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Pittman_This Spring, Say Goodbye to Achy Knees

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Say Goodbye To Achy Knees

training do you have? I got my Bachelors of Science inApplied Exercise Science from the University o

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Lonoke PT. Say Goodbye to Achy Knees

4 cup low sodium soy sauce • 1 tbs yellow mustard • 2-3 tbs maple syrup • 2 tbs olive oil • 2 tbs dr

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Fit4Life: Goodbye Achy Knees

hobbies, etc…I am here to help you do that! Let’s crush your goals together! In my free time I love

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Full Potential PT. Say Goodbye To Achy Knees


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Back to Action: Goodbye Achy Knees

Rehab_Knee_6.pdf Physical Therapists Are The Mechanics Of Your Body! Relieve Knee Pain In 60 Seconds

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Kinect PT: Goodbye Achy Knees

SUN LAKES 480.802.8730 GLENDALE 623.934.1154

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Advanced PT: Goodbye To Achy Knees

knee for a long period of time. My knee would give out. Since therapy, I am walking without a limp,

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Northern PT: Goodbye Achy Knees

run the loop together! CALL TODAY! (802) 626-4224

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Say Goodbye To Pounding Headaches

15 8:00 a.m. Save money

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South Valley PT: Goodbye Achy Knees What you can do to relieve pain and feel energized! 2 Easy Stretches STRETCHES HAMSTRIN

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Pittman_This Spring, Say Goodbye to Achy Knees

L i tera l l y . As I write this, I am sitting in The Pittman CONNECTION The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Starting the spring off with a bang.

dance, fundraisers, workouts, and, oh yeah, that thing called work. Baseball is a 2 headed monster this year. Not only do we have the travel ball, but we have the school team. That is going tobe a lot of baseball from now until the middle of July. Brinkley is still a dancing machine. Dance competition season starts in the spring as well. We lost a lot of sports last knowwhy. The bug who’s name I cannot say! So a lot of people are making up for it with over scheduling this year. We are making college tours. And this virtual school thing. Man, has that been tough. My kids don’t learn that way. They need the structure of the classroom to excel. Well...not only to excel, but to understand the concepts. To be able to actively participate in class, ask questions, get the interaction, the debate. I can only pray that this spring, with the vaccine beingmore readily available, that we can get back to some formof normal. That small businesseswill, once again, thrive, that our economy bounces back, that our leadership does the right thing to promote growth of the country. God Bless you all and thank you for helping usmake it 14 years!!! We couldn’t do it without you! Jeremy

the Doctor’s office with my oldest son, Stone. Hewas practicing lacrosse and got hammered with a tomahawk chop to the left hand. The first tournament is this weekend and it is his senior year. And so is life. He did find a couple of golden rainbows though. Stone said “If I get a cast, people can write on it. I have never had a cast before.” Thinking back, this is true. He has never broken anything before. This will be his first. Foster, the 14 year old, on the other hand, has broken both wrists and his foot. One of the breaks was from a football injury. The other twowere just walking. Howdoes that even happen. Kid iswalking and breaks a foot. Maybe I didn’t get thewhole story. Anyway...I am sooooo ready for spring. I know that many of you are too. The weather. The grass. The weather. The longer days. I think thatwe should takeapoll inTN toseewhowants to get rid of daylight savings time. I don’t get it. Dark at 5:30 PM??? How can I entertain my kids for 4 hours a night since I can’t send them outside? That has got to be one of the most worthless, olden days laws that is in existence. Sorry, I went on a little bit of a tangent there. Where was I...Oh yeah. My life becomes themost chaotic in the spring. Hopeand I are runningcrazy. Lacrosse, baseball,

The Pittman CONNECTION The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


KneePain:TheCause&TheSolution: What causes knee pain and stiffness? Because the knees’ systems consist of 3 joints, the causes of individual kneepain can vary. In some cases, knee pain occurs from the kind of repetitive motions that athletes routinely inflict on these hardworking joints. Ironically, the other extreme -- nevermoving very much at all -- can also lead to knee issues. Fortunately, the type of pain you feel and the activity that causes it, often reveal the underlying cause. This allows your physical therapist to evaluate the specific problem and devise the best treatment plan. For example, dull aching and swelling anywhere in your knee often indicates osteoarthritis. (Continued Inside)

Too often, we take our hardworking knees for granted. Just imagine, the pounding they take doing over a million steps each year! Yetwhenproblems arise, we realize just how complex these large joints are. When you have trouble performing previously simple functions like kneeling, stair climbing and bending down, it’s time to seek help. Discover How You Can Make Kneeling and Bending Easy Again Why is knee pain so complicated, anyway? Each of your knees are not only the largest joints in your body but are comprised of two crucial connecting systems -- the first acting as a “hinge” between the thigh bone and the lower leg, and the other joining your thigh bone and kneecap.

In fact, the way your knee joints are put together allows them to move in several directions in rapid succession. That means that the vast majority of functions you need to perform each day (whether it’s getting out of bed, bending down to empty the dishwasher, crouching to tie your shoe, or simply going upstairs) are only possible when your knees canperformtheir full range of motion. Consider just one example of the interconnected functions of the knee joint. Your patella (kneecap) is designed to glide up and down within the thigh bone groove. If even a minor injury prevents that from happening, the resulting friction causes a buildup of debris, leading to inflammation, pain and crucial loss of function.

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Pittman Physical Therapy Can Help Relieve Your Knee Pain!

But a stabbing pain on the inside of your knee is a clue that a torn meniscus from injury or overusemay be the culprit. Other parts of your knee that take a beating from overuse include irritation of the tissue belowyour knee cap. This causes swelling and aching in the front of the knee. If ligaments actually tear (which can happen when you suddenly twist) youmay feel that you can’t put weight on your legs at all. How Physical Therapy Helps Your physical therapist’s assessment can refine or even replace more costly diagnostic tools, such asMRIs. Our trained professionals do this by determiningwhat your knees’ current range of motion is, along with the location and nature of the pain, swelling, or stiffness you’re experiencing. These clues allowour team to create a strategy that’s geared to your specific knee problem. Hands-on care to restore ROM and decrease swelling are the keys to solving (Continued from Previous Page)

your aching knee problems. During your physical therapy sessions, you’ll begin restoring the crucial fluid circulation in your knee joints, which ensures optimum natural joint movement. PT also builds strength in the muscles surrounding your knees, providing better long-termsupport for the complex joint system. If you’re concerned about costly and time-consuming surgery, injections or invasive tests, contact us today. The expert physical therapists here at Pittman Physical Therapywill help you resolve your knee pain issues, while also teaching you methods of protecting your knees in the future, to prevent further pain or injury. Schedule an appointment with one of our physical therapists today! Come back and continue your journey toward better health, wellness, and LESS PAIN! Contact our office today at 901-850-5246.

MARCH EVENTS at Pittman Physical Therapy • Colon Cancer Awareness Month • March 17th - St. Patrick’s Day Green Competition Let’s see who has the most GREEN on! • March 25th at 6pm - Shoulder Workshop at Pittman • March 26th - Epilepsy Awareness Wear purple with us!

Now offering Telehealth | COVID –19 Updates Due to the emergence of COVID-19, we are taking necessary precautions to prevent the spread of this virus and encouraging everyone to take action to stay healthy. While we are all changing our daily routines during this global health crisis, we want to let you know that our doors are still open, and will remain open unless we are told otherwise by our governmental leaders. We Are Open & Caring for Our Patients!

Jersey Day at Pittman PT!

Now with more tools to help you recover quickly! WEBSITE??

We had fun seeing everyone’s true colors

It’s easy to request an appointment with us online today! Simply visit

come out on Jersey Day. St. Patricks day is up next on the calendar... let’s see who can wear the most green into the clinic!

PATIENT SPOTLIGHT "Pittman Physical Therapy has been there since the beginning of my injury adventures. Recently, I attended a basketball camp with my team at Briarcrest and dislocated my knee. Previously, Pittman had helped me recover from a foot surgery, so of course I went straight to them to help me with my knee recovery. I tried not to have surgery, but if I wanted to play Basketball my sophomore season, Dr. Biggers and my PT said I would have to have surgery. I was told that I would have a 6 month recovery, but with the help of my physical therapists and the hard work I put in, I fully recovered in 4 1/2 months. I worked with Mallory, Jeff, Tessa, Maranda, and my PT said I would have to have surgery. I was old that I would h ve a 6 month r covery, bu with the help of my physical therapists and the hard work I put in, I fully r cover d in 4 1/2 months. I worked with Mallory, Jeff, Tess , Mar nda, and a few other people in the practice. I will forever be thankful for the hard work they put into helping me play the sport I love most." Gracyn Steed RACYN TEED nd a few oth r ople in the practice. I will fo ver be thankful for the hard work they pu into helping me play the sport I love most." Gracyn Steed GRACYN TEED The only thing I can say is outstanding experience in every aspect! If y u every w uld like to do some Physical Therapy, do it sooner than later. Let the pros worry about how hard to work. Don’t put it off!” - Ross T. PATIENT S OTLIGHT "Pittman Physical Therapy has been there since the beginning of my injury adventures. Recently, I att nded a basketb ll camp with my te m at Briarcrest and dislocated my kne . Previously, Pittm n ad helped me r cover from a foot surgery, so f course I went straigh to them t help me with my kn e r covery. I tried not to ave surg ry, but if I wanted to pl y Basketball my sophomore season, Dr. Biggers difficult for a while. With the help of Brad and Troy, I am b ck where I was bef re injury. Probably a little better. I tore one of the 4 quadriceps muscles from where it attaches to my knee. Standing was

PA IENT SPOTLIGHT "Pittman P ysical Therapy has been there since the beginning of my injury adventures. Recently, I attended a basketball camp with my team at Briarcrest and dislocat d my kne . Pr viously, Pittman had helped me recover from a foo surgery, so of course I went straight to them to help me with my knee recovery. I tried not to have surgery, but if I want d to play asketball my sophomore season, Dr. Biggers and my PT said I would have to have surgery. I was told that I would ave a 6 month recovery, but with the help of my physical therapists and the hard work I put in, I fully recovered in 4 1/2 months. I worked with Mallory, Jeff, Tessa, Maranda, and a few other people in the practice. I will forever be thankful for the hard work they put into helping me play the sport I love most." Gracyn Steed GRACYN TEED

GET MOVING IN MARCH 7 Activities to Help Alleviate Pain

If you have chronic pain, there are probably some times when all you want to do is lie in bed all day. It’s tempting, but it might make the problem worse. Doctors used to prescribe bed rest for back pain and other chronic pain conditions, but studies have found that people who exercise and stay flexible manage their pain much better than those who don’t. If you do have a chronic pain condition like back pain or hip, knee, or shoulder problems, you shouldn’t begin an exercise program without guidance. Check with your physical therapist first. They have the expertise to help you develop an individualized exercise program. Have a professional; a physical therapist show

you what is appropriate to do given your condition. Here are 7 activities you should do to alleviate pain: 1. Walking 2. Swimming 3. Yoga

We can help you develop a healthy, safe exercise program tailored to your specific pain, needs, and lifestyle. Call us today at 901-850-5246!

4. Tai Chi 5. Pilates 6. Stretching 7. Aerobics

I had the worst shoulder pain and was not able to move my full arm. Pittman has changed my life forever! I am now able to move my arm feeling without much pain at all. This is my second time here and everyone here knows how to take care of me. At first it was my right knee, and now it is my left shoulder. Because of the care and professionalism, I would not go anywhere else. Actually, I have spoken to folks who were in need help with their pain and highly recommended PT at Pittman. Thank you all for helping me feel so much better!

- Henry N.

Check our our website at for more great testimonials from our patients!

Try these exercises to help maintain a healthy body Exercise Essentials


“W” SCAPULAR RETRACTION Helps with Shoulder Blade Stabilization

Helps Relieve Tendonitis

Lean forward, supporting yourself with your am (as shown) or against a chair or counter and hold a free weight at your side. Keeping your elbow straight and shoulders relaxed, raise your arm up behind your body. SLOWLY lower arm “fighting” the resistance. Repeat 6-10 times on the affected arm(s).

Lie on your stomach on a bench with your arms at shoulder height, elbows bent to 90 degrees. Gently slide your shoulder blades down and then squeeze your shoulder blades together gently lifting your elbows off the bed 1-2 inches. Focus on using the muscles in your mid back.

Not all exercises are appropriate for every person. Please consult with a healthcare provider before starting.

Exercises copyright of

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Do You Have Friends/Family Unable to Do the Following? 9 Move without pain 9 Bend & move freely 9 Balance confidently & securely 9 Sit for long periods of time comfortably 9 Walk for long distances 9 Live an active & healthy lifestyle If you know someone suffering from aches and pains, give the gift of health. Refer them to Pittman Physical Therapy today. Pass along this newsletter or have them call us directly to schedule an evaluation! You will get your name in our next newsletter and you could win a $20 gift card! WIN A $20 GIFT CARD

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