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Central Catholic Blue & White - Spring 2018

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Central Catholic Blue & White - Special Edition

FatherCowie Athletic Banquet  Junior Ring Ceremony  Board of Directors Marianist Heritage Week  

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Central Catholic Blue & White Newsletter- Summer Issue

class-notes WANTING TO ORGANIZE A REUNION? To begin organizing a class reunion, please contact Lisa

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CCHS Blue & White Magazine Fall 2021

alumnigolf Central Catholic Gala January 29, 2022 Mays Family Center at the Witte Museum Event Chair

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Central Michigan Roofing October 2018

4 cup extra-virgin olive oil • 2 tablespoons fresh rosemary, minced • 8 cloves garlic, smashed and c

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Central Michigan Roofing April 2018

C junction, and other similar large appliances. Homeowners often forget about these appliances becau

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2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon ground black pepper • • • Directions 1. Heat oven to 350 F (175 C). 2. W

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50 mix of baking soda and water, gently scrub the surface of the pan with a cloth or sponge. This he

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4 of the total number of bones in your body are in your feet?

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Central Catholic Blue & White - Spring 2018

Central Catholic High School

Blue and White

Spring 2018

Alumni Spotlight: Joseph Rettinger’14 Senior at Saint Louis University pg. 4-5

Developing Young Men of Character through Faith, Leadership, and Academics

Letter FROM ...



Central Catholic Board of Directors Clarence Kahlig ’65- Chairman Dan Elder- Co-Vice Chairman Priscilla Gonzaba- Co-Vice Chairman Rev. Larry Doersching, S.M. - Secretary Jack Dysart ’68 Bob Elizondo Dr. Paul Garcia Paul Garro- President Dr. Thomas Gonzaba '78 Tony Liberto '82 Jason Longoria ’96- Alumni Association Pres. Andrea Marks Chris Martinez ’96 Alex Ojeda ‘96 Br. Mike O’Grady Dr. Tim Palomera '89 Dr. Erika Gonzalez-Reyes Judy Rettinger Richard Stagg ’66 Debra Stepan- Parent Club Pres. Bruce Tschoepe ’66 Dr. Aaron Tyler Alumni Association Board of Directors

“The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day He created spring,” said Sir Bernard Williams. It’s springtime and the world wakes up in spring- time! In San Antonio, it’s also fiesta time and our city surely wakes up during fiesta time. Wow! Springtime and Fiesta-- With each celebration of life, each deepened experience of faith and family, each demonstration of brotherhood, let us allow spring’s positivity and the joy of Easter wash over us, elevating our outlook, enlivening our hope and bolstering our gratitude for every blessing. In this issue of the Blue and White, I wanted to relay a simple story that seems to represent the hope our Lord created and the legacy of brotherhood at Central Catholic. The story illuminates the blessings of spring and the responsibility of

Paul Garro, President

living the Easter message.

A few weeks ago, a meeting was arranged with a family seeking admission into Central Catholic High School. The mother and her son wanted us to know how important it was for them to be a part of Central. The son communicated how he has been dreaming about attending Central Catholic since his early years in grade school. The young man described how his father was seriously injured in a car accident and needed constant 24-hour care, and the son said, “I know I’ll make my father proud by attending Central Catholic.” His mother added that she has been working three jobs cleaning hotel rooms to make ends meet; and expressed how extended family and friends will help pay for tuition. The mom pleaded for her son’s admission into our school and she pledged her dedication… it was humbling. The son assured us of his commitment to Central Catholic, his willingness to work hard in all of his classes, his desire to participate in clubs and teams and be active in serving the San Antonio community. When asked why he chose Central Catholic, he said, “I want to be closer to God.” The son proclaimed, “If I am accepted, you will not have any regrets.” The son’s middle school records and his performance on the High School Placement Test were both impressive. Already humbled by their honesty and candidness, I was especially struck by their next request. The mom leaned forward and with complete focus, described the need for her son to be influenced by our brotherhood. She expounded on the need for help in raising her son and requested that we ensure her son get matched with a terrific big brother. She implored that her son participate in the father/son retreat and events, and then her son respectfully interjected, “How soon can I meet the alumni?” And, yes we accepted this young man into the class of 2022. Although this story is being told in 2018, it is a common story that has been told over and over again throughout the years. The details and decades may vary, but Central Catholic and the legacy of the brotherhood, developing family spirit and growing closer to God, always remain constant. This interaction challenged me to take inventory of my actions, reflect on how well I embrace the Easter message and share that message with others. As we adapt and change to the times, let us also be attentive to our foundation revealed in the first disciple, Mary. Modeled by these two people seeking to become members of our Central Catholic community, we are reminded of the gift of community and the importance of remaining vigilant in our pursuit to love genuinely and live abundantly.

Jason F. Longoria ’96 - President Alex J. Ojeda ’96 - Vice President Hector Flores Jr. ’06 - Treasurer Dr. Charles P. Biediger ’84 - Secretary Ernest Herrera ’86 - Sgt-At-Arms

Joseph Acevedo '11 William Galindo ‘82 Andres Gonzalez ‘77 William Gonzalez '86 Mike Lemoine '83 William Long ‘00 Michael R. Lynch ‘79 Abe Luna '90 Josue Morales ‘02 Bobby Olivares ‘79 Wayne A. Ramirez ‘77 Ron Reyes '74 Royce Sample ‘83

Roland T. Tamez ‘94 Paul A. Zaldivar ‘77 Rene G. Zarazua ‘02 School Administrators Paul Garro, President Edward C. Ybarra ’83, Interim Principal and Vice Dan McCarthy, Director of Campus Ministry Jason Longoria ’96, Director of Advancement Paul Combest, Director of Operations Michael Gaffney, Director of Finance Fr. Sean Downing , Chaplain President of Student Development Millicent Marcha, Academic Dean

God bless our Central High! Sincerely,

Paul Garro President of Central Catholic High School



At our annual Central Catholic Gala in February, we kicked off the Our Time Capital Campaign. This campaign will change the future of Central Catholic with the addition of a brand new Convocation Center and the Mother Adele Chapel & Meditation Garden to our campus.

The Convocation Center will feature a 1,200 seat gymnasium; locker rooms for every sport, including our CCHS Cheerleaders; a state-of-the-art weight room; and a new 150-seat chapel honoring Mother Adele .

Recent Updates:

The Convocation Center’s construction will begin THIS summer – June 2018. We anticipate the completion of the project to take 12 months, with the doors opening to the facility no later than September 2019. In addition, JOERIS was the winning general contractor in a blind bid process. This project has become somewhat of family affair! The approved sub-contractors include several alumni & friends of Central Catholic. These businesses have already contributed discounted rates totaling a little more than $55,000.

We have raised $9 Million of our $11.2 million goal!






However, we are still not done. We need a little over $2 million to finish the job. With the support from all of our alumni & friends like you, together, we can meet our goal!

Your contribution will help us leave a legacy for future generations of Central Catholic students and will help us honor our Marianist foundations and clergy. Our time is NOW.


For questions about the campaign or if you would like to inquire about naming opportunities please contact: Mr. Jason Longoria ’96 Director of Advancement [email protected] 210.225.6794 x 246




J OSEPH R ETTINGER ’14 Joseph Rettinger, a graduate from the Class of 2014, currently attends Saint Louis University where he studies Economics. Recently, Joseph received an invitation for a prestigious summer internship. As the young alumni spotlight, Joseph gives us insight as to what he’s been up too and how Central Catholic played a role in his collegiate success. Get to know him more in this interview below! find a lot of interesting trends and stories of why things happen the way they do, and that is why I love what I study. Additionally, it has given me the tools I need to succeed in the career path I want to pur- sue, which is the biggest reason of all. What are you involved in at SLU? What words of encourage- ment do you have for high school students to get them involved? At Saint Louis University, I’m involved in Economics Club, Active Minds, Labre Ministry to the Homeless, Student Activity Board, Assorted Intramural Sports. The advice I would give to high school students is the same as what my parents have told me and that is that you get out what you put in. By that I mean when you get to college, you no longer have the same structure and supports that you have had before. It becomes your re- sponsibility to try new things and take yourself out of your comfort zone because that is when you grow as a person. The groups that I have been involved with at SLU have not all been concurrent and that is because I have put myself into positions to try different things. Being involved on your campus, in any fashion, will allow you to meet a lot of people and make new friends.

What are your fondest memories of Central Catholic High School? Thinking back on the four years I spent at Central, one of my fondest memories comes from the unique freshman lock-in experience my classmates and I attended. Unsure yet as to how high school would be, the lock-in provided a bonding experience that became the base our brotherhood would be built on. Not knowing many people out- side of middle school relationships yet, the lock-in was where every- one first started to get to know each other and I know it is where I first made a lot of my best friends. Why did you choose Saint Louis University (academics, stellar reputation, faith, extracurricular programs, etc)? What are you getting your degree in and why? Coming to Saint Louis University (SLU) had a lot to do with my de- sire to explore living in new places. While San Antonio will always be home, I realize that there is a lot more the world has to offer, and I want to see as much as I can. I knew I wanted to continue my education in a fashion similar to one I have always known; smaller and religiously affiliated. When I came and toured our campus here, I knew I had found a place that provided a mixture of everything I was looking for. Saint Louis Uni- versity offered on-campus activities, education emphasizing the Jes- uit tradition, a large metro area, highly regarded academics, and hon- estly, having a Major League Baseball team one Metro stop away from campus was an added bonus. I chose to get my degree in Economics through the Chaifetz Busi- ness School because it has become a passion of mine. Studying eco- nomic >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19

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