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First Choice PT. Back Pain & Difficulty Walking

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Choice PT: Back Pain and Difficulty Walking

chest muscles take over as the primary breathing muscles and your diaphragm takes a back seat. As hu

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Global PT. Back Pain & Difficulty Walking

quinoa-lentil-stuffed-vegan-cabbage-rolls Exercise Essentials Try this simple exercise to improve st

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Dynamic PT: Back Pain & Difficulty Walking

2 of the goat cheese, spread small amount into the zucchini and cover with marinara sauce. Drop dots

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CCMC PT. Back Pain & Difficulty Walking n° 222047 - Level Medium SUDOKU PUZZLE Fill in each blank square so that each of the nin

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Superior PT - Back Pain & Difficulty Walking

1 - Check solutions, print more free sudoku a You can find relief from your pain. Call Today or visi

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Richmond PT: Back Pain & Difficulty Walking

2 tsp paprika powder • 1 cup spicy BBQ sauce • 1 tsp sriracha sauce (optional) • 2 green onions, cut

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Frtiz PT. Back Pain & Difficulty Walking

4 cup + 1 Tbsp brown sugar 2019 Health Insurance Plans with PT Benefits Many health insurance plans

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Wellbridge PT. Back Pain & Difficulty Walking

sea salt to taste • Black pepper to taste Directions Preheat oven to 400°. Line a baking pan with pa

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Roadside PT: Back Pain and Difficulty Walking

Roadside PT: Back Pain and Difficulty Walking P T N E W S L E T T E R ROA D S I

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Lewy PT: Back Pain and Difficulty Walking

PRAIRIEVILLE 14633 Airline Hwy Gonzales, La 70737 BATON ROUGE 8448 Siegen Lane Baton Rouge, LA 70810

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First Choice PT. Back Pain & Difficulty Walking




• Back Pain And Difficulty Walking • How to Fix Your Stride • Patient Success Spotlight • Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Recipe INSIDE:


APRIL 2019




Doesgoingforawalksound likeabigpain intheback?Forthosewhostrugglewith chronicbackpain,eventhebasictaskofgoingforawalkcanbeoverwhelmingand painful.Backpaincanstrikeatany time.Whether in theupperback,surrounding the neck and shoulders, or in the lower back at the lumbar or sciatica, back pain is something that no one likes to deal with for too long. Relying on pain medications to help you overcome back pain will leave you disappointed. While pain medications are frequently helpful at alleviating the discomfort of your back pain for a short period of time, they are not capable of resolving the issue that iscausingyourpain todevelop in thefirstplace.Theonly thing that can actually fix your back pain is addressing the issue that is causing your pain head on. Physical therapy is a great resource for addressing your back pain and can be a helpful tool in getting you back on your feet. So, whether it is following a sudden injury or a chronic issue that has developed overtime,physicaltherapycouldbetheanswertohelpingyouenjoy lifefreeofback pain.Andthesecrettosuccess is learningtoapproachrecoveryonestepatatime.

Walking is a great form of exercise, but more than that, it is a necessity of life. When you can’t walk, even basic tasks become complicated. Getting out of bed in themorning,getting toand fromwork,movingyourwayaround theoffice,and even spending time with family on the weekends all rely heavily on your ability to walk. When your back pain begins to interfere with your ability to move around freely, then you know it is time to start doing something about it. Conveniently, walking is more than a goal when it comes to back pain, it could be part of the solution. Working with a physical therapist to develop improved strategies and techniques with your walking could help you to get back on your feetevensooner thanyou thoughtpossible.What’smore, for thosewhoareable to walk, getting on your feet more often with targeted exercises could help you find relief from back pain even sooner than expected.



your individual needs. This may mean upgrading from your minimal support sneaker to something more athletically designed. 2. Try a custom insert in your shoe. Of course, you can’t wear sneakers all the time. When you are at the office, professional footwear matters. You may find it helpful to have custom orthotics made for your work shoes so that you can have more arch support around the clock. 3. Work on improving your posture. If you are slouching when you walk, then thatmaybe impacting theway thatyourback feels.Takea fewminutes in the morningandagain intheafternoontostretchyourback,andthenmakeapoint of keeping your shoulders square and your back straight as you walk. Simply standing tall may alleviate some of your back pain. Another way that walking can help alleviate back pain is by encouraging weight loss.Beingoverweightputsaddedpressureonyourback,and thiscancontribute to increasedbackpain.Workingwithaphysical therapist to improveyourwalking technique can help you to overcome back pain one step at a time.

When you are experiencing regular back pain—especially if you are experiencing backpainwhilewalking—youshouldconsiderwaysthatyoucanreducebackpain by takingsmallsteps tosupportyourback.Thereareseveral things thatyoucan doathome to improveyourstride,whichcanmakeasignificantdifferencewhen it comes to managing back pain day-to-day. Here are several ways that you can start taking care of your back with each step you take: 1. Make sure that you are wearing the right types of shoes. While the golden rule forwalking is towearsneakers,notallsneakersarecreatedequally.Youneed towearasneaker that isgoing toprovideyouwith thearchsupport thatmeets

For more information about overcoming back pain, call 321-802-5814 to talk with your physical therapist today!


Condiments Salsa & Pico De Gallo. Instead of the sugar-loaded ketchup or fat-filled mayo, choose these tangy alternatives. Weighing in at just four to five calories per tablespoon, and zero fat, salsa boasts plenty of nutrients. Olive oil based pesto or sundried tomato spread. All three ingredients – olive oil,basilandsundried tomatoes–are loadedwithanti-inflammatoryproperties. Side Dishes Bean Salad. Contrary to the mayo-based potato salad and macaroni salad, all beans boast fiber, protein and a bevy of anti-inflammatory phytonutrients. Caprese Salad. Sliced tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella and basil drizzled with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Choose this tasty Caprese salad and you’ll get more oleocanthol and cancer-fighting lycopene.

Areyou lookingforward towarmerweatherandfuncookouts?Whilemostpeople are smacking their lips to greasy burgers and brats, individuals suffering from arthritis are thinking twice at loading their plates, sometimes feeling like they’re missingoutonthefunandfoodthatmakefamilycookoutsenjoyable.Fortunately, healthier options are available for main dishes, sides, and even condiments! Main Dishes Marinated Mushrooms. Meaty mushrooms marinated in equal parts olive oil, balsamic vinegar and lemon juice. You’ll get immune-boosting nutrients in the mushrooms, vinegar and lemon juice. Plus, studies show that oleocanthal, one of themostconcentratedanti-inflammatorycompounds inoliveoil,dampens the body’s inflammatoryprocessandreducespainsensitivitywithapharmacological action similar to ibuprofen. HerbSalmon. Salmonwithasplashof lemonandasprinklingofsavorysummer herbs. Salmon is rich in omega-3s and vitamin D, both of which enhance joint health, boost immunity and protect against inflammation.




• 2 tbsp soy sauce • 1 tsp smoked paprika For the Sauce: • 1 (28 oz) can tomato puree • 1 tbsp maple syrup, or sweetener of choice • 1 1/2 tsp red wine vinegar • salt and pepper to taste

INGREDIENTS • 1 head of green cabbage For the Filling • 3/4 cup brown lentils • 3 cups water • 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa • 1 cup vegetable broth • 1 small onion, diced • 1 tbsp vegetable oil • 1 tbsp red wine vinegar

DIRECTIONS Beginboiling thecabbage in3 inofwateruntil the leavespeeloffeasily (about20min). When done, allow them to cool. While cabbage is simmering, bring lentils to a boil in a separate small saucepan. Lower heat and allow to simmer for 35 minutes, adding water to the pot as needed. Drain any excess liquid. While lentils simmer, place broth intoanothersaucepan,addquinoa,andbring toaboil.Letsimmer for20minuntilallof thewater isabsorbed (about20min).Cookonionwithoil ina largeskilletovermedium heat until soft and translucent (about 5 min). Add 1 1/2 cups of the cooked lentils and 1 cup of the cooked quinoa, along with red wine vinegar, soy sauce, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper to taste. Make sure ingredients are mixed before removing from heat. Preheat the oven to 350°. Stir all sauce ingredients together in a small bowl, then distribute about 1/2 cup of the sauce into the bottom of 9 x 9 inch baking dish. After peeling leaves off of the cabbage head, roll about 3-4 tbsp of filling into the center of each leaf until all filling is used. Place each roll into the baking dish. Spoon remaining sauce over the rolls, cover and bake for 1 hour. Let the rolls cool before serving.

“My physical therapy experience was super positive. The therapists were helpful and knowledgeable and explained everything well. My back feels much better!” - M.S. “My back feels so much better!”

1. Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist. 2. Your therapist can discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home. 3. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist might recommend you come in for an appointment. Call To Talk to Your Therapist Today 321-802-5814 Has Your Pain Come Back?

IMPROVE YOUR STRIDE IN MINUTES Try this movement to improve your stride.

Improves Your Stride

RUNNER’S STEP Stand in front of a box or step that is below the level of the knee. Step up onto the box and bring the opposite leg up towards your chest. Lower your leg down in a controlled manner. Repeat 6-10 times, alternating legs.