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2018 Fall MOMENTS

FALL 2018 | $5.99

The World’s Most Recognized Inspirational Brand The official publication of the Precious Moments Collectors' Club® by Precious Moments Co., Inc.

Early Autumn Greetings! As I sat down to write this letter I was suddenly struck by all the times I’ve been able to connect with my Precious Moments family, sharing a little bit of my story while also hearing about yours. Whether through letters like this, emails, phone calls, seminars, or even silent prayers, our communications have always given me joy and a sense of family belonging. We may not be related by blood, but we ARE family nonetheless. For nearly three decades (29 years to be exact!) you all have been there for my life’s happy milestones as well as the sorrowful valleys. I’d like to thank you for that. I feel so fortunate to have made such friends through my career, and I make new ones each year. One of the best chances for me to reconnect with Precious Moments family is at the annual Family Reunion Event held in Carthage, Missouri each Summer. We are excited to share some highlights from this year’s Event in this issue. You’ll also hear from a fellow collector and get a peek at what’s new for the coming seasons! It’s no secret that some of my favorite stories from collectors are the ones that speak to sharing the joy of Precious Moments with family members. I have seen some of you become parents and grandparents during my tenure, and you, in turn, have seen my babies grow. It truly is amazing to be able to share these moments of loving, caring, and sharing with so many different people from around the country and around the world. It is just further proof that you don’t have to share genes – family is from the heart! Again, thank you for being mine and for sharing 40 years of Precious Moments. A L ETTER FROM YOUR CLUB MANAGER Mishell,

What’s INSIDE FALL 2018

3 A Letter from Sam Butcher

4 Feeling Festive at the

2018 Family Reunion Event

5 Every Moment Matters with Deb Butcher

5 Retirement Announcement

6 Kos’s Korner

7 A Collector's Story

8 New Product Review

10 2018 Club Renewal

11 Feed the Children®

12 New Licensed Gifts

Blessings to you,

13 Events Calendar

14 Precious Moments Show and Tell

Mishell Hoover and All Your Friends at Club Headquarters Our Mission... Celebrate the gifts of love embodied in Precious Moments with each other and with all we encounter in our walk through life.

15 40 Years Building Bonds

16 A Thanksgiving Thank You

ON THE COVER: 2018 Precious Moments Collectors' Club figurine, CC189003 “Loved” Photo Frame, 173425

E-MAIL: [email protected] CALL US AT: 877-496-8725 WRITE TO US AT: Precious Moments Collectors’ Club 4105 Chapel Road, Carthage, MO 64836

FOLLOW US ONLINE! Get the latest news, be inspired, and connect with other fans.

We do our very best to ensure that all information contained in our magazine is accurate, however there may be differences with final product. Offers, pricing and availability subject to change without notice. All final product supersedes information printed here. All prices are in U.S. dollars unless noted otherwise. ©2018 Precious Moments Co., Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.


FALL 2018


Dear Club Members,

I always look forward to our Precious Moments Events, as greeting collectors and signing their figurines is one of my greatest joys. One of the many blessings that I receive during an Event is when I see a child waiting in line with a figurine in their hand, because that gives me an opportunity to do what I like the most. After signing their figurine, I reach into a box beside my chair and take out a figurine to give to them. The expression on their face is wonderful, especially when I tell them that it is a gift to them from Mr. Butcher. During the signing at the last Event a lovely young mother handed her figurine to me, and beside her was her little boy. He also had a figurine, and after signing it I said, “young man, I have something very special for you today,” and I gave him a figurine of a little boy in a fire truck. His eyes lit up and he smiled from ear to ear, then he began to dance around with the fire truck in his hand. After that he put the truck on the table and broke into another dance with both thumbs up, then moving them up and down with that great big smile. All eyes were upon him and all I could say to him was, “Dawson, you’re awesome!”

Do you know what? He really was!

God Bless,

Sam B.

Photos courtesy of Precious Moments Foundation


The Joy Of

T he twinkling lights were strung and lit, the grand tree’s boughs were fully decorated, and a Christmas spirit could be felt in sights and sounds all around the Chapel. This year’s annual Precious Moments Family Reunion had everyone “Wrapped Up With The Gift Of His Love” for four glorious days, celebrating all things Precious Moments with the fun and festivities of Christmas! I n addition to endless photo opportunities, (so many Christmas cards were surely planned!), Precious Moments creator, Mr. Sam Butcher, eagerly signed figurines for guests and they were also able to watch Master Sculptor Hiko Maeda work his artistic magic. In true Christmas Eve fashion, a pajama party with food and gifts was also held! Speaking of gifts, it wouldn’t be Christmas without presents. The gifts of friendship and fellowship were shared through hands-on creative experiences, games, music, food, and a welcome tangible remembrance – an illuminated Chapel Exclusive figurine. A very special “Thank You” to all who attended and made this extraordinary event possible. Next year will mark the 30th Anniversary of the Precious Moments Chapel and plans are in the works now for one big party at next year’s Reunion. Whether you have never missed one, or never been to one, 2019 will bring a Reunion Event to remember so keep an eye out for further details as they become available. Spirits Were Shining at the 2018 Family Reunion Christmas I n June


FALL 2018

Photos courtesy of Precious Moments Foundation

with Deb Butcher

Hello Friends! I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself, or re-introduce myself, as the case may be. I’m Deb Butcher, the fourth of artist Sam Butcher’s seven children. Precious Moments has been a part of my life since I was old enough to remember. Since I was a child I have been contributing however I could to the family business. From art design to spearheading the former Precious Moments Birthday Club, to formulating behind-the-scenes creative strategies, I continue to go wherever I am needed! I’d like to share something with you that most people don’t know about me. I have always been uncomfortable in large groups of people, but not because I don’t like people. Years ago, I was diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder which makes it almost impossible for me to understand what is being said in a room full of noise. This creates high levels of anxiety when I’m among a lot of people who may want to stop and talk, because I can’t understand most of what they are saying. While public speaking and large group events are something I will never be able to do well, I absolutely love meeting and interacting with you, our Precious Moments family, on a relaxed and more personal level. So I asked how we can use MOMENTS Magazine to do just that! What would you, our readers, like to see in a new column that I will be writing? Would you like to submit questions and have them answered in each issue? Would you like to know about what is happening in the creative department, or on the Chapel grounds and Precious Moments property, or even behind-the-scenes? Would you enjoy a section where you can share and compare? Would you like to see photo submissions like when the Birthday Club newsletter featured photos of kids and pets who looked like Precious Moments? This column is YOURS and mine, so please send your ideas and we can build something fun together! Email me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,

Deb Butcher


As has become customary, during the 2018 Precious Moments Family Reunion Event at the Precious Moments Chapel this past June, an exciting retirement announcement was made. Hiko Maeda, Master Sculptor, physically smashed the molds used to create the figurine The Best Adventures Are SharedWith a Friend so that it may never again be produced in the same form. Retirement is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a figurine. Check with your favorite local Precious Moments retailer or online shopping site to check availability. Once they are sold out, they’re gone, so if you don’t already own this piece, get it while you can!

The Best Adventures Are Shared With A Friend 132017

Photos courtesy of Precious Moments Foundation

Precious Moments Family of Companies, Inc. reserves the right, but not the obligation to accept, review, consider, publish, edit, use, redistribute, destroy, or delete any submission, wholly or in part, and/or the name and location of the submitter (if deemed applicable) for commercial use, advertising and/or promotion of Precious Moments Collectors’ Club® and/or Precious Moments Family of Companies, Inc. All submissions become property of Precious Moments Family of Companies, Inc. and are not subject to copyright, royalty or other compensation, monetarily or otherwise. Submissions may not be acknowledged and will not be returned. All submissions are subject to the published Privacy Policy ( of Precious Moments Family of Companies, Inc.


KOS’S KORNER Precious Moments Chief Executive Officer, Stephen “Kos” Kosmalski

Precious Moments Chief Executive Officer is answering your questions and looking toward the future! Precious Moments CEO, Steve “Kos” Kosmalski is enjoying an incredible year celebrating the momentous 40th anniversary of the brand. One of his favorite parts of his job is answering questions from collectors like you! The following are some things that collectors have been wondering.

What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? After 45 years in consumer products, I’m delighted to work on a brand which is emotionally uplifting. Our world sometimes feels like it’s a mess, so Precious Moments messaging is needed more now than ever. Bringing a smile, a joyful tear, a laugh, and a prayer goes a long way to offset much of the cruelty around us – while reminding us of the kindness of most people and the beauty of our spirits. At the heart of this company is a family who loves this brand. Their passion is contagious, motivating me to work toward preserving family-owned businesses like Precious Moments. Should I have my Precious Moments collection insured? Like any collection, some items are more valuable than others. You may want to research and analyze your collection and insure those special pieces. Speak to your insurance agent about what types of policies they offer specifically for insuring collectibles. What are some of your favorite autumn memories? Autumn didn’t really commence with our family until it started to get cooler in October and the leaves changed to brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows. Like many other families, October was all about getting set for Halloween, when my kids gathered around the table to carve a jack-o-lantern and bake the seeds afterwards. We weren’t big on purchased costumes, so there were plenty of witches, ghosts, and pirates around. I think my kids sometimes shuddered over what costumes their mom had in mind! Taking the young kids out, come rain or shine, had its rewards as I’d earn some of my favorite candy when done with trick-or-treating. Nothing like the smiles on kids’ faces when they dump their bags of candy on the table after the hard work of trick-or-treating! Many in the neighborhood left their jack-o-lanterns out after Halloween in cool weather, often reminding us that pumpkin pie was quickly approaching at Thanksgiving. What are you most thankful for There are actually two key things I’ve expressed gratitude during the last fewThanksgivings. The first

is a personal relationship with God which helps me cope with the vagaries of life and recognize its joys. The second, is for His gift of family. My wife of 45 years, Laura, and I are fortunate to have most of our siblings alive – and my 100-year-old mom! We also are blessed with an immediate family of 18. Despite being spread all over the place, we get everyone together once or twice a year. This year we took a family vacation in July for which I was very thankful.

Kosmalski Family 2018. Photo courtesy of the Kosmalski Family.

Have a question for Kos? If you have a question you would like him to answer, just email us at [email protected] and we will resp nd! Your question might even be featured in an upcoming issue of MOMENTS Magazine.


FALL 2018

A Collector's Story

People are drawn to Precious Moments for all kinds of reasons, some very personal. Our friend Zoey shared with us how a trip to the Precious Moments Chapel touched her heart in a very special way. Read with a box of tissues! To the Precious Moments Family, Last summer my family and I drove fromTexas and visited the Precious Moments Chapel in Carthage. I was excited, but more excited for my mother who had collected figurines for years and hadn’t been to the Chapel in a long time. Little did I know my life would change that day. I firmly believe God brought me there to heal a place in my heart that had become numb. Some time ago, my mother had two miscarriages and then found out she was pregnant with twins. She was scared, but overjoyed because God’s promise was being fulfilled in a way she never thought it would be. Sadly, one day she noticed symptoms of a miscarriage and rushed to a hospital. Both babies were gone. The ultrasound screen was empty. She shook her fist at God every day, until one day He laid a scripture on her heart; Psalm 91:4. Even though she didn’t know why God had given her this specific verse, it was all she had to hold on to. A few months later after having blood work done, something was noticed by the lab and they summoned her immediately. Her team of doctors feared the worst and immediately began an ultrasound to try and detect what they thought was a tubal pregnancy. Again, she found herself laying on the table reliving the heartbreak of losing four babies. The ultrasound tech looked nervous as she watched the screen and fetched a doctor. He came in, ran the ultrasound, and in a state of shock said, “Mrs. Henderson, you had triplets. Not twins.” As her heart began to break at the loss of another child, the doctor turned the screen so that she could see a once empty womb. There were now two sacs with no babies, and a baby almost a trimester along. In that moment, a heartbeat rang in that room. A womb that was once empty, now showed the two babies that once lived and one that was hidden the entire time. My mother and grandmother (who was there with her) tell me it was as if they could audibly hear Heaven rejoicing on December 16, 1998. A little over 6 months later I was born – totally healthy and a miracle nonetheless. Years later, I found myself questioning God. Why was I the one spared? Why were my twin siblings taken away from me? Every birthday I thought about them. Every Christmas I wondered how different it would be had God allowed my mother to carry them. They had no name and no gender, yet I found myself emotionally devastated over the loss of people I’d never met. As senior year came along, my mind was preoccupied with college applications and graduating, so I shoved the hurt away.

The following summer we made our trip to Carthage. I noticed a sense of peace about the land where the Precious Moments Chapel is located. The moment I stepped in front of the “Hallelujah Square” mural in the Chapel, I began to let out emotions I forgot I had built up. In that moment, my devastation turned to joy. I rejoiced that my siblings would never know anything but the presence of God. I rejoiced that the emotions I felt staring at that mural is all they would ever feel. I rejoiced that one day my parents and myself would be able to be with them eternally. Thank you for giving such a beautiful gift to the world through your ministry at the Chapel. My heart has finally found peace. I can’t wait to go back. Zoey Henderson “He will cover you with his feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” ~ Psalm 91:4

Photo courtesy of the Henderson Family.


Sneak a Peek At What's Coming Up! The creative team at Precious Moments is at it again! From gifts for new babies to grandmas and everyone in between, there is something fresh and adorable for everyone. Look for these designs to be arriving in stores and at mid-February.

This chic grandmother has it all – wisdom, wit, compassion, and style! It makes the perfect gift for a nana who show no signs of slowing down. My Favorite People Call Me Grandma | 183008

Mom will never doubt how much she is adored when she is given one of these floral figurines that says it all. Each is perfect for Mother’s Day, her birthday, or

just to say “thank you” for all she has done. Mom, I Love You Bunches | 183005/183004

Baby’s baptism is a blessed event, one to be cherished forever.

Mark the occasion with several new porcelain gifts designed specifically for this beautiful proclamation of faith and dedication to Jesus. Baby Baptism Frame | 183434 Baby Baptism Cross | 183433 Rosary Box (with Rosary) | 183431/183432


FALL 2018

A handy garden helper, this little ducky shows how much rain has fallen to help plan for watering accordingly. A thoughtful gift for casual gardeners and “green thumbs” extraordinaire! Duck Family Rain Gauge | 183426

Dressed as the sleepiest of all the Disney princesses, this young beauty wears a gown like Aurora’s and holds a forest friend with love and tenderness. With glittering accents and a golden tiara, she is sure to become the crowning jewel of anyone’s collection! Some Bunny Special | 183074

Chocolate, graham crackers, and marshmallows on their own are great – put them together and you have one of the most popular summertime snacks ever created! The simple act of making s’mores brings this sweet couple even closer. While the flames melt the sweets, their l ve for each other burns bright. I Love You S’more Every Day | 183002


Images are prototypes only. Availability, product designs, details, and titles subject to change without notice.

Have you Renewed Your 2018 Collectors’ Club ® Membership? Time ’ s Running Out To Order Members’ Only Figurines!

This year, the Precious Moments Collectors’ Club has been celebrating all the precious moments that have been captured throughout the past 40 years through the heartfelt artistry of Mr. Sam Butcher. In fact, the 2018 Club figurines tell a story, one of enduring love and friendship. This story speaks to our personal relationships, but also the relationship we all share as part of the Precious Moments family. We really do think of our Club Members as family, and as such, we want to make sure you are taking full advantage of your Club membership! If you are an active 2018 Club Member and have not yet ordered your Members’ Only Figurines, we urge you to do so quickly. We fully expect to sell out of 2018 Club figurines before the end of the year, so do not delay! If you joined or renewed the Club in late 2017, you may not realize that time is running out to join the 2018 Club and be eligible to purchase the 2018 Members’ Only Figurines. Even if your membership has not yet expired, renew now and your benefits will still run for a full year from your expiration date. If you have any questions, call Club Headquarters at 877-496-8725 during regular business hours and we will be happy to assist you. As always, membership is a great value. For your renewal price of just $59.99 you receive more than $139.00 worth of benefits * including your Symbol of Membership figurine, a subscription to this magazine, free personalization and shipping on eligible purchases at, and so much more. Remember, only current Club Members receive the Symbol of Membership, and only active Club Members may purchase the exclusive Members’ Only figurines. While you may take advantage of membership benefits for a full year, remember that all of the Club pieces are only available to purchase during the Club year and will sell out!

Loving Every Precious Moment With You 2018 Symbol of Membership CC189001

Capturing Each Precious Moment With Care Members’ Only Figurine CC189002

If you haven’t already purchased your Members’ Only Figurines or renewed your 2018 membership, do so today at or by calling 877-496-8725. Our year-long celebration just wouldn’t be the same without YOU! We encourage you to visit to conveniently renew today or call us toll-free at 877-496-8725 during regular business hours.

Sharing The Precious Moments We Make Together Members’ Only Figurine CC189003

ORDER your 2018 Club TODAY , do not delay!

*Restrictions apply. Visit for details.

10 FALL 2018

Precious Moments’ philanthropic partner Feed the Children has the a vision to create a world where no child goes to bed hungry – both in the U.S. and around the world. You may have noticed that malnutrition in the U.S. looks different from other countries. In the U.S. an overweight child may in actuality be malnourished, only able to eat foods with empty calories. In the United States, many times, the cheapest and most accessible foods are also the least healthy. In our culture, we drive more and walk less, kids have fewer places to run and play, and in lower income areas, parents typically work multiple jobs to make ends meet. This is where Feed the Children stands in the gap. What Feed the Children Does to Help: • Food Distribution: Feed the Children trucks crisscross the country, delivering millions of pounds of food in the course of a year to people in all 50 states. • Backpack Program: Providing homeless and at-risk kids with backpacks, school supplies and hygiene essentials frees up dollars for the family to spend on food • Summer Meals: Many children rely on supplemented school breakfasts and lunches throughout the school year. During the summer, Feed the Children provides food to community partners to help meet the needs of hungry children.

Feed the Children operates through the generosity of people just like you. You can help; sign up for a monthly reoccurring gift of $32 and support Feed the Children's important work. Each gift is multiplied seven times. Or organize a backpack drive. Or through your purchase of a specially designed Precious Moments Giving Plate. We encourage you to help however you can, because no child should go hungry! We encourage you to help however you can, because no child should go hungry! Frightening Facts * : More than 23 million people in America live in food deserts. They don’t have grocery stores, so their only choices for food are convenience stores and fast food restaurants. 12.5 million (or approximately 17%) of U.S. children and adolescents age 2 to 19 are obese. On a typical school day, 80% of U.S. kids drink sugary drinks, the largest source of added sugar and a major source of calories in children’s diets.

*From the USDA and CDC

From July 15, 2018 through December 31, 2020, Precious Moments will donate 5% of the sales price of each Giving Plate to Feed the Children to help its efforts to eradicate childhood hunger and create a healthy foundation for children and families to break the cycle of poverty and hunger. © 2018 Feed the Children, Inc.


PreciousMoments.c m

Photos and content courtesy of Feed the Children

The “Little Book of Thanks” printed by Tommy Nelson gives kids countless reasons to be thankful! Take a few moments out of the hustle and bustle of the season to sink into a cozy chair with a little one and thank God for everything wonderful He’s given us. This book is one to be treasured throughout childhood and it is available now at for just $9.99. It can also be found at, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Target, Amazon, and Lifeway. Reading and snuggling go hand-in-hand, so give them something sweet to cuddle. Cute and cozy, Precious Moments fur babies make the most darling companions for playtime, car rides, and naptime, too. These thoughtful gifts are available now at starting at $13.99. Also available at Hallmark stores, Hobby Lobby, and Cracker Barrel. from our licensing partners are sweet gifts perfect for our littlest loves. NEW

Apply for your Precious Moments Rewards Visa® Even the most mundane tasks, like pumping gas or getting groceries, just got a little more precious. With the Precious Moments Rewards Visa® card from Commerce Bank, you get a card that rewards you and shares your passion, inspiration and enthusiasm everywhere Visa® is accepted.

Upon acceptance, you’ll enjoy:

*Subject to credit approval. Within 90 days of account opening of your new Precious Moments Rewards Visa, approved applicants can use the card to make a Merchandise Purchase to receive the $10 Precious Moments Gift Card. A Merchandise Purchase means the purchase of merchandise or services on the account including: Balance Transfers or Cash Advances. Please allow up to 30 business days to receive online Gift Card. For more information visit: For more information and to apply online, visit • No annual fee! • A $10 online promo code when you make your first purchase.* Redeemable only at • Flexible Rewards Program with thousands of rewards options including gift cards, merchandise, travel and more • Low introductory APR for first 6 monthly billing cycles after account opening

12 FALL 2018

Precious Moments Events









The year 2018 has been filled with so much fun and celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Precious Moments ! There is still so much to do and experience at Precious Moments events throughout the coming months. From artist signings to holiday gatherings, there are numerous ways to enjoy Precious Moments with other enthusiasts from around the country and across the globe. Plus, the Precious Moments Chapel is open for FREE tours daily! Find more information including hours and Chapel history at

October 19 – 21 Meet The Doll Maker Meet Linda Rick at Disneyland® Resort – China Closet October 12 – 14 Meet The Doll Maker Meet Linda Rick at Disneyland® Resort – China Closet September 7 – 9 Meet The Doll Maker Meet Linda Rick at Disneyland® Resort – China Closet

N vember 23 Lighting Ceremony at the Chapel

November 23 – December 29 Christmas at the Chapel

November 30 – December 2 Meet The Doll Maker Meet Linda Rick at Disneyland® Resort – Off The Page, California Adventure

December 14 Meet The Doll Maker

Meet Linda Rick at Disneyland® Resort – Off The Page, California Adventure

November 3 - 10 Precious Moments Hawaiian Cruise pre-registration required – Hawaii


Show and Tell Recently, we asked Club Members to tell us about their collections and Jeanine H. from Algona, Iowa answered the call! She shared some stunning photos of her vast collection and told us a little about it. “For my birthday in January 1981 I was given the Jesus Loves Me girl figurine. I had no idea until December of that year that there was a boy that paired to the girl. I purchased that figurine and so many years of collecting began,” explains Jeanine.

When she and her husband built their home in 1994, it was a must that she have a curio built to showcase her collection. Today she has many curios and antique pieces throughout her home showcasing her collection. In fact, Jeanine has so many figurines that she rotates them two times per year. In October she will do the “changing of the Precious Moments,” as her husband says, and will remove all the Spring/Summer figurines and bring out the Autumn/Winter collection which includes all of her angels, Santa pieces, and the blessed Nativity. “I especially enjoy placing the figurines into small vignettes,” she notes. “Such as girls in the rain, a day in the park, girls with kittens – I try to switch them up each time I rotate.”

If you would like to share a bit about your Precious Moments, we would love to hear about it! Whether it is just a few treasured pieces or curios filled like Jeanine's, we know that each person keeps Precious Moments in their own special way. You can send high-resolution photos to [email protected] or mail to Club at 4105 Chapel Road, Carthage, MO 64836 and we may feature your Precious Moments in a future issue of MOMENTS Magazine!

Precious Moments Family of Companies, Inc. reserves the right, but not the obligation to accept, review, consider, publish, edit, use, redistribute, destroy, or delete any submission, wholly or in part, and/or the name and location of the submitter (if deemed applicable) for commercial use, advertising and/or promotion of Precious Moments Collectors’ Club® and/or Precious Moments Family of Companies, Inc. All submissions become property of Precious Moments Family of Companies, Inc. and are not subject to copyright, royalty or other compensation, monetarily or otherwise. Submissions may not be acknowledged and will not be returned. All submissions are subject to the published Privacy Policy of Precious Moments Family of Companies, Inc.

14 FALL 2018

Throughout 2018 we have been celebrating a momentous anniversary – 40 fabulous years of Precious Moments! Just as this iconic brand has grown and endured, so many of your relationships have flourished right along with us. Just like an lasting love story or an amazing friendship, the first decade is spent growing with love, while the second is spent sharing the dream of the lives you’ve lived together, and the third is spent building those family ties that sprouted all those years ago. For those who have seen three or more decades decade together, you know that these are years building and strengthening your family bonds. You’ve learned just about all there is to know about one another, so your relationship is no longer one of discovery, but rather one of comfort and encouragement. You are now blessed with the wisdom of how best to communicate and support one another. You can take on difficult times and solve problems, but you also know how to savor the good times and reminisce over favorite memories. Celebrating 40 Years of Building Our Bonds Together!

If you had children, they are likely grown and have become some of your best friends. Perhaps they have had children of their own making you a grandparent with new family ties to nourish and build upon. Your lasting legacy of stories, traditions, and memories is passed down to a new generation! If you are blessed enough to reach the third decade of friendship with a dear companion, you have been given a special gift indeed. The bond you share has likely given you so much joy and strength throughout your years together. At this point in your lives, you are so much more than friends – you are truly family! As Precious Moments celebrates our 40th Anniversary, we salute all of you whose special relationships have stood the test of time, and we would love to hear your stories! Please send them to us and tell us how you’ve built your family ties – whether with a spouse, family member, or cherished friend. Email stories to [email protected] or mail them to Club at 4105 Chapel Road, Carthage, MO 64836. Because love is at the center of all our precious bonds, once again we have hidden 40 pink hearts throughout this issue of MOMENTS Magazine! Can you find them all?


Photos courtesy of Precious Moments Foundation

Precious Moments Collectors’ Club ® 4105 Chapel Road Carthage, MO 64836 U.S.A.

Save * 20 % on select Thanksgiving gift and décor as a special thank you for your continued support !

Let Precious Moments help you decorate for Thanksgiving. Visit between August 15th and November 30th to save up to 20% on select Thanksgiving décor and gifts. Just enter coupon code GIVETHANKS at checkout. Coupon code: GIVETHANKS

Contents not included. Each item sold separately.

*Discount offer valid August 15, 2018 through November 30, 2018 11:59 pm CT on select in-stock Thanksgiving gift guide items while supplies last, with an active, verified Collectors’ Club member- ship. Offer/coupon code may not be combined with any other coupons, discounts, or offers. Promo code GIVETHANKS must be applied at checkout. Select items discounted up to 20% of the original retail price. Not redeemable for cash or gift cards. Not valid on previous purchases. Club Membership verification required at checkout. Discount offer not redeemable for Purchase-With-Purchase, Collectors’ Club, Special Values, Limited Edition items or other Excluded Merchandise, unless otherwise indicated. Any discounts do not apply to taxes, shipping and handling charges or similar processing charges. All prices in U.S. dollars. Limited to stock on hand. Offer is not available in retail stores. Offer may be cancelled or modified at any time. Offer void where prohibited by law.