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Finding Your Forte - Program Approach

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Finding Your Forte - Program Overview

Finding Your Forte - Program Overview Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8

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Finding Your Forte Postcard

Finding Your Forte Postcard Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Made with FlippingBook - Online magazine mak

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Your Crescendo Finding Your Forte Program Agreement

healthcare professional, to seek out whatever medical treatment is necessary or required. The client

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Finding Your Forte - RCIE

Facilitator ALL ON PURPOSE 2 ABOUT US Our Purpose We are on a mission to get the world on purpose wi

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Finding Your Forte Program Overview - For Organizations

Finding Your Forte Program Overview - For Organizations Finding Your Forte How to Empower Your Role,

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Finding Your Forte - Strategic Articulation

Leadership Coaching Placement on Purpose • Talent Acquisition • Full-Time Roles • Consultants and Co

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Finding Your Forte Binder

strengths, passions, leadership practices, motivations, priorities and vision snspshots, long-, medi

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Finding Your Forte Webinar

Placement Strategy BRANDING ON PURPOSE Online Branding Public Relations and Media Planning Events &

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Finding Your Forte Peer Group Approach -Reimagining Yourself

Finding Your Forte Peer Group Approach -Reimagining Yourself Welcome to Finding Your Forte crescendo

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Equifax US Legal - Finding Your Forte - StrengthsFinder

Leadership Coaching Placement on Purpose • Talent Acquisition • Full-Time Roles • Consultants and Co

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Finding Your Forte - Program Approach


Why is Finding Your Forte Important? All too often, professionals are laser focused on doing their job and don’t take the opportunity to be strategic about performing in a way that plays to their strengths, leverages their passions and rewards them in ways that motivate them. Using purpose as an engagement strategy drives satisfaction, job performance and retention. This empowers you to put yourself in a position to have not just a job…or even a career...but a calling – as a way of living. It doesn’t have to mean immediate abrupt and risky change. It does give you a long term vision so you can move in the right direction. You Need a FORTE becauseYour Best Needs A Plan

What you love… What you’re good at in a way that… Rewards you and bringing it to a mission you feel called to impact. n. (fôr′tā′, fôrt) 1 Something in which a person excels: “His forte was in defusing negative rumors before they ever exploded into news accounts”. 2 The strong part of a sword blade, between the middle and the hilt. About Your Crescendo We are on a mission is to empower purpose and impact for leaders and talent in their business performance, leadership and careers. crescendo n. (kre-shen-do) 1 a gradual increase; specifically: a gradual increase in volume of a musical passage 2 the peak of a gradual increase. Your Forte is optimized when you do:

Stronger business and career performance

Leadership from Your Strength

Engagement and Fulfillment

Your Most Organic Success






Short term

Medium term

Long term


Optimal Contribution

Vision Snapshots


Reggie Hammond, Founder and Managing Partner Launched 2011


Finding Your Forte Peer Group

Finding Your Forte is carefully constructed series of facilitated topics designed to empower purpose and impact in talent and leaders. The program provides a proven approach with tools, time, space, and guidance for individuals to be strategic about their work and to put it in the broader context of their company’s mission, broader career and purpose.

Modules (by week) Module 1 Finding Your Forte: Overview – How it Works Gifts and Strengths on Purpose Motivations (Motivations Matrix) Module 2 From Passions to Purpose (Passions Assessment) Priorities Pulse Check Module 3 Leadership on Purpose (Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership 360) Personal Branding (360Reach Personal Branding Survey) Module 4 Purpose Discovery (Purpose Assessment) Fear Assessment Composing Your Masterpiece Vision – Goals – Action Modules 5 – 8 Accelerator Working Sessions Execution of Short Term Vision and Plan

FindingYour Forte PEER GROUP is an eight (8) session series (either weekly or bi-weekly) that takes participants through the facilitated series of discussions to frame up their strategic purpose that will serve as the blueprint for their business and/or career.

The first four sessions are structured to create each person’s FORTE through group coaching sessions. The last four sessions are to ignite EXECUTION of the plan to launch momentum, leverage each other for accountability and our collective networks as resources to incubate their purpose pursuit.

Your Forte is where your strengths and gifts meet your passions in a way that rewards you and serves your purpose to bring your greatest impact.

Finding Your Forte Modules PERFORM



Gifts / Strengths

Purpose and Impact

Exemplary Leadership Professional Brand High Performing Teams Strategic Articulation


Vision Casting


Vision, Goals and Actions Execution and Accountability



Find Your Forte delivers each participant a personalized strategic framework (YOUR FORTE) that includes their purpose empowered by gifts/strengths, passions, leadership practices, motivations, priorities and vision snspshots, long-, medium- and long-term. Compose Your Masterpiece builds on the vision snapshots by adding each vision snapshot’s goals and action items.