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HR Transformation and Excellence Program

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Excellence Program Closure

19 was ‘ Excellence ’ and this began with an evaluation exercise to gauge our progress since 2016. W

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HR LD Developing Excellence 2020 v01.20

C1. The course context places an emphasis on professional language and skills such as email writing

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HR LD Developing Excellence v 22.10.19

C1. The course context places an emphasis on professional language and skills such as email writing

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HR L&D Developing Excellence

HR L&D Developing Excellence Developing Excellence Overview of KAUST Internal Learning Programs 1 HR

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HR L&D Developing Excellence Finalv3.1

17, periodically we will offer short breakfast sessions that aim to help us all have more great days

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Project-One-and-Pharmaceuticals-Finance Transformation

Project-One-and-Pharmaceuticals-Finance Transformation Spotlight on: Finance Transformation Global 2

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Transformation Alliance - Strategic Articulation and Fund D…

“We are very proud of the fact that we’ve been able to build trust within the community and our targ

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HR Testing

HR Testing Managing Partner Key facts: ▪ 100 years old ▪ 15 partners ▪ Over 200+ staff ▪ We are one

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HR Brochure


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Transformation Times Summer 2022

VP of CT Operations. Charles demonstrates a true love for his work. He is valued and appreciated. He

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HR Transformation and Excellence Program

Proud to be HR

Business Interviews Over 4-6 weeks

Planning Session 3 days

Kick-off Meeting 1 day

• The purpose of HR? • What HR does • How HR does it • The role of HRLT • Translating strategy into capability • Strategic workforce planning

People and Organisational Strategy • Feeding back interview findings, extract common themes • Tactics – what do we need to do, mapped against existing HR work. • Prioritise • Decide on Start, Stop, Continue • Define HR capability to deliver the plan • How will we work together


Output: • Clear

Output: •

understanding of divisional business plans Clear understanding of

Skills to translate business strategy into org capability. Planned interviews with the business divisions.

Output: •

Integrated and aligned Action Plan with next steps, time frames and accountabilities • Written input into the business strategy

the people and organisational implications

Feb 2019

April 2019

Interviews complete Interviews scheduled Yet to be confirmed


15 16 37


Build the capability of KAUST to deliver its strategy now and in the future

Empower and enable, reward fairly and help sustain a landscape where people can thrive and do amazing work

Provide simple and effective services and governance that support KAUST and protects its reputation

HR Excellence Program

‘Proud to be HR’

President’s Strategic Planning Exercise/HR Transformation

• Supporting Infrastructure Working Group, HR Realignment with the University

• How we will best support KAUST’s Organizational Goals and what capability is required

= What we do now and in the future

If we are to re-align or re-position HR we need to ensure that our HR Foundations are strong;

 Standards  Behaviors  Competencies  Knowledge/Skills  Processes and Procedures

HR Excellence Program ‘Proud to be HR’’

= How we do it

Features of the Program

 ‘ HR mony’ New HR Newsletter

 Short Development Sessions - Service Excellence - HR Professional Practice - HR Skills

 What is HR? - Foundational Training and Development Opportunities for those new to the HR Profession

 HR Excellence Model - The standards and behaviors we will need to deliver what KAUST expects from a Professional HR department

 HR CPD - Making Learning Continuous - What are our Strengths?

HR Excellence Program ‘Proud to be HR’’

HR Models and Frameworks - SHRM

LEADERSHIP • Leadership & Navigation • Ethical Practice

INTERPERSONAL • Relationship Management • Communication • Global and Cultural Effectiveness

BUSINESS • Business Acumen • Consultation • Critical Evaluation

HR KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERTISE • People • Organization • Workplace 15 Technical Areas

HR Excellence Program ‘Proud to be HR’’

HR Models and Frameworks - CIPD

• 8 Professional Areas

• 8 Behaviors

• 4 Levels/Bands/Transitions

‘ Organizations need to know what activities and knowledge they need from their HR function, how best to get them and how best to use them. Each organization is different, thereby their needs are different. It’s a case of working out what suits you best as an organization, what will bring the most business benefit and what is most cost effective ’

HR Excellence Program ‘Proud to be HR’’

HR Ways of Working - The HrABITS

We are personally accountable – we do this by ;

 Thinking ahead, anticipating issues and pro-actively seeking ways of addressing them  Taking ownership of our work and accepting the consequences of our actions and behaviors without resorting to blaming others We share and learn – we do this by ;  Proactively seeking opportunities to share our knowledge and expertise with others  Asking for help and guidance when we need it  Being open to engage in constructive debate and seek to understand others’ views  Giving and receiving feedback We communicate respectfully – we do this by ;

Actively listening to others

 Being transparent, straightforward and honest with other  Adopting appropriate body language and tone of voice when talking to others

HR Excellence Program ‘Proud to be HR’’

HR Ways of Working - The HrABITS

We are customer focused – we do this by ;

 Acknowledging and greeting people politely and courteously at all times  Making time to listen and understand people’s needs  Proactively finding ways of responding to people’s needs We use our time effectively – we do this by ;

Being punctual

  

Preparing for meetings

Using meeting time effectively

 Making considered and respectful use of an open door policy We celebrate success – we do this by ;  Creating opportunities to celebrate accomplishments  Organizing social activities together  Understanding and celebrating our diversity

HR Excellence Program ‘Proud to be HR’’

HR Competencies

HR Excellence Program ‘Proud to be HR’’

So what do all these standards, behaviors and competencies tell us about HR?

HR Excellence Program ‘Proud to be HR’’

We are all part of a ‘Profession’

That Profession expects us to, not only, set standards, behaviors and competencies but

Live them daily

Role-model them

Hold each other accountable for them

Encourage them

Develop them

‘HR will look different by July’ – Henk Kriek Feb 2019

HR Excellence Program ‘Proud to be HR’’

HR should also ‘feel’ different by July!!

Robin Roberts, ABC News Broadcaster SHRM Conference

• How HR Professionals positively touched her life

• Personally experienced the value HR can bring to the organization

• How privileged we all are to be able to work with and influence people

• Develop trust and patience

• Be a role model of the values and behaviors

“People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

HR Excellence Program ‘Proud to be HR’’

HR Excellence Program ‘Proud to be HR’’

Accountability and Ownership – HR Competence

15 Steps to Customer Greatness

HR Excellence Program ‘Proud to be HR’’

15 Steps to Customer Greatness

At your tables – how many of the 15 can you remember?

You have 3 minutes to list them

Prize for the winning table

Forfeit for the worst table

HR Excellence Program ‘Proud to be HR’’

15 Steps to Customer Greatness

1. Start with a Smile  2. Be Civil and Respectful 3. Treat Customers with Empathy and Understanding 4. Respond Promptly and Accurately 5. Be Reliable 6. Explain the process 7. Make Information Accessible 8. Be the expert 9. Anticipate the Customers needs 10.Look for ways to get to yes 11.Ensure encounters go well……. 12.Follow Up 13.Own up to mistakes with humility

14.Make relationships matter 15.That’s what we are about

HR Excellence Program ‘Proud to be HR’’

Customer Greatness – Your Next Actions

Spend a few minutes reflecting on; - How do you feel you/your team is doing against the 15 steps - The video about Maria Garcia and how little things can make a huge impact - ‘The 15 Steps to Greatness’

In preparation to discuss at your next team meeting – write down  Something YOU will commit to doing to improve the services you provide  Something THE TEAM could do to improve the services the team provides  Feedback will be requested at the next Comms meeting

HR Excellence Program ‘Proud to be HR’’

“ Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness , it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice.” Jim Collins

What will you Choose?

Mr Jimmy

Stay Great and have a Great Weekend