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EDU ISSUE 4 Thank you for reading and sharing!

Article Are you a cook that happens to be a teacher? Click for more Do you have what it takes to sho

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EDU Issue 2 Thank you for reading!

or withhold funding if integration was refused by the schools. In 1965 President Lyndon Johnson sign

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Thank You WCC

Thank You WCC February 21, 2021 Wilmington Country Club 4825 Kennett Pike Wilmington, DE 19807 Dear

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Thank You Gift Suggestions

4 brown calf, Published: 1850 "Listen! The Wind" First Edition, Signed by Charles & Anne Lindbergh,

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Sharing Guidebook

Sharing Guidebook Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Pag

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Protect Issue 3

OTE and a valuable package of benefits • Quality leads being provided (where appropriate) • Availabi

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Hot Topics Issue 3

Hot Topics Issue 3 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Royal London 8 reasons advisers like you choose to use Royal L

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Carnaby Magazine Issue 3

shop Palace Rag & Bone Reckless Records Sandqvist Sister Ray Supreme Underground Universal Works WAH

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Protection Insight - Issue 3

protection PROTECTION INSIGHT - 11 THE RISE OF INTERACTIVE UNDERWRITING (and how it can boost client

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Investment Outlook - Issue 3

13 ‘A new Consumer Duty’ was published in May with high level proposals. The PRA will lead an evalua

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EDU ISSUE 3 Thank you for reading and sharing!

ducation emands nderstanding

From PURPOSE Education 03 ISSUE

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Welcome to EDU- Education Demands Understanding. EDU is a publication created by Purpose Education dedicated to all things education. The goal of EDU is to bring news, ideas, and awareness in the area of education and politics, focusing on K-12 education. As a lifelong educator, it is a personal and professional belief that if more people understand the realities of education, and how public schools affect society, then more change can be made. Education is what has built this country and teachers are the forgotten foundation. My hope is with every issue you read something new that sparks an idea to use in supporting education. My only request is you share EDU and any knowledge gained with the next person in an effort to support educators and students everywhere. Education Demands Understanding. Enjoy!


Be sure to check out the "reminders" at the end of this issue for parents, students, teachers, and administrators.

J .M. Cook

The essence of intelligence is extracting meaning from everyday expereinces


Note to Parents... This past year and a half has been an unexpected rollercoaster full of emotion and unimaginable circumstances. Through heartaches that produced triumphs parents, students, and teachers found a way through and are now moving toward a sense of normalcy. This trio relationship of parents, students and teachers is one of the main determining factor in student success andmust be valued as such. Part of this relationship is fostered outside of the classroom. As issues and topics arise in our communities around the country, they become conversations around our children. When discussing education, teachers specifically, in a negative light, it can contribute to diminishing the teacher-student relationship. Regardless of your personal/political/professional opinions, RESPECT of teachers should never be lost. As parents, you entrust your children to teachers every day to feed them knowledge, keep them safe, and helpmold them into self-sufficient, hardworking adults. To do that, students must look at their teachers in a respectful way and learn how to deal with problems that may arise in the classroomproperly. This coming school year will be another roller coaster full of emotions and unimaginable circumstances but if parents, students, and teachers come together the triumphs this year will be even greater! "WORKING TOGETHER FOR STUDENT SUCCESS"


Where is the money? $$ From higher education to K-12 education, money is a huge portion of the educational system. Just as people say money rules the world, the same goes for education. Since the pandemic, there have been many monetary disbursements to colleges, universities, state and local school systems. It is important to understand where that money is going and how it is being used. $$ Elementary and Secondary School EmergencyRelief (ESSER) COVID-19 Funds for Schools

From Scholastic Education Click picture to be directed to site

State by State ESSER Plans Each state that have received COVID-19 Funds had to submit a plan to the Federal Department of Education to be able to receive the remaining funds. To look up your state to see if they submitted a plan, amount awarded, and result click the link. Why is this important? It is important to knowwhere money is being spent so educational leaders are accountable and to ensure that funds are being used in the best ways to support teachers and students. Some school systems are supplying school supplies for all students, while others are expanding "Teaching as a Profession" programs in high school as well as expanding tutoring programs and improving ventilation.


School Discipline Reaches the Highest Court In Pennsylvania, a cheerleader names Brandi Levy was dealt a blow like many other cheerleaders in high school. Levy found out that she had made the JV cheerleading team instead of the varsity team and in light of this information, she took to social media and made an explicit post referencing school administrators and coaches. The school viewed the post and suspend Levy from the team for the year. In June, the supreme court ruled 8-1 in favor of Levy and against the Mahanoy Area School District school. What's going on: Why should I care?

Supreme Court Decision-Freedom of Speech

Even though Levy is now in college the result of her case will reverberate for years to come. Students love social media and it is important they learn what is appropriate and not appropriate to post, especially when it comes to school. Parents must be proactive in their children's social media presence online. School administrators have the daunting task of having to balance on and off-campus activity and what can be done at school in the way of discipline when off-campus problems occur. Parents, teachers, and administrators must be proactive in teaching students the problems that can arise with social media.

Click for full article

What is going on in Congress?

Politicians are constantly creating legislation that directly affects K -12 schools and higher learning . Although , there can be many proposals , few of them actually make it to laws . Some of the proposals are amendments to already existing laws . It is important to follow legislation to knowwhat your representatives are doing in their elected capacity . The following are links to keep up with current education legislation in the House of Representatives and the Senate .

Congress. gov




Student Loan Update

Every year the calls to cancel student debt has become louder and louder . Currently , the Biden administration has canceled 1.5 billion dollars in student loan debt for students who fit certain criteria . As of now , President Biden is weighing his options for canceling student debt by way of an executive order . According to the administration , the President wants to

be sure that if he cancels any amount of debt , it can withstand a challenge in court if the order is appealed . The President has proposed the cancellation of $ 10,000 in federal loan debt for every borrower . Other politicians are calling for a cancellation of $ 50, 000 for each individual borrower .

Click for full article

Student Loans are on hold until Sept. 30, 2021

Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Offical Site

Click Here

" Student debt is a debt owed directly to the institution . Even though it may be easy to say , " well they should just pay their bills " , it is not that simple for many people , especially during the pandemic . Student debt can lead to w ithholding transcripts also known as " transcript ransom " which can create a barrier from employment opportunities , buying a home , and attaining degrees . Schools are now starting to pay attention . South Carolina State , Delaware State , Virginia State , East Carolina University , and Clark Atlanta are using stimulus money from The Trump and Biden Administration to pay off student debts . Others schools are making policies not to withhold transcripts because of financial reasons . States are also starting to step in to prevent transcript ransom .

6.6 b illion stu de nts ca n ' t o b t a in t he ir tr a ns c ripts f rom pu b li c a n d priv a t e c oll ege s/univ e rsiti e s f or ha vin g unp a i d b ills

Click for full article

T r a ns c ript h ol d s fa ll

a lmost e ntir e ly on low-in c om e stu de nts.

Click School Seal for more

Click for State for legislation bill

California became the first state to ban withholding transcripts through legislation in public / private institutions because of student debt . Massachusetts followed behind drafting similar legislation .


Meet Raymond Adderly III, a student in the Broward County school system in Florida. Through tragedy, he has triumphed and become a leader in his school. As he embarks on his senior year of high school he is also running for a seat on his local school board. He is a role model for students around the nation and it is clear from his campaign site he has a focus on student and teacher needs. His main focuses are increasing mental health funding as well as school campus renovations. Check out the article from Florida Politics as well as his campaign website. N.E.W.S. 17 Year OldRuns for School Board *Note Mr. Adderly will be 18 by August 2022 election

From tragedy...

Raymond Adderly III

- Raymond Adderly III on lack of Mental Health resources in schools- “ If t ha t con t in u es t o persis t, w e ’ ll con t in u e t o see kids ge tt ing in figh t s . We ’ ll con t in u e t o see kids ge tt ing hooked on dr u gs in middle school t o deal w i t h t heir s t ress . We ’ ll con t in u e t o ha v e a socie ty w here people don ’t kno w ho w t o empa t hi z e ,” Adderl y said . “ When w e s t ar t making more ini t ia t i v es t o handle t hose iss u es , t hen w e ’ ll be in a m u ch be tt er place .”

Campaign Video

Florida Politics Article

Giving Back...

PharrellWilliams Opening School

Following in the footsteps of other celebrities, Pharrell Williams is now opening up a private school for underprivileged students in Virginia. The first year will be tuition-free because of philanthropy support and it will serve students in grades 3,4, and 5. The school is created as a private school as to not pull funds away from the community public schools in the area.

“ We don 't w an t locks t ep learning w here so man y kids fall behind ; w e w an t bespoke learning designed for each child , w here t he t hings t ha t make a child differen t are t he same t hings t ha t w ill make a child raise u p and t ake fligh t.” -Pharrell Williams-

Click here for more



Interviewing for a job? H&M launched a new program for those looking for a job. An interview is important and dressing the part comes with the territory. For many students and adults buying a suit can be expensive, especially if you are not already employed. The H&M rental suit program is a free 24 hr Spaces are limited and by appointment only. Click the link to the right for more. H&MGives Back

College Students and

Click the Pic for list of colleges (scroll down onwebsite) Vaccinations.... Many colleges are starting to require the vaccine for students returning to school in the fall. The list is growing every day and the best most up-to-date site that could be found was from Best Colleges. Do you have to take it?

WhiteHouse says... A ll schools open!! The White House made clear on Friday July 24th, that the administration is behind schools opening fully for in-person learning. Schools have received numerous disbursements of funds to be able to reopen safely. The administration also made clear that the reopening plans for schools is up to the state and local leaders. Mask mandates are up to the state and local school systems. Every state and system is different so check your state of education websites and local school system websites to be sure what the requirement is for your child.

Click here for article


When preparing for the school year...

A, B, C's!

Everyone needs to know their

Student Remi nders

ttitude isMost Important A

Regardless if you do not like school or do not see the importance-it is something you have to get through-you decide if you enjoy the ride!

e aware of Electronics and Social Media B

Low transmission Communication can stop problems before they happen. Start talking to your teachers at the beginning of the school year. When a problem arises you will already have a relationship and it will make it easier to solve the issue. Parent Remi nders Parenting is an ACTION verb! Parents must be ACTIVE in student learning and activities from elementary to high school. Attendance, grades, discipline, and mental health are the main areas students need parental support. ctive Parenting A - Many teachers will require cell phones and headphones to be put away during class and even hallways! Accept that NOW, so you won't get into trouble later! - Social media precautions are VITALLY important! Be aware of what you are posting and how you interact with people online- your SAFETY depends on it! ommunicatewith Teachers C

e Informed B

Be sure to stay informed about things that are going on in your school system, school, and your children's classrooms. Sign up for emails, text messages, and whatever other communications are offered to stay informed.

ommunicatewith Teachers C

Make contact with teachers before issues arise to prevent them from becoming problems. Start the year with a teacher email. State whose parent you are, and you are here to support your child's learning in any way you can.


When preparing for the school year...

A, B, C's!

Everyone needs to know their

Teacher Remi nders Teachers make accommodations for so many but never themselves. Teaching is a job that is unique to any other and self-care is one of the most important things we MUST do. Happy teachers, make happy students so accommodate yourself with the spa, a date, a hike, sporting events etc. ccommodate yourself A Shopping Discounts never hurt when accommodating yourself!

We Are Teachers Shopping Discount Site

Business Insider Guide to Teacher Discounts

NEA Member shopping discount site

Click each note to go to site

Low transmission e aware of electronics and social media B

reate success C - FromRing doorbells to student phones, video, pictures, and social media are everywhere ! Most students today have phones and love social media. Be aware you are ALWAYS being watched and many times recorded, even when you are not watching. - Be careful of your own personal posts as more people see them than you may think and things can be misinterpreted quickly and reported to your school and/or system. With every school, we always hear all students can be successful. However, there is only one way students see success and that is in the form of a grade. For some, this success may not come easy but if you find ways for students to be successful in other areas, it builds confidence and helps improve learning that results in grades. What will success look like in your classroom?


When preparing for the school year...

Everyone needs to know their A, B, C's!

Admi n i strator Remi nders "Begin with the End inMind" - Many educators have heard this line over the years from the book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, but it is more true this year than ever before. As school starts, "Begin with the PROCESS through the End inmind". COVID, discipline, safety, and grading issues should all have contingency plans for the inevitable to happen. nticipate A Do not just expect the unexpected , but ANTI C IPATE it and plan! It is good to have an open-door policy however, do not stop there. Be out and about in school as much as possible. Teachers and students should know all administrators and not just fromwhen problems arise. Be visible in the community! Parents should not just hear you say you care, but they should see that you care about their children. Education is dependent on relationships and relationships are dependent on being actively engaged. - To keep congenial relationships with teachers, be sure to proactively communicate with them. Set aside time to go and talk with teachers just to see how they are and if they need anything. - When communicating decisions, give reasons behind decisions so teachers will have a full understanding. You will never satisfy everyone, but you can professionally respect everyone through communicating properly. eActive B ommunicationwith Teachers C


Until Next time...

As many teachers parents and students are now preparing for the school year, remember this year will once again be like no other. Between the transition from virtual back to in-person to following COVID-19 guidelines, this school year has already presented obstacles and it hasn't even begun. However, with the challenges presented comes opportunities to succeed. Allow this year to start with opportunities to succeed instead of challenges to overcome. The success of this school year will be determined by the attitude in which you approach the year. It is inevitable that there will be challenges to face, and decisions made that are out of your control, but what you can control is how you react to it. In the end parents, teachers and students have one common goal..student success! It's like the old quote, "Attitude determines altitude!" Let's fly high this year!

THINK love, respect, and gratitude.