blake, President and CEO So much has happened in the past 30 days, and we are quite excited to share with you the completion of many key milestones in the efforts to integrate the SERC and FRCC Regions. OnApril 30th, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued an order formally approving the transfer of all registered entities in the FRCC Region to SERC by July 1, 2019. We could not be more pleased about this opportunity to expand SERC’s footprint, and to welcome the addition of so many respected, diverse, and expert organizations into our Region!


Another important milestone in our transition efforts occurred in lateApril, as well. For the first time, SERC held its spring Board of Directors meeting in the beautiful city of Tampa, Florida. We were thrilled that so many prospective members and registered entities joined us. During this meeting, the Board took significant actions that are effective upon the formal transfer of the FRCC registered entities to SERC: • First, the Board formally approved and welcomed 26 new members from Florida. • Second, the Board of Directors added and elected three senior executives from current FRCC registered entities to join the SERC Board Executive Committee. This expansion of the Board Executive Committee helps ensure Florida representation and demonstrates our commitment at all levels of SERC to be a singular, inclusive, and cohesive region for entities across both the current SERC and FRCC footprints. • Third, the Board of Directors also approved the submission of SERC’s draft 2020 Business Plan and Budget to NERC, and its posting for comment. SERC management and numerous Board committees have worked very hard to ensure that we perform our important work in the most effective and efficient manner, and we believe that this draft budget will prudently enable us to do so.



NERC Themes Webinar Series NERC and the Regional Entities (the ERO Enterprise) are hosting a series of webinars in 2019 to share information about the cases presenting the greatest risks to reliability and security. The first webinar was conducted in lateApril, and described the principles that guide the comprehensive resolution of those cases and how those principles operated in practice in resolving violations of the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Reliability Standards. It covered the underlying causes of the CIP violations, as well as what was done to remediate the violations and foster sustainable compliance and security programs. Upcoming webinars in the series will be announced in the For Your Calendar section of the newsletter. Watch for it!

SERC Region Reliability Projected for Summer Season

The summer Seasonal Outlook webpage features SERC’s assessment of the bulk electric system for the upcoming summer season. Based on a review of the Region's demand and capacity, summer peak reserve margin projections have trended ~20% or above consistently for the last three years, which indicates there are sufficient resources to meet the load during the summer peaks. Anticipated Reserve Margins for the 2019 summer season range from 19% to 48%. However, entities continue to perform studies regularly to prepare for operational challenges that may occur in the upcoming season. SERC staff would like to thank the Reliability Review Subcommittee for its assistance in >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11

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