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Gems Publishing - November 2019

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Gems Publishing - November 2020

or the “shoe leather” Gems described above to get your foot in the door of small- to medium-sized lo

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Gems Publishing - November 2018

she could handle a WHALYA. Some practices take it to the next level and have their staff wear earpie

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Gems Publishing - August 2019

or send out a direct mailing campaign. • HOW DO WE GET THE WORD OUT? • • • • 8

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Gems Publishing - May 2019

should diagnose and treatment plan. In fact, every state in the Union has laws about this, don’t the

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Gems Publishing - October 2019

20 REGISTER FOR YOUR GEMS FAMILY RETREAT TODAY! Saturday afternoon “Behind-the-Scenes” Disney Tour L

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Gems Publishing - January 2019

newsletterpro into your search bar to start your free 30-day trial and let AWeber help you craft goo

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Gems Publishing - March 2019

her role, what kind of care they are providing, and — using Tom’s verbal skills — promote better den

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Gems Publishing - September 2019

emergency chair. Now, whenever we find an unexpected cavity on a patient using our WHALYA challenge

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Gems Publishing - April 2019


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Gems Publishing - July 2019

Gems Publishing - July 2019 By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent deploy … multiple catastrophic hydraulic

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Gems Publishing - November 2019

By Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent

There is far more bad dental marketing out there than good. Should you hire an ad agency or copywriter who has a consistent track record for creating award-winning ads? Maybe, but, if you do, your decision should not take into consideration their “award- winning” ads. The only vote that counts when it comes to advertising is the vote of your prospective new patient “raising her hand” by scheduling a new patient visit (and showing up) in your practice. It’s beyond the scope of this article (read: impossible) to detail every dental advertising opportunity you should be wary about. Instead, we’ll cover steps you can take to reduce your chance of throwing away good money on bad advertising. MY BIGGEST CONCERN IS NOT THE MONEY FLUSHED DOWN THE TOILET. Sure, it's sad to see hard-earned money go down the drain. But that's really not the worst of it. A far greater concern is the LOST OPPORTUNITY COST. On average, a new patient in your general dental practice will spend $4,800 with you. They spend nearly $5,000 before they move out of town, change Dentists, or pass away. If you perform a fair number of crowns, bridges, implants, ortho or Invisalign ... or if you do any sleep apnea and/or sedation, your LAV (Lifetime Average Value) of a new patient will be significantly higher.

money I wasted for my 12 months of glory around the edge of their activities board, but I do remember exactly how many new patients I got from the adventure. Zero. Big doughnut hole. Nada. It doesn’t have to be exactly the same scenario. Pretty much any time an ad rep shows up at your front desk with a unique opportunity for you to advertise … it’s going to be a waste of money. Which leads me to … THERE’S ONLY ONE DOCTOR IN YOUR AREA … AND I NEED TO KNOW WITHIN 24 HOURS. It’s not unusual for us to receive emails from members asking what we think about this or that advertising opportunity someone just offered them … when (RED FLAG) they must respond within 24 hours or the rep will offer it to another competing local Dentist. It’s not 100% ... but a good rule of thumb is that when an ad “opportunity” walks in your front door (or calls, or emails you) … i.e. you didn’t seek them out based upon a solid referral, it’s likely an opportunity you could (and should) pass. Especially if they tell you they must know within a day or two ‘cause they’re offering “area exclusivity,” and if you don’t take it, they’ll have to make it available to another local Dentist … your competition.

"I don’t remember how much money I wasted for my 12 months of glory around the edge of their activities board, but I do remember exactly how many new patients I got from the adventure: Zero. Big doughnut hole. Nada."

ADS AROUND THE CALENDAR/ACTIVITIES BOARD AT YOUR LOCAL HEALTH CLUB When I was only a few years into practice (a target for this kind of ad “opportunity”), an ad-sales guy came by my practice to tell me about a “wonderful new opportunity.” They were installing a brand-new calendar and activities board at a local tennis and health club, and he assured me it would be a perfect place to advertise my dental practice. The club had over 2,500 members, and the board was going to be right in the middle of the front lobby area. “Everybody would see it.” There would only be room for 10 ads around the perimeter of the board. Was I naïve enough to think that this would be “effective marketing?” Yup. Bought it hook, line, and sinker. I don’t remember how much

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... continued f rom cover

RADIO AND NEWSPAPER ADS WRITTEN BY THE RADIO AND NEWSPAPER PEOPLE Radio and newspaper ads can be very effective. But, in most cases, you are wasting your money unless you have your ad written by a proven-effective, highly skilled, direct response ad copywriter. HINT: Such people are not employed by the radio stations and newspapers! Sure, they may offer you free ad creation … the only reason they do is to help them sell more ads. If the folks who work for the local radio and TV stations were actually quality ad copywriters … they would not be working for the local radio and TV stations! and I’d be happy to introduce you. It’s not cheap, but, in copywriting, you get what you pay for. Of course, even the best copywriters can’t guarantee you’ll get results from their ads. But you’re more likely to do well with an ad copy pro instead of allowing the station, newspaper, your team, your cousin, or your mother to write your ads for you. If you would like an introduction to a solid direct response copywriter, shoot me an email ADS ASSOCIATEDWITH YOUR LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS TEAMS Hardly a high school sports season goes by without the Gems Team hearing from members asking if they should purchase an ad sponsoring their local high school team. It’s always the same … it’s so inexpensive, e.g. $750 … I’d only need a few new patients from the ad to make it worthwhile. They’re willing to put their name or logo on the right or left sleeve of the players’ jerseys or in the program of every football game, etc. The simple answer to this question is YES, by all means give them the money but only if you want to sponsor the team, NOT because you “hope” it will help your new patient flow. If you are clear regarding why you’re giving them the money, then even if you don’t get a single new patient from the venture, you’ll still be happy since the primary (only) reason you’ve taken part is to sponsor the team. If you happen to get one or more new patients from it, consider that to be “found money.” THE PRODUCERS OF OPRAH ARE ON THE PHONE ANDWANT TO SPEAKWITH YOU. One time my team took a call from a guy who said he was a producer of the Oprah Winfrey

Show (back in the day when Oprah Winfrey did have show on a major network station). My staff was so excited that they interrupted me during patient treatment to answer the call. It took me nearly 10 minutes (patient waiting in chair, mouth open, saliva ejector sucking most of the water out of her body) to finally figure out IT WAS A SCAM. We were at the point where I was about to fly out to Chicago to film a five-minute “segment” ... and then he told me I pay for my own flights … and hotel ... and oh ... add just another $8,500.00 to cover their "production" costs. "When an ad 'opportunity' walks in through your front door (or calls, or emails you) … i.e. you didn’t seek them out based upon a solid referral, it’s likely an opportunity you could (and should) pass." You can imagine how furious I was. Of course, I should never have left my patient to take the call. But if your team told you the producer from Oprah was on the phone … could you resist? After he told me I’d be paying for this, I pushed, and he changed his story. Says my staff misunderstood. He swore he never said he was a producer from the Oprah Winfrey Show, rather, he says he told my office manager that he was a producer, filming a segment (read advertisement) which would air during the Oprah show! Snake! I only lost 10 minutes with a patient. These guys were so slick I’m certain there must have been a long line of Dentists who bought what they were selling to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars lost. STEPS YOU CAN TAKE TOMINIMIZE YOUR RISK 1. Ask your Personal Gems Concierge and/or Gems Coach. Maybe one of my team members knows of the company or type of opportunity you’re considering, maybe not. Either way, it’s worth one email or a phone call to find out.

2. Use the Gems Family Forum to ask your colleagues.

As a Gems Family Member you are welcomed (encouraged) to use the

members’ forum. Ask your colleagues, our Gems Family Members. Chances are another Dentist may have worked with or at least have knowledge of the company or type of ad “opportunity” you are considering.

3. Ask for a list of 10 Doctors with whom they are currently working.

If my Gems Team and I don’t know anything about the ad folks with whom you’re considering working, and your post on the Gems Forum goes unanswered … then, at the very least, you should require they send you contact information for a minimum of 10 other Dentists with whom they have worked within the last six months, references you can call have a conversation with. HINT: If they tell you they would like to accommodate your request but, due to privacy issues, they are unable to share such information, run, don’t walk, away from this “opportunity!” If you want more new patients and you’re considering advertising to increase your new patient flow, invest time learning everything you can at in the Advanced Marketing Brain Trust section. Start with 034 "9 Keys to Rapidly and Consistently Increasing New Patient Flow.”

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For the latest up-to-date information about what’s happening on Planet Gems, go to and click on “Calendar” (menu bar, top left of homepage). If you have questions, please contact your Personal Gems Concierge or call 1-888-880-GEMS (4367). Transformation members, please block out this monthly program on your calendar. These occur just once each month, but they could easily be the most important 90 minutes you and your entire team will invest. GG12 OFFICE HOURS: Twice each month, my office door is open for your visits. This is an opportunity for GG12 Doctors and Team 90-MINUTE GG12 TEAM TRAINING WEBINARS: GG12 Dental Practice

Members to reach me directly with questions about dental practice management.

GEMS INSIDERS’ CIRCLE™ QUARTERLY Q&A WEBINARS: Four times each year, I’m available in the evening for up to 90 minutes to answer your questions about any topics of your choice regarding dental practice management.

Nov. 8: 10–11 a.m. EDT — GG12 Office Hours

Nov. 18: 12–1 p.m. EDT — GG12 Office Hours

Nov. 18: 8:30–10:30 p.m. EDT — GG12 and GIC Quarterly 90-Minute Q&A

Nov. 20: 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EDT — GG12 90-Minute team training

Dr. David Elter, Israel Dr. Marien Morata, Spain Dr. William Stutman, MI Dr. Mitchel Friedman, NJ Dr. Michael Huynh, WA Dr. Jim Ferris, IL Dr. Robert Wiese, TX Dr. Daniel Schuster, IA Dr. Miguel Zevallos, CA Dr. Teresa Morris, MO Dr. Julie Kardon, NJ

3 | 1-888-880-GEMS (4367)

WED 3/4/20 to SAT 3/7/20


Don’t Miss Special Pre-Event DayWithMr. VanceMorris! “Systematic Magic LIVE! FromWalt Disney World”

A Disney Insider’s “Behind the Curtain” System for Service, Development, Growth and Profits. Unvarnished Behind the Scenes Service and Profit Truths (not found in a Disney Institute seminar) Who Should Attend this SPECIAL PRE-EVENT DAY? This “Deep Dive” peel back the curtain on EXACTLY HOW Disney consistently delivers legendary service is mission critical for Dentists, Office Managers, or those with the authority to affect change in your practice

Create an environment where the outside world melts away, inhibitions to price are lost and patients become raving fans. Inspire, encourage and impel your team members to ACTIVELY deliver consistent, superior and best-in-class service Create a more efficient (profitable) process for delivering best-in-class service to your patients day in and day out Become recognized as THE expert “Go-To” dentist in your area What sets you apart from all the rest of your local competition Create service standards that consistently deliver profitability far exceeding today’s dental profesion norms.

Mr. Vance Morris GKIC Reigning Marketer of the Year

What’s Included in this SPECIAL PRE-EVENT DAY: Exclusive ½ Day Meeting building your own Disney Style Service System. At the end of the day you will have a blueprint to implement in your practice the following Monday. Value ($3497) Resources, Guides, Blueprints andWorkbooks (Value $297) Exclusive VIP reception with current Disney Leaders . Ever want to know how “the rubber hits the road”? You will have unprecedented access to these Disney leaders to ask any question you want to. We will also be serving a feast of hors d’ oeuvres menu that will certainly be your dinner. (Priceless)

Dr. James Metz is a 1973 graduate of The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. He maintains a restorative dental practice with an emphasis on dental sleep medicine and reconstructive dentistry. Dr Metz’s current research with Oral Appliance Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and Headache have led to the completion of a 136 consecutive patient study was just published in Frontiers in Neurology. The outcomes, using his techniques, have compared favorably to CPAP therapy for mild, moderate, and even severe OSA patients.


Dr. Metz was a member of the American Dental Association’s Scientific Investigation Committee Workgroup, which defined the role of the Oral Appliance for the control of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Metz during the past 7 years has been a member of the Scientific Investigation Committee of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, which publishes their literature review yearly in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. He has served on the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine board of directors, course development committee, public relations committee, chair for both the Introductory and Advanced Course of Dental Sleep Medicine, and vice-chair of the AADSM Annual Meeting in 2014. He is a board member of the Ohio Sleep Society. Metz is the founder and current chair for the Dental Interest Group of the American Thoracic Society. As a member of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry and International Academy of Gnathology, he has pursued excellence in the field of Restorative Dentistry during his entire career. Dr. Metz is also a member of the American College of Dentists, American Dental Association, and served as president of the Muskingum Valley Dental Association. COURSE OBJECTIVES Breathing is basic. Our primitive brain controls the process, and we take it for granted. We as dentists can influence the available oxygen dramatically. An understanding of the physiology of breathing will allow for a more precise treatment plan of our restorative care. Considering that breathing well may increase your patient’s quality of life and possibly even their lifespan as well as the durability of the finished restorative case, this course will cover the process from intake to completed treatment. The overall objective is to present a logical and efficient way to incorporate Mandibular Advancement Therapy into dental practice.

5. Eval, analysis, & comprehension of polysomnogram reports & the necessity of med- ical eval & importance of a multidisciplinary team approach to treating snoring & OSA 6. Appliances 7. Building a delivery team in the office.

At the completion of this talk, participants will be knowledgeable in: 1. Why we sleep and how sleep impacts your day-to-day dentistry 2. Physiology of sleep (focus is the heart, brain, and basic pulmonology) 3. The terminology of Sleep Medicine 4. The pathophysiology, demographics, and sequelae of OSA

8. The appointment process – how to handle the flow. 9. Patient motivation – it is more than an appliance 10. Billing and Insurance

“SATURDAY AFTERNOON PRIVATE BEHIND-THE-SCENES Disney Tour Limited to the 1st 60 People to Register” Private Keys to the Kingdom Tour (not available to the general public)

An in-depth, 3 to 4 hour behind scenes look at the most iconic theme park at Walt Disney World Resort. You will experience exactly how Disney consistently creates the magic on a daily basis through this tour of the Magic Kingdom. You will go “underground” into the “utilidor” and see how the magic is created from the perspective of the cast members. The tour guides will also focus on the “business” of the park.

VIP Attractions experiences (at least one and maybe two behind the scenes look at the rides, depending on time) then of course; you’ll have a chance to ride the ride! The tour will focus on the FOUR key strategies that Vance introduced you to: Safety, Courtesy, Show and Efficiency. This will solidify your un- derstanding and ability to implement your own key strategies in your dental practice. Tours are small groups with plenty of time and opportunity for questions.

Disney has limited this tour to a hard count of 60. This is the maximum they can do in one day. So if you want to see the behind the scenes magic, SIGN UP TODAY! These spots never last! Please indicate on your form how many spots you need. We will be counting these at the back table. Once we hit 60, it will be sold out.

“The Secret to Using KPIs to Achieve Killer Practice Income!”

During this presentation you will discover:

The #1 activity you must do every day to avoid unpleasant and disastrous financial surprises Discover the single best tool for “Gems-centric” practices to always identify neglecated areas, track progress, and master their numbers How using your dashboard to implement and track a few simple changes can create massive and sustainable gains in profit The only time it’s remotely okay to ignore the numbers (“non-quantifiable criticals”)

The KPIs that matter most and how to fully leverage them to create more profit, happier team members, and healthier patients The critical leading and lagging indicators in your practice (and what to do about them) The 3 ways to get your team super-motivated and hyper-focused on your numbers How unhealthy business >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12

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