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Jeffrey B Kelly Oct 2017

Jeffrey B Kelly Oct 2017 Law Office of Jeffrey B. Kelly 107 E. 5th Ave., Rome, GA 30161 • (678) 568-

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Law Office of Jeffrey B. Kelly - August 2017

Law Office of Jeffrey B. Kelly - August 2017 Law Office of Jeffrey B. Kelly 107 E. 5th Ave., Rome, G

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Jeffery B. Kelly - August 2017

Jeffery B. Kelly - August 2017 Law Office of Jeffrey B. Kelly 107 E. 5th Ave., Rome, GA 30161 • (678

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Law Office of Jeffrey B. Kelly June Edition

Law Office of Jeffrey B. Kelly June Edition Law Office of Jeffrey B. Kelly 107 E. 5th Ave., Rome, GA

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Jeffery B Kelly October 2018

spirits-meath- halloween-festival-2018. Every year in Boyne Valley, the residents of County Meath th

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Jeffery B Kelly August 2018 Law Office of Jeffrey B. Kelly 107 E. 5th Ave., Rome, GA 30161 • (770) 8

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Jeffery B Kelly November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar 5 pounds sweet potatoes • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1 cup canned coconu

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famous-people-who-have- filed-bankruptcy. Henry Ford’s first two car companies did not work out. His

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Kelly Law July 2017 OFFICES IN NORTHWEST INDIANA AND SOUTH BEND wanted to be a lawyer ever since I w

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Kelly Law - August 2017

UM coverage, all motorcyclists should purchase this insurance to protect themselves. At Kelly Law, w

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Jeffrey B Kelly Nov 2017

Law Office of Jeffrey B. Kelly

107 E. 5th Ave., Rome, GA 30161

(678) 568-2276

November 2017

Georgia vs. Georgia Tech WHICH TEAM DO YOU ROOT FOR?

While my family and I enjoy the delicious food and company on Thanksgiving, there’s one tradition that we look forward to more than turkey: the great Georgia vs. Georgia Tech matchup. Every year since I was a kid, it’s been a family tradition to watch the game the day after Thanksgiving. Most of my family members are Bulldogs fans, and there are a few Tech fans, but I’m the least popular devotee of all: a Tennessee fan. Because I went to law school at the University of Tennessee, I experienced the thrill of 103,000 screaming fans in the glory days of Peyton Manning, and it’s made me a proud wearer of orange ever since. I’ve said that going to a Tennessee football game is the closest we’ll get to Heaven, and I mean it. It’s a fantastic experience, one that I now get to share with my son. Even though we’re looking weak this season, I’ll say it loud and proud: I’m a Tennessee fan! Since my son has started coming to games with me, I’ve shown him what it means to be a Tennessee fan. A couple years ago, Georgia was beating us 24–0. I told my son if he just had a little faith, Tennessee would come back. Sure enough, returning from what seemed an unreachable gap, they won! Imagine experiencing this victory in Knoxville with more than 100,000 screaming fans! That victory wasn’t the only miracle our family’s experienced during a football game. Some years back, during a really cold Thanksgiving, we were gathered around the TV to watch The Big Game. My little nephew, Cory, was a baby at the time, and because it was so cold, my sister had placed him on the floor next to the fireplace. Well, this was a close game, and, as I’ve said, we have some Bulldogs fans in our family, but we also have some diehard Georgia Tech fans. In the last second of the game, Georgia Tech pulled an unbelievable victory against Georgia. One of my cousins, Cousin Billy (who also happens to be very tall), jumped up and took a giant leap in excitement, and as he did this, he just barely missed falling on Baby Cory. Now, I will tell you that this was not a typical Cousin Billy move — he’s just a diehard Georgia Tech fan. Fortunately, Baby Cory went unharmed, but we were all freaked out. My sister instantly realized her mistake and moved Cory safely out of leg’s reach of Billy the Giant. Georgia’s football fandemonium even extends to our office. Will Harper, one of our associates at the practice, is originally from Athens, and as a diehard ‘Dawg, he never misses an opportunity to make fun of me and Tennessee. He’s had a lot of fun this year. Brian is also a bonafide Georgia Bulldogs fan from his school days at University of Georgia. Jessie, another associate here, grew up as a Bulldogs fan until she went to the University of Arkansas and became a Razorback.

Here’s Cory today, thriving as an adult thanks to a little luck and a lot of perseverance.

Our office manager, Tori, spends Thanksgiving with her extended family, and they enjoy games of their own creation. They play Family Olympics each year and compete in games like three-legged races and carrying an egg on a spoon. Sounds like a fun way to spend the holiday, doesn’t it? These days, Thanksgiving at our home tends to be a little quieter. We spend it with my wife’s family and enjoy a nice, cozy meal together. When the game comes on the next day, though, we get a little rowdy once again.

My newphew Cory after surviving his encounter with Billy the Giant.

Most of all this year, I’m thankful for the good health of our family. After seeing the many challenges the rest of our country has been dealt, I’m grateful that we are safe, healthy, and have a wonderful place to call home. I’m wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving and good health this winter. And no matter which side you’re on, enjoy the big game. –Jeff Kelly

Break Free From Your Debt • (678) 568-2276 • 1

That Actually Work 3 CLEANING ‘RIP-OFFS’

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. But sometimes we stumble across a few hidden gems that make our lives easier. And, when it comes to cleaning house, we can all use a little “easier.” Check out these products you may have already written off and let them surprise you. Dollar Store Cleaning Products If you’ve ever ducked into the local dollar store to buy some Mylar balloons for your niece’s birthday party, you might have noticed the jugs and spray bottles plastered with the word “Awesome.” Surely, this knock-off soap can’t work as well as your brand-name products, right? You’d be surprised. Online reviewers sing Awesome’s praises, suggesting it should really be a higher price for how well it works. Just make sure you wear gloves when you use it. Detergent Pods You use too much soap in your washing machine and dishwasher. At least, that’s what the New York Times reported as the No. 1 complaint from repair people and appliance experts. Modern appliances are designed to use less water, and as soap becomes more concentrated, using too much can damage your machine. That’s what makes detergent pods so handy. “Although I've never filed bankruptcy with this firm, I do know that the attorneys at this firm are honest and caring in everything that they do. I know Jessi personally, and she is always polite, positive, and professional. If I could give more than five stars to this firm, I would, as I know that this firm goes above and beyond for their clients. I see firsthand how hard and how late the Law Office of Jeff Kelly will work to get the best possible outcome for their clients. Highly recommend to anyone in need of debt relief.” –Josh G. “From the very first consultation to every office meeting or phone meeting, this law firm has been most helpful during such a stressful time in the lives of my husband and I. Our case had several unique issues that required expert advice and handling. Jeff’s office always responded timely to our concerns and explained everything in a thorough manner, without being condescending. We were shown compassion in the midst of our difficulties that allowed us to have hope for our future. We hold them in the highest regard and will recommend them to anyone facing financial difficulty.” –Karen T.

They don’t look like they can clean all your dishes or an entire load of clothes, but they actually provide the perfect amount for modern machines. You save money on detergent and machine repair! Foam Cleaning Blocks Anything with “magic” in the title sounds like a scam. For this reason, you may have avoided the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and similar melamine foam products. But this is one case where the product lives up to its wild claims. Melamine foam is abrasive and can break down and remove material from fine cracks and textures, making it an effective cleaner. It can be used to whiten sneakers, clean tub scum, and remove permanent marker from your fridge. Since the snake oil salesmen in the days of old first tricked trusting folks out of their hard-earned cash, consumers have wised up and are quick to write off perceived scams. Still, every now then you get lucky, and the cheap white sponge really does make the stove look like new. But you should still think twice before you say yes to gas station sushi.

“This was the easiest experience I've ever had while doing something I didn't have a clue about! They kept their promises and made it POSSIBLE for us to keep everything we have, while other lawyers told me that would be IMPOSSIBLE! I wouldn't waste time anywhere else! These guys are the best!” –Joe CLIENT TESTIMONIALS

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It’s almost that time again. Time to cut into the turkey, pour the gravy over everything, and watch the postmeal games with our family. But do you know why we still celebrate Thanksgiving? Besides our early settlers, the man who made the holiday a true American classic was our 16th president. That’s right, Abraham Lincoln turned Thanksgiving into a federally recognized holiday. Here’s another tidbit you may not have learned about Honest Abe in history class: He filed for bankruptcy. In 1833, years before he became the leader of our country and made Thanksgiving a nationally celebrated tradition, Lincoln declared bankruptcy and spent the next 17 years paying off his debts. While Lincoln was skilled at many things, being a shopkeeper was not one of them. He and his partner took loans to grow their business, but after seeing that it wasn’t profitable, Lincoln sold his shares. Unfortunately, Lincoln’s business partner died and left him with the company’s debt. Lincoln filed for bankruptcy, but because of the laws of the

day, creditors were able to seize his only remaining assets — a horse and his survey equipment — and those were still not enough to cover the debt. He continued to pay it off even after being elected a state legislator. There’s a belief that people file for bankruptcy to escape making payments, but that’s not the reality of our laws. When someone declares bankruptcy, it’s because it’s absolutely impossible for them to pay back any money. Our Founding Fathers wrote many checks and balances into the constitution and made bankruptcy a last-resort option. Thankfully, they also recognized that we are human, and allowed for grace in the Constitution. There are plenty of stories like Lincoln’s that show even after going through bankruptcy, you can have a second chance. There is life after bankruptcy. Lincoln didn’t have the safety net of modern bankruptcy laws to protect his assets, but fortunately, we do. If you find that your financial life hasn’t gone according to plan, talk with an attorney at the Law Office of Jeffrey Kelly about your options. We’re here to help.




Looking for an easy, delicious Thanksgiving side dish? This gem requires only a few ingredients.

Ingredients •

2 tablespoons olive oil

1½ pounds Brussels sprouts

3.3 ounces fresh, hot Italian sausage

½ cup water

Salt and pepper

Directions 1. Trim sprouts and cut in half. 2. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add sausage and cook, stirring occasionally, 3–5 minutes. 3. Add sprouts to skillet. Add ½ cup

4. When sprouts are just about done, remove cover and raise heat to medium-high. Cook, stirring just once or twice, for a couple more minutes. The liquid should evaporate, and the sprouts should start to brown. 5. Add more salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot or warm.

water. Add salt and pepper. Cover and cook 10 minutes or until just tender. Check them periodically and add a bit more water, if necessary.

Recipe courtesy of

Break Free From Your Debt • (678) 568-2276 • 3


25 Atlanta Street Suite E. Marietta GA 30060 (678) 568-2276

This Issue

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The Biggest Game of the Year

These Products Make Housework Easier! Client Testimonials

A Famous Face Who Found Success After Bankruptcy Brussels Sprouts With Sausage

A Very Good Boy

Otis: Unlikely Hurricane Hero

In late August, the nation was put to the test after Hurricane Harvey struck Texas. Journalists, professional and otherwise, brought back stories and images of the destruction and aftermath.Among those stories was one about a dog named Otis. Otis, a German shepherd mix, belongs to a 5-year-old boy in Sinton, Texas. “He’s a special dog,” said Salvador Segovia, the grandfather of Otis’ owner. “He’s been instrumental in helping my grandson following numerous hospital visits for seizures and asthma.” Apparently, Otis is a local celebrity due to his affable nature. He can saunter down to the Dairy Queen and score a free hamburger. Salvador says he’s also the only dog allowed to lie down in front of the county court house. When Harvey struck, dogs, cats, and people sprang into survival mode. For Otis, that meant gathering resources. The morning after the storm, a woman snapped a picture of a damp Otis trotting down the street. In his mouth, he toted an entire bag of dog food, and not a small one.

The woman posted the picture to Facebook. “This dog is walking around Sinton,Texas, carrying a [sic] entire bag of dog food with him. LOL #refugee,” the caption read.

The image resonated with people and quickly went viral, being shared over 50,000 times. The people of the Lone Star State have long prided themselves on their pluck and resilience.

“Must be a Texas dog cause [sic] he can survive without help,” one commenter wrote online. Another site called him “the hero Texas needed.”

Otis’ canine resilience was both humorous and inspirational. The most powerful images in a crisis aren’t of Air Force One or of celebrities donating millions. They’re of ordinary people — and pets — striving, surviving, and making their way back home, just like Otis.

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