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Louis Berk PLLC - June 2022

2 cucharadita de sal para las brochetas • 900 g de pechuga de pollo, cortada en cubos del tamaño de

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Louis Berk PLLC - March 2021

4 de cdta. de sal • ralladura de 1 naranja 2 | 407-906-0500 Published by Newsletter Pro • www.newsle

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Louis Berk, PLLC. - July 2022

4 de taza de alcaparras escurridas y enjuagadas, picadas • 1 cucharadita de pimienta negra molida •

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Louis Berk PLLC - February 2022

2 cucharadita de pimentón • Sal y pimienta, a gusto Inspirada por 2 | 407-906-050

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Abogado Louis - Louis Berk, PLLC - May 2022

4 taza de brócoli, picado • 8 huevos Instrucciones 1. Precaliente el horno a 350 °F (177 °C) y cubra

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Louis Berk PLLC - April 2022

2 tazas de nueces picadas finamente, divididas Instrucciones 1. Cocine la masa del pastel según las

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Louis Berk, PLLC - December 2021

4 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla • Canela y leche batida, para decorar Instrucciones 1. En un t

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Abogado Louis/Louis Berk, PLLC - July 2021

4 de taza de azúcar morena Instrucciones 1. Remoje las virutas de madera en un bol con agua, de un d

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Louis Berk, PLLC - April 2021

AbogadoLouis INSIDE THIS ISSUE What’s My Case Worth? 1 For the First Time, a Vegan Restaurant Gets a

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Louis Berk, PLLC - February 2021

4 partes. 3. Cuando el yogur esté firme, añade las fresas hechas puré en cada corazón para llenar el

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Louis Berk PLLC - March 2022 407-906-0500 March 2022

Car Accidents | Truck Accidents | Pedestrian Accidents | Slip & Fall/Premises Liability | Wrongful Death

Read Across America Day Diving Into My Recommended Reading List

Growing up, I never enjoyed reading. The only content I seemed to enjoy revolved around sports. I needed to stay up to date with all of the sporting events so I turned to the internet, some magazines, and newspapers. It wasn’t until college, when I started working with a network marketing company, that I developed an interest in business, mindset, and entrepreneurship books — and I never looked back! For me, reading is an outlet and a wealth of information. It exercises and expands your mind. There are many books that have changed my life, many of which I’ve found myself rereading over and over again. Since March 2 is Read Across America Day, I’d like to share some of my favorites with you The first book I’d like to share is one that I think everyone should invest their time in. “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki is a staple on entrepreneurship. It discusses how to grow and build assets and how to think like an entrepreneur. It advocates for the importance of financial literacy and independence and is interesting and engaging. Another influential book is one that is timeless. Published in 1936, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie is a book that I’ve read countless times. It amazes me that even back in the 1930s, Dale Carnegie was so accurate in his thoughts that today, we still have so much to learn from his words. It discusses how to build relationships and treat others. It really got me thinking about the importance of other people’s names. We meet so many different people throughout our lives and as we rub elbows, if you’re going to remember anything about someone, remember their name and how to spell it. It’s all about respecting the name that their parents gave them. This novel forces you to step outside of your comfort zone to build positive personal and professional relationships that will last you a lifetime. Another book that has changed my life is “The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure” by Grant Cardone. It’s a great motivator to set massive goals for yourself and then take massive action. If you are looking to build your life in a business, family, relationship, or faith mindset, this book is very motivating and is sure to get you moving in the right direction to set yourself up for success.

“Sell or Be Sold: How to Get Your Way in Business and in Life” by Grant Cardone discusses how you can either sell people or be sold. Oftentimes, people will state that they are not sales people, but even when we are kids begging our parents for a cookie or an ice cream cone, we are little salespeople. We are being sold all day, every day. Whether it’s through advertisements on television or social media, or in magazines and newsletters, it’s everywhere. Even marriage is a sale! The ability to sell others is crucial for business success and this book is extremely educational and thought provoking. Another one of my favorites, “The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results” by Gary Keller, one of the founders of Keller Williams, is a fabulous read. It discusses that even though many of us think that multitasking is the art of getting many things done at once, we end up not giving our full attention to each task, and we are better off doing one thing at a time. Gary Keller discusses purpose, productivity, and priority and how to narrow your focus to accomplish great things. Last on my list is “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. This novel features some great words of wisdom when it comes to personal development. It goes beyond finances and dives into how to get what you want — whatever that may be! This is a book I feel I can read over and over again and still always learn something from. It’s a true eye-opener, and it empowers the reader so they can grow. On a personal level, I practice gratitude daily; every morning and every night, I reflect on it. Gratitude focuses on the little things which we sometimes take for granted. I’m so grateful for my ability to see, my ability to hear, the food on my plate, and

my ability to read. I’m so thankful that in my 20s, my mindset changed on reading. For my personal growth, literacy has been such a positive influence, and my hope for you is that you enjoy my recommendations. If and when you give them a read, let me know your thoughts!

-Louis Bernardo Berk | 1

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Spring Fever Enjoy Warm Weather While Stuck Indoors

Try working outside. If your boss will allow it, there’s probably some opportunity to do a bit of work outdoors. Meetings and conference calls might offer your best option. For in-person meetings, your coworkers will also likely relish a chance to take it outdoors. In the event of a conference call, you won’t need to convince anyone else — grab your laptop and go! It’s not the same as enjoying the weather while you’re off the clock, but it’s a lot better than being cooped up inside.

The weather is warming up, the sun is out — and you’re trapped inside. Most of us have jobs that leave us stuck indoors during spring’s prime midday hours, and it’s easy to feel like you’re missing out on the season’s best parts. Unfortunately, your boss probably won’t give you the day off just because of the gorgeous weather. So, we’ve compiled the next best thing — some tips to enjoy the season as much as you can while also getting your job done. Bring the outdoors in. When the weather is nice, open as many curtains and blinds as possible. The natural light will warm up the room and brighten your mood. While you’re at it, try opening the windows and positioning yourself near one. If you can’t be outside, the spring breeze on your face is the next best thing. Plants decrease stress, and having them on your desk might also trick your brain into feeling less cooped up. Take a break. You’ve still got to work, but that doesn’t mean you can’t sneak in a few minutes outdoors. Use your break for an outdoor stroll; if possible, you can also walk or bike to work. At the very least, park farther away to give yourself time to enjoy the weather. Volunteer to do a coffee run, pick up lunch, or take out the mail — you’ll be an office hero while catching some rays at the same time.

With any luck, these tips will help you make it to Friday with your sanity intact. And luckily, the weekend is always just around the corner.

... continued from Page 4

hearings, or a trial without representation — and if you cannot afford to hire an attorney, the court will provide you with a public defender. Ironically, to invoke your right to remain silent, you have to talk — simply not speaking isn’t considered sufficient. A person needs to say as clearly as possible that they are invoking their rights and want an attorney.

Though film and TV scripts tend to use uniform wording, there’s no required Miranda rights phrasing. Police only need to state the rights and ensure the suspect understands them. It’s also notable that police only have to read Miranda rights when they arrest a suspect — and they can question someone without

detaining them. Courts consider anything the suspect says when not under arrest to be of their own free will.

Many people waive their rights because they know they’re not guilty — or they think that speaking with the police will make them look innocent. Criminal defense attorneys strongly advise against this. Body language, off-handed statements, or inconsistent recounting of events can be used as evidence of guilt. And sadly, many innocent people have been sentenced to time in prison.

If you’re ever arrested or questioned in connection with a crime, the best way to protect your rights is to invoke them right away. Hire an experienced criminal defense attorney or ask the court to appoint one for you. The lawyer will review your case, help you understand the charges, and provide expert guidance on your next steps. Don’t feel bad about doing so — these rights are enshrined in the Constitution. They’re just that important.

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Why One Man Sued Michael Jordan for $832 Million I DON’T WANT TO BE LIKE MIKE

Many people have been told they

have a passing resemblance to a celebrity, and they usually have a funny story or two. To Allen Ray Heckard, his celebrity look- alike was no laughing matter. In 2006, he sued Michael

Jordan for looking too much like him and ruining his life.

The amount of the lawsuit was $832 million, and Heckard not only sued Jordan but also Nike, reasoning that the company helped Jordan achieve his incredible fame. The complaint argued that the resemblance to Jordan “has troubled

Heckard’s nerves” and being stopped by fans caused him emotional distress for over 15 years. He requested damages for defamation, permanent injury, and pain and suffering. For someone tired of being “recognized,” Heckard didn’t shy away from media coverage. When asked how he arrived at the astronomical $832 million lawsuit figure, he gave this much- shared (yet difficult to parse) answer: “Well, you figure with my age, and you multiply that by seven and, ah, then I turn around and, ah, I figure that’s what it all boils down to.” When asked why he felt the resemblance to Jordan had affected his life so negatively, he could only answer, “I want to be recognized as me, just like Michael’s recognized as Michael.” Funnily enough, most people didn’t think Heckard and Jordan looked alike at all. While each had a bald head, mustache, and a gold earring, the similarities seemed to end there. Many news stories noted that, compared to Jordan, Heckard is 8 years older and 6 inches shorter. One question reporters did not appear to ask was why Heckard felt that Jordan should be held personally liable for hundreds of millions of dollars simply for his natural appearance. Sadly, we will probably never know the answer because the case ended rather unceremoniously. After a few weeks, Heckard dropped the lawsuit. He never publicly shared why, but a Nike spokesperson was glad to speculate that Heckard “finally realized he would end up paying our court costs if the lawsuit went to trial.” In the end, many ‘90s kids would argue that Heckard was most guilty of looking a gift horse in the mouth. After all, there is no higher achievement than to “be like Mike.”


Cheer on your favorite team and chow down in minutes with this easy chili recipe!


• 2 lbs ground beef • 2 tbsp chili powder • 1 tbsp Creole seasoning • 1 tsp ground cumin

• 2 16-oz cans diced tomatoes • 2 16-oz cans small red beans • 2 8-oz cans tomato sauce


1. In a deep pot, brown the beef, stirring often. 2. Once beef is cooked, add chili powder, Creole seasoning, and cumin, cooking for 1 minute. 3. Stir in diced tomatoes, beans, and tomato sauce and bring the mixture to a boil. 4. After the mixture boils, reduce the heat to low and let chili simmer for 15 minutes. 5. Serve with toppings of choice, like cheese, sour cream, or chives.

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Referrals Welcome We thank you so much for referring clients to us over the years. We are grateful that you have

407-906-0500 4700 Millenia Blvd., Suite 175 Orlando, FL 32839

trusted us with taking care of those who need our services.

New address? New phone number? New email? Help us stay current by letting us know. Notify Louis at 407-906-0500.



Read Across America Day


Enjoy Spring Weather — Even From Work


Easy March Madness Chili Someone Sued Michael Jordan?


What Do Your Miranda Rights Mean?

You Have the Right to … What Now? Understanding and Using Your Miranda Rights

If you watch a lot of procedural dramas on television, you can probably recite your Miranda rights by heart:

But why are these words so ubiquitous? What do they mean in the real world? And do you really need to worry about your rights if you haven’t committed a crime? Miranda rights originated in 1966 through the Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona . Police arrested Ernesto Miranda on kidnapping charges, and after two hours of questioning, he eventually confessed to the crime. His attorneys argued that Miranda did not understand his rights at the time of the confession, so the courts should disregard it as evidence of his guilt. The Supreme Court agreed, saying that one cannot sign away their rights without first understanding them. The right to remain silent originates from the Fifth Amendment right to not self-incriminate. In this context, “staying silent” means not answering questions from the police. Though experts recommend silence from the beginning, a person can invoke their rights partway through an interrogation. The right to an attorney means you do not have to go through questioning,

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.

Continued on Page 2 ...

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Fiebre primaveral. Disfruta del buen tiempo Mientras estás atrapado en el interior

Se acerca el buen tiempo, el sol está fuera - y tú estás atrapado en el interior. La mayoría de nosotros tenemos trabajos que nos dejan atrapados dentro durante las horas centrales de la primavera, y es fácil sentir que te estás perdiendo lo mejor de esta época del año. Por desgracia, es probable que tu jefe no te dé el día libre sólo por el buen tiempo. Así que hemos recopilado lo mejor de lo mejor: algunos consejos para disfrutar de la temporada tanto como sea posible y al mismo tiempo hacer su trabajo. Lleva el aire libre al interior. Cuando haga buen tiempo, abre todas las cortinas y persianas que puedas. La luz natural calentará la habitación y te alegrará el ánimo. De paso, intenta abrir las ventanas y colocarte cerca de una. Si no puedes estar en el exterior, la brisa primaveral en tu cara es lo siguiente mejor. Las plantas disminuyen el estrés y tenerlas en tu escritorio también puede engañar a tu cerebro para que se sienta menos encerrado. Tómate un descanso. Todavía tienes que trabajar, pero eso no significa que no puedas tomarte unos minutos al aire libre. Aprovecha tu descanso para dar un paseo al aire libre; si es posible, también puedes ir al trabajo andando o en bicicleta. Como mínimo, aparca más lejos para tener tiempo de disfrutar del buen tiempo. Ofrécete a ir a por café, a recoger el almuerzo o a sacar el correo: serás un héroe de la oficina y, al mismo tiempo, disfrutarás del sol.

Intenta trabajar fuera. Si tu jefe te lo permite, es probable que haya alguna oportunidad de trabajar al aire libre. Las reuniones y las conferencias telefónicas pueden ser tu mejor opción. En el caso de las reuniones en persona, es probable que tus compañeros de trabajo también disfruten de la oportunidad de trabajar al aire libre. En el caso de una conferencia telefónica, no tendrás que convencer a nadie más: ¡coge tu portátil y vete! No es lo mismo que disfrutar del tiempo mientras estás fuera de casa, pero es mucho mejor que estar encerrado. Con un poco de suerte, estos consejos te ayudarán a llegar al viernes con la cordura intacta. Y por suerte, el fin de semana está siempre a la vuelta de la esquina.


¡Apoya a tu equipo favorito y come en minutos con esta fácil receta de chili!


Instrucciones 1. En una olla profunda, dore la carne de res, revolviendo con frecuencia. 2. Una vez que la carne esté cocida, agregue el chile en polvo, el condimento criollo y el comino, y cocine durante 1 minuto. 3. Agregar los tomates picados en cubos, los frijoles y la salsa de tomate y llevar la mezcla a ebullición. 4. Una vez que la mezcla hierve, reducir el fuego a bajo y dejar que el chili se cocine a fuego lento durante 15 minutos. 5. Servir con los aderezos que desee, como queso, crema agria o cebollino.

• 2 libras de carne molida • 2 cucharadas de chile en polvo • 1 cucharada de condimento criollo • 1 cucharadita de comino molido

• 2 latas de 16 onzas de tomates picados • 2 latas de 16 onzas de frijoles rojos pequeños • 2 latas de 8 onzas de salsa de tomate Ingredientes

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Published by Newsletter Pro • 407-906-0500 MARCH 2022

Car Accidents | Truck Accidents | Pedestrian Accidents | Slip & Fall/Premises Liability | Wrongful Death

Leer a través del Día de América Sumergiéndome en mi lista de lecturas recomendadas

Nunca disfruté leer de niño. El único contenido que parecía disfrutar giraba en torno a los deportes. Necesitaba estar al día con todos los eventos deportivos, así que recurría a internet, algunas revistas y periódicos. No fue hasta la universidad, cuando comencé a trabajar con una compañía de mercadotecnia multinivel, que comenzaron a interesarme los libros sobre negocios, mentalidad y emprendimiento… ¡y jamás volví a ser el mismo! Para mí, leer es un escape y un manantial de información; ejercita y abre tu mente. Hay muchos libros que han cambiado mi vida, muchos de los cuales he vuelto a leer una y otra vez. En vistas de que el 2 de marzo es el Día de la Lectura en Estados Unidos (Read Across America Day), me gustaría compartir contigo algunos de mis favoritos. El primer libro del que quiero hablar es uno en el que creo que todos deberían invertir su tiempo: “Padre rico, padre pobre” (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) de Robert Kiyosaki es un libro esencial en el mundo de los emprendimientos. Trata acerca de cómo generar activos y hacerlos crecer, y cómo pensar como un emprendedor. Aboga por la importancia del conocimiento y la independencia financieros y es interesante y cautivador. Otro libro influyente es uno que es atemporal: publicado en 1936, “Cómo ganar amigos e influir sobre las personas” (How to Win Friends and Influence People) de Dale Carnegie es un libro que he leído innumerables veces. Me impresiona que, incluso en los años 30, las ideas de Dale Carnegie fueran tan precisas que aun hoy nos queda mucho por aprender de sus palabras. Analiza cómo entablar relaciones y tratar a los demás. Me hizo pensar mucho sobre la importancia de los nombres de las demás personas; conocemos tantas personas diferentes a medida que socializamos a lo largo de nuestras vidas, que si vas a recordar algo acerca de una persona, recuerda su nombre y cómo deletrearlo; se trata de respetar el nombre que sus padres le dieron. Esta novela te obliga a salir de tu zona de confort para construir relaciones personales y profesionales positivas que perdurarán por el resto de tu vida. Otro libro que me cambió la vida es “La regla 10X: la única diferencia entre el éxito y el fracaso” (The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure) de Grant Cardone. Te motiva enormemente para fijar grandes metas y luego proceder de forma acorde. Si buscas desarrollar tu vida con una actitud orientada a los negocios, la familia, las relaciones o la fe, este libro es muy motivador y de seguro te hará avanzar en la dirección correcta para alcanzar el éxito. “Vendes o vendes: cómo salirte con la tuya en los negocios y en la vida” (Sell or Be Sold:

How to Get Your Way in Business and in Life) de Grant Cardone explica que puedes ser el que vende, o aquel al que le venden. A menudo, la gente dice que no sirve para las ventas, pero aun cuando éramos niños y les suplicábamos a nuestros padres por una galleta o un helado, éramos pequeños vendedores. Nos venden cosas todo el día, todos los días. Ya sea a través de anuncios en televisión o redes sociales, o en revistas y boletines, en todas partes. ¡Incluso el matrimonio es una venta! La habilidad para vender a otros es crucial para el éxito en los negocios, y este libro es extremadamente educativo e invita a la reflexión. Otro de mis favoritos es “Lo único: la sencilla y sorprendente verdad que hay detrás del éxito” (The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results) de Gary Keller, uno de los fundadores de Keller Williams. Es una lectura fabulosa. Trata acerca de que, si bien muchos de nosotros pensamos que el multitasking es el arte de hacer muchas cosas a la vez, terminamos por no concentrarnos completamente en ninguna tarea, y es mejor hacer las cosas una a la vez. Gary Keller habla acerca del propósito, la productividad y la prioridad, y de cómo concentrar tu atención para lograr grandes cosas. El último libro en mi lista es “Piense y hágase rico” (Think and Grow Rich) de Napoleon Hill. Esta novela ofrece mucha sabiduría en lo que respecta al crecimiento personal. Va más allá de las finanzas y profundiza en cómo conseguir lo que quieres, ¡sin importar qué sea! Este es un libro que siento que puedo leer una y otra vez y aun así siempre aprendo algo. Verdaderamente logra que el lector abra los ojos, y lo empodera para que pueda desarrollarse. A nivel personal, practico la gratitud a diario. Todas las mañanas y todas las noches, reflexiono al respecto. La gratitud pone el foco en las pequeñas cosas que a veces damos por sentado: estoy muy agradecido por mi capacidad para ver, mi capacidad para oír, la comida en mi plato y mi capacidad para leer. Agradezco mucho que,

durante mis veinte, mi actitud respecto a la lectura cambió. Esta formación tuvo una influencia muy positiva para mi crecimiento personal, y tengo la esperanza de que disfrutes mis recomendaciones. Si las lees (y cuando lo hagas), ¡dame tu opinión! -Louis Bernardo Berk | 1

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