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Marc Lopez Law July 2018

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Marc Lopez Law - September 2018

7 120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez P

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Marc Lopez Law - August 2018

high-volume workouts stimulate muscle protein synthesis (the process by which muscle is built) more

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Marc Lopez Law December 2018

7 120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez P

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Marc Lopez Law April 2018

7 120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez P

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Marc Lopez Law November 2018

7 120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez P

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Marc Lopez Law June 2018

Tech Armor and Eyesafe are designed to limit the amount of blue light your eyes are exposed to. To a

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Marc Lopez Law October 2018

7 120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez P

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Marc Lopez Law January 2019

7 120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez P

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Marc Lopez Law February 2019

7 120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez P

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Marc Lopez Law March 2019

7 120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez P

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Marc Lopez Law July 2018


On July 2, 2018, the Marc Lopez Law Firm will officially celebrate its ninth year of existence, and it’s been a great run so far. I started my practice with a single office and a dream. I answered my own phone, and my conference room was a timeshare. These days I employ three associate attorneys and a number of support staff. I don’t share my conference room with anyone I don’t want to, and I even have my own green screen. I think it’s fitting that my law firm’s birthday falls so close to America’s, because both anniversaries put me in mind of liberty and unbounded possibility. Starting my own practice allowed me the freedom to be my own boss and to help people on an individual level. It may sound like a patriotic piety, but I’m grateful every single day that I live in a free country — a country whose people are granted wide latitude in their pursuit of individual happiness. Freedom is generally preferable to constraints, and everybody likes to have options. America isn’t perfect, but I believe it’s the best we’ve got. I’ll be pulling double-duty in early July, celebrating my own professional independence and the nation’s, so don’t blame me if I seem a little more tired than usual. I hope you have a safe and happy Fourth of July. Please know that wherever Americans FROM THE DESK OF Marc Lopez

WE HOLDTHESE TRUTHS TOBE SELF-EVIDENT T he S tory of the D eclaration of I ndependence

Every American knows that the Fourth of July commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 — it’s also called Independence Day, after all. The story behind the document, however, gets less attention than it deserves. It’s a fascinating tale, culminating with the birth of the United States of America as we know it.


Even after the early battles of the American Revolution, which began in earnest during April of 1775, it was unclear what shape the rebellion would take. At that point, independence was still far from certain. As the Second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia in May of that year, two groups formed around polar opinions. “The fundamental issue between them was were they fighting for their rights as Englishmen within the British Empire, or were they going to fight for independence?” says historian Richard Slotkin. It was not an easy choice, and both sides held passionate opinions. As the calendar changed to 1776, those in favor of breaking from King George III began to gain momentum. The growth of the revolutionary movement had a number of causes, but two in particular stand out. In late 1775, King George III spoke to Parliament with the goal of enlarging the Royal Army and Navy to quash the rebellion. He went so far as to solicit help from foreign mercenaries. Word of this decision reached the colonies in January 1776, making reconciliation seem less likely than ever before. During the same month, Thomas Paine published his famous pamphlet “Common Sense,” which advocated for outright independence. “The custom of all Courts is against us, and will be so, until by an independence we take rank with other nations,” Paine wrote. “Common

are celebrating with hot dogs and fireworks, I am there in spirit.

Do well. Be well. Always plead the 5th.

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... continued from cover

While this remarkable passage is the one everyone remembers, it’s only a small portion of the Declaration. Structurally, the text proceeds like a classic example of a rhetorical argument. It begins by proposing that if a government is oppressive and unjust, it should be overthrown. Then, it lists the ways the British government has been unjust to its colonial citizens. Finally, it concludes that because of these grievances, it is time for the U.S. to establish a government of its own. It’s also a literary achievement, full of timeless sentences that are as compelling to read today as when they were written. Somehow, the text achieves both clarity of argument and an overflow of emotion. It was so powerful that it stirred revolutionary emotions across the world, most notably in France. This Fourth of July, why not take the time to read the Declaration of Independence? It’s something few U.S. citizens do, and you’ll likely find it about as awe-inspiring as the biggest display of fireworks you can imagine.

over the next few days with input from all Congress members. This revision process coincided with convincing the final holdout states to move toward independence. By July 2, independence had been decided, with 12 states voting in favor, one absenting, and zero against. Jefferson thought that July 2 would become a national holiday as a result of this vote. Turns out he was two days off. That’s because two days later, the final text of the Declaration was approved and sent to the printer, and this event became the moment synonymous with the birth of our nation.

Sense”was wildly popular, selling more than 150,000 copies in its first weeks of publication, and created a groundswell of colonist support for independence.


Once a route forward was agreed upon, Congress set about drafting a formal document to dissolve all ties with Great Britain. They assigned a group of five congressmen, now known as the Committee of Five, to begin work on what would become the Declaration of Independence. That group comprised John Adams, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman. Most people believed that Adams, one of the earliest supporters of revolution, should be the man to pen the document. Adams, on the other hand, was insistent that Jefferson was the man for the job. Not much is known about how Jefferson wrote the document, but we are certain that he presented it to Congress on June 28, 1776. The original draft was heavily revised


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

–The Declaration of Independence

Secret Swimming Holes of the World Exclusive Spots You Must See to Believe


Summertime is for swimming, but why settle for a community pool when you can have access to the most beautiful swimming locales in the world? These three exclusive, little-known spots are sure to take your breath away.

A day in the Caribbean is like living every moment inside a beautiful pastel painting. The elegance of this location in the British Virgin Islands will make you feel like you’ve been transported into a cathedral. The large boulders and natural rock formations create shallow caves that will captivate your eyes as you wade through the water in wonder. When you exit, you’ll witness the sight that gives this beautiful spot its name. A handful of 40-foot granite boulders form private pools as if that was what they were made for.



The Spanish translation of the name for this magical system of caves is“two eyes,”and you’ll want to have yours checked after you see this swimming hole. When limestone bedrock collapses, a sinkhole called a“cenote”is formed. The unearthed water from the natural aquifer balances a color palette of earth tones with the most majestic shades of blue you’ll ever behold. The calling cards for these bodies of water are the Blue Eye and the Black Eye. Both offer unforgettable experiences, but the price of entry is a hefty sense of adventure. You’ll need a full set of scuba gear to get to either hole.

With its spiral staircase of waterfalls, this remote jungle location offers up more than one unique spot to take a plunge. Visitors never fail to be awestruck by the deep blue- green hue of each pool created by the four cascading waterfalls. Hali’i means “to spread out,”which is precisely what each waterfall does, showcasing a serene experience unlike any other. But the beauty of this one-of-a-kind experience is only outdone by its exclusivity. To reach these pools, you’ll have to hike through dense forest, deep marshes, and wide-open pastures of sugar cane.

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Lies You’ve Been Told



Fallacies are fed to us on a daily basis, and some are more believable than others. Here are a few popular misconceptions.


Your brain is constantly in use. Every single action you perform, including digestion, coughing, speaking, thinking, and breathing, are all carried out by processes in the brain. There are levels of consciousness that cause parts of your brain to be less active than others, but there isn’t one singular area that ceases to work for any long period of time.

WHAT IS EXPUNGEMENT? The best way to feel an appreciation for something is to spend a bit of time without it. As the saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. This is especially true when it comes to liberty. Freedom is good, but freedom recovered is even better. Expungement is all about regaining your freedom. If you have criminal convictions, expungement is a process that allows you to free yourself from past mistakes. With certain exceptions, Indiana allows arrests and criminal convictions to be expunged from your record. But what exactly does this mean? To expunge a record is to erase it — employment, license, and other applications are only supposed to inquire after arrests and convictions that are included in the official record. Once your expungement is approved, the relevant documents are no longer disclosed publicly by the State. When it comes to cutting loose the baggage of a criminal history, expungement can be a tremendous help. The system, however, is not perfect. As of this writing, Indiana has no way to enforce the removal of records gathered by private background agencies who purchased the information prior to expungement. That is, if the State of Indiana grants you an expungement , it’s guaranteeing that certain documents will no longer be available on State websites. What it’s not guaranteeing is that nobody ever took a screenshot of your arrest record at some point in the past. If you’re tired of trying to outrun your past, and you’re ready to clean it up, call the Marc Lopez Law Firm at (317) 632-3642. We can always make time to talk about freedom. MARC’S TIPS AND TRICKS You may have heard this chilling myth before, but it’s simply not true. Spiders are very sensitive to vibrations — they won’t willingly approach a breathing or snoring human. It isn’t in our eight-legged friends’ nature to crawl into a person’s mouth. Studies show that there aren’t any dangers to cracking your knuckles, besides annoying someone with the noise. For a long time, many speculated that the cause of the cracking or popping noise was either the resetting of joints and tendons or the formation of fluid that lubricates the joints. Dr. Donald Unger was the first person to conduct an experiment with the hypothesis that cracking your knuckles doesn’t lead to arthritis. He cracked only the knuckles in his left hand for over 50 years. Later in life, both hands were arthritis-free. YOU EAT SPIDERS WHILE YOU SLEEP


While the size of the Great Wall is truly spectacular, that doesn’t mean it can be seen from outer space. It’s not at all visible from the moon, and even from low orbit, it’s difficult to spot the wall with an unaided eye. According to NASA, the theory was first shaken by Yang Liwei, a Chinese astronaut, who said he was unable to see the Great Wall from space. Later, a camera with a 180 mm lens and a 400 mm lens captured the wall from a low orbit.


This take on the classic Italian sausage and peppers uses fully cooked Polish kielbasa so you can prep the kabobs and bring them to your next cookout.


3 red bell peppers

2 pounds fully cooked smoked kielbasa

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 large onions

1/4 cup olive oil

2 green bell peppers

Salt and pepper, to taste


1. Heat grill to medium. 2. In a small bowl, combine oil, garlic, and a pinch of salt and pepper. 3. Cut pepper, onion, and kielbasa into 1-inch chunks. 4. Thread onto skewers, alternating ingredients. 5. Brush with oil mixture and grill, covered, 10–12 minutes.

Inspired by Bon Appetit

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(317) 632-3642 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Emergencies 24/7

120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204

INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez PAGE 1 The Founding Document of America PAGE 1 Must-See Swimming Holes of the World PAGE 2 Common Misconceptions PAGE 3 Marc’s Tips and Tricks PAGE 3 Kielbasa Kabobs PAGE 3 Take Your S’mores to the Next Level PAGE 4 You’re just three ingredients away from the perfect summertime treat: chocolate, graham crackers, and marshmallows. The s’more is a fan favorite on camping trips and at backyard bonfires alike. Though they say you can’t improve perfection, we’ve found a few creative twists on the classic treat that will make your summer a little sweeter. A campfire snack fit for a king — of rock ’n’ roll, that is. This s’more pays homage to Elvis Presley’s love of peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Swap out the chocolate bar for a peanut butter cup candy and add a few slices of fresh banana between the graham cracker and marshmallow. If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you can even add some bacon. THE ELVIS

CAN I HAVE S’MORE? Creative Twists on the Campfire Classic

marshmallow, and creamy chocolate turn a simple jar into a great dessert! Learn how to make the perfect s’mores on the go at family.


If you really want to wow your guests at the next bonfire, try your hand at this creative take on the summertime classic. Gooey s’mores meet fresh strawberry shortcake in a dessert that’s as delicious as it is original. Find the whole recipe, including tips on making the perfect shortcake, at smores-strawberry-shortcake-recipe.


Too hot for a campfire? Cool down with a s’mores milkshake! The trick is to lightly toast the marshmallows in the oven so they mix well with the other ingredients in the blender. Get the recipe at spoonfulofflavor. com/2013/08/30/smores-milkshake to enjoy this sweet treat even in the heat of summer. It’s the simple recipe that opens the door for creative interpretations of the classic s’more. Be adventurous this summer and see what great new s’mores you can create!


A simple but memorable twist on the campfire classic. Grab a box of Oreo cookies, pull a cookie apart, and use that in place of your graham cracker. The cream filling will pair nicely with the chocolate and toasted marshmallow .


Here are s’mores you can enjoy all year long. Layers of crushed graham cracker, melted

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