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FMN | November 13th, 2017

newperformance EVO XG 8 TECHNICAL LEADERSHIP TALENT LEADERSHIP • Dedicated North America Service Tea

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FMN | May 13th, 2019

packaging printers and converters take advantage of the flexibili- ty built into the Panorama soluti

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FMN | September 13th, 2021

18 4:26 PM Page 1 The AWA Global Release Liner Industry Conference and Exhibition 2021 in Chicago wi

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FMN | April 27th, 2020

¹§ºɤV¥–åÀj§Ñʖ͠–× ÀÍģ–만´–ʁ²¡§º¡ Êͧº×–ÍÑæ¥ÀÍ–і–²§º¡Ñʁ–ʀс姺¡ÑÀ´ÜקÀºɟ

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95711405831 0800 – Online meeting starts 0805 – Individual Introductions from attendees – quicker ro

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FMN | April 3rd, 2017

feeder system when you SPECIAL OFFER! Packaging Foundation (ICPF), which served as one of the sponso

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FMN | April 15th, 2019

Cylinder Wear and Damage Print Defects Like Dirty Print, Streaks Lack of On-going Compliance Trainin

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FMN | April 25th, 2022

21 5:52 PM Mercian Labels Enhances Cyber Security Mercian Labels has been acc

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FMN | April 11th, 2022

FMN | April 11th, 2022 Vol. 24 No. 8 An N.V. Publication Market News FLEX Serving The Flexographic P

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FMN | April 30th, 2018

na 10 April 30, 2018 Flexo Market News A MODULAR, FLEXIBLE AND EASY-TO-USE EB

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FMN | April 13th, 2020

Vol. 22 No. 8 An N.V. Publication Market News FLEX Serving The Flexographic Printing Industry In Print and Online at ®

April 13, 2020

Global Trend Report Sees Future Growth

TLMI Names Singer Award Winners At TLMI’s recent Converter Meet- ing in Austin, Texas, the association announced the winners of the Eu- gene Singer Award for Management Excellence. The Singer Award recog- nizes excellence in business manage- ment measured and defined by an established set of growth and profit- ability ratios through participation in the TLMI Management Ratio Study. This year, the awards were given to the following companies: • Fountain Valley, California-based Coast Label won in the small compa- ny category for the fifth time. •Centennial, Colorado-based Col- umbine Label won for the mid-range company category.This is the compa- ny’s sixth time winning the Eugene Singer Award. • Flexo-Graphics, Butler, Wisconsin, won for the medium company catego- ry.This is Flexo-Graphics’ second time winning the award. • De Pere,Wisconsin-based Belmark won for the large company category. This is Belmark’s tenth time winning the Eugene Singer Award.

reported by Greg Kishbaugh

T he 7th drupa Global Trends Report has been published.The results, from a survey conducted before the outbreak of the Coronavirus and the postponement of drupa toApril 2021, show a global industry that remained positive but reflected more chal- lenging global economic conditions. Packaging and functional market sectors are better placed than publishing and commercial.NorthAmerica remains dynam- ic, while confidence tends to decline in Europe and all other

regions. Developing regions are held back by concerns about political instability and corruption, while developed regions are nervous about an inevitable cyclical economic downturn.There is constant pressure on margins but increasingly the better-posi- tioned companies counter this by continual innovation. Investment plans remain strong, as printers and suppliers all recognize the need to remain competitive. The survey was conducted by Printfuture (UK) and Wissler & Partner (CH).Almost 600 printers and 200 suppliers participat- ed, providing a representative picture of all regions.

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(Cont’d on Page 4)

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FLAG Offers Coronavirus Contingency Plan

Global PrintExpo Launches As Fully Virtual Exhibition Resolve Business Management (RBM) – 30th March 2020: Resolve Business Management has today an- nounced the launch of Global PrintExpo - the world’s first Virtual Exhibition and conference facility for the printing industry. In developing this creative and in- novative concept, Show Directors Wayne Beckett and Chris Watson of RBM have utilised their long standing technical experience managing cloud based products as well as expertise in running large-scale printing in- dustry exhibitions. The show will open in June 2020. Beckett comments “We believe this is clearly the right time to launch a virtual print show, not just be- cause of the present restrictions in attending physical trade shows which will be in place for some time, but also because of the sustainability advantages and easier accessibility for visitors. We know that a lot of compa- nies are geared up for new product launches later this year and with no current trade shows, this will have a massive impact on their businesses. Global PrintExpo is designed to give suppliers a regular stream of enqui- ries throughout the year and their stand URL’s can also be used for advertising and marketing opportunities outside of the exhibition.”

The Flexo Label Advantage Group (FLAG) has been closely tracking the recent outbreak and spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). In response to the uncer- tainty coronavirus is causing for businesses, employ- ees and customers, FLAG has made a host of solutions available to members. In an effort to support its members, FLAG will be organizing and publishing a list of members that opt-in to participate in a COVID-19 support group. Participa- tion in this group will simply require a commitment to supporting other FLAG members if needed due to po- tential unforeseen impacts of coronavirus. Participat- ing will allow those members to communicate a plan of action to their customers. FLAG has instituted this contingency plan as a proactive step in preparation. A new post, titled“Coronavirus Support Group - Mem- ber Resource,” has been added to the Member Connec- tions area of FLAG’s website, located under the “PLAN” section, which will host all participating members and their contact information. Those interested in partici- pating in the support group can contact FLAG. Partic- ipants may also add their company name and location, point of contact and title, email and phone number to the newly created topic listed on Member Connections.

(Cont’d on Page 5)

Take the pain out of selecting the right product Picking the best inking system or parts washer for your pressroom can be confusing. We’ll make sure that the products you order decrease downtime, clean your parts and keep your SUHVVURRPUXQQLQJHIÀFLHQWO\ We speak your language and understand your needs. We may have 10,000 choices in our catalog - but there’s only one solution for you. You Don’t Make Money When Your Press Isn’t Running!

Flexo Market News April 13, 2020 3

drupa Trends Report (Cont’d from Page 1) Globally, 17 percent more printers described their company’s economic condition as “good” compared with those who described it as “bad”. The difference was even more pronounced among machinery man- ufacturers and suppliers, with +32 percent. However, a clear trend can also be seen: For example, after the slow recovery following the recession of 2007/2008, confidence peaked in 2017 and has been developing only cautiously since then. As always, the framework conditions of the individual markets and different re- gions vary greatly. Packaging Market Grows The packaging market is the most successful, fol- lowed by functional, commercial and publishing printing. In fact, a growing number of commercial and publishing printers are trying to diversify into the other two markets. The financial figures confirm this trend, with margins struggling in all market sec- tors. However, the active decline in sales is most evi- dent in publishing.

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In addition to its bi-weekly print edition, Flexo Market News also offers unprecented online reach for advertisers, as well. * Every ad in our print edition appears in our online edition, which includes a link back to your company’s website. • Banner ad opportunities exist at both and

Since the industry surveys began in 2013, North America has remained a dynamic market. In Europe, confidence rose until 2018, but has since declined, while all other regions have seen a decline. More printers in all regions report that they will even increase their capital expenditure in the coming year instead of reducing it.This commitment to increasing investment applies to all markets, but is again most pronounced in packaging, followed by functional, commercial and publishing printing. Most of the investments will be in finishing, followed by printing technology and prepress/workflow/print management. The industry has weathered the last severe econom- ic downturn and is expected to cope adequately with a global economic downturn, though the full effects of Coronavirus are not yet known.

• Exclusive online sponsorships allow your company to have sole ownership over online content, in addition to your ad on a web blast that goes to our readers. • Web blast sponsorships that reach our entire

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4 April 13, 2020 Flexo Market News

ket.We will also be working with various print asso- ciations around the world to produce country driven content.The conference programme will be promoted through the press and social media to make sure visi- tors keep returning to the show. Once the show goes live in June, Global PrintExpo will invest massively in promoting the show around the world to end users. Exhibitor VIP passes will be issued in the same way as traditional shows in order to drive visitor footfall. Global PrintExpo is co-locating with another popular virtual trade show which has received over 40,000 visitors since it opened in January. Global PrintExpo will be located in Hall #2 hosted on the V-Ex Virtual Exhibition platform. For more information on shell scheme packages and custom builds, please visit the www.GlobalPrintExpo. online website. SuperCorrExpo Rescheduled For August SuperCorrExpo has announced new dates for the show, which will now take place August 8-12, 2021 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

Global PrintExpo (Cont’d from Page 3)

The Global PrintExpo Virtual Exhibition will work in the same way that a live exhibition does,except that any- one can visit the show 24/7 365 days a year, from any- where in the world without the cost of flights and hotels. The 10,000m² venue and all the stands will be ren- dered out to real physical dimensions. So that when the show opens in June 2020, visitors will register and be able to navigate through the hall and visit stands, complete with 3D products, HD videos and literature downloads, generating real time sales enquiries. Exhibitors will be able to update the products on their stands with a range of interactive content that visitors can explore and download.An intuitive search interface and interactive floor plan ensures that the show is easy to navigate, and the best content is always found first. Another added advantage of a virtual exhibition is that exhibitors will be able to keep updating their stand or featuring a different product each week if re- quired.Through their admin back office exhibitors can change the content such as videos and brochures as regularly as required. In addition, Global PrintExpo will be running a monthly conference programme, where exhibitors can run seminars and demonstrations to a global mar-

Flexo Market News April 13, 2020 5

Global Flexo Innovation Awards To Return

Everything gets dirty.

Miraclon, home of Kodak Flexcel products, has an- nounced the return of the Global Flexo Innovation Awards to honor companies that are at the forefront of the transformation of the flexo industry. Christo- pher Horton, former Senior Vice President of SGS, will chair the independent international judging panel that will comprise a selection of flexo industry influencers, technical experts and CPGs. The inaugural Global Flexo Innovation awards, launched in 2018, received more than 200 entries spanning 26 countries. Entries for the 2021 Global Flexo Innovation Awards will open in June 2020. Label Summit Latin America 2020 Concludes The 17th edition of Label Summit Latin America was held March 10-11 in Santiago,Chile.Taking place in the Chilean capital for only the second time, the two-day conference brought together 499 senior stakeholders from 21 countries. Opening the conference on day one was a presen- tation on climate change and its impact on the ex- port-driven Chilean economy, given by Mariana Soto Urzúa, General Manager, CENEM Chile. This led into the next session, from Javier Ibero Ari- many, LATAM Manager at Spanish printer EADEC Chile SA, on sustainability and the circular economy. The keynote presentation was given by Askold Zim- mermann, Business Development Manager for gold sponsor, who focused on work- flow automation and transforming a converter’s oper- ational functions. The afternoon’s Southern Cone converter panel dis- cussion featured topics that included digital printing, recruiting press operators, and staying ahead of the competition. Day two of the conference featured Luis Arevalo, Packaging Engineering Director, Kellogg Company, fo- cusing on how big CPG brands can build an emotion- al connection with consumers through personalized design. Day two also included a session led by Hernán Braberman, Partner and Executive Design Director for Tridimage, whose “design playlist” presentation high- lighted visual elements appealing to each generation and how companies can take advantage of this. The conference closed with a second panel discus- sion focusing on wine label design, which highlighted sustainability and taking advantage of globalization as key to this.



6 April 13, 2020 Flexo Market News

Deadline Extended For Dow Packaging Innovation Awards Dow is extending the 2020 Packaging Innovation Awards entry deadline to July 17 due to the global im- pact of COVID-19. Submissions can still be made on the Packaging Innovation Awards website. The extension is also out of an abundance of cau- tion for the international panel of judges who convene each year for the hands-on evaluation, which Dow hopes to conduct later in 2020. Dow will continue to share updates on the Packag- ing Innovation Awards website. EXPO PACK México Canceled Amid COVID-19 Concerns In response to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic and in following the recommendations of the Mexico Ministry of Health, PMMI,The Association for Packag- ing and Processing Technologies, has canceled EXPO PACK México, which was to be held June 2-5, 2020, Expo Santa Fe México, Mexico City. Show management will be reaching out to exhibitors with further details regarding their space payments for the show in the coming weeks. Even though the in-person event is not taking place,

all of the online components of EXPO PACK México will remain available to exhibitors and attendees, via . Planning has begun on a series of free webinars on market trends (in Spanish). The first webinar will ad- dress the impact of COVID-19 on the Latin American packaging industry. AICC Hosts COVID-19 Videoconference AICC, The Independent Packaging Association, af- ter receiving several inquiries from members around the country in response to the most recent devel- opments in the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, hosted its first weekly videoconference on Friday, March 20. Nearly 400 companies participated. Several mem- bers shared the measures they are taking to keep their employees safe, their customers informed, and their operations continuing. Most of the hour-long forum was filled with peer to peer questions and answers. A recording of the videoconference and a copy of the typed “chat” that accompanied it are available at .

Flexo Market News April 13, 2020 7

Nilpeter Adapts Business To COVID-19


Sustained solutions to your most pressing pressroom concerns.

The COVID-19 remains a rapidly developing and un- foreseen global health crisis. As a reaction, Nilpeter carefully follows the directions and recommendations of local authorities. All Nilpeter facilities around the world are still op- erating with ongoing production, observing local gov- ernment and health services guidelines. Spare parts handling is fully active in normal opening hours, and Customer Care is performing 24/7 remote support and trouble-shooting from all global Call Centers. Acucote Introduces Portfolio Of Cannabis Label Materials Acucote, a pressure-sensitive adhesive coating man- ufacturer, has expanded its portfolio of stocked label material for the cannabis industry. The global legal marijuana market size is expected to reach $73.6 billion by 2027, and expand at a Com- pound Annual Growth Rate of 18.1 percent, according to a new report published by GrandView Research, Inc. Labels are used in a variety of cannabis applications including CBD Oil, Concentrates, Flowers, Edibles, Ex- tracts, Salves/tinctures,Terpenes and Topicals.

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Grief Completes Sale To Graphic Packaging

Greif, Inc., Delaware, Ohio, has completed its previ- ously announced divestiture of the Consumer Packag- ing Group business for $85 million in cash to Graphic Packaging Holding Company. Proceeds from the sale of CPG will be used toward debt repayment. Greif expects no material impact to its Fiscal 2020 outlook or Fiscal 2022 financial com- mitments from this sale and reaffirms its expectation of at least $70 million synergies over 36 months from the closing of the Caraustar acquisition. Global Paperboard Market Reaches New Heights The Paperboard market was valued at $184.64 billion in 2018 and expected to reach $273.19 billion by 2027 at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 4.5 percent throughout the forecast period from 2019 to 2027, according to a new report from ResearchAndMarkets. com. The rising popularity of paperboard packaging and the growing manufacturing industry especially in the developing economies are propelling the paper- board market growth, according to the report.

8 April 13, 2020 Flexo Market News

FPA Announces 2020 Student Flexible Packaging Winners The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) has an- nounced the winners of the FPA 2020 Student Flex- ible Design Challenge. This year’s first place winners were a team of students from California Polytechnic State University, and two students from San José State University tied for second place. FPA’s annual Achievement Awards competition rec- ognizes innovative flexible packaging from across its membership. For the 2020 competition, FPA received 40 concept outlines from some of the top packaging design pro- grams across the United States. From the concept out- lines submitted, 15 were selected to continue to the development phase. FIRST PLACE HONORS Open Sesame – Premium Dipping Sauce Student Team : Pierson Berry, Ian Jennings, Linnea Landgren, and Suzannie Marshall; California Polytech- nic State University SECOND PLACE HONORS (TIE) TouchUp Pouch – 2-in-1 Paint and Applicator Student : Jai Araujo; San José State University Doughnut’cha Know Juice Student : RosalynYasui; San José State University. Global Packaging M&A Deals Total $781.11m In February Total packaging industry M&A deals in February 2020 worth $781.11 million were announced globally, according to Global>Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16

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