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Gems Publishing - January 2020

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Gems Publishing - January 2019

newsletterpro into your search bar to start your free 30-day trial and let AWeber help you craft goo

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Gems Publishing - November 2020

or the “shoe leather” Gems described above to get your foot in the door of small- to medium-sized lo

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Gems Publishing - May 2020

or just to express your appreciation that they are your patient. When each of you takes just five mi

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Gems Publishing - August 2020

Gems Publishing - August 2020 By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent You’re 55 years old (substitute your a

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Gems Publishing - October 2020

or should do when there's "downtime." Let’s say a patient doesn’t show up or calls with a last-minut

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Gems Publishing - February 2020

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! MARCH 4-7, 2020 Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWith

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Gems Publishing - June 2020

20" rule of Maximum New Patient Retention. When patients are anxious about finances due to local (an

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Gems Publishing - July 2020

Gems Publishing - July 2020 By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent Illness, death, disruption of most of ou

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Gems Publishing - September 2020

7. While we still do some of the more traditional marketing, we are doing less and less of it becaus

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Gems Publishing - November 2019

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWithMr. VanceMorris!

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Gems Publishing - January 2020

By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent


In Part I of this article, I alluded to the prediction of well-respected economists (ref WSJ) predicting that 2020 will mark the beginning of an economic downturn. If they are right and you fortify your practice with the “Pentagon,” you’ll be better able to weather the economic storm. If they’re wrong and you’ve strengthened your foundation anyway, 2020 could easily be your best year ever! If you missed Part I, I’d recommend reading it before you continue reading below. If you no longer have your hard copy print version of the December 2019 “New Frontiers in Dental Practice Success,” all issues are available for members to read online. Go to SITE MAP NEWSLETTERS New Frontiers of Dental Practice Success 2019-12 December New Frontiers Cover Article. In Part I, I made a rather bold promise. It bears repeating here. If, during the next 12 months, you do what I’m about to recommend in this article, you’ll increase your practice revenue by at least $100,000 per full-time Dentist in your practice. Solo Doc? Easy six-figure increase if you follow my lead and effectively deploy my “Pentagon Strategy.” Two Docs in your practice? You may enjoy a $200,000- plus increase. BOLD PROMISE REPEATED

One of the most successful and well-known direct response marketing copywriters, Gary Halbert, once said, “There are very few business problems a great sales letter couldn’t help you solve.” Translation: Adding more customers, clients, or in our case, more new patients, can make up for a lot of other business shortcomings. Of course, Gary’s concept does have limitations. You wouldn’t want to add 30 additional new patients per month to an otherwise chaotic, dysfunctional, upside-down practice. It would be like adding gasoline to a fire. Just burns faster! But let’s assume that, although not perfect, you own and operate a reasonably well-run dental practice. "With eight more recall visits, you could add over $200,000 in annual practice revenue (hygiene plus restorative fees)." You wouldn’t need to add 30 additional new patients per month to your practice to make an enormous positive difference in the math. In fact, let’s look at the financial impact of adding just 2–3 additional patients per week, or roughly 10 extra new patients per month.

Telemarketing.” They are two areas that are woefully underutilized in our profession. They are areas of opportunity greater than most Dentists could possibly imagine. When I was early in practice, struggling and frustrated, I hated the math of dental business. Folks always seemed to make it way more complicated than I was inclined to understand. Fact is, it doesn’t have to be complicated at all. If you hire one person who is paid by commission (check with your local HR attorney) and dedicated solely to making recall calls even just two nights per week, you can add eight extra recall visits per week more than you’re currently seeing. With eight more recall visits, you could add over $200,000 in annual practice revenue (hygiene plus restorative fees). The other side of the “Pentagon” we discussed was ILTF (Internal Long-Term Financing). A one-Doctor office may be losing $150,000, $200,000, or more due to your inability (unwillingness) to offer financial options the patient can afford. See Part I for details on the first two sides of the “Pentagon.”

The first two sides of our “Pentagon” were “Finance” and “Call Center Outbound

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10 extra new patients per month = 120 per year.

how to target market seniors in your area, watch the video of Chris’ retreat presentation. Go to SITE MAP ADVANCED MARKETING BRAIN TRUST 031 SENIOR COMMUNITY WINE AND

120 x $4,800 ALV (average lifetime value of a patient in a GP dental practice) = $576,000 over a six-year period (the average stay of a dental patient in a practice). During the very first year, you’ll likely perform 25% of their ALV or $1,200. $1,200 x 120 = almost $150,000 just in year one alone. You’ll continue to reap financial benefit over the next five years. Even if your new patient flow stayed flat at that 10-per-month increase, by year six, you will be well over $500,000 per year above where you started today. Simple. It’s an amazing motivator! When you realize that adding just 2–3 additional new patients per week above your current flow could (easily) add six figures revenue in the next 12 months, you’re hopefully motivated to take action now! If 2020 is the year you’re ready to get serious about marketing your practice … and making a lot more money … where should you begin? “9 Keys to Rapidly and Consistently Increasing New Patient Flow” is a great place to get an easy jump-start on new patient marketing. If you were to deploy all nine keys, they would unlock the secret to a whole lot more than 10 additional new patients per month. You can access the nine keys at SITE MAP ADVANCED MARKETING BRAIN TRUST 034 9 KEYS TO RAPIDLY AND CONSISTENTLY INCREASING NEW PATIENT FLOW. WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TOUNDERSTAND THE MATH?


B. Get Referrals From Local Employers Who Don’t Offer Dental Insurance

How cool would it be to have an ongoing stream of additional new fee-for-service patients referred to you by the owners and HR folks at companies near your dental practice? It’s actually easier than you might think. You only need three things to make this strategy successful.

a. A list of local employers who don’t offer dental insurance


b. An employee at each of these companies who is motivated and willing to introduce you to their boss

Getting out of all PPOs and going fully fee-for- service? It’s a nice concept but not realistic for many Docs … but EVERY Doctor can REDUCE PPO dependence by deploying the following three Gems:

c. Something to offer the boss that makes them want to refer his employees to you

A. Target Marketing Active Senior Citizens


When Dr. Chris Phelps delivered his keynote presentation at the Gems Family retreat in Boston, one (brilliant) thing he said instantly caught my attention. If you want more new patients who enjoy visiting the dentist, know how much they can spend, and are often willing to invest in their health care, and if you want more new patients who don’t have dental insurance (thus pay full fee-for-service), market to active seniors! What a brilliant concept! Chris used this concept to build four very successful dental practices. He told us all about his “Senior Wine and Cheese Events” that he holds at local senior centers, senior living communities, etc. They love attending “events,” especially when they don’t have to travel (you hold them where they live or gather). Seniors love talking, learning, meeting together … and they enjoy free food (thus the wine and cheese)! Chris came up with goodie bags to pass out to every attendee as well as door prizes and a grand prize that is awarded to one of the attendees from all of his senior events over a period of months. If you’d like to learn exactly

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When you have access to the decision-makers at small- to medium-sized local businesses who don’t offer dental insurance to their employees, you need something to entice these folks to tell their employees about you. “C” (explained next) is the ace up your sleeve. It’s your Dental Health Benefits Savings Plan. You may already have created your in-office Dental Health Benefits Saving Plan (DHBSP). If so, terrific. It’ll come in very handy if/when you deploy our strategy for adding a lot more fee-for-service patients (See “B” above). If you haven’t yet got your DHBSP in place, contact your Gems Concierge. We’ll be happy to have our graphics guys create your trifold brochure as well as the savings cards. You simply tell us what you’d like them to say and we’ll do the layout and artwork as an included benefit of membership for Platinum and GG12 members. To see a wide array of the brochures and benefit plan cards we’ve done for other members (from which you can “swipe!”), go to SITE MAP ADVANCED MARKETING BRAIN TRUST 012 DENTAL BENEFITS IN-OFFICE PLAN BROCHURE C. Dental Health Benefits Savings Plan

motivating than straight hourly or salary, but it falls short of motivating your Hygienists to best utilize their highest and most valuable skills … their ability to help patients perceive the need and accept recommendations for care. It’s beyond the scope of this article to explain exactly how “Gems Hybrid Hygiene Compensation” (HHC) works, but part of the Hygienists’ compensation comes from a percentage of their production while the remainder comes from a percentage of what they put in Doctors’ chairs. If you’re interested (and you should be!), ask your Personal Gems Concierge to schedule a call with Elizabeth, my wife, the engineer. She’ll explain HHC and actually write a customized HHC formula that is specific to your practice. Once you and your team play Forrest Gump Bingo, you’ll be hooked! Remember the famous line from the movie when Forrest’s mother says, “Life is like a box of chocolates … you never know what you’re gonna get!” Well, Forrest Gump Bingo (FGB) is just like that but in a fun and positive way. FGB is a game to be deployed at random times, when it’s least expected, perhaps six or eight times each year. It’s to be utilized when you are starting a new Gem with which you’d like your team to fully engage on short order. You set a 3–5-day, one-time goal for your team. The goal is specific to the new Gems you’re about to deploy, and you’ll want to choose a goal you believe your team will have a 75% chance of achieving. Prior to commencing the game, show your team the Forrest Gump Bingo poker chips. Continued on page 4 ... "If you want more new patients who enjoy visiting, know what they can spend, and are willing to invest in their health care (at full fee-for-service), market to active seniors!" C. Forrest Gump Bingo An Amazing Way to Kick-Start Any New Gem

A. Team Bonus System

A team bonus system only works when both the Doctor and teammembers agree it’s working well, and it’s a fair system. And only if the team knows each and every day just how far they are from the goal, and what to do in order to help make it happen. Too many practices either don’t have any team bonus system, or they don’t have one that’s working well for all involved. Some bonus systems are poorly written, and the bonus has become nothing more than an “expectation,” no longer an incentive. Others are so darned complicated that nobody knows until after it’s too late whether or not they hit the goal. Unless you already have a team bonus system that the Doctor and team love, is simple and well understood by the team … unless you have a bonus system which your team can SEE EACH MORNING … a bonus system that constantly acts as an incentive, motivating your team to strive to help you grow, contact your Personal Gems Concierge and ask them to enable your “Gems Team Bonus System 2.0” on the “Gems Dashboard.” We make it easy, fun, and rewarding. The least motivational compensation system for a Hygienist is straight hourly (or salary). Unfortunately, it’s also the most common — not because other systems won’t work better for your Hygienist, your patients, and your practice, but rather because it’s not easy to come up with an alternative system that works. B. Hybrid Hygiene Compensation


A little more thought about how to reward your team could go a long way toward getting everyone paddling in the same direction.

Some Doctors pay their Hygienists a percentage of RDH production. This is more

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WED 3/4/20 to SAT 3/7/20


MARCH 4-7, 2020

Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWithMr. VanceMorris! “Systematic Magic LIVE! FromWalt Disney World”

A Disney Insider’s “Behind the Curtain” System for Service, Development, Growth and Profits. Unvarnished Behind the Scenes Service and Profit Truths (not found in a Disney Institute seminar) Who Should Attend this SPECIAL PRE-EVENT DAY? This “Deep Dive” peel back the curtain on EXACTLY HOW Disney consistently delivers legendary service is mission critical for Dentists, Office Managers, or those with the authority to affect change in your practice

Create an environment where the outside world melts away, inhibitions to price are lost and patients become raving fans. Inspire, encourage and impel your team members to ACTIVELY deliver consistent, superior and best-in-class service Create a more efficient (profitable) process for delivering best-in-class service to your patients day in and day out Become recognized as THE expert “Go-To” dentist in your area What sets you apart from all the rest of your local competition Create service standards that consistently deliver profitability far exceeding today’s dental profesion norms.

Mr. Vance Morris GKIC Reigning Marketer of the Year

What’s Included in this SPECIAL PRE-EVENT DAY: Exclusive ½ Day Meeting building your own Disney Style Service System. At the end of the day you will have a blueprint to implement in your practice the following Monday. Value ($3497) Resources, Guides, Blueprints andWorkbooks (Value $297) Exclusive VIP reception with current Disney Leaders . Ever want to know how “the rubber hits the road”? You will have unprecedented access to these Disney leaders to ask any question you want to. We will also be serving a feast of hors d’ oeuvres menu that will certainly be your dinner. (Priceless)

Dr. James Metz is a 1973 graduate of The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. He maintains a restorative dental practice with an emphasis on dental sleep medicine and reconstructive dentistry. Dr Metz’s current research with Oral Appliance Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and Headache have led to the completion of a 136 consecutive patient study was just published in Frontiers in Neurology. The outcomes, using his techniques, have compared favorably to CPAP therapy for mild, moderate, and even severe OSA patients.


Dr. Metz was a member of the American Dental Association’s Scientific Investigation Committee Workgroup, which defined the role of the Oral Appliance for the control of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Metz during the past 7 years has been a member of the Scientific Investigation Committee of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, which publishes their literature review yearly in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. He has served on the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine board of directors, course development committee, public relations committee, chair for both the Introductory and Advanced Course of Dental Sleep Medicine, and vice-chair of the AADSM Annual Meeting in 2014. He is a board member of the Ohio Sleep Society. Metz is the founder and current chair for the Dental Interest Group of the American Thoracic Society. As a member of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry and International Academy of Gnathology, he has pursued excellence in the field of Restorative Dentistry during his entire career. Dr. Metz is also a member of the American College of Dentists, American Dental Association, and served as president of the Muskingum Valley Dental Association. COURSE OBJECTIVES Breathing is basic. Our primitive brain controls the process, and we take it for granted. We as dentists can influence the available oxygen dramatically. An understanding of the physiology of breathing will allow for a more precise treatment plan of our restorative care. Considering that breathing well may increase your patient’s quality of life and possibly even their lifespan as well as the durability of the finished restorative case, this course will cover the process from intake to completed treatment. The overall objective is to present a logical and efficient way to incorporate Mandibular Advancement Therapy into dental practice.

5. Eval, analysis, & comprehension of polysomnogram reports & the necessity of med- ical eval & importance of a multidisciplinary team approach to treating snoring & OSA 6. Appliances 7. Building a delivery team in the office.

At the completion of this talk, participants will be knowledgeable in: 1. Why we sleep and how sleep impacts your day-to-day dentistry 2. Physiology of sleep (focus is the heart, brain, and basic pulmonology) 3. The terminology of Sleep Medicine 4. The pathophysiology, demographics, and sequelae of OSA

8. The appointment process – how to handle the flow. 9. Patient motivation – it is more than an appliance 10. Billing and Insurance

“SATURDAY AFTERNOON PRIVATE BEHIND-THE-SCENES Disney Tour Limited to the 1st 60 People to Register” Private Keys to the Kingdom Tour (not available to the general public)

An in-depth, 3 to 4 hour behind scenes look at the most iconic theme park at Walt Disney World Resort. You will experience exactly how Disney consistently creates the magic on a daily basis through this tour of the Magic Kingdom. You will go “underground” into the “utilidor” and see how the magic is created from the perspective of the cast members. The tour guides will also focus on the “business” of the park.

VIP Attractions experiences (at least one and maybe two behind the scenes look at the rides, depending on time) then of course; you’ll have a chance to ride the ride! The tour will focus on the FOUR key strategies that Vance introduced you to: Safety, Courtesy, Show and Efficiency. This will solidify your un- derstanding and ability to implement your own key strategies in your dental practice. Tours are small groups with plenty of time and opportunity for questions.

Disney has limited this tour to a hard count of 60. This is the maximum they can do in one day. So if you want to see the behind the scenes magic, SIGN UP TODAY! These spots never last! Please indicate on your form how many spots you need. We will be counting these at the back table. Once we hit 60, it will be sold out.

“The Secret to Using KPIs to Achieve Killer Practice Income!”

During this presentation you will discover:

The #1 activity you must do every day to avoid unpleasant and disastrous financial surprises Discover the single best tool for “Gems-centric” practices to always identify neglecated areas, track progress, and master their numbers How using your dashboard to implement and track a few simple changes can create massive and sustainable gains in profit The only time it’s remotely okay to ignore the numbers (“non-quantifiable criticals”)

The KPIs that matter most and how to fully leverage them to create more profit, happier team members, and healthier patients The critical leading and lagging indicators in your practice (and what to do about them) The 3 ways to get your team super-motivated and hyper-focused on your numbers How unhealthy business >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12

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