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Marc Lopez Law - September 2018

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Marc Lopez Law - August 2018

high-volume workouts stimulate muscle protein synthesis (the process by which muscle is built) more

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Marc Lopez Law December 2018

7 120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez P

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Marc Lopez Law April 2018

7 120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez P

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Marc Lopez Law November 2018

7 120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez P

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Marc Lopez Law July 2018

smores-milkshake to enjoy this sweet treat even in the heat of summer. It’s the simple recipe that o

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Marc Lopez Law June 2018

Tech Armor and Eyesafe are designed to limit the amount of blue light your eyes are exposed to. To a

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Marc Lopez Law October 2018

7 120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez P

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Marc Lopez Law January 2019

7 120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez P

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Marc Lopez Law February 2019

7 120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez P

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Marc Lopez Law March 2019

7 120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez P

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Marc Lopez Law - September 2018


We’re in the final weeks of summer, andmy family and I just got back from a visit to Indiana Beach. In my experience, parenting a four-year-old is equal parts gratifying, perilous, and exhausting. The past fewmonths have been a whirlwind of weekend trips, princess-themed dance parties, and evenings at the neighborhood pool. Whenever I can, I like to reflect on how blessed I am to be able to enjoy this time withmy family. If I’mbeing honest, it’s my law practice that makes this possible. What started as an experiment with a lone attorney in a little office has grown into a sprawling web of human interdependence. I rely on clients and employees just as much as they rely onme, and relationships can only survive if trust works both ways. I’m always looking for ways to refine and improve the way I do business, and this summer has been no exception. To that end, Attorney Matthew Kroes and I attended a training conference in Miami to learn about the ways that small firms can improve their commitment to customer service. I’ve also recently hired a second paralegal named Brittney to assist with office efficiency. Only one of our Britts has the military training necessary to patch a gunshot wound, but both of them are experienced paralegals. Whether you’ve been arrested or seriously hurt in an accident, I understand that life doesn’t stop. Bills are still due, employers still expect you to show up to work, and kids still need to get to school —your legal issues exist on top of all of your other obligations. I FROM THE DESK OF Marc Lopez

THEWORLDTRADE CENTER H ow the T owers C ame to B e

On Sept.11, 2001, at 8:46 a.m., American Airlines Flight 11 struck the north tower of the World Trade Center traveling at 470 mph, ripping a hole in the building from floors 93 to 99. At 9:03 a.m., a second plane smashed into the south tower traveling at 590 mph, cutting a gaping hole from floors 75 to 85. Within an hour, the south tower collapsed due to the sheer weight of the building combined with the damage dealt by the impact and the burning jet fuel. At 10:28 a.m., the north tower followed. The rubble and debris from the collapsed towers caused fires and further damage to the surrounding buildings and areas. Within hours, nearly 3,000 people had lost their lives. The attack left the world in a state of terror and grief, and the United States was changed forever. Today, the twin towers’ last day is remembered as the worst terrorist attack in history, but few people know how the buildings became part of New York City’s skyline in the first place. A world trade center pavilion was first hosted during the New York World’s Fair in 1939 — the exhibit was dedicated to the slogan “world peace through trade.”The idea for the World Trade Center was then abandoned after seven years, until David Rockefeller revived the concept to reinvigorate lower Manhattan. Rockefeller took the reins and continued the project, finding premises near the Fulton Fish Market on the East River, and construction on the $250 million complex began. He also turned to the Port of New York Authority for financial support to ensure the World Trade Center’s completion, and the first real plans for the World Trade Center were put into action. It was then that the Port Authority decided the towers should break the record for the tallest building in the world, beating the 1,250-foot Empire State building. To do this, architect Minoru Yamasaki designed the towers to hold 110 stories each, but they would not have the

want my clients to know that in addition tome working hard on their legal issues, their concerns are acknowledged, heard, and understood.

Enjoy the last days of summer, and always Plead the Fifth.

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traditional glass-and-steel-box design used for most skyscrapers at that time. Instead, Yamasaki worked with structural engineers to come up with a revolutionary design that would disperse the weight throughout. The plan included two hollow tubes supported by steel columns spaced closely together and

plaza was finished. An estimated 10,000 workers labored to build the World Trade Center. The towers had 99 elevators, 43,600 windows, 40,000 doors, and 3,000 miles of electrical wiring, and each building weighed 250,000 tons. They were the tallest buildings in the world until Chicago’s Sears Tower was completed less than a year later. The towers were first attacked in 1993. Down in the basement of the north tower’s parking garage, a 1200-pound bomb was set off. The attack cost six people

features such as battery-powered stairway lights and a separate emergency command center for each building. The towers remained an iconic part of NYC’s famous skyline for another eight years. Today, the towers are gone, but the peace they once symbolized lives on in the tranquility of Ground Zero, and every man, woman, and child who lost their life on Sept. 11, 2001, is memorialized on the stone monuments and through the annual reading of names. As Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl, said, “If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate.”

wrapped in aluminum, while floor trusses connected this shell to the tower’s central steel core. Construction of the World Trade Center officially began in February 1967. The north tower was completed in December of 1970, and the south tower was finished in July of 1971, but construction continued for the next two years until the outdoor

their lives, and over 1,000 people were injured. The Port Authority wasted no time in renovating the building; over the next eight years, the company spent $700 million on renovations, including added safety

That’ll Do, Pig Oinkers That Saved Their Owners’ Bacon

More and more Americans are keeping pigs as pets than ever before. With their keen intelligence, laid-back amiability, goofy snorts, and, of course, their stubby little legs, it’s no surprise that people take to these plump, fuzzy animals. And here’s an extra bonus: Apparently, they also save lives! Take the aptly-named Lucky , for example. When Illinois resident Ina Farler woke up to the frantic porcine screams of her best friend, she knew something was up. “He would jump down, run to the door, and then jump back on the bed and hit me really hard,” she told Chicago 5 News. “When I sat up, I realized the room was really smoky.”

to Lucky, she was able to grab her two grandchildren, escape from the house, and call the fire department to stifle the blaze before it took down the entire property. Lucky isn’t the only hog to have saved the day. Jo Ann and Jack Altsman adopted Lulu the pot-bellied pig after baby-sitting her for their daughter. Lulu grew to be great pals with Bear, the family’s American Eskimo dog. When Jo Ann suffered a heart attack while her husband was away on a fishing trip and no one else was around, Bear and Lulu teamed up to rescue their beloved owner. Sensing something was up, Bear barked furiously to get the attention of Lulu, who was out in the yard. Though she’d never come into the house from the yard before, she crammed

her bulk through the much-too-small doggie door. In the process, she scraped her belly badly, drawing blood, but she pressed on in order to check on Jo Ann. Realizing that something was seriously wrong, she slammed back through the doggie door and scrambled out into the road, where she lay down. Lulu eventually convinced one conscientious motorist to slow down and see what the commotion was about. He found Jo Ann unconscious in her home and quickly dialed 911. Though Lulu wasn’t allowed in the ambulance, her owner was rescued and recovered after an intense open-heart surgery. And, of course, Lulu got patched up too!

Her house was ablaze, and her room was quickly turning into an oven. But thanks

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School has started. Youth sports are in full swing. Work is crazy. Food has become more about necessity than enjoyment. All of this can only mean one thing: Fall has begun. The crazy schedules this time of year can make it tough for parents to keep their heads on straight; making it through the insanity sometimes feels more like survival than life. But there are tactics you can employ to turn the tide and find more time for yourself.

And apps like Mealime and MealBoard give you the ability to whip up food that is cost-effective and delicious.

TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK While you’re busy trying to rally the troops at soccer practice, the scene at home resembles a horror movie. Laundry is piling up, food is spoiling in the fridge, and the dust bunnies around the house now have names. Housecleaning is a part-time job in its own right. The only way to stay on top of duties around the house is to work together. A chore chart with clear responsibilities is a great place to start. Whether you have one child or eight, everyone is capable of pitching in.

TAG TEAM There’s no reason to try and do everything on your own. The phrase “It takes a village to raise a child” exists because managing the stressors of life requires help. A great place to start is by establishing car pools with a parent group you trust. You can alternate drivers weekly, which provides the opportunity for you to focus your attention on other priorities — or if you’re lucky, have some freedom. THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB Technology makes organization easier and more accessible than ever. By using a tool like a shared calendar, you can coordinate the entire family’s schedule so you never miss a beat.

You can have all the organizational abilities in the world, but the best way to manage life’s madness isn’t by directing day-to day-tasks; it’s by managing stress. Instead of using these tools to control life, look at them as a way to free up time so you can decompress and enjoy the things you love.

SCOOTERS EVERYWHERE Life moves pretty fast in downtown Indy. Not so long ago, I’d never even seen an electric scooter in the city. Then suddenly, without warning, they were everywhere — parked on corners, leaning against office buildings, and being driven down the sidewalk by novelty- seeking Hoosiers. Thanks to Bird, a California-based electric scooter startup, the downtown transportation game changed overnight. Capitalism requires competition, so Bird’s arrival was followed shortly by another scooter company, Lime. I’ve never seen more scooters in my life. In addition to questions about helmets, sidewalks, and speed limits, quite a few people have already asked me, “Can I get a DUI on one of those scooters?”The answer is YES. There is absolutely no scooter exception to Indiana’s DUI / OVWI laws. In fact, San Diego has already charged someone for a scooter-related collision where alcohol is suspected to be a factor. And Indianapolis has already had its first serious scooter-related injury accident. MARC’S TIPS AND TRICKS




8 slices of bread (Pullman works best)

8 ounces ham, thinly sliced

4 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese (preferably Parmigiano- Reggiano)

1/2 pound Swiss cheese, sliced

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

1/4 cup apricot preserves

As I write this, both Bird and Lime have complied with temporary cease-and-desist orders, giving Indianapolis time to draft and enact applicable legislation. I have it on good authority, however, that the scooters will be back. When they return, please remember that a scooter is a vehicle, and it’s against the law to operate one while you’re intoxicated. Also, drive carefully, try not to run into people, and always looks both ways before crossing the street.


1. Butter each slice of bread on the outsides and sprinkle with Parmesan. 2. Layer ham and cheese evenly on top of 4 slices of bread. 3. Spread apricot preserves and mustard across the other 4 slices. Press sandwiches together. 4. In a cast iron skillet or large sauté pan over medium heat, grill sandwiches until golden, about 3 minutes per side. 5. Cut in half and serve.

Safety first, and always Plead the Fifth.

Inspired by Bon Appetit Magazine

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(317) 632-3642 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Emergencies 24/7

120 E. Market St. Suite 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204

INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Marc Lopez PAGE 1 The Hopeful Beginning and Catastrophic End PAGE 1 Pigs to the Rescue PAGE 2 3 Tips to Help Organize Your Crazy Life PAGE 3 Inside-Out Grilled Ham and Cheese PAGE 3 Falsities You’ve Been Told About Jury Duty PAGE 4


There are so many rumors about Jury duty that it can be difficult to know which ones are true. Here are three of the more popular speculations, debunked.

serve jury duty. Many people believe this myth because voting enters you into the jury duty pool, but there are other means by which citizens are chosen. Other ways you’re entered into the pool


If you admit that you are biased when you serve jury duty, it does not guarantee your dismissal. In fact, a judge cannot dismiss you for being biased — but an attorney can. In addition, attempting to portray yourself as a biased person can put you in a troubling situation. Attorneys and judges have been selecting jurors for a long time and know when someone is lying to them. Your best bet will be to give honest answers to the questions they ask. NO VOTING, NO JURY DUTY According to another circulating myth, if you aren’t registered to vote, you don’t have to

include buying a home, paying taxes, and getting a driver’s license. Even if you aren’t registered to vote, you’re still liable to be summoned.


of complaint to the trial court

If you’re worried about getting fired by serving jury duty, you can take a breather. Your employer cannot fire you once you’ve been selected for jury service. In fact, if your boss threatens to fire you for it, they will face the penalties, which include fines and even jail time. Many employers know and understand this, but if yours doesn’t, you can submit a file

administrator, and they will take care of the rest for you.

The system to select jurors has been around for a while, and those involved know what they’re doing. It’s best to go in with an open mind and be completely honest. After all, it is your civic duty to do so.

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