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WCN Special Summer Edition 2022

“To Publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all Thy wondrous works.” -Psalm 26:7 (KJV) • SPECIAL SUMMER EDITION — 2022 • Volume 23, Issue 3 C HRISTIAN N EWS WI SCONS IN Information • Education • Inspiration

The World Has Gone CRAZY!

(In case you missed that)

Page 42

Americans Can No Longer Think Page 9

INSIDE Highlights: What Happened to America?.......................... Not Your Guns; They’re Coming for YOU!... Reclaiming Our Land..................................... The Vanishing Family....................................... Rejecting the Transgender Movement............ What Is the Character of a Man?..................... Men Without Chests.................................. A Warning Shot to Parents......................... Our Open Borders Crisis................................ 8 12 16 22 24 35 37 41 43

It’s Not Easy Bein’ Green

Page 3

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‘Pride’ Takes Over a Nation


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A National Christian Newspaper Based in Wisconsin

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About WCN Wisconsin Christian News represents a cooper- ative effort by active Christians from all walks of life. In our pages and on our website, you will find Infor- mation, Education and Inspiration, with a majority of the articles written by members of our “WCN Fam- ily” of contributors. There is something of interest to every member of the family. We hope you are blessed and become a regular reader. WCN seeks, at all times, to publish the TRUTH, regardless of “political correctness,” standing up for America’s historical Christian heritage and urging a return to biblical, moral standards. We offer very thought-provoking commentary, inspired teach- ing, real life testimonies, world, national, state and regional news, plus advice and information from experts in their areas of business and ministry -- all in the various sections of our 48-page newspa- per. In addition to providing valuable content to the Christian community, we focus equally on reach- ing those who are lost and seeking, and those who may have been alienated from church as an institution in the past. You’ll find WCN on the racks in the lobbies of grocery stores, family restaurants, shopping centers and malls and most Christian book stores. Of course, you can also find a copy at many of our “Ministry Partner” advertisers’ business and ministry locations. This is our outreach to the mar- ketplace, and we receive many wonderful testi- monies from people who have found the Lord for the first time, or returned to Him, after many years away, after finding our newspaper in a public place. Our Doctrinal Statement • There is one God, who is infinitely perfect, existing eternally as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. • Jesus Christ is true God and true man. He was

• The Church consists of all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, are redeemed through His blood, and are born again of the Holy Spirit. Christ is the Head of the Body, the Church, which has been commissioned by Him to go into all the world as a witness, preaching the gospel to all na- tions. The local church is a body of believers in Christ who are joined together for the worship of God, for edification through the Word of God, for prayer, fellowship, the proclamation of the gospel, and observance of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. • There shall be a bodily resurrection of the just and of the unjust; for the former, a resurrection unto life; for the latter, a resurrection unto judgment. • The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is imminent and will be personal, visible, and pre-mil- lennial. This is the believer’s blessed hope and is a vital truth which is an incentive to holy living and faithful service. All viewpoints expressed in Wisconsin Christian News are those of the authors and do not nec- essarily represent the viewpoint of the publishers. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any articles, based upon content, length, value and source requirements.

conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died upon the cross, the just for the unjust, as a substitutionary sacrifice, and all who believe in Him are justified on the grounds of His shed blood. He died, was buried and arose from the dead ac- cording to the Scriptures. He is now at the right hand of the Majesty on high as our great High Priest. He will come again to establish His kingdom of right- eousness and peace. • The Holy Spirit is sent to indwell, guide, teach, empower the believer, and convince the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. • The Old and New Testaments, inerrant as origi- nally given, were verbally inspired by God and are a complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men. They constitute the divine and only rule of Christian faith and practice. • Man was originally created in the image and like- ness of God; he fell through disobedience, incurring, thereby, both physical and spiritual death. All men are born with a sinful nature, are separated from the love of God, and can be saved only through the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. • Salvation has been made available through Jesus Christ for all men; those who repent and be- lieve in Him are born again of the Holy Spirit, receive the gift of eternal life, and become the children of God. • It is the will of God that each believer should be filled with the Holy Spirit and be sanctified wholly, being separated from sin and the world and fully dedicated to the will of God, thereby receiving power for holy living and effective service. This is both a crisis and a progressive experience wrought in the life of the believer subsequent to conversion. • Provision is made in the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ for the healing of the mor- tal body. Prayer for the sick and anointing with oil are taught in the Scriptures and are privileges for the church in the present age.


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Dave Daubenmire is a veteran 35 year high school football coach who was spurred action when attacked and sued by the ACLU in the late 1990’s for praying with his high school football team. After a two year battle for his 1st amendment rights, the ACLU relented and offered coach an out of court settlement.

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Volume 23, Issue 3 From the Publisher...

Page 3

It’s Not Easy Bein’ Green

By Rob Pue

we are today. I’m sure no one dreamed, back then, that one day we’d have men legally marrying other men, cities with a million people gleefully celebrating sodomy in the streets and parents taking their young children to watch those “pride” parades or to a “drag queen story hour.” Not to men- tion encouraging children to “transi- tion” to the opposite sex if they experience any awkwardness or dis- comfort at all during or prior to pu- berty. This is how Satan operates. Some- times he comes as an angel of light. Sometimes he comes as a cute little frog, singing a song — to children. The methods may be subtle and even im- perceptible. But there’s nothing hid- den that will not be revealed, eventually. For the record, “The Mup- pets” now have openly homosexual characters to entertain your children and grandchildren. But I’m getting off-topic. My message today isn’t about the LGBTQP+ move- ment. It has to do with the religion of radical environmentalism. It was dur- ing the 1960s that two best-selling books were released on the topic: “Silent Spring” and “Population Bomb.” The first “Earth Day” was held in 1970. In 1972, the UN held its first official Conference on Environmental issues. Popular news articles and magazines were warning of a quickly-coming global “ice age” if we didn’t clean up the earth immediately. I remember this propaganda being pushed in just about every “Weekly Reader” I received in elementary school. It had begun. Continued on Page 7

Although I guess you could say there have been “earth worshipers” since just about the beginning of time, it was the civil unrest of the 1960s that spawned the radical environmental movement we’re dealing with today. It was an age of unbridled lust and he- donism, and the effects of communist infiltration into our public schools and college campuses was starting to pay off for a new generation of Leftists in America. Using their new-found power in movies, television, magazines and mainstream media, the Left was able to co-opt and capitalize on the power of the civil rights, anti-war, anti-capi- talist, feminist and homosexual move- ments. The Marxist propaganda machine was running at full speed, though few realized it at the time. In 1970, Kermit the Frog, (the origi- nal Muppet), sang a song called “It’s Not Easy Bein’ Green.” Whether it had to do with the color of their skin or some other perceived difference, the song was ostensibly meant to make young children, who felt a little awk- ward or different from others, to feel better about themselves. In the song, at first, Kermit is sad, because he’s green. But in the end, he comes to love himself as he is. This may seem charming and innocent to you, as it did to me at the time. But the brain- washing had begun. I believe this in- nocent children’s song had a subliminal message behind it — no matter how you act or what you do, you’re fine just as you are. “Anything goes,” and “if it feels good, do it.” That was the message the liberals were pushing at the time, and Kermit

helped it along, ever-so-sweetly. In 1978, Gilbert Baker, an artist, open homosexual and “drag queen,” designed the first rainbow flag, at the urging of Harvey Milk, who was the first openly-homosexual elected official in the US. He served 11 months as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Milk wanted Baker to create a symbol of “pride” for the ho- mosexual community. And thus, the rainbow was hijacked by the LGBT movement. Today that flag flies in just about every community, large and small, across the country — especially during the month of June, which has now been designated as “pride” month. Just one year after the rainbow flag was created for the homosexual move- ment, “The Muppet Movie” was re- leased, featuring Kermit singing a song called “The Rainbow Connection.”

Maybe I’m making more of this than I should, but I believe there is a connec- tion. Here are some of the lyrics, speaking of the rainbow: “...All of us under its spell; We know that it’s prob- ably magic. Have you been half asleep; And have you heard voices? I’ve heard them calling my name. Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors? The voice might be one and the same. I’ve heard it too many times to ignore it; Its something that I’m supposed to be. Someday we’ll find it, The Rainbow Connection...The lovers, the dreamers and me.” Sorry, but that seems a little eery to me. It certainly didn’t at the time, but such was the subtleness of the brain- washing and indoctrination. In hind- sight, one can put the puzzle pieces together and see how it was all orches- trated toward an end goal. And here

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Volume 23, Issue 3

‘Pride’ Takes Over A Nation

By Jim Schneider, Executive Director, VCY America June 2022

welcoming, and just state for every member of the LGBTQ community, while recognizing the contin- ued work we must do to build a more equitable and inclusive state.” Our nation’s military has fallen prey to the LGBTQ+ agenda. The Department of Defense scheduled a Pride Ceremony in the Pentagon June 7th. The U.S. Marines sent out a tweet to honor LGBTQ service members and included the image of six rainbow colored bullets in the strap of a camo helmet. The USAF tweeted out “Happy Pride Month!” and went on to say, “We are committed to making the #Air Force a place where all can reach their full potential.” Is that the purpose of our mili- tary, helping people reach their full potential? Whatever happened to protecting and defending our nation? The U.S. Navy’s site highlights the “Naval Service of LGBTQ+ Personnel.” The U.S. Army on the first day of June ran a story, “Trans-

We’ve entered a month in which schools, busi- nesses, sports teams, the military, and government are making an all-out effort to celebrate the very thing which God calls an abomination. Here’s a small sample of what is currently taking place in schools: • Some 8th grade students in Kiel, Wisconsin have been charged with sexual harassment for not using “proper pronouns.” • The Madison School District put in place policies which allowed students to have a different gender identity at school without consent or knowledge of the parents. School employees were to hide this information from parents.

• A lawsuit is advancing against the Kettle Moraine School District which allows students to change their names, their gender pronouns, and more without parental con- sent. • The Biden Administration is attempting to force K-12 schools to allow boys who desire to identify as girls into girls’ private areas (restrooms, locker rooms, showers, overnight accommodations) in order to obtain federal funds for school lunches, breakfasts, etc. What a message: “surrender your values or be denied food.” • In Maine, kindergartners were provided definitions of LGBT+. Children were taught the “T” is for “transgender” and described it as “doctors making a mistake” when guessing if someone had a boy or a girl. When children grow up, “they can tell people that the doctors made a mistake about their gender, then they can transition to be the gender that they actually are.” • In North Carolina a preschool came under fire after a teacher used flash cards teaching children about colors, but used LGBTQ themes on the cards including one depicting a “pregnant man.” • In Lancaster, PA a school allowed its LGBTQ club to stage a drag show on school property. And in Philadelphia, teachers were encour- aged to attend a graphic sex conference. • In Maryland elementary students were invited to honor the LGBT “pride” flag. • In Arizona, their education department encouraged teens to visit a website where teens reach out to adults on LGBTQ or other sexuality issues. All across the nation such indoctrination is bombarding school districts. Is it any wonder why recent surveys of Gen Z show a rapid increase in the percentage of this age group identifying as LGBTQ+? Corporate America is bending over backwards to please the extreme LGBTQ+ advocates by promoting “pride” products and clothing lines. Many policyholders of State Farm Insurance were outraged when they

learned this company (according to a leaked email) encouraged their agents to donate books promoting transgenderism to young children. Additionally, Fisher-Price reportedly introduced drag queen dolls for children and Mattel jumped in with a transgender Barbie doll in honor of Laverne Cox. Disney has gone off the rails with a new release in which a lesbian “marries” her queer partner and features a kiss on the lips. Whoever thought a movie on Buzz Lightyear would lead children down this path? A Disney Pride Collection features an array of items created by LGBTQIA+ employees. Stores such as Target and Meijer also are jumping into promotion of so-called “pride” as is Bath and Body Works with their “Pride Month Collection.” Corporations such as these have no problem offending the Christian community, as they bow to the LGBTQ+ agenda directives. The sports world is also falling quickly. Consider the decimation of women’s sports as men who failed to achieve the limelight in male sports are now recipients of the accolades of the world by identifying as women and commandeering titles and breaking records in women’s sports. Major League Baseball teams across the country are hosting “pride” night events. One team is also giving opportunities for ticket buyers to give extra to go to a “local Pride organization of your choice.” MLB is not alone; the NBA, NFL, NHL, and MLS have also fallen to the agenda. Even NASCAR sent out a tweet celebrating LGBTQ+ pride. In the meantime, new sexual preferences are gaining steam including “Objectum Sexuals” who are sexually attracted to inanimate objects and a “Fictosexual” man who married a hologram bride. Governor Tony Evers is flying the “Progress Pride Flag” over the East Wing of the State Capitol building in celebration of Pride Month. In his proclamation Order #166 it states, “The display of the Progress Pride Flag over the Wisconsin State Capitol building acknowledges Wiscon- sin’s proud tradition of leading on issues of LGBTQ equity and demon- strates the state of Wisconsin’s continued commitment to being a safe,

gender Soldier finds inclusion, support in Army.” Even the U.S. Space Force tweeted out a picture of an astronaut holding a homosexual pride flag. These are all directed by the Commander in Chief who issued a proclamation this year for the first time including the “I” into the alphabet mix, “A Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, And Intersex Pride Month, 2022.” We wonder why we have advancing pestilence in this world. Why are diseases spreading? Why is the economy suffering? Why are we experiencing water shortages and food shortages? Why are we seeing our society falling apart? Our present condition should not take us by surprise as Romans chap- ter 1 warned of the progression of depravity, a pathway our society has chosen. “Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imag- inations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing them- selves to be wise, they became fools…Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator…For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward an- other; men with men working that which is unseemly…And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind…” (Romans 1:21-28). The picture will not improve until we repent and turn back to the God who created us. There is hope, there is forgiveness, and there is a path forward in Jesus Christ. May we turn to Him!

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Volume 23, Issue 3

Page 5

Perspectives Opinions • Commentary • Letters Things To Do List – Before America is Totally Lost

By Michael Bresciani June 2022

Stop whining about the repeal of Roe V. Wade. We decided to repeal prohibition laws in 1933 because we didn’t want to stop drinking alcoholic beverages. How’s that going? Couldn’t we take some pride in stopping the decision to kill the innocent? Isn’t allow- ing an infant to live more important than allowing adults to have a drink?

the dickens out of kids everywhere. Those who shoot- up schools don’t think they are any more brutal than you. Check the death count – they are right. Pray that God will give you discernment to judge be- tween what you call “diversity” and what He calls “per- versity.”

Turn back to God, by the thousands – it’s called a revival. It has happened five times already in America. it can happen one more time. Start praying by the thousands – then stand back and see what God can do. Praying for our nation is God’s idea not ours.

Start charging anyone who wants to speak about sex and gender changes to a kindergarten student with child abuse. Start putting intelligent design right alongside of the evolutionary model in our schools – unless you believe, that after looking at the uncountable species and amaz- ing life forms on this planet and then denying creation – you still think you are intelligent. Stop saying religion and politics don’t mix. Look around, religion and life mix, because both reli- gion and politics are part of life. Don’t strain, relax and it will come

Stop thinking you are smarter than God. Since we are seeing death, perversion, drug use, open borders, school shootings, and general mayhem constantly in- creasing in our nation, it is obvious that we are not even smarter than God’s enemy – the Devil. If you’re going to take guns away from law abiding citizens, take away the instruments of death from our doctors, to save the lives of thousands of unborn babies. No statistics may be available now, but if we counted all the targets marksmen shoot and all the ani-

mals hunters have shot, we still couldn’t get close to the 60+ million babies the abortionists have murdered. Try to focus, its doctors’ tools and instruments, not guns that are creating the greatest scenes of death and waste in these United States.

Those who demand that no judge or legislator should have any rights over their bodies should jog their memories. Somewhere along the path to what you call your “sex life,” you yielded your body to some person and took a chance that they may add some- thing to it that you did not want. Not so good at guard-

to you.

Stop thinking that access to guns and mental prob- lems are the only causes leading to gun violence and massacres. There is also demonic activity. Christ knew the difference between the two; we need to learn it also. Check it. Stop pretending that there was no fraud, cheating or dishonesty in the 2020 election. The math, the com- mon sense, the facts that are now emerging, and the sneaky nature of the Democrats is making a fool of you.

ing “your body” when it was in your hand. How can you be trusted with what comes next? To completely save the first amendment – start obeying the first com- mandment. People who keep the first command- ment almost never say anything to offend, under the first amend- ment. Love tends to can- cel out bad speech. Have the honesty to admit that the “my body – my c ho i c e ” crowd is wrecking the defini- tion of

If you’re black, stop voting democrat without think- ing. It is making a fool of you.

Stop voting for Democrats entirely – it is making a fool of you.

Encourage Trump to run again in 2024 – vote for him, he deserves to get back what was stolen.

Stop telling kids to change their sex — you will have to answer for that in the future. You will have no an- swer. You will have no future! Stop kissing up to the LGBT+, You don’t have to “Heil Hitler” in America. It is unlikely that even Hitler would give them much credence. Cancel all “cancel culture” voices in your mind, just get on with living your life. None of them gave you your life, and none of them can take it away.

MISSIONARIES TO THE PREBORN Speaking Up For the Oppressed Preborn Babies P.O. Box 26931 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226 (414) 462-3399 [email protected]

mo t he r - hood and s c a r i ng

Page 6

Volume 23, Issue 3

Wisconsin Family Connection Enormous Ramifications Strengthening, Preserving & Promoting Marriage, Family, Life and Liberty in Wisconsin C OMMENTARY BY J ULAINE A PPLING President, Wisconsin Family Council

June 2022 Imagine your middle-school son coming home after school one day and telling you he got in trouble with school officials because he didn’t use the right pronouns when speaking to an- other student. What would your reaction be to what your son told you? Maybe something like, “Really? Are you sure that’s all that happened? Did you do something to the other student?” Your son assures you he didn’t; so, you ask what school offi- cial talked with him, thinking maybe you better call the school to see what really happened. Surely, your son didn’t understand or wasn’t telling the whole story. You tuck the information way making a mental note to call the school tomorrow. The next morning you send your son off to school, not men- tioning that you’ll be calling the official he’d been in trouble with the day before. What you hear in that call shocks you, as the building principal tells you your son and two other boys were bullying and intimidating another student by referring to him or her using pronouns that agreed with that student’s biological sex rather than using the student’s so-called “preferred” pronouns of “they” and “them.” “Shocked” gives way to “stunned” when you hear the principal say the matter has been referred to the superin- tendent and may result in formal charges against your son. And, indeed, that’s exactly what happens. This isn’t a fabricated story. It happened in April here in Wisconsin in the Kiel Area School District. Here’s how nationalworldnews reported on the incident: “A Wisconsin school district has filed sexual harassment complaints against three middle schoolers for calling a classmate by a wrong pronoun. “The school district in Kiel, a city of 3,600 residents, has charged the three eighth-graders at the Kiel Middle School with sexual ha- rassment after an incident in April in which the students refused to use ‘they’ to refer to a classmate who had switched pronouns a month before the alleged incident, according to reports. “‘I received a phone call from the principal…forewarning me, let- ting me know that I was going to be receiving an email with sexual harassment against my son,’ said Rosemary Rabidoux, whose 13- year-old son Braden is one of the students charged with sexual ha-

“‘Title IX sexual harassment typically covers things like rape, dat- ing violence, quid pro quo sexual favors….There’s nothing even remotely close to that alleged in this case. The charge against students for sexual harassment is an extreme abuse of the Title IX process. It's totally inappropriate and is totally being mishan- dled by the school district.’" Berg added, ‘This is a terrible prece- dent to set, with enormous ramifications.’” Enormous ramifications, indeed. The sad truth is that one of the reasons the school district and its attorneys thought they could take this egregious action is that a couple of years ago, the US Supreme Court, in an employment discrimination case, determined that the word “sex” in federal programs includes gen- der identity and gender expression in addition to biological sex. That threw the door wide open for these types of situations, which we knew it would. This Kiel situation is both ludicrous and frightening but should serve as yet another wake-up call to parents with children in gov- ernment schools. If it happens in Kiel, it can happen where you live. It’s not too late to explore educational options for next year. UPDATE: Kiel Drops Title IX Complaint Against Middle Schoolers After WILL Defense The Kiel Area School District “closed” a Title IX complaint and in- vestigation against three middle school boys who were accused of sexual harassment for using “incorrect pronouns” when referencing a classmate. WILL attorneys issued a letter to Kiel, in May, explaining that the mere use of biologically correct pronouns not only does not constitute sexual harassment under Title IX or the District’s own pol- icy, but is speech protected by the First Amendment. Online: Tel: 888-378-7395

rassment. “‘I immediately went into shock,” she continued in an interview with FOX 11. ‘I’m thinking sexual harassment? That’s rape, that’s inappropriate touching, that’s incest. What has my son done?’” Newsmax adds some additional details: “Rabidoux added: ‘[The investigating principal] said he’s being allegedly charged with sex- ual harassment for not using proper pronouns....I thought it wasn’t real. I thought this has got to be a gag, a joke — one has nothing to do with the other.’” Indeed, sexual harassment has nothing to do with pronouns — or at least it never has before now. The Kiel Area School District has filed a Title IX complaint against Mrs. Rabidoux’s son and two other students. Fortunately, Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty is primed and ready to respond to this situation — and has done so — writing a letter to the school district on behalf of these young boys. WILL as- serts that another student’s misuse of pronouns does not go against the Kiel school district's policy. It’s also not a Title IX-type violation. According to Newsmax, WILL deputy counsel Luke Berg said,

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Volume 23, Issue 3

Page 7

It’s Not Easy Bein’ Green (Continued from Page 3)

Human beings breathe oxy- gen and produce CO2. Car- bon is not a bad thing. Nor are fossil fuels. God knew what He was doing when He created the earth and ever- thing in it, including us. And He instructs us to “be fruitful and multiply,” whereas the

ble, at the very least. Expect rolling blackouts because our power grid is not up to the task. Expect shortages of everything. Expect a per- sonal “carbon tax” and fuel rationing. I see government food lines and soup kitchens on the horizon. Prepare yourself for these things now. Because it’s not easy being green. But you know what? Where I live, the climate is, indeed, changing. It’s called “summer” and I look forward to it every year. A few months of “global warming” after a cold winter. I love it. Friends, we need not fear the schemes and propaganda and brainwashing of those who have a demonic agenda to control and manipulate us. Recognize the lies and refuse to comply. Speak up when this topic is raised and don’t be shy about telling people the truth. If you don’t, who will? And let’s remember what God said in Genesis: “As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and win- ter, day and night will never cease.” God keeps His prom- ises and never lies. Quite unlike politicians.

In addition to the coming ice age, we were warned of world-wide famine and dis- ease because our uncon- trolled human reproduction would soon suck all the earth’s resources dry. It was also in 1979 that China took the “progressive” step so praised by rabid environ- mentalists — their infamous “one child” policy. It stated that each family was to have no more than one child. If a woman were to become preg- nant after having her allowed “one child,” the penalty was forced abortion. And since male children were much more highly valued than girls, if a woman became pregnant for her first time, and ultrasound tests showed the baby was a girl, the baby was usually killed, so as to allow this family’s allotted one child to be male. The Global elites have never stopped pushing for human depopulation. Con- sider Bill Gates, and his “lofty” goal of reducing the population through the use of “vaccines.” Consider the Georgia Guidestones and the never-ending fear-mongering the Globalists have used to push this agenda. When the “ice age” thing didn’t work, they changed to “Global Warming.” But the “settled science” of “Global Warming” proved to be a bit embarass- ing a few years ago, when sci- entists traveled to Antarctica to study the “rapidly melting” polar ice cap there — but their ship got stuck in the ice. So then they came up with a term that would be a little safer: “Climate Change.” (That ought to do it!) We’re told that Climate Change is now the number one crisis in the world. And the cause of Climate Change is, of course, human beings. There are many aspects to all this, too many to mention here, but certainly the fear-mongers are working hard to drive home the point that the Earth just has too many peo- ple. People must stop having babies. And since an unborn baby isn’t really a “person” then abortion is certainly necessary. Do you see how all this evil and deception is so intertwined? We’re told that human beings are not made in the image of God — and in fact, we’re told that we’re a plague on the earth. John Davis, the editor of “Earth First! Journal” wrote, “Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs.” Dave Forman, the Founder of “Earth First!” said, “Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental.” Such is the philosophy of those who would place the Religion of Environmental- ism over the sanctity of human life. They view human beings, not as mira- cles, knit together in our mothers’ wombs, fearfully and wonderfully made by

God Himself, but rather as a cancer on the earth, some- thing to be eliminated. Does this not sound like the very words of the devil and his demons? Yet, so many have bought into these lies. And Americans are quickly going extinct, as fewer couples are

America has also halted oil drilling and refining, so we’re now paying the highest prices in history for gas and diesel fuel. Joe Biden re- cently boasted about this “big achievement” of his — creating the highest fuel prices in history. Meanwhile,

Globalists consider us a “plague” and a “cancer” on the earth. But never let a good crisis go to waste. They’ve spent decades creating this crisis, and now they’re pulling the trigger on it. Expect to see the price of everything dou-

getting married, and even fewer having children. The call today is for the Green New Deal and more people than you realize have fallen for this charade. Young people, especially, love this plan. For now. They love the idea of “zero emis- sions” vehicles and industry. Eliminating our so-called “carbon footprint.” But un- derstand, this is an attempt at erecting a One-World Gov- ernment, with two classes of people: the rulers and the slaves. Unless you have Klous Schwab or Bill Gates on your speed-dial, you can be pretty sure you’re in the latter class. You see, “Climate Change” really has nothing to do with it. Like the scam-demic of “COVID” (and now Monkey- pox), “Climate Change” is just another tool in the box to use to keep people fearful and afraid. That’s how the game is played: create a cri- sis, use propaganda and brainwashing to instill fear among the people, then pro- vide the ready-made solution to solve the problem, and since they’re already fearful, the people will be eager to obey and comply. But their lies are becoming more and more difficult to sell. Because many are now finding out that what the frog said is true: “It’s not easy being green.” Today, due to the policies of the current ad- ministration, we do have multiple crises — but they have nothing to do with “Cli- mate Change.” In order to slow or completely halt the production of internal com- bustion engine vehicles, we had a supply chain crisis. A “chip” shortage. But it’s in- teresting that while Ford, GM, Toyota, Honda and other companies couldn’t get computer chips to manufac- ture new vehicles, the Tesla company didn’t seem to have that problem. Huh.

we’re begging our enemies to sell us fuel — and they can name their price because they know America is des- perate. But this is only the beginning. We’re also warned, now, not just of high grocery prices, but a soon-coming famine. The Green New Deal policies also include crippling the American farming industry. Farm an- imals are being destroyed. Farmers are being paid by the government not to plant their fields. Fertilizer and seed prices have soared. And if a farmer does man- age to produce a crop or a product, how will they get it to market? By truck or by train? Trucks run on diesel fuel. So do trains. Many have jumped on the bandwagon to buy fully- electric vehicles but many are finding out there are problems with them — problems right now and even more on the horizon. Our energy grid cannot pos- sibly handle a nation of electric vehicles. We’ve al- ready been warned of rolling blackouts across the coun- try this summer, because our power grid can’t handle the load as it is. What hap- pens when everybody tries to plug in their new electric cars at once? You may have seen the video online of a reporter who happened upon a mo- torist stuck on the side of the road. His Tesla was out of power — and he had a Honda generator in the trunk for just such an emergency. So this guy was charging his Tesla using a gas-powered generator. Makes perfect sense, right? But still, we’re told we must lower our “carbon footprint.” News flash: the TREES the environmental- ists find more valuable than human beings BREATHE CO2. They produce oxygen.

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Page 8

Volume 23, Issue 3

What Happened to America?

By Dallas Henry June 2022 Proverbs 14:34 (KJV), “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” What has happened to our nation? Spiritual apos- tasy, moral decay, and political confusion is changing the face of America! Our nation needs revival — be- fore it’s too late! The Message Bible (MSG), says it this way: “God- devotion makes a country strong; God-avoidance leaves people weak.” The Amplified Bible (AV) states things this way: “Uprightness and right standing with God (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation) elevate a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” The word “rectitude” means “moral integrity: righteousness.” Our problem, as a nation, is a spiritual one! Many have said that the number one failure in America has been a failure in the pulpits of our churches! It has also been said that the average pulpit in America has become nothing more than a sounding board, a place to say only that which people want to hear! The claim is, that mes- sages are soft, pious, and grammatically perfect; but fail to get the job done! America has been victimized by a false teaching that moral- ity is merely a matter of evolving standards — that which was once immoral two generations ago may be moral now — that which is below the standard today may top the standard to- morrow — that vice in one age is virtue in another — and that there is no everlasting seal of virtue that may not be tam- pered with by opinion! The late great American publisher and editor, David Lawrence (1888 - 1973), once said, “Many clergy seem to have lost the halo of God’s light and have been plunged into the darkness of life itself. What a tragic loss to the community in which this happens.” The late great United States Senator from Massachusetts, Daniel Webster (1782 - 1852), on Independence Day, 04 July 1802, perhaps in Fryeburg, Maine, said, “I dare not assure you that your liberties and happiness may not be lost. If an A Program that’s worth your time!

angel should come from Heaven with a special message, the accents that would glow from his lips would be, ‘Beware, be cautious. You have everything to lose and nothing to gain.’”

If I stand up against the wrong, As Christ would bid me stand, I’m scoffed and ridiculed,

Folks just don’t understand. And even when I talk to God, Who answers when I pray, They look at me and laugh again, Oh, it’s just luck, they say. Yet still with Christ I take my stand, Against endless criticism And fight the foe with all my might, The power of [socialism].

We Christian believers need to stand up and say, “We have just begun to fight!” History tells of a tragic story of nations once voluptuous in wealth sunken into decay — their greatness only a mem- ory. We must not — we cannot — let that happen to America — to us — to “we the people!” Those who aim to pull our house down upon our heads, who look not to uphold our principles of free gov- ernment but, who look to enslave us with the alien doctrine of progressives, socialists, marxists and, even communists — who look to stir up hatred and strife — must be stopped in their tracks! The question becomes, “Will America sail straight ahead, guided by the chart and compass of her liberty-guaranteeing Constitution; or, will she be lured upon the rocks of political tyranny by the siren voices of the progressives — the social- ists — the marxists — and, the communists?” The dike that is holding back the flood waters of the left- wing politicians and this administration with its thirty-seven czars, in their attempt to seize total control of our nation, is cracked and leaking! There are those who say it cannot hap- pen in America — yet, it is happening right before our eyes! We need to wake up and smell the coffee — we need to come back to our senses and know that America is not im- mune to Almighty God’s judgment! The psalmist, David, in Psalm 9:17 (KJV), tells us: “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Continued on Page 11 LIVE Every TUESDAY at 5:00 pm CENTRAL time; 6:00 pm EASTERN

Our founding fathers knew that mankind — both male and female — have inherited a sinful nature and simply cannot be trusted. As a result, they established a government with three separate branches: the Executive Branch, the Legisla- tive Branch and the Judicial Branch; knowing that no individ- ual could be trusted with all of the power! Our founding fathers would be astonished and amazed to see the manip- ulation of our Constitutional guarantees — our checks and balances — that are being conducted by the current admin- istration to transform America into a socialist, Marxist-type government; and, to seize all power! An unknown poet has said: What has happened to America? Does some new power rule, Whose force is felt in home and church, And even in the school?

If I express my loyalty For what I hold so dear, I’m prejudiced, a stubborn fool, And even insincere.

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Volume 23, Issue 3

Page 9

The Salt & Light Brigade

Americans Can No Longer Think

By Coach Dave Daubenmire June 2022

“Pastor, what is our church going to do about it?” His response will tell you a lot about him. Do it pri- vately at first, as the Scriptures teach. 2). Don’t let him “wiggle off of the hook.” Follow up in a day or two and see if he has progressed in his plan to oppose evil. Let him know that you have shared your concern with others in the congregation and that they are waiting to hear his response as well. 3). Tell him you have decided to go to the school board (as an ex- ample of an issue that you might have brought to him) and ask him if he will go with you. 4). Continue to email and hard copy him on information germane

This is the most critical moment in the his- tory of the American Church. We are doomed to 1000 years of darkness if the Church does not stand up. The curse of abortion is about to be expunged. Churches must arise NOW! Here is a stern warning to pastors. Write it off if you like. The folks in the pew are greatly dissatisfied. I hear it when I speak in churches and I hear it every time I write

a commentary. Churches are hemorrhaging members and sadly, the leadership wants to blame the sheep. A good coach never blames the players. The sheep are a reflection of the shepherd. Pastors are coaches. They deal with people. Most successful coaches have a very firm set of fundamentals by which they operate. They are not running a popularity contest; they are leading a team. A good coach will tell you that the best way to get your butt beat is to compromise on what you believe. MANY have emailed me asking, “What should we do, Coach? Our pastor won’t preach the hard truth anymore. It is all the “feel-good” stuff. We are starving for TRUTH!” I am often accused of pointing out problems but rarely offering solu- tions. Well, you asked for it, so I will tell you what I think. This is risky because the “Church of the Status Quo” and her apostles are sure to attack you. They will accuse you of criticizing the local church and church bashing. But you should love them enough to tell them the truth. Paul said it this way, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” My dad was a great guy, but little things used to drive him crazy. One of the things that used to bug him the most was when he would come home from the factory in the winter and the fire in the fireplace was barely burning. He would grab the poker and turn to one of us and say, “How many times do I have to tell you that you can’t lay a big log on top of the fire or you will smother it? A big log will only burn if there is a good base of hot coals burning underneath. You can’t start a fire with a big log.” So here is the analogy. The pastor is the log and those sitting in the pews are the kindling, the little wood that sets the big log on fire. For too long, we have tried to convince the big log that he needed to catch on fire. Every time a spark was lit in the pew he would roll over and smother the flame. “Wild fire” is the one thing the big logs hate. The big logs want “natural-gas” fires on which they can control the flame. “It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.” --Samuel Adams. Okay, Mr. Kindling-Wood, you have a decision you are going to have to make. Are you sick and tired enough to come out of your comfort zone and begin to set little brush fires? If you are not willing to make a stand, then you have no reason to complain. It is time to stop waiting on the big log to set the rest of you on fire. As my friend Pete, once said “Our leaders will never see the light until we turn up the heat.” Here are a few things to do to change the temperature in your church. (Warning: You will be called all kinds of names by your “brothers in Christ.”) They will say that you shouldn’t bring “politics” into the church… it only brings discord. But you’re not sowing discord. You are asking questions. It is a church BODY not a monarchy. Pastors deserve your respect, not blind alle- giance. So, here are some ideas. 1). Stop calling your elected officials and start calling your pastor. Every time you see something that your local church should be con- cerned about, call your pastor and ask him a very simple question:

flock to carry Bibles to church, please ask him why. It may be that he wants to use several versions (possibly up on a screen) that can cause confusion. Ask him if he would hire a carpenter who came to work with- out a hammer. 12). Offer to start a “community watch-dog” ministry in the church to keep an eye on issues affecting Christians. Ask for his endorsement. 13). Offer to start a co-op for home educators and ask if the church would support you. If your pastor doesn’t want to “offend the govern- ment school teachers” in his flock, then that is a red flag. 14). Ask him if Christians should vote for local school levies and why? Begin to share information about the dangers of public schools. 15). Be prepared to leave your church. The answers that you get may not satisfy you. For the sake of your soul and the souls of your family, find a church that is walking in the Truth. It is time to turn up the heat. Those big logs will never burn until the kindling starts to glow red. Jesus warned us: “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of My mouth.” Accountability is a two-way street. Stop complaining about the lukewarm preaching. Put up or shut up. Light a fire and watch it spread. The big log will either catch your fire or roll on down the road! Snap, crackle, and pop. Our window of opportunity is now. We can never win with lukewarm leadership. America needs the pulpits to blaze. It is our only hope. Web: E-Mail: [email protected]

to the topic. Be persistent. Don’t let him say later that he “didn’t know.” 5). After a hard sermon, make sure that you let him know that you ap- preciate what he had to say. Then ask this, “Pastor, what can I do to help you fight this in our community?” (Be careful, he may start quaking but let him know you are serious.) Note: You are creating a sense of accountability here. Demand that he walk the walk and not just talk the talk. Let him know you are ex- pecting his leadership, as are others. 6). If he rarely preaches a hard sermon ask, "Pastor, I haven't heard a sermon on the sins of abortion, homosexuality, and pornography re- cently, but do you have one planned?” Let him know it is important to you and continue to bring it up. Write notes to him. He will hate it. 7). Ask him who he is voting for in the next election and why. If he is voting for a pro-abort, or homo-sympathizer point it out to him. If he says he doesn’t think he should share his personal political beliefs, please ask him why. Ask him if his personal beliefs are different from those he preaches. It is important to know what he believes. 8). Get your hands on videos and books and begin to educate YOUR- SELF on what is going on. Be like the Bereans who checked things out for themselves. Forward good stuff to him. CC the elder board. 9). Start a fellowship in your home with like-minded folks. Ask the lead- ership to support it. You would think they would encourage the assem- bling together of the saints but usually, that means only where they can have you in a controlled environment. Leading a Bible Study will stretch you and make you more equipped to share your faith with others. This is a good thing. But, be warned that the pastor may try to turn it into a

controlled “small group” that is more about building horizontal re- lationships among each other rather than a vertical relationship with God. 10). Withhold your financial sup- port if he refuses to preach against sin. He may say something like, “We preach the LOVE of Jesus.” Tell your pastor that you are going to give your money to a ministry that is preaching “the whole-coun- sel of God.” Follow the Biblical edict to “sow into good soil.” Many culturally-active ministries could use the help. 11). If he doesn’t encourage his


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