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Program Guide

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2022 Winter Program Guide

event is located inside the Miamisburg DORA boundaries. To compliment your experience, show up a lit

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EXPLO | Faculty Application Information Guide The EXPLO Application Process  Working at EXPLO is an

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2021 Fall Program Guide

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EXPLO Chicago | Course Planning Guide

Open Mic Lip Sync Battle Student Clubs + Societies Board Game Club A Capella Club Japanese Anime Clu

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EXPLO Boston | Course Planning Guide

do Things I’m ALREADY good at Things I’d like to get better at Need help getting started? Pick an el

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2021-2022 Winter Program Guide

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EXPLO Junior | Essentials Guide for Day Students

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EXPLO | Program Guide

2019 Summer Programs

A Life of Daring + Courage Starts at


We Bring the World Together

What is Exploration?

Exploration is a state of becoming. Of seeking a path — perhaps well-worn, perhaps hardly carved — and knowing that the end isn’t a destination, but the next beginning. It’s the process by which you unearth the curiosities and truths within you, and begin to develop a sense of self that will illuminate your purpose and your potential to make a difference in the world. EXPLO is short for Exploration, a not-for-profit education innovator that brings curiosity, engagement, and humanity to teaching and learning. Since 1976 our summer programs have enrolled more than 80,000 students from 50 states and 90 countries, and we continue to work with schools, policymakers, and business leaders to challenge traditional approaches to education in favor of creativity, design thinking, and a critical making mindset. Our summer programs are internationally acclaimed and we are experts at what we do. With more than 40 full-time employees and an extensive teaching and learning team, we spend all year planning for our summer sessions and dedicate every moment to making sure that this will be your child’s most incredible summer.

Imagine growing up with friends from six continents and developing an intimate understanding of their customs, beliefs, and ways of thinking without even realizing it. At EXPLO, students interact with individuals from more than 70 countries starting the moment they arrive on campus. And what begins as an international program very quickly becomes a global community. To prepare our students to navigate an increasingly interconnected world, we make sure we expose you to students from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and ways of life from day one. You could share a room with a student from Rio or Helsinki, explore musical influences with Koreans or Spaniards, or scout out and analyze marine life with Italians, Australians, or New Yorkers. And all with the purpose of ensuring that early exposure to people from all over the globe will open you up to seeing the world not just from your perspective — but also from theirs.


The Crossroads of the World of People and Ideas For 10 months a year — while traditional schools are in session — we are breaking everything we can get our hands (and minds) on. Every notion. Every course idea. Every lesson plan. Every engineered design. Every (built on-site) prototype. We do this (a) because it’s fun, and (b) because we want to push the boundaries — of learning, building, discovering, engineering, designing, and exploring — as far as they will go. But to truly deepen our understanding and see how far we can go, we must bring together the most creative minds and makers from around the world who similarly seek to transform the way young people learn and live. Our advisors and partners include: Pasi Sahlburg, world-renowned Finnish educator, author, and scholar Yong Zhao, award-winning education scholar and influencer Sunflower County Freedom Project The Agastya Foundation

The EXPLO Difference : CHOICE

It was such a once-in-a- lifetime experience and I’m so happy that I took the chance. EXPLO changed the way I look at things. It changed the way I handle situations and the way I interact with others. It made me really come out of my shell and be fully myself.

At school, your teachers and administrators choose for you — what topics you study, when you study them, how you should arrive at a solution. At EXPLO, the choice is yours: what subjects you explore, how to approach a problem, who you’ll work with to solve it. There are no tests — no right or wrong answers. Just demonstrated understanding through hands-on projects that you’ll share with the community. Not for a grade, but for the sheer joy of learning, of sharing your new knowledge with a group of equally enthusiastic individuals, and of discovering what you’d like to explore next.

Woodrow Wilson Teaching Academy Rolf Landua, CERN Head of Education … and many more




Experience Real Learning Today’s students are growing up into what’s known as the VUCA future — an unprecedented era of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and anxiety. Many of the jobs they will prepare for don’t exist yet. So, how do we prepare them to thrive? By raising a generation of explorers — students who are unafraid to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. Who strive to be the best creators, thinkers, and human beings they can be. Learning — the way we do it — has nothing to do with a test, a grade, or a GPA. It’s about getting your hands on things, tinkering and testing, exploring the unknown, discovering opportunities, and grabbing hold of them. It’s about failing and finding the courage to try again. That’s how we ensure that they are ready for a future we’re still imagining — by opening doors to mind-bending experiences, fueling the quest for innovative thinking and creative problem-solving, and connecting them with people who can light the trail they will blaze.

Mission to Mars Ready for an out-of-this-world summer experience? Explore the red planet using the Mars Rover you engineer — and some guidance from Dr. Katie Stack, an EXPLO alum who happens to be NASA’s Deputy Project Scientist for the Mars 2020 mission. Learn more at: robotics-at-wellesley

I only realized what I’d learned at the end. Everything had been so hands-on, and it didn’t seem like a class, just a fun place to experiment.




Desperately Seeking Seaweed Our instructor is passionate about marine habitats and the species that inhabit them. Here, she introduces Marine Biology workshop students to the different species living along Connecticut’s rocky shoreline.

Learn from the Best At EXPLO, we believe that who you become is a carefully balanced process. Much like a photograph, it takes time to develop — and everything you immerse yourself in will contribute to the reveal. That’s why we make sure that our students are surrounded by positive mentors and role models — people who are actively undertaking the process of finding their purpose and making meaningful contributions to their communities.

The staff ENGAGE the kids! They never let a kid walk by without a gregarious hello... They never let a kid sit alone... They make every single child feel welcome. I cannot stress this enough.

What Learning Looks Like Here Imagine a program where the traditional concept of learning is turned on its head, where experiments take the place of lectures, and where failure is just another word for trying. EXPLO is a place where you’ll spend your days surrounded by mentors who will inspire and challenge your worldview. Our programs will most definitely expand your notion of what learning is — and how much fun it’s supposed to be. EXPLO encourages the unorthodox, expects the imaginative, and demands the inspiring. Our instructors don’t only come to EXPLO to teach — they come to transform the lives of their students.

Our students learn from: A national debate champion NCAA Division I scholar-athletes Fulbright, Thiel, and Rhodes Scholars Former Supreme Court clerks New York Times best-selling novelists

Forbes 30 Under 30 winners International entrepreneurs A pioneering organ transplantation surgeon and chief of surgery … and so many more!




My cultural awareness increased and I am extremely happy because of it. I can proudly say that I am friends with kids from France, Australia, and Canada because I met them while designing and fabricating a dress out of a garbage bag. EXPLO just kind of works like that.

Make friends with students from 40 states and 70 countries.




You might sit. But you won’t sit still.


Our Flagship Programs



Exploration Programs


Our 3-week Exploration programs encourage students to explore a wide variety of subjects to help them identify their strengths and interests. Customized by age and interest, EXPLO champions rigor with playfulness because we believe deep learning is achieved when students are at ease and having fun. Why? Because they are more willing to take intellectual and creative risks that lead to greater learning and burgeoning curiosity.

Grades Ages




EXPLO at Yale


Yale University




Sustainable Fashion There is often great beauty in the mundane. With a nip here and a tuck there, EXPLO’s daily campus newsletter goes from being yesterday’s chronicle to tomorrow’s avant-garde fashion.

EXPLO at Wellesley


Wellesley College Residential/Day

8 + 9


EXPLO at Wheaton


Wheaton College Residential/Day

4+5, 6+7 9-12

EXPLO Mini at Wheaton

2+3, 4+5, 6+7


Wheaton College Day




You’re constantly being asked what you want to be. At EXPLO, we’re more interested in who you want to be — and helping you plan to make it reality. Develop your strengths and discover new interests as part of a community of creative thinkers and doers from more than 70 countries who will become friends for life. With more than 90 courses and workshops to choose from, you can explore careers and topics that you’ve always been interested in and begin to uncover the range of possibilities available to you. EXPLO is the place that connects you to the experts, innovators, and interrupters that are shaping the world and reimagining the future. Our alumni are proof: they are social media titans, serial entrepreneurs, acclaimed actors, best-selling novelists, award-winning researchers, and patent-heavy inventors. Who will you be? On the Campus of Yale University Entering Grades 10-12 EXPLO at Yale

We learn to love people who are our polar opposites; we live, eat, sleep, learn, run, sing, dance, talk with people who we might’ve never even crossed worlds with if it wasn’t for EXPLO.

Professional Partnerships — at Your Fingertips When we say hands on, we mean it! With guidance from emergency medical professionals, EXPLO at Yale Surgical Interventions students learn to assess symptoms, distinguish medical conditions, and practice proper intubation techniques on a (non-living) breathing, blinking simulation dummy.

Maria Camila P., EXPLO STUDENT




Pre-College with a Purpose

College/University Prep Options Planning for life after high school? EXPLO provides a collection of college/university preparation opportunities designed to help you choose the best school for you: • Princeton Review Courses • Campus visits to many schools from Boston to New York, including Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Brown, and more • College/University Admissions Seminar • College/University Fair Our College/University Advisory Committee • Logan Powell, Dean of Admission, Brown University • Norma Greenberg, College Counselor • Don McMillan, International Consultant + CEO, McMillan Education

More than College Preparation — Preparation for Life

You spend a majority of high school figuring out where to go to college and checking the boxes to get in. But what happens once you get there? At EXPLO, we think that in order to make the best decisions about what you do — in college, career, or in life — you need to start with a real knowledge of who you are, where your strengths and interests lie, and how you can meaningfully impact the world. We think of this process as developing a sense of purpose: Unearth skills you never knew you had. Learn about the winding paths professionals have taken in their careers. Identify your personal set of values. A summer at EXPLO is a pre-college experience that prepares you for a well-lived life — in college and beyond.

I had the chance to spend three weeks away from home, on a beautiful campus. I met great people, took interesting classes, and now I can’t wait for college.




Chart A New Course!

The courses at EXPLO will fuel your creativity and spark your innovative spirit. Simply put, they will inspire you. Whether your interests lie in producing (and making) music, filming a documentary, or testing muscle mass while running at your peak performance, our 90+ courses give you the chance to follow your passions, develop your talents, and explore interests you’ve always been curious about. We design our courses to give you just the right access point into the subject matter of your choosing and the chance to explore it to the fullest each day: dissect a sheep’s brain, run a presidential campaign, or choreograph a performance art piece to make a political statement. You can write lyrics for a modern hip-hop song speaking to the issues of today, learn how to start a business, or stop a global pandemic in its tracks. And every step of the way, our dynamic faculty of instructors will encourage you to take risks and open yourself to new ways of thinking about the world and your place in it.

I loved my courses. They were brief introductions into the topics, but a great way to figure out if it’s something I’d be interested in pursuing.

Connect the Dots What can you tell about a crime from a spatter of blood? A lot, actually. Given the height of a victim, students in Forensic Science measure the length of the (mock) blood spray to determine the direction, force, and angle of an attack.




Activities, Arts + Ideas Afternoons at Yale offer a number of activities that mirror the extracurricular environment you’ll find when you get to college. With plenty of options to choose from, our activities and discussions change daily giving you the chance to make each day a new experience — and help prepare you for the task of managing your time and interests in college.

And Away We Go! Navigate the rapids on the Deerfield River.

See a Broadway show. Visit the Guggenheim. Take a stealth stroll through the Spyscape Museum. Tour the mansions of Newport, Rhode Island. EXPLO at Yale offers more than 40 fantastic trips each session, allowing you to explore locations throughout New York City and the New England area. On any given weekend, we offer up to 25 different trips to choose from. Trips vary from year to year.

Clubs Meditation Book Adventure Board Game Photography Philosophy

Societies EXPLO Union (EXPLO's Debate Society) Current Affairs + Politics True Colors (EXPLO's LGTBQ+ Society)

Activities Scavenger Hunt: Famous Yalies

New Haven Food Tour Water Balloon Vollyball Yale Architecture Tour

NBC Studios Tour Mystic Seaport Museum of Modern Art Silo Cooking School Coney Island Mystic Aquarium Rock Climbing Guggenheim Museum Harlem Food Tour Lion King

Golf Clinic Paintball Whitewater Rafting Yankees Baseball Hammonasset Beach Brownstone Adventure Park Statue of Liberty + One World Trade Center Tour Brown University Tour Harvard University Tour Princeton University Tour MIT

Film Critique Salsa Dancing Sushi Making

Sports Leagues Rugby

Popular On-Campus Destinations EXPLO Student Lounge

Popular Off-Campus Destinations Shake Shack Atticus Bookstore Cafe Starbucks Yale University Official Bookstore Yorkside Pizza + Restaurant Urban Outfitters

Volleyball Swimming Basketball

Beincke Rare Book + Manuscript Library

Aladdin Wicked Six Flags

Yale University Art Museum Sterling Memorial Library The Women's Table Sculpture



There are two types of people who come to EXPLO at Wellesley: people who love doing their thing — and people who are finding the thing they love to do. At EXPLO, we want you to do both. So whether you’re an expert in algebra, basketball, or musical theatre, or whether you’ve only imagined being a fashion designer, a sports agent, or a crime scene investigator, you can explore what you love and what you dream about. From as close as Boston to as far away as Colombia, Korea, and Morocco, we are a community of artists, writers, athletes, musicians, leaders, scientists, activists, dancers, and scholars who come together for a perfect summer of personal exploration, learning, and growth. You’ll work with some of the best teachers you’ve ever had. And while EXPLO is all about the fun, the experience can lead you to amazing things. Our alumni have gone on to become the founder of Instagram, to act on some of television’s most acclaimed shows, to write bestselling novels, to engineer life-saving medical devices, to attend Harvard Law School, and to clerk for Supreme Court Justices. After a summer at EXPLO, you’ll see yourself, and what learning can be, in new ways. As we like to say: EXPLO is what school would be if school were always awesome. On the Campus of Wellesley College Entering Grades 8+9 EXPLO atWellesley

She’ll teach us something and we have the rest of the period to discuss it and experience it. At school, they don’t allow you so much time to explore. I guess that’s why it’s called Exploration.

Flight (Some Strings Attached) Find one helium tank, a bunch of balloons, some string, and a dummy. That’s all you need to calculate the lift capacity of helium. Figure out how many balloons it takes to lift the mannequin and you can figure out what it would take to send yourself soaring.





The Quad EXPLO at Wellesley makes its home in the Wellesley College residence halls, which surround a central quadrangle. The hub of activity throughout the day, the Quad is a place to gather for meetings, activities, and pick-up games of Frisbee and Gaga Ball. Along with the residence halls’ common areas, the Quad is perfect for relaxing with friends and checking out the wide range of activities. All program offices, along with the infirmary and dining hall, are located around the Quad, and classrooms are just a short walk away.

It’s Your Campus An arboretum, one large lake, woodlands, ponds, and miles of footpaths to explore. From exhibits at the Davis Art Center to a full-production theater, the 500-acre campus of Wellesley College is bursting with amazing resources. You’ll take morning courses in Wellesley seminar rooms, art studio spaces, kitchens, and performance venues. In the afternoons, you can sail across Lake Waban, swim in Wellesley’s pool, and take advantage of the basketball courts, dance studios, and practice fields of Wellesley’s multimillion-dollar athletic complex. From performing in an outdoor amphitheater to observing a wetland habitat on a nature trail to flinging a Frisbee across a beautiful, grassy quad, Wellesley provides EXPLO with unparalleled recreational and academic opportunities.

I find it really fun that our hall has gotten so close in such a short amount of time. Everyone in our hall has something different about them.




You Choose Your Day

EXPLO courses are unusual. Active, hands-on, and fun, our 80+ courses and workshops are taught by passionate teachers who make sure each day in class is more experimental, dynamic, and engaging than the day before. You might learn how to survive in the wild, race robots down a zipline, or learn the sewing skills to start designing your own line of bags. Whichever you choose, our courses will give you the opportunity to deepen your passion for the things you love, and encourage you to explore new interests and ideas. After lunch, you’ll embark on something altogether different: clubs, workshops, and class extensions that let you check out new interests and pick up new skills. Hone your prowess in your favorite sport (soccer, tennis, volleyball) or try out a new one (water polo, yoga, hip-hop dance). Explore the world of interior decorating, video editing, pasta making, improv comedy, personal finance, medical illustration, treasure hunting, orienteering, and more.

I loved that the courses were so hands-on. We learned through doing, and through trial and error.



29 do what you love, experiment with something new, or even act a little silly. All over campus, our activities provide the perfect opportunity to unwind and have some fun. Sculpt balloons. Play water polo. Go canoeing. Roll sushi. Fence your friends — or henna tattoo them. No matter what the activity, there will always be a chance to try something completely new. The Time is Yours...

Weekend Adventures Talk to a robot, touch a stingray, or find your balance on a paddleboard. Take in a pro soccer match or somersault (with a harness) off a high-flying trapeze. Soak in the sun on Horseneck Beach — or soak in the colors and compositions of paintings at the Institute of Contemporary Art. On any EXPLO weekend, you’ll have a unique opportunity to experience the sights and sounds of Boston and the New England area, with 15 to 20 different trip options to choose from — such as hiking in a state park, exploring Boston’s Quincy Market, or riding the coasters at Six Flags New England. You’ll also have the choice to stay on campus, where you can participate in staff-led workshops or athletic clinics, which are taught by Wellesley College’s Division III athletic coaches.

Baseball Improv Comedy Club Dramatic Monologues Wall Ball Ultimate Frisbee League Yoga

Rugby Basketball League Dumpling Making Fencing Gaga Ball Soap Making Water Polo Staff vs. Student Dodgeball Flash Mobs

Board Game Club Philosophy Club Kayaking

Museum of Science Six Flags New England Zip Line Adventure Park Chinatown Tour Boston Harbor Cruise

Sail Boston Red Sox Paintball Soccer Clinic Horseback Riding New England Aquarium Boston Duck Tours

Museum of Fine Arts Horseneck Beach Trapeze School NYC Overnight Indoor Skydiving Limo Scavenger Hunt Salem Witch Tour

T-Shirt Design Speed Murals Anime Club Art Studio

Mexican Cooking Folk Music Club Archery Karaoke Indoor Cycling Circuits + Soldering Juggling

MIT Museum Glassblowing

Running Club Soccer League Marshmallow Cannons


Things may get a bit out of hand.



Pioneers Grades 4+5

Voyagers Grades 6+7

Ever dreamed of a place where friendships happen easily, where learning and doing cool things (like defending a medieval castle with the trebuchets you built) fill your days, and where you belong and feel welcomed just as you are? That’s EXPLO. EXPLO is a place of firsts: Make your first app. Make your first Moroccan feast. Make your first friend from another state or another country. Living on campus means a first chance to be away from home... and in the process, to learn how to make choices for yourself. You can also choose our unique day program that will let you act on a stage, or go rock-climbing, but also gives you the chance to eat lunch with a student from Shanghai or Paris or Venezuela before going home to your own bed (or you can stay over twice a week with us). Whether you’re local or international, a 4th grader or a 7th grader, a summer at EXPLO is the best time to try new things. You’ll work with some of the best and coolest teachers you’ve ever had. You’ll make amazing friends. And after a summer at EXPLO you’ll see yourself, and what learning can be, in new ways. On the Campus of Wheaton College Entering Grades 4+5, 6+7 EXPLOatWheaton

My son LOVED his three weeks at EXPLO. He told me at the end of the program that ‘it was only three weeks, but I felt like I belonged there.’ It was a terrific experience.

ZOOM ZOOM What better way to learn about inertia than by rolling down a hill lying just inches above the Earth? You won’t learn Newton’s Third Law from a book. At EXPLO, you will study science on the ground level. Literally.





What if your teacher was Dumbledore? What if you had to crawl across the Sahara Desert on your way to lunch? What if pirates were trying to invade your summer program and the only way to stop them was in an Electric Slide dance-off? At EXPLO, we inspire active imaginations. We believe that, like math or reading, creative thinking is a learnable and valuable skill. And it’s a skill we teach at EXPLO at Wheaton. Our students invent stories. They build spacecrafts. They solve crimes. They paint landscapes. They start businesses. When students use their imaginations to think and play, they become more engaged in their learning, they discover how to be adaptable problem-solvers, and, frankly, they have a great time. We Cultivate Creativity It’s the building block of everything we do.

Improv Comedy Puddle Portraits Beginning Guitar Introductory Yoga Global Warming Discussion Canoeing Bead Making Hawaiian Shark Encounter Lacrosse T-Shirt Design Pick-up Basketball Hip-Hop Dance Pointless and Redundant Signs Rugby Sushi Making Random Acts of Kindness Wilderness Survival Conflict Resolution Discussion Tie-Dye Launch Paper Rockets World Cooking Synchronized Swimming Logic Puzzles

AMAZING!! EXPLO has been a life- changing experience for my daughter — all for the good. You run the most incredible program. THANK YOU!!!

Uncover How to Hover As a final project, students in Hovercraft Heroics use battery- powered leaf blowers and plastic sheeting to build ride- on hovercrafts. It’s just like air hockey, only you’re the puck!



Sample Weekend Trip Destinations Boston Science Museum Fenway Park Tour New England Aquarium Tea at the Taj Broadway in Boston Canobie Lake Park Indoor Rock Climbing Sky Venture Indoor Skydiving Laser Tag PawSox Games Water Wizz Hub Parkour Training Center TreeTop Adventures MIT Museum Canoeing Kayaking Family Funway TD Garden Sports Museum Freedom Trail EcoTarium Boston Public Garden + Swan Boats

You Can’t Do All This at Home

Scale a (rock) wall, sit on a Green Monster, or learn to fly. Canoe your way across the calming waters of Watson Pond, hike a mountain, or slip down some wild and twisty turns at one of New England’s coolest water parks. Each weekend day, you’ll have between four and six different trips to choose from — like the Boston Science Museum or the New England Aquarium — giving you a chance to discover the sights, sounds, and incredible locations that Boston and New England have to offer. And if you want to spend a day on campus, we have options for that, too — from cooking workshops, large-scale art projects, engineering challenges or even making your own movie. So no matter what you choose, you’ll be thinking just one thing: this is so not like home.

Ward’s Berry Farm Boston Duck Tours

Narragansett Beach Surfing Revolution Trapeze School


On the Campus of Wheaton College Entering Grades 2+3, 4+5, 6+7 EXPLOMini at Wheaton

1-Week Programs DAY ONLY

Pick and Choose! Six Weeks — Six Courses Samples include:

EXPLO Mini helped my child build self- confidence and practice social skills. EXPLO is such an excellent program. He always feels a real sense of belonging. It gives him the courage to be himself.

For Explorers (Grades 2+3) Explore! A hands-on approach to multidisciplinary exploration

Fit the wonder of EXPLO into your summer schedule. This week, program a computer. Next week? Solve a crime, paint with light, govern a nation, or launch rockets to the moon. In each of our one-week courses, you can explore a subject with an excited and enthusiastic group of your peers. We call it project-based learning; you’ll call it fun. EXPLO Mini courses are designed to give you an introduction into a particular subject or field. Through hands-on activities and lessons, you’ll experience each topic from the inside — and have a hand in guiding its outcome. At EXPLO Mini, you’ll interact with the world in ways you never imagined possible. It’s a whole new world — one week at a time.

For Pioneers (Grades 4+5) Visual Arts

Science of Baking Lego Engineering

Voyagers (Grades 6+7) Hovercraft Physics Government Simulation Sustainable Urban Planning

Explorers Grades 2+3

Pioneers Grades 4+5

Voyagers Grades 6+7



It’s important to dance the Numa.



EXPLOFocus Here’s your chance to dive in, dig deeper, and explore one special interest. You could spend your days repairing an injured knee, negotiating a ceasefire, or intubating a patient. You’ll learn from working professionals — such as Foreign Affairs editors, orthopedic surgeons, or zoo veterinarians — and get an insider’s view of their world. Focus Programs are all about arriving as a student, but leaving as a budding professional.

I cannot recall a time I have had as much fun. We went on field trips to places I had never even dreamed of going. When you go to Emergency Medicine, it’s all at your fingertips!

Entering Grades Campus





Foreign Affairs


Yale University



Future of Medicine


Yale University



Psychology + Neuroscience


Yale University



Sports Management


Yale University



Medical Rounds


Wellesley College



Orthopedics + Sports Medicine


Wellesley College


BOSTON MEDFLIGHT Once each session, Emergency Medicine visits Boston MedFlight, experts in critical care medicine who provide life-saving transportation to more than 2,700 patients every year. Boston MedFlight exemplifies the kind of industry leaders Focus Program students meet on a daily basis.


Startup Entrepreneurship


Wellesley College



Emergency Medicine


Wheaton College (MA)



Veterinary Science


Wheaton College (MA)



Bioengineering for Girls


Wheaton College (MA)




English Immersion


Wheaton College (MA)




Collaborative. Creative. Interconnected. The future of medicine combines talents and specialities that go beyond traditional lab coats and stethoscopes. Take on contemporary case studies and explore career options beyond the hospital, from research and administration to patient care and integrative healthcare. Dig into big >Page 1 Page 2-3 Page 4-5 Page 6-7 Page 8-9 Page 10-11 Page 12-13 Page 14-15 Page 16-17 Page 18-19 Page 20-21 Page 22-23 Page 24-25 Page 26-27 Page 28-29 Page 30-31 Page 32-33 Page 34-35 Page 36-37 Page 38-39 Page 40-41 Page 42-43 Page 44-45 Page 46-47 Page 48-49 Page 50-51 Page 52-53 Page 54-55 Page 56-57 Page 58-59 Page 60-61 Page 62-63 Page 64-65 Page 66

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