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Elkins Dental - August 2022

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Elkins Dental August 2018

campfire-basics.html. REMEMBER: IT’S OKAY TO CALL IT A NIGHT. For kids, the most exciting part of ca

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Elkins Dental - August 2020

4 cup vinegar (apple cider vinegar recommended) • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 4 tbsp fresh parsley, fi

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Elkins Dental - August 2021

or bed. Browse sites like Chewy and Build-Basic to learn how to make your own! Raised Food Bowls Rai

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Elkins Dental - August 2019

2 cup oil, garlic, salt, pepper, cumin, paprika, turmeric, and crushed red pepper. Whisk together, t

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Elkins Dental - February 2022

2 tsp salt 1. Preheat the oven to 350 F and grease baking pans of choice. Line bottoms with parchmen

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Elkins Dental - May 2022

2 avocado, pitted, peeled, and thinly sliced • Cherry tomatoes, halved • Sriracha hot sauce (optiona

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Elkins Dental - June 2022

4 cup of the marinade. 3. Seal bag and massage marinade into the chicken. Chill in the fridge overni

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Elkins Dental - July 2022

2 cup fresh chives, thinly sliced • 8 oz fresh crabmeat • 1 tbsp grated lemon zest • 1 tbsp fresh le

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Elkins Dental - March 2022

2 cup of p anuts. 3. Pour the batter into a greased, 8-inch, microwave-safe baking dish. Microwave o

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Elkins Dental - April 2022

2 cups finely chopped pecans, divided 1. Cook pie crust according to package instructions. 2. In a s

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Elkins Dental - August 2022




BETH’S GRADUATION VACATION Celebrating Hard Work and Dedication

Summer is reason enough to take a much-needed vacation, but my wife, Beth, gave our family the best reason to take a trip to Cancun, Mexico — to celebrate her graduation! At the beginning of this month, she will be starting her new job at St. Luke’s working on the telemetry floor monitoring cardiac patients. As you can imagine, she is both excited and nervous at the same time. Beth was great at planning our trip. I wanted to make sure that she did everything she wanted to do and nothing that she didn’t want to do. If she wanted to rest by the pool the entire vacation, that would’ve been fine by me — it was her celebratory trip for her hard work and dedication! For Beth, our all-inclusive stay at a resort in Cancun was fabulous. The kids had their own room and Beth and I had a room to ourselves. I must say, it was nice to not have to worry about the teenagers, who would sleep until noon while on vacation for some weird reason. But they enjoyed being on their own, staying up late, and heading to their selection of any of the many restaurants in the resort when the mood struck them. Occasionally, they’d meet us at the pool or beach. Our first day in Cancun, we relaxed at the resort, which was a fantastic time. The beach looked beautiful, and the pool felt refreshing. On our second day, we explored the Mayan ruins at Chichen Itza a few hours away from our resort.

We were thankful that the tour guides allowed us to bring along umbrellas to help shade us from the sun, although some of us still got sunburnt. On the way back from the Mayan temple, we stopped at a cenote, a natural pit containing cool groundwater that results from limestone collapses, and got to swim around, cool off, explore, and relax — what an experience!

We spent the next day relaxing at the pool and beach, enjoying the hospitality of the resort, and getting in some family time. But, on our fourth day, we took the family swimming with the dolphins. We were able to interact, pet, and swim around with them. At one point, we even grabbed hold of a dorsal fin, and they pulled us from one side of the pool to the other. The experience was magical for me, and if I had to choose, it was hands down the highlight of the trip in my book. On the fifth day, it was unfortunately time for us to fly home. Once we returned, we spent a few days relaxing. To say we had a good time is an understatement — we created lasting memories and are certainly already missing the beauty of Mexico. I’d also like to take a moment for a quick update. If you know me, you’ll know that I love baseball and play softball on a local team comprised of my friends and family. This year, we won the championship for the second time after 13 years of playing together! It was quite a rush, and I’m so proud of my team! Enjoy the rest of your summer, and I look forward to seeing you in the office soon! –Dr. Elkins

The enormous pyramid temple was fascinating. They used to allow visitors to climb up it, but too many people fell down, and it’s now closed for climbing. Hearing the history of the Mayans in this area, along with the game, pok-a-tok that they invented, was intriguing. | 1

ONE GIANT LEAP When Humans First Set Foot on the Moon

In 1961, the Cold War was ramping up, and the U.S. was behind the Soviets in developing a space program. President Kennedy announced what is now known as a moonshot — by 1970, he declared, America would put a man on the moon. Soon, NASA was preparing to meet that audacious goal. The Apollo program combined the best minds at NASA, but the work was new and incredibly dangerous. Dozens of workers died in various accidents, the most famous of which occurred in 1967 when a fire killed three astronauts. But the program persevered, launching many spacecraft into orbit for testing. By 1969, NASA announced they were ready to complete the impossible, and Apollo 11 launched on July 16. When millions of Americans tuned in to watch, many did not realize how treacherous the mission was. The government was probably most concerned about the possibility that the spacecraft would not be able to launch from the moon’s surface, preventing the astronauts from returning to Earth. There was enough reason to worry that President Nixon had a speech on standby in case the astronauts were permanently stranded.

The men aboard Apollo 11 faced many perilous moments throughout their journey — but thankfully, the worst did not come to pass. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon’s surface, followed by Edwin“Buzz”Aldrin. An estimated 600 million people across the globe watched the triumphant moment at home. The two trailblazers frolicked on the moon’s surface, took pictures, collected samples, and planted flags that remain to this day.

The feat was so impressive that up to 20% of Americans today think it never happened. The conspiracy theories have been debunked countless times, and many people don’t realize that the moon landing was not a one-time event. An additional five missions sent astronauts to the lunar surface, with the last one launching in 1972. Only 12 humans have ever set foot on the moon, all white American men.

NASA’s new Artemis mission intends to change that by completing a new moon landing by 2024, with the first woman and person of color on board. As we look back on this month's history, it's strange to think that it may not be long before we all return our eyes to the sky in wonder, watching astronauts make one giant leap for humankind.

A Word From Cheyenne & Ashlee

Let’s Talk Toothpaste!

All of our days start and end with toothpaste because it’s an integral part of our oral hygiene routines. Toothpaste helps to clean and strengthen our teeth while assisting our toothbrushes in removing food debris and plaque from both our teeth and gums while brushing. While toothpastes come in paste, gel, and even powder form, have you ever wondered what ingredients they all share? All toothpastes include: • A mild abrasive to help remove surface stains and debris • Flavoring agents that do not contain sugar or promote tooth decay to give it that minty fresh flavor • Humectants to prevent moisture loss and keep the toothpaste from becoming gummy in texture • Detergent to promote a foaming action and spread the toothpaste throughout your whole mouth while cleaning • Thickening agents (binders) to stabilize the special paste formula Toothpastes all have the same ingredients listed above, but each contains additional ingredients for extra benefits. While standing in

the dental aisle, here are some things to look for when picking out your toothpaste. • The ADA Seal of Acceptance is important when selecting a toothpaste, as it assures you that the toothpaste meets ADA criteria for safety and effectiveness. • Fluoride is a natural ingredient that helps fight decay and cavities by strengthening your tooth enamel. (Note: Not all toothpastes contain fluoride.) • Many toothpastes contain certain agents to prevent plaque and gingivitis. • Certain toothpastes will also contain whitening ingredients to polish your teeth while removing surface stains. • Some toothpastes will even contain ingredients to help desensitize your teeth if you have especially sensitive teeth. Who knew that so much goes into that one little tube of toothpaste? For any questions about selecting a toothpaste, call our office today! We can offer some great recommendations!

–Cheyenne & Ashlee Registered Dental Hygienists

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Inspired by


MOUNTAIN RANGES Surrounded by the Rocky Mountains, we don’t have to go far to find mountaintop winter activities. If skiing or tubing is your idea of winter fun, Bogus Basin is just a short drive away, and heading to McCall makes a fun weekend getaway. ... AND RIVERS Not only are we surrounded by the Payette and Boise rivers, Idaho is also home to the deepest gorge in North America: Hells Canyon. Take that, Arizona!

GOOD CHEER Beer lovers, rejoice! Idaho is the world’s largest hop producer, and more and more people are taking advantage of our agricultural bounty by opening breweries in the Treasure Valley. Share a few of these treasures with visiting family members and their only question will be “How did we not come here sooner?”

Out-of-town relatives who are visiting for the holidays might wonder what makes Emmett so special. But we already know the Treasure Valley is full of gems — and we don’t just mean the rocks. Here are some additional reasons Emmett and The Gem State are great. WE’VE GOT SUNSHINE On average, we have 210 sunny days per year. Compare that to 144 rainy days in Portland and we can feel pretty happy about all our free vitamin D. Directions • • 1 cup flour, for dredging Salt and pepper, to taste • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, pounded to 1/4-inch thick • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

• 4 oz prosciutto, thinly sliced • 8 oz mushrooms

• 1/2 cup Marsala wine • 1/2 cup chicken stock • 2 tbsp butter

1. In a bowl, mix flour, salt, and pepper until evenly distributed. 2. Add chicken to flour mixture and coat all sides. Shake off any excess. 3. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, add olive oil. Once hot, add chicken to the skillet. Work in batches if pieces don’t all fit in the pan. Cook each side for 5 minutes until golden brown. 4. Remove chicken to a platter. 5. Lower heat to medium. Add prosciutto to pan and sauté for 1 minute. Add mushrooms and sauté until browned, about 5 minutes. 6. Add Marsala to skillet. Let it come to a boil, then add the chicken stock and simmer for 1 minute. 7. Stir in the butter and add chicken back into the skillet. Let simmer gently for an additional minute, then serve.


RIP boiling water, you will be mist.

The wedding was so beautiful, even the cake was in tiers.


Tooth Fun

Koala Bears Have Fingerprints! Facts Did you know that koala bears have fingerprints too? In fact, if you place human fingerprints next to koala fingerprints, it’s tough to tell the difference! But, koala bears aren’t the only non-human beings that have them! Gorillas and chimps also have their own set of fingerprints, which makes sense since they are our close relatives! However, koala bears are marsupials and have very little in common with us.

Brushing your teeth is one of the most important parts of your day to remove a clear, sticky substance known as plaque that contains many different forms of bacteria. After we eat meals and snacks that contain sugar, the bacteria in the plaque produces an acid that literally attacks our tooth enamel. This acid can eventually lead to cavities and tooth decay, which is why it’s so important to brush thoroughly and consistently. According to the National Association of Dental Plans, the average American will spend roughly 38.5 days just brushing their teeth over the course of their lifetime. That’s over a month! 38.5 Days Brushing Our Teeth?

Koala fingerprints are extra special because they have evolved independently, meaning that the very early koalas didn’t have fingerprints — they developed more recently in

their evolutionary history. Kangaroos and wombats, close marsupial relatives of the koala bear, lack fingerprints. So, if you ever want to commit a crime, you could always try to frame a koala bear for it! | 3

INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1. Celebrating My Wife 2. Revisiting the 1969 Moon Landing


3. Restaurant-

4. Pigs Are Brave and Loyal Pets, Too!

Style Chicken Marsala

A Word From Cheyenne and Ashlee

1110 S. Washington Ave. Emmett, ID 83617

Tooth Facts

Did You Know?

Happy August From Elkins Dental!

208-369-4532 ·

LULU THE PIG IS A HERO! She Saved Her Owner From a Heart Attack

Lulu captured the hearts of the Altsmans when their daughter asked them to pet-sit her overweight pot-bellied pig. The pair quickly fell in love with Lulu, and their bond got stronger each day. This relationship was literally life-saving when the wife suffered a heart attack one August afternoon. Jo Ann Altsman was home alone with Lulu and their dog, Bear, when the incident occurred. Her husband was off on a fishing trip, and the pair didn’t have any neighbors nearby. Bear began to bark to try and get someone’s attention, but Lulu knew she had to do something before it was too late. So, she made her way out of the doggie door, which badly scraped her belly as she exited. Lulu had never left the yard, but today was different. To get some attention, she decided to lie down in the middle of the road and play dead until a car stopped to check on her. After several minutes of lying on the street, several cars passed by but didn’t stop. So, she checked on her owner, then squeezed through the doggie door and lay down on the road again. After 45 minutes, a gentleman on a motorcycle pulled over to check on Lulu. She immediately perked up and began walking toward the house, leaving a trail of blood behind her as she walked. The man

followed Lulu and found Altsman unconscious on the ground. He quickly dialed 911 and asked for assistance.

When the medics put her owner in the ambulance, Lulu attempted to get in with them. Of course, she couldn’t come, so she began to squeal as she watched the medics take her mom away. Thankfully, Lulu's wounds were attended to, and Altsman received life-saving open-heart surgery at the Beaver Medical Center. Because of her loyalty and creative thinking, this pot-bellied pig became a celebrity overnight! She was a guest on“The Oprah Winfrey Show” and the“Late Show With David Letterman.”Everyone fell in love with Lulu and her heroism.

Thank you, Lulu, for being a loyal and brave pet!

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