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Middot Book 2021

Ann & Nate Levine Academy Ethical Covenant Jewish Values: Middot מידוֹת 

Justice . .......................................................2 Citizenship . ................................................3 Holiness ......................................................4 Respect . .....................................................5 Integrity .....................................................6 Responsibility . ...........................................7 Caring .........................................................8

At Levine Academy, education is comprehensive and whole child. Levine’s Ethical Covenant helps cultivate the full human being in each child by embracing seven Middot (values). Living by these Middot at school— learning about them and practicing them--instills the values and character traits so vital to becoming productive, considerate citizens. Our ultimate aim is to graduate mensches who will become caring and compassionate people who will lead their communities and make our world a better place. Each year Levine focuses on one of our core values to highlight and emphasize. However, all of our academic and educational ideals serve all seven of our Middot, bringing into alignment the educational experience at Levine with our cherished Jewish values. Why Middot?


Justice Justice is doing the right thing by being fair. We are to seek justice and be as fair as we can to others whether it’s playing fair in a game, giving someone a fair chance, or giving someone the benefit of the doubt. If, however, someone has done wrong to another, the just and fair thing to do is speak up and let that person know he or she has done wrong. Justice and fairness are the tools that help us keep peace in our community. Educational Philosophies: CRITICAL THINKING We encourage exploration and intellectual and objective analysis before reaching conclusions and making judgements.

Hillel taught: Judge not a fellow man until you are in his place. —Mishnah Avot 11:5


Citizenship Since September 11, 2001, our nation has witnessed many challenges. These challenges have inspired us to become better citizens, staying aware of national issues and concerns, as well as doing what we can to make a positive difference. Citizenship is understanding how to best heal and improve the world, and then doing it. After all, if we don’t stand up and make a difference, who will? Educational Philosophies: GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP Through the lens of Jewish Tradition and tikkun olam , we promote the responsibilities and duties that come with being an ethical and humane partner We embrace the full spectrum of Jewish rituals and practices and encourage each student to value his/her unique heritage and pathway in the context of Jewish history. CONFIDENCE An emotionally safe environment fosters a feeling of assurance arising from one’s abilities and qualities. in our society and world. COMMUNITY

You must be the change you want to see in this world. —Mahatma Gandhi

Holiness God does not expect us to be perfect, but God does expect us to strive to be holy. That is, God expects that we constantly seek out the right thing to do through learning and practicing acts of loving kindness. We are to embody the message of Torah by living up to the Divine spark that exists inside us all, while being humble enough to see the same spark within everyone else. Educational Philosophies: CREATIVITY We promote the use of innovation, imagination and originality, in our approach to learning. קדושה

I believe in a God who knows how complicated human life is, how difficult it is to be a good person at all times, and who expects not a perfect life but an honest effort at a good one. —Rabbi Harold Kushner


Respect Every person in the entire world is a special person with unique strengths – we are all children of God and made in God’s image. Each of us needs to be recognized and treated special for our uniqueness. Since we all need and deserve such recognition and special treatment, it is our duty to also give it to others. This is respect. There is not always an obvious reward for being respectful – we do it because we all simply deserve it. None, however, deserve more respect than one’s parents and teachers for how much they give to us. Educational Philosophies: COLLABORATION Through positive, mutually respectful relationships, we build effective working and learning communities. GROWTH MINDSET We believe that each person has innate talents and strengths that can be fostered through dedication, perseverance, and hard work inspiring a love of learning and resilience.

If we are able to do something, yet we do nothing, we are responsible for the consequences. —Tanna de-Be Eliyahu, 11

Integrity Living life with integrity means telling the truth – regardless of what the consequences might be. A person of integrity builds a reputation as someone who can always be trusted, who will always try to be fair, and who continuously tries to perform to the best of his or her ability. Those with integrity do not cheat or lie because they understand they are truly cheating themselves out of their own learning and growth. We can be whoever we want to be – why not be the person who is not afraid to make mistakes and learns from them? Why not be the person who does the right thing for him or herself and others? Educational Philosophies: PREPARATORY CURRICULUM Students are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and character to succeed in all areas of life after Levine. יושר

I believe in a God who knows how complicated human life is, how difficult it is to be a good person at all times, and who expects not a perfect life but an honest effort at a good one. —Rabbi Harold Kushner


Responsibility Being responsible is being reliable, accountable, and doing what we know to be the right thing. A responsible person accepts the consequences of his or her actions, thinks before acting, and considers how his or her actions may affect others. A responsible person also does not wait to be asked to help, assuming that someone else will take care of it. We should take the initiative and do what obviously needs to be done. Educational Philosophies: ZIONISTIC Our school community embodies a strong connection with Israel, its people, culture and language.

Success is to be measured not by wealth, power, or fame but by the ratio between what a man is and what he might be. —H.G. Wells

Caring Caring is expressed in many different ways. We see it when someone helps another. We see it in good friendships made of trust and honesty. And we see it when someone visits the sick. Caring for someone is something we do, not for a reward, but because our souls are warmed just as much in giving as in receiving. Educational Philosophies: COMMITMENT We expect all members of our school community to embody our core Jewish middot and educational philosophy. חסד ורחמים

The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer up somebody else. —Mark Twain


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Septermber 2021