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Biola Broadcaster - 1954-08

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Biola Broadcaster - 1968-05

pAopherjf and the HolyLand by Dr. Charles L. Feinberg Dean, Talbot Theological Seminary A S WE CONSI

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Biola Broadcaster - 1968-10


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Biola Broadcaster - 1966-12

Biola Broadcaster - 1966-12 THE BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR Biola BROADCASTER Monthly Publication of the BI

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Biola Broadcaster - 1966-10

2000th of an ounce of radium, was acci­ dentally dropped and broken on a hardwood floor. With a came

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Biola Broadcaster - 1966-11

Biola Broadcaster - 1966-11 CONTENTS LEAVES ................................... 3 JOHN 3:16 ........

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Biola Broadcaster - 1963-07

New Mexico KARA 1,310 Aztec, New Mexico KNOE 1340 7:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:30 AAA.MTWTF Billings, Montana K

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Biola Broadcaster - 1972-03

or by remem­ bering Bioia in your WILL. Please send coupon for further information concerning Wills,

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Biola Broadcaster - 1967-07

p things other members of the family have overlooked; Dad grumbles about his inconsiderate boss and

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Biola Broadcaster - 1973-10

- 6 ill we say that,we have feUowshi'pAvith Him and yet walk in the darkness, we blie and cdo not pr

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Biola Broadcaster - 1953-11

' asca (' ~ : , ~;: · ·: Idaho ' · .' Coeur d'Alene-KVNl-1240 Walla Walla - KUJ - 1420 ·. ,;.·

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Biola Broadcaster - 1954-08

Following the completion of one of the largest summer schools which has ever been held at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola President, has announced special plans for the opening of the fall semester with enrollment expected to be at an unusually high level. Because of the ever-increasing demands made by missionary organizations for well-trained young people, new faculty members have been added to the staff, and extra courses scheduled for the curriculum. Here, almost one thousand Christ-dedicated students receive the finest of academic and spiritual training available anywhere in the world. Young people looking for a school such as this, which in nearly half a century has graduated more .than 15,000 students, should write today for free descriptive material. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is four-schools-in-one, with the two-year Bible Institute course, four-year Biola Bible College, leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree; the . Talbot Theological Seminary, offering the Bachelor of Di– vinity degree to men who have had College training, and the School of Missionary MediCine, one-year post-graduate school. (See story on page three inside). If you know young people interested in the finest of aca– demic and spiritual training, remind them to send for cata– logs of any of the four schools of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles ... located in the heart of the West, with the West at HEART' Look lor 'n ·ttitil hisrie .... . * KlMG~s BUSI MESS. SPE91AL 0Ff£.8. * DR. TALBOT'S tTJNERARY * #~LAMP UNTO MY FEETu

~g~r ~~9u_e~rs_ . \!( "Bui u·ithoul faith it is impossible to pled{t/ him: for he that co·meth to God must belie1'e that he is, and that he is a reu ·arder of them that diligently seek him," (Heb. 11:6) . PRAYER . . , . For the new student body at. the Bible Institute of Los Ange les as school begins in September. PRAISE . ... For victories won and souls saved through the ministry of Biola young people during the summer months. PRAYER . ... For Dr. Louis T. Talbot as he goes throughout the West and across the country, showing motion pictures taken on his recent missionary expedition. PRAISE . . . For many more confessions of Christ as Saviour through the daily radio ministries of the Bible Institute. PRAYER . ... For many whose names are on the radio prayer list and who have various personal, physical, and spiritual problems. PRAISE . ... For the leading and guidance of this year's staff of the Biola Campus Caravan which is just com– pleting a tour of the Pacific Northwest. AYER . ... For Biola missionaries in every area of the • •. ' t • , lt is.,q r petit10n that they may continue to stand :~~iii · :;'.:>!eili.fa'$t and against the Satanic oppos1t10n of -~I . • ,:. • Coturilun,ism q_ntl eli i .. ,_ >~ * : ',•,·* * "' : ':~'f~:. '-~. ~ . ;'f(~.'. .. ·· -·~· ..--- ~ . ..;. .... With seven full-color motion pictures taken during his recent "around the world" missionary survey, Dr. Louis T. Talbot continues to spiritually awaken Christians with the great needs of the world today in these crucial hours in which we live. Be sure to hear the BIOLA Chancellor when he comes to your area : AUGUST 1: First Brethren Church, Kenilworth at Stocker Streets, Glendale, California (11am;7:30pm) AUGUST 7: Youth For Christ, Sacramento, California AUGUST 15 - 22: Mount Hermon-BIOLA Conference AUGUST 23 - 30: Winona Lake Conf., W inona Lake, Ind. * * * * * *

0/ Medicine Each year a full enrollment of young people enter the halls and laboratories of Biola's School of Missionary Medi– cine, dlfected by Miss Leonie V. Soubirou. Since the time of its organization in 194 5, young people trained in this unusual course of study are serving Christ around the world. Designed to equip the Bible lnstitute and Bible College graduate with a basic understanding of diseases and physical ailments with which he will be- confronted on the mission field. Students are actually not only in the class– room but in local hospitals as well. We praise God for the way His hand of divine blessing has rested upon this unusual "school, and our sincere appreci– ation to you for your faithful support which .bas made this tuition-free training possible. l Special Su6sc!'/pli'onsf'o K/N(l:J' BUSINESS offered . - ..

•: ..

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O~u?/~ Jsa Entering its ninth consecutive year of broadcasting, BIOLA Productions, radio voice of the Bible lnstitute of Los Angeles, announces the addition of the twenty-first station carrying the Gospel message of "ACCENT ON YOUTH." These weekly programs are heard around the world and in selected areas across the Country. For a list of local stations write: ACCENT ON YOUTH, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 1 7, California.


.;~~-: Dy DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND NOTE: Th;s feature ;s hem·d dady over the B;b/e Institute Hour and ;s a1·ailable in print upon request.


Over in Belgium, on one of the most important bridges, there stand the bronze statues which repre– sent the mutual love and affection of a father and his son who won the hearts of their countrymen. Prior to this time, however, because of political offense, both were condemned to die by the blade of the axe. Great difficulty arose though when the gov– ernment couldn't find anyone to be the executioner, since the two were so popular with the people. Then, a strange proposition was made - one would have his life spared if he would behead the other. The proposal was accepted since each saw that

in so doing at least one life might be spared. The son wanted his father to be saved so that he himself could die happily. But, after much persuasion, the son consented to perform the ghastly deed, since the parent reminded him how that his own years were so few. Anyway, on the day of the event, anxious throngs jammed the courtyard as the two were led in from the prison. The scene was grim, with the scaffold built around a huge wooden block. Slowly the aging man placed his head on the cold block and awaited the fatal blow. Then, the son, pale-faced and with wild look, seized the axe and lifted it with trembling hand. But, just as he started to bring it down, he threw it to the side and placed his head. next to that of his father shouting "NO, we die together!" In response to the demands of the people, the government ordered the immediate release of the two and later, through the years, sculptors made memorials in bronze to their honor. This touching story shows how that a son was willing to die for his loved ones. Often-times we hear of those who risk their fives for their friends, but very seldom does anyone ever volun– teer help for his enemies. Yet, the Bible tells us that "God commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners," or enemies, "Christ died for us." Have you placed your faith and trust in Him? If not, then do so today and find the true peace and joy of the Christian life. 1••-•--(CLIP OUT AND MAIL IN)••••-• • Bioln Broadcaster ' • BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES • 558 South Hope Street ' • Los Angeles 17, California • Dear Sirs: • Pleose send me the following free material : : D The July Booklet "YOU CAN HAVE REVIVAL" by • Dr. J. Vernon McGee D PANEL DISCUSSION FOLDERS for the month of (post 7 months available) D Booklet of Poems, Illustrations, Sentence Sermons, Pictures: "NUGGETS OF GOLD" •• D A COPYOF-------------- (specify which catalog of the 4 Schools of the Bible • Institute of ·Los Angeles, Inc.) • • • am enclosing $ for the work of training young people for world-wide missionary service. • NAME • • • ADDRESS CITY ___________ STATE----

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~~~NUGGETS OF GOLD~~~ Reformation Is Like Putting A New Shirt On A Man: Regeneration Is Like Putting A New Man In A Shirt. * * * I DON'T WANT GOD'S MONEY He was a nondescript individual, one who would have gone unnociced easily anywhere. Meek and humble, he came each Lord's day to the church, as he said, to pay his respects to the Lord. The church members paid little attention to him as he quietly came and went his way each week. If any gave him a passing thought, it was perhaps tinged with pity at his humble circumstances. Certainly, no one wondered when the offering plate always passed him by. Why nothing was expected from one so poor! Yet, each month, on pay day, he came to the church office, with the tithe of the fuodest salary he made from his lowly position. One day, one of the church secretaries said, "Why do you make this special trip each month ? Why don't you wait and bring it with you on Sunday '" The man slo'o/IY replied, "I can't do that. As soon as I get paid, I must bring my money to the church. You see, I have a bad heart. The doctors tell me ,that I may go at any time. So I want to be sure that my tithe is in the church. I don't want God's money in my pocket when I go." * • • * * * Humiliation Is An Emotion Caused By Sudden Shrinking To Our N ormal Dimensions. j,/

• * * * * * PRAYER FOR A DAY'S WALK God Jet me find the lonely ones Among the throng today, And let me say the words to take The loneliness away. So many walk with aching hearts Along the Old Highway. So many walk with breaking hearts And no one understands. They find the roadway rough and steep Across the batren lands. God help me lighten weary eyes And strengthen nerveless hands. God help me brighten dreary eyes, And let my own grief be A sure reminder of the grief Of those who walk with me. When words fail, hands fail, Let me go on in silent sympathy.


--Grace Noll Crowell.



* * * Fault-Finding Is One Talent That Ought To Be Buried, And The Place Forgotten. l,./ AUGUST 15 - 22-BIOLA WEEK AT MT. HERMON Since this edition reaches most homes in the middle of the month, it will be too late for many of you to make plans to spend an entire week at Mt. Hermon during the BIOLA Summer Conference. Those who can, however, are .invited to join us August 15 - 22 for eight days of spiritual feasting up6n the Word of God . Dr. Talbot speaks each evening and shows his new films. Broadcasts will originate from the Conference Grounds. * * * * *

"Tu Bl•le lradftate Ho•,.,' BIBLE INSTITUTE of LOS ANGELES 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, Callforaio

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Reno- KAT0-1340 Orel(on Albany - KWIL - 1240 Ashland - KWIN - 1400 Astarla - KAST - 1370 Bend- KBND-1110 Coos Bay - KOOS - 1230 Eugene - KORE - 1450 Grants Pass - KUIN - 1340 Portland - KWJJ - lOBO Roseburg - KRXL - 1240 Salem - KSLM - 1390 ·-: : ' . w.......... :f: Bellingham - KPUG -1170 . , ·. Centralia - KELA - 1470 : ; ; Everett - KRKO - 1310 " • ·· Langview - KWLK - 1400 Olympia - KGY - 1240 Seattle - KVI - 570 ' Spokane - KNEW - 790 : , ··: Walla Walla - KUJ - 1420 : .' .: WenatchH - KWNW - 1340 . . Yaklma-KYAK-1400 Honolulu, Hawoll - KAIM Z·. .,,. Aberdeen - KXRO - 1320 '

Bakersfield - KBAK - 550 Bishop - KIBS- 1230 Chico - KXOC - 1060 El Centro - KXO - 1230 Fresno - KYNO -1300 Los Angeles - KHJ - 930 Marysville - KMYC- 1410 Merced - KYOS - 1410 • Paso Robles - KPRL - 1230 Sacramento - KCRA - 1320

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"· : .... ., ·(·.,

: Salinas - KSBW - 1310 :. -' San Bernardino - KFXM - 590 San Diego - KGB - 1360 San Francisco- KFRC-610 San Luis Obispa - KVEC - 920 . " Santa Barbara - KDB - 1490 ·. ,: Stocktan - KXOB - 1210 ·,


Tulare - KCOK -1270 Ventura - KVEN - 1450 Wasco-KWS0-1050


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Idaho Coeur d'Alene- KVNI -1240 Lewiston - KRLC - 1350



