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Professional Physical Therapy - October 2017

Professional Physical Therapy - October 2017 OCTOBER 2017 620 Old West Central Street, Franklin, MA

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Professional Physical Therapy - February 2022

2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 365 F. 2. Cut a slit lengthw

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Professional Physical Therapy - March 2021

4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided HOW DOES IT WORK? Healing happens at a set pace, and it’s not

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Professional Physical Therapy - July 2017

plan to address the cause of the problem. THIS OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 31, SO DON’T WAIT! www.ProPTinc.

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Professional Physical Therapy - January 2022

3 cup olive oil, garlic, salt, parsley, mint, pepper, and lemon zest and juice and blend ingredients

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Professional Physical Therapy - June 2020

3 cup marinade. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour. Reserve remaining marinade. 3. Heat grill to about

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Professional Physical Therapy - August 2020

Professional Physical Therapy - August 2020 MEET DR. JILL! Dr. Jill Trovo is the newest physical the

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Professional Physical Therapy - August 2017

plan to address the cause of the problem. • Sciatica • Arthritis THIS OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 31, SO DO

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Professional Physical Therapy - December 2021

2 cup blanched hazelnuts, chopped • 2 tsp lemon juice • Lemon wedges, for garnish DIRECTIONS 1. In a

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Professional Physical Therapy - August 2020

2 cup water or apple juice Directions 1. Preheat oven to 375 F. 2. In a large pan over medium heat,

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Professional Physical Therapy

620 Old West Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038 • 508-528-6100 •

June 2017


The Bounty of Summer Healthy Habits for Hot Months

The Bounty of Summer page 1 What’s in a Hobby? page 2 Client Testimonials page 2

Last year, we did a lot of big landscaping projects at the house, so this year I’m looking forward to being able to plant herbs and perennials. I’m an avid salsa maker, so I’ll definitely be planting some cilantro in our garden. I think I might grow a little spearmint as well. It tends to take over the garden, but it means I’ll have no shortage of fresh mojitos this year.

After the cold of winter and the unpredictable weather of a New England spring, summer presents all sorts of opportunities to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. If you’re anything like me, you can feel a little caged in during the early months of the year, and are itching to be able to spend as much time as possible outdoors. One thing I try to do every year is establish a

Patient Spotlight page 3

Break Corner page 3

routine that takes advantage of our beautiful Massachusetts summers. Throughout the year, I do yoga and meditate every day. We have an outdoor deck at our house, and it will definitely be my meditation station while the

Throughout the year, I do yoga and meditate every day. We have an outdoor deck at our house, and it will definitely be my meditation station while the weather permits.

Sensational Summer Salad page 3

Make a Better Smoothie at Home page 4 Professional PT Patients, enter to win! The first five people who call with the riddle’s answer on page 3, win a $10 gift card! Call 508-528-6100. Contest for past and present Professional PT patients only.

My last summer goal this year is to learn how to sail. Whenever we get out on a lake, it’s easy to hop on a Jet Ski or powerboat, but I’ve always wanted to sail. It’ll probably take some convincing to get my husband to join in, but I’m determined to make this summer the one I finally make the commitment. Whether it’s the Charles, Lake Winnipesaukee, or a trip down to the Cape, I hope you get to take advantage of the water this year as well.

weather permits. It will also be a place to do some summer reading, as I’m usually juggling four of five books at a time. It can get a little hectic, but I’m always excited to learn new things. Another part of my routine is daily walks with my husband after we get off work. It’s not only a source of exercise, it’s also a relaxing way to debrief the day. Another benefit of the arrival of summer is the incredible bounty of fresh, local produce that arrives in our markets and restaurants. These months are a great time to focus on healthy eating, and it’s easier than ever before to get your hands on some beautiful fruits and vegetables. I love fresh summer corn, berries, and heirloom tomatoes in particular. Some of the tomatoes grown in the area are just amazing, in shades of purple and yellow and orange, and they taste just as good as they look.

Here’s wishing everyone a healthy, happy, and fun summer. I hope you make the most of

the weather and the harvest. If you happen to grow some vegetables and have a few let over, I definitely won’t be mad if you bring them by the office. – Dr. Stacey Raybuck Schatz

April & May Gift Card Winners Maureen Osolnik, Mark Spanek,

Maryanne Bruder, and Virginia Morfopolous

508-528-6100 • 1

What’s in a Hobby?

A hobby? Who’s got time for that? Well, you do — at least according to psychologist and professor Jaime Kurtz. “We habitually waste time, creating the illusion of busyness. Facebook, email, Netflix — pick your poison,” she writes in Psychology Today. Back in 1957, Cyril Northcote Parkinson wrote a book called “Parkinson’s Law.” It was all about time management and workflow, and it centered around one idea: The more time you have to do something, the longer it will take . If you have something you do two nights a week, odds are your chores will be done those nights so you can get to the hobby. The rest of the week? Not so much. Besides the obvious — turning off the screens — there are other tricks to managing your time for hobbies. One great way? Just schedule hobby time into your planner or calendar. Set a reminder on your phone, and when the time comes, just go do it, no excuses. Another trick, if you know you won’t get to it later, is to do your chores early in the morning. That way, when you come home from work, they’re all done, and you have time to work on your hobbies. Oh, and bonus — you come home to a clean house! Success Stories

In fact, hobbies have a lot of benefits. They “can be a healthy escape,” according to Dr. Beth Howlett, “and can be very beneficial to mental health.” And some hobbies — like reading and exercise — can even boost your career success, according to the Washington Post. Plus, unusual hobbies, like beekeeping or playing a funky instrument, make for great conversation starters. There are also plenty of affordable hobbies that “trick” you into staying active, like geocaching or Ultimate Frisbee. Consider something outside of your comfort zone — with a welcoming community that’s happy to show newcomers the ropes. Never be afraid to stop people who are doing something that looks fun and ask them what’s going on. That’s how you learn! Dr. Kurtz sums it up best: “Maybe there’s something you’ve always wanted to do,” or “maybe something you used to love but stopped doing.” Her advice? Take that thing and run with it. “Just don’t follow that phrase with, ‘Ah, well. Maybe someday — when the kids leave the house or when I retire.’” Because we all know what that means!


“A few weeks ago when I joined PT my whole right side (arms and legs) was in constant pain. Right after the first session, and with only a small set of exercises, the pain was way better and restricted to my right arm only. With the help of a lot of very friendly people, I’ve learned new exercises and stretching that ended up causing the pain to disappear. I am going to miss this place!”

“I had surgery on my left knee (because of a torn meniscus); my surgeon cleaned this area out, and now I’m able to ride my street bike again. I’m not sure how I injured my knee. The ladies at Professional Physical Therapy helped me a lot, especially Susan Koeller. She is a great therapist; she is very gentle and knowledgeable!” -Allan Pinkard

-Deraldo Portugal

“Prior to this PT I needed a cane at all times and especially on inclines. I began PT to strengthen my core and left leg. Left leg had weakened and atrophied due to nerve damage. I have accomplished my goals and no longer use a cane. The tools that I learned at Professional Physical Therapy allow me to keep my core strong and do some self- alignment of my hips and SI.” -Henry Bergler

“When I just came in I was having trouble with my hip. It was preventing me from doing basic activity like walking up stairs and bending. Dr. Patt and crew helped me get back to being able to do activities just in time for spring. I also had positional vertigo earlier in the year, and again Dr. Patt cured my dizziness. Thank you all!”

-Teresa Ramella

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of the Month

North Attleboro Animal Shelter

therapy, worked hard at her exercises during the sessions, and worked hard with her home exercise program, as well. As an added bonus, it was great to meet her dog, Ellie, along the way. Leah has a sensitive heart and made many friends while here with us. Leah says, “I was asked why I chose the North Attleboro Animal Shelter as my favorite charity. On a recent visit to the shelter, four orphaned kittens had been dropped off after their mother had been fatally hit by a car. They were hungry and flea- infested. After feeding and bathing them, we spent three hours drying, warming, and loving them. A foster mom was eventually located. While there is no ‘ordinary’ day at the shelter, helping animals is of the utmost importance. We depend on volunteers and donations to be able to go the extra mile. Thank you, Professional Physical Therapy, for your part in helping the North Attleboro Animal Shelter!” More information on the shelter can be found at

We chose Leah Snow as the patient of the month because she exemplifies what it means to look a challenge in the eye and take it on! No matter the circumstance or situation, Leah was determined to improve it. She completed two courses of physical RIDDLE TIME!

Congratulations, Leah!

Sensational Summer Salad Recipe inspired by

A doctor and a boy were fishing. The boy was the doctor’s son, but the doctor

was not the boy’s father. Who was the doctor?

It’s officially the season of salads, and fruit salads are summer’s specialty! Enjoy this tasty dish as a side or main course. For some added protein, toss in a handful of slivered almonds or chopped pecans.


• 2 tablespoons lemon juice • 1 tablespoon maple syrup • 2 teaspoons

• 1 pound strawberries, thinly sliced • 3 medium peaches, thinly sliced • 1 cup blueberries • 1 heaping tablespoon fresh basil or mint, chopped

Laugh Out Loud

balsamic vinegar

Directions 1. In a medium serving bowl, combine the strawberries, peaches, blueberries, and basil. 2. Drizzle lemon juice, maple syrup, and balsamic vinegar on top. 3. Gently toss to combine. 4. Serve immediately, or chill for later.

508-528-6100 • 3

FREE Patient Appreciation Event Plant-Based, Whole Food Workshop Wednesday, June 28th, 2017 from 6-8pm Come early for the “these taste too good to be healthy” goodies! Workshop tastings from 6:00-6:30

Learn to recognize and eliminate foods that sabotage good health! Get reorganized in the kitchen the plant- based way! I have been using Patty as a personal chef for my lunches for the past year. I thought it would be a great benefit to members of the Pro PT community for her to present this workshop. I know you will love her excitement and the wealth of information she provides — and the healthy, but yummy tastings she makes.

– Dr. Stacey Raybuck Schatz

This event is limited to the FIRST 25 people! Attendees MUST sign up ahead of time! The first 15 people to register will be added to a drawing for a FREE 1-month membership with the Franklin YMCA. Everyone who registers will be entered to win multiple guest passes to the YMCA as well!

About Patty Patty was classically trained at Cambridge School of Culinary Arts. She has since become a raw-food chef, with an associate chef certification, with Robert Reid at Organic Garden Café. Through Cornell University’s plant-based nutrition certification, she has found a very nice balance with a plant-based, whole food lifestyle!

There are incredible health and well-being benefits to eating a clean, balanced, plant-based, whole food diet, Patty says. They include: • Enhanced sense of well-being. • More energy. • Improved digestion and elimination. • Heightened senses. • Balanced pH and blood sugar levels. • Weight loss and weight management. • Strengthened immune system. • Settled nervous system. “From personal experience, one cannot juggle it all,” Patty says. This Sweet & Savory personal chef has developed with the INTENTION to provide clients with: • Primarily plant-based whole foods, sourced locally, using the highest quality, freshest ingredients (organic where possible). • Delicious and nutritious meals, protein snacks, and treats prepared in clients’ homes. • Weekly meal planning, shopping, preparation, and cleanup. • Event (party, ski, or beach trip) meal planning, shopping, preparation, and cleanup. “Individuals and families need help lessening the stress of eating well,” Patty says. “It is a misconception that a personal chef is too expensive! Visits to the doctor, clinics, missed days

at work, medical bills, and less quality time with family during the week are proven unnecessary expenses.” Patty suggests that you ask yourself if you need to start eliminating the processed foods and refined sugars that are making you sick and tired. In turn, you will see your health and life improve through dietary changes and stress reduction — all with help from your Sweet & Savory personal chef. “I look forward to sharing my own experience with you,” says Patty, “as I have journeyed through my own negative sugar and stress- coping skills to reach an incredible well-being today, centered on plant-based, whole foods!” Patty, your Sweet & Savory kitchen coach, helps clients jump-start a plant-based, whole food lifestyle. Pantry skills, prep skills, and recipes are all available, as well as information galore. You can work to rid your pantry of unhealthy items and re-stock with fresh, nutritious items! This process will take more than one visit, but the work done will get you situated, organized, and well on your way to a plant-based, whole food lifestyle! I have been using Patty as a personal chef for my lunches for the past year. I thought it would be a great benefit to members of the Pro PT community for her to present this workshop. I know you will love her excitement and the wealth of information she provides — and the healthy, but yummy tastings she makes. You can learn more about Patty on her website, You can also reach her at [email protected] and 508.596.2836 if you have any questions!

Professional Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine, Inc. • 508.528.6100 508-528-6100


620 Old West Central Street Franklin, MA 02038

Thank you for being part of the Professional Physical Therapy family! Build a Superior Smoothie

Who doesn’t love a delicious and nutritious smoothie? For many, they serve as a meal replacement. For others, smoothies can be a mid-afternoon pick-me-up. But the smoothies you get from your favorite smoothie place can be loaded with sugar. In fact, they can make your average soda look downright healthy. The problem? There is a ton of sugar in fruit, not to mention the yogurt (and frozen yogurt) that often makes its way into store-bought smoothies. Fruit comes with many nutritional benefits, but that doesn’t change the fact that too much sugar is toxic for your body. That’s why making your own smoothies at home is such a good idea. You’re in charge, and you know exactly what you’re getting. You control your sugar intake while upping the nutrition. But making the perfect smoothie at home can be a challenge. The

Start slow. When you’re ready to blend, start with the lowest setting and carefully work your way up to the higher speeds. This gives your ingredients a chance to mingle and settle as they blend, resulting in a superior smoothie!

texture might not be quite right or the flavor may be off. To make the best at-home smoothie, TV host and celebrity chef Alton Brown has a few recommendations: Skip the ice. Use flash-frozen fruits and veggies, or any frozen fruits and veggies you have on hand. This will give your smoothie a much better and more appetizing texture, along with amazing flavor. And you don’t have to worry about a watered-down smoothie later on. Use the smoothie order of operations. Pour your liquids into the blender first . Then follow up with the leafy greens, or any other fresh ingredients (including yogurt) you want to add. Have supplements? Add those with the fresh ingredients as well. Top it all off with your frozen fruit and veggies.

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