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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-05

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-12

), go mourning." The Epoch of Opportunity We are all aware of what tran­ spired in the Congo during

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-06

wicd According to II Peter 1:5-9, there are two types of Christians: good ones and bad ones! The New

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-09

must take over now that God has made a flop of things. The frustrated Christian is not to be pitied

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11

KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11 N O V EM B E R 1971 mmm N O V EM B E R

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-02

KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-02 BROADCASTER Featuring the Best of King’s Business Magazine FEBRUARY 1

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-04

read an article recently which stated, 'Christ is the only one man of Adam's race who is now living

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-01

KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-01 BROADCASTER Featuring the Best of King's Business Magazine NUMBER 1 J

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-08

Page 4 People J. RICHARD CHASE ish translator (A.D. 200), selected the Latin term peculiaris to tran

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-03

or by remembering Biola in your WILL. For fur­ ther information concerning WILLS and AGREE­ MENTS, p

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-07

do not under­ stand Rev. 19:19-21 and chapter 20. I thought that the Christians were taken out of th

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KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-05

MAY 1 9 7 1


N U M B E R 5


President. . .

Managing Editor. . .



Editor. . .

Biola Hour H o st. . .




E D IT O R IA L : C o m p a r is o n s . J . R ic h a rd C h a s e W O M E N ’S F E A T U R E : F r o m C a r e e r W if e to H o u s e w ife . M a x in e H a n c o c k J o c h e b e d : M o t h e r in T r o u b le d T im e s . A n d r e B u s ta n o b y



1 5

P a n e l D is c u s s io n s

2 1

P e rs o n a litie s o f t h e C ro s s . G le n n O ’N e a l

3 1

T h e A b ility to F a c e L if e L lo y d T . A n d e rs o n

3 7

Cover photograph by Orville Andrews


Second Class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Penn Litho­ graphies, Inc., Whittier, California. Address: Biola Broadcaster, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638.








Harold Penrose Director ot Development and Public Relations

Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland President Emeritus

Dr. Chase President ot Biota

Page 3


J. Richard Chase

As Christians, we ought to be profoundly thankful that our salva­ tion by Jesus Christ is above and beyond any real comparison. It does not need subtle sophistry to reveal its true importance. We might even compare salvation to some of the astounding things in the world today and still clearly recognize the wonder of God's love toward us. For instance, let us compare education with salvation. I am firmly convinced that education can achieve outstanding results; and, yet, it fails to measure up to our incomparable salvation in Christ. An indication of what education can do may be clearly seen in the life of a skilled surgeon. We are constantly amazed at what a com­ petent surgeon can do by way of transplanting organs. Kidney trans-

Comparison is one of the time- honored methods of distinguishing between two or more ideas or ob­ jects. We are all familiar with the TV and radio ads that point out the superiority of a given razor blade over that of its competitors. Some of you have seen the newspaper advertisement of a car manufac- uurer that readily acknowledges the qualities of some of its com­ petitors, but then points out the superiority of its own product. If nothing else, this at least makes the advertiser's point quite clear! Interestingly enough, one of the indent manuals on rhetoric deal- ng with comparison, suggests that you compare the item you want to set in a good light with the smallest or poorest item in its class. The object, of course, is to nake yours — by comparison — ook even greater.

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ciple role in this amazing age in which we live. As great as these achievements are, they cannot be compared to what God can do in our lives. Edu­ cation may produce a surgeon, a scientist, or an engineer; but it cannot deliver us, as Paul says in Colossians 1:13, from the power of darkness and translate us into the kingdom of His dear Son. This can only be done, as Paul observes in the next verse, through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. David indicates in Psalm 18:1-2, that the source of true strength is in the Lord. As great as the competence is that comes from a knowledge of our own skills, we can never fully face present problems or the un­ certainty of the future with just the benefits of education.

plants are becoming common­ place, and a heart transplant no longer rates the headline in our major newspapers. Isn't it astound­ ing that the physician who, as a child, had to be taught how to hold a spoon or use a fork and knife in cutting a piece of meat be­ comes a skilled surgeon through the process of education and ex­ perience. The abilities that are Cod-given are strengthened, de­ veloped and honed until the life of an individual can be extended through a skill. The same is true of the engineer. Stacking blocks correctly when he was two years old may have given him trouble, but now he may be intelligently arguing over the de­ sign of the next space module to land on the moon. Education, indeed, plays a prin­

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especially for women

As a special emphasis for Mother’s Day we are featuring two articles in this issue of special interest to the wives and mothers among our re a d e rs \ ‘‘From Career Wife to Housewife” *is an interesting account of Maxine Hancock’s experience in leaving an active career to become an ‘‘active” housewife and mother. Andre Bustanoby’s insights in the article Jochebed: Mother in Troubled Times will challenge and encourage you in your experiences with' children ana teem in r your own family.

Page 6

I started out in marriage as a “career wife." The first three years of our marriage were happily hec­ tic as my husband and I shared earning responsibilities and house­ hold chores. We taught school to­ gether, went to university together, washed floors and did dishes to­ gether. It was great fun! But from the first I knew that this would be only an interim arrangement. To­ gether, we looked forward to the time when we would become a family. Then came my first pregnancy and the great shift in roles. From career wife to housewife was quite a change, and that first year at home brought me moments of deep depression. There was a sud­ den closing in of my horizons, a growing realization that while Cam would go out each morning to pur­ sue his career, I would stay in day after day — for the next twenty years or so! And as my husband shouldered the full earning re­ sponsibility, I found myself not only washing, but also wiping the dishes. A fair enough role delinea­ tion, I realized . . . but not entirely fun. Of course, I was not the only young wife to find coping with my new role somewhat difficult. I have found that most young career women have experienced some degree of depression or disorien­ tation in the adjustment process. One young mother told me, "The week I quit work, it suddenly hit me. I was utterly dependent!" The problem of taking on a role of "utter dependence" is probably the really big jolt that comes to the career girl when she leaves be­ hind her job to become a full­ time housewife. And this depen- Page 7

From Career W ife to Housewife

by Maxine Hancock

Page 8

sound business advice such as George M. Bowman's Here's How to Succeed with Your Money (Moody Press) will form the basis for budget talk that will make sense. Although the financial adjust­ ment may be a bit ticklish, it is an obvious one—and most husbands can be made aware that the new­ ly dependent wife has the need of a household operating allowance, or access to a joint checking ac­ count. However, she may have other needs which are more diffi­ cult to communicate to her hus­ band. As long as she was working away from home every day, she had a group of adult peers who provided her with social and in­ tellectual stimulation. Now she de­ pends upon her husband for such an ordinary thing as conversation. However endearing the baby's babble may be, it does not satisfy the need of a woman for discus­ sion and the interplay of ideas. The wife may have to take the initiative in expressing her need of friendship and companionship to her husband. Until the baby ar­ rives, a carefully prepared supper can be lingered over for conversa­ tion. But candlelight and silver are much easier to idealize than to realize when baby has a 6:00 p.m. feeding—and is there a baby who doesn't? So a practical arrange- is to allow for suppertime and baby's feeding, and then give hus­ band and offspring time to romp while you do the clean-up chores in the kitchen. Hopefully, you might even get your hair combed and your face freshened up. When baby is tucked away, be ready to sit down in the quiet liv­ ing room with a starter question Page 9

dency, she gradually learns, is not only financial; it is also social and emotional. Thus it is that the time of changing from career girl to homemaker puts strains on a young wife — and on a marriage. Yet the difficulties can perhaps be lessened if they are understood, anticipated and prepared for. The wife's financial dependency is obviously a necessary adjust­ ment on the part of both husband and wife. However they may have handled finances while both were working, a couple must work out a way in which one income can be handled to the satisfaction of two people. Some couples see this problem ahead and soften the ad­ justment by using the wife's earn­ ings strictly for savings or securi­ ties and living on the husband's earnings from the beginning. When the amount of money coming in is suddenly less and the demands on it are suddenly great­ er, there are bound to be misun­ derstandings if great care is not taken to keep communications open. Because a young man may be a bit touchy about the inade­ quacy of his income, nervous and unsure of himself in his new role as a supporter, a wife may need to summon more than the usual amount of tact and grace to set the scene for free and clear-headed discussion. Probably the best time for this is prior to the wife's quitting work. A careful accounting of household costs for a period of a few months before she quits work will allow her to estimate how much she will need to meet grocery and clothing and personal expenses. The read­ ing and discussing of some good

or idea. "Well, what happened at work today?" may well only get you a grunt. But, "Have you heard any discussion on the Mid-East crisis? I read in US. News that. . . " might get a bit more interest. Just be sure to lose the TV schedule before you make this attempt, or you may be drowned out just when conversation is beginning to happen. Another way to capitalize on your husband's companionship is to have friends over—friends you know he enjoys as much as you do. Again, in the tiredness of pre­ natal or post-childbirth days, en­ tertaining can be pretty taxing; keep the evening simple and inti­ mate. Just another couple in for coffee and dessert will do — and you will probably get in on some good, interesting conversation — provided you chose interesting people to share your evening. Thoughful planning can lessen some of the A fact that is hard to realize is that your husband, going out to work every day, seeing new faces and meeting new ideas, feels lit­ tle need for an evening out. At least, my husband never did. At first I resented this. "He never seems to notice me. Never thinks of how I don't get out of this house for days on end . . . " But it finally occurred to me that I was expecting too much. I was expect- Page 10 anxieties and adjustments.

'It will be Important for you to avoid unscriptural attitudes toward your children,

Page 11

ing my husband to know my mind and to feel my eagerness for a chance to get out and do some­ thing. I gave up on that angle and, in­ stead, took the initiative. "Darling, there's a concert at the auditorium on Wednesday night that looks in­ teresting. Shall I get a sitter?" It worked . . . and when I want a night out badly enough, I know how to get it. Another adjustment that must be made is in household routines. You will learn early in the game that Parkinson's law, "Work ex­ pands to fill the time allotted for it," is never so true as in the house, where there is simply no point on the continuum of daily chores at which to say, "I'm finished." When do you find time to read, to think or to study? You will find it only at the price of discipline and or­ ganization. If you are going to keep well- informed about the world at large and your profession in particular, if you are to find time for personal study in the Scripture, you will have to decide at what level to call housekeeping "good enough" so that you have time to keep in touch. Reading can be crammed into quiet moments — while you are feeding the baby or during the baby's nap. The radio or TV can be used to maximize ironing or floor­ washing time, letting you engage with interesting ideas or learn new facts while you work. The blessing of the Bible study and music of the "Back to the Bible Broadcast" and similar programs has often been so deep that tears of joy have stung my eyes while I cleaned the house or did the dishes. A dedicated homemaker once

told me, "When my children were young, I disciplined myself not to read books so that I could get my work done." I have decided on just the opposite: I discipline my­ self to keep reading. It is impor­ tant, for the most active mind can become sterile and dry if it is not nourished with new ideas and does not grapple with real issues. In­ creasingly, as your family grows older, they will need to have you to be not only a loving and pray­ erful mother, but also one who is mentally alert and flexible. In an age when young people learn ear­ ly to respect intelligence above most other values, it behooves mothers to keep well-informed and mentally active. It will be important for you to avoid unscriptural attitudes toward your children. They are not to be seen as an inconvenient interrup­ tion of your career, but rather as the greatest of God's good gifts (see Ps. 27, 128). This, of course, will not mean that you will not often be wearied and often be exasperated with the continual de­ mands of little children upon your strength and wisdom. But you will find the challenge of putting your Christianity and your professional competencies into the crucible of twenty-four-hour-a-day life with little children more than enough to keep you on your toes—and on your knees. Before you quit work you would be wise to make some pretty firm decisions about when and under what conditions you will consider a return to work. The temptation will always be with you. The fact that you can turn your training and experience into money, get away from the strain of house and chil-

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ing "dried up" or "out of touch" is valuable to your whole family, so long as priorities are kept clear­ ly in mind. The family — husband and children—with their interests and needs must come first; then personal interests can be pursued. While the wife hammers out day by day and hour by hour her ad­ justment to her role as wife and mother, the husband goes on with his career. A woman must not har­ bor resentment at his success, his prominence, his right to go on de­ veloping a profession or career. During ch ild -bearing years, a thoughtful woman will come to realize how great and kind Cod's plan for families really is when, weary and physica lly worn by nourishing children, she can give a tender kiss to a man who, in his own way, goes out to take up the battle for bread day after day. Such recognition will be a sure antidote for resentment and self-pity. The answers to adjusting to an indeterminate suspension, or per­ haps termination, of a career are not easily found. But the woman who has chosen marriage and then has chosen to bear children will want to be sure that the answers she finds are both scriptural and sane. The ideal woman of Proverbs 31 represents a mature woman, one who has found a balance point be­ tween personal interests and fam­ ily demands, and manages them without conflict. She is a woman who is vigorous and alert—vitally concerned with the management of her household, but also inter­ ested in a home-based business of her own (v. 24), in making wise in­ vestments (v. 26), in her personal health and appearance (v. 22). Page 13

dren, resume your career — all of these will always be there to lure you back to work unless you have first established your priorities in a non-negotiable way. When secular writers like Dr. Spock urge young mothers to stay at home with their preschoolers, surely Christian mothers who are “admonished in Scripture to be "keepers at home" should be firm in their commitment to family re­ sponsibilities— remaining at home at least until the children are all well started in school. Your chil­ dren will not be the only losers in an earlier return to work for you; you, too, will miss out on the most precious and fleeting years of fam­ ily life. One of the stabilizers for me in restless moments is having a mother of grown children remind me, "Oh, enjoy them while they're little!" Or seeing mothers struggle to adjust to the "empty nest" phase of family life, and realizing that I have a full nest now — and had better make the most of it. As Christian mothers, we have the greatest matters at stake—for the preschool years are not merely the personality and character forming years, but also the prime imprint­ ing years for the Scriptures and spiritual truths. It is a responsibili­ ty for which we are answerable to Cod—and I wouldn't like to ask Him to accept a "hireling" in my place. Many professional mothers find it easier to stay in the home if they find some limited outlet for their professional interests. Some wom­ en nurse one day a week, or teach music lessons, or tutor several pu­ pils, or freelance write. Whatever outlet you need to keep from feel­

Here is a woman who makes a career of her family without slip­ ping into martyrdom over it. Small wonder that “her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her." As a teacher retired to the kitch­ en, I know how taxing the adjust­ ment can be. And I find that it is an adjustment which one goes on making—with changes to be made as each additional child joins the family. But I have found that for a woman whose interests lie in mat­ ters intellectual and spiritual, the home is an ideal place to go on growing. Boredom is not a prob­

lem—but organizing is. With dis­ cipline, however, one can go on reading, thinking, developing. Meanwhile, watching my little children develop "in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man" is a privilege I choose not to share with anyone else. I am a woman . . . a wife . . . a mother. Mine is the opportunity of grappling with the challenge of living and loving fully; of being a whole and mature woman en­ gaged in a ministry to my famliy. And that challenge is big enough for me.

Reprinted from Moody Monthly. Used by permission. Copyright 1971. Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.

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JOCHEBED: Mother in Troubled Times

by Andre Bustanoby

This is a time of great anxiety for mothers everywhere. The prospect of sons going to war is of continuous concern. Rioting and bloodshed on the campus makes even college a perilous experience. Drug abuse and venereal disease take a higher toll of the nation's youth as each year passes. But, in spite of the desperate condition of the world today, mothers do not bear a fraction of the burden that Jochebed bore.

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the boy babies in the river. Some have suggested that she put Moses in the princess' bathing place so she wou ld find Moses. Th is is doubtful, however, because under normal circumstances that would invite the destruction of the baby. Jochebed probably reasoned that no one would think of looking for the baby there. We are told that Jochebed made an ark of bulrushes and water­ proofed it with slime and pitch. Bulrushes, or papyrus reeds, grew along the riverbank 10 or 15 feet high. She probably wove a large basket out of these reeds and coat­ ed it with river mud and asphalt common to that region. Consider what this woman was up against. The life of her child was at stake. She did everything she knew to protect her child. But I am sure that she must have had a great deal of anxiety as she wove and water-proofed that basket. Would it leak? Would a water- snake slither into the basket? To avoid arousing suspicion she had little sister Miriam stand off at a distance and keep an eye on the basket. Would this little girl be trustworthy? Imagine putting your baby in a homemade basket in the water and having a little sister watch him! But this was all Joche­ bed could do. Having done all she could do, perilous as the circum­ stances were, she could commit the outcome to God. Jochebed stands as an example of a believ­ ing mother who must raise her child in troublesome times, who having done everything she is re­ sponsible for doing, before God, knows how to commit her child to the safekeeping of her God. I speak to mothers who worry

Jochebed was the mother of Moses. Mother, if you think you are raising your child in trouble­ some times, consider Jochebed's burden. According to Exodus 1 the household of Jacob, which settled in Egypt at Pharoah's request, mul- tip lie d at an a s ton ish in g rate. Years after the death of Jacob and Joseph there came to the throne a Pharoah who enslaved the Jews. He was determined not only to enslave them but also to control the birth rate of the Jew. He com­ manded that every male Jewish baby was to be thrown into the river, but the girl babies were to be saved. Evidently, Pharoah felt that the Jewish females would pro­ vide him slaves and be easy to control. In these circumstances, Moses was born (Exodus 2:1-4). The king's decree that all boy babies be killed was all the more burdensome to Jochebed because, according to verse 2, the child was "a goodly child." His very appear­ ance was so perfect and attractive it promised great things to come. This is probably the meaning of Hebrews 11:23, "By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child..." Jochebed hid the child three months, probably at home. By the time the child was three months old she found it difficult to hide him any longer. She did a strange thing. She made an ark — a little boat — out of bulrushes and put Moses in the river. This seems a strange p lace to h ide a three month old baby. I wonder if there is any connection between the hiding place and the command of the king in Exodus 1:22, to throw Page 16

Senior candidates for Mr. and Miss Biola are Karen Friesen and Chris Davis. Karen is a nursing student and daughter of Congo missionaries.

about their children today. They fret about raising their children in "these troubled times." Mother, do you think you have it rougher than Jochebed? Jochebed was able to keep her sanity by doing two things: doing all she knew she was responsible before Cod for doing, and then committing the outcome to Him. Some mothers have reason to worry about their children be­ cause, as parents, they are not do­ ing all they are responsible to do. I am a great fan of Ann Landers. In a recent column was a letter from a 16 year old that illustrates what I mean. The letter was an answer to a mother who wrote

Ann Landers that she had "had it" with her son. The 16 year old an­ swers: Here is a message for "Had It," the mother of a teenage Cop-out: Keep yourself clean. Respect old­ er people. Accept responsibility. The world does not owe you any­ thing. Get moving. Make a contri­ bution. These are the same rules I was raised by and I am 16 — a member of your son's generation. Apparently you believe all teen­ agers are alike. You are mistaken. It is obvious from your letter that you and your husband have given your son too much freedom and too much of everything. You probably feel guilty because you Page 17

have let him walk all over you. You also let him mouth off and be obnoxious. You say your son has been kicked out of two schools for smoking marijuana but you would send him to a third school if he can get in someplace. Why? I'll bet he would not have been out smoking marijuana if it was his own money going down the drain. Why make the same mistake a third time? Quit asking yourself where you failed and start to make some de­ mands on that spoiled son. Do not let him give you that old line about inheriting a lousy world. Your gen­ eration inherited a lousy world, too. It is what we do with that lousy world that counts. Smoking marijuana will not help. Lay down the law to your son, which is what you should have done years ago. If he rebels, kick him out. I know you love him, but maybe being forced to make his own way in this world will make a man out of him. That is a letter from a 16 year old. I realize that some parents are cruel to their children and do make unreasonable demands. And it is this kind of parent that gives credence to the com p la in ts of teens. But how many of you par­ ents are having problems with your children because you have failed to do everything that Cod requires of you as a parent? I have parents ask, "Pastor, pray for my child." Sometimes I cannot. How can I ask God to do for that child what the parent is responsi­ ble to do? There is a Spanish pro­ verb that puts it well: "An ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy." Before Jochebed commit­ ted Moses to the Lord she first did

all she was responsible for doing as a parent. Only then did she have the freedom to commit him to Cod's care. We read in Exodus 2:5-10 that Pharoah's daughter found the baby. The arrangement with Phar­ oah's daughter was this: Jochebed would nurse the child until he was weaned. She would be paid for it. But when the child was weaned he would be turned over to Phar­ oah's daughter. Evidently Phar­ oah's daughter, at the prodding of God, saw the same potential in Moses that his mother saw. She probably wanted to see that po­ tential fulfilled. In the East, at this time, mothers usually did not wean their chil­ dren until they were about three years old. Moses' mother had three years, and only three years, to give Moses the start that would equip him for life in the home of an ungodly mother. You can be sure that Moses' mother did not waste any time during those three years. I am sure she did not spend a lot of time watching soap operas on TV, or reading silly novels. The development of her child, Moses, was her most important task! Mother, whether you know it or not; you, too, have a deadline. Very soon that child is going to be a teenager, ready to begin growing away from home and de­ pendence on parents. What are you doing with the precious time you have with your child, now? Parent, what are you doing to help him assume the responsibility of independence? Let me make myself perfectly clear on this issue! I am not talk­ ing about cruel or unusual punish­ ment. I am not talking about kick-

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time patiently training him in Your way. Now the cruel hands of cir­ cumstance takes him away from me. Father, with clear conscience I can ask you now to watch over him and do with him what I am unable to do." I am sure that no mother wor­ ried more about her son than my mother worried about me. I was not converted until I was 17. And then four months after my conver­ sion I enlisted in the Air Force. How mother hated to sign those enlistment papers. But she did, trusting God to do what she could not do. Those four years in the Air Force were the time of my greatest growth simply because a mother, after doing all she could do to raise her son properly, let go and trusted God to do what she could not do. I say to you mothers of teenage children, that if you have done everything that God holds you re­ sponsible before Him for doing, then you should be able to com­ mit that child to Him and find peace. The thing that distresses and depresses mothers and robs them of peace more than anything else is the haunting feeling that all the years with that child to pre­ pare him for "Pharoah's house" were years wasted in self indul­ gence. Mother, I ask you to commit yourself again to the task of mak­ ing the most of your time with your children in order to avoid re­ grets in the years to come. Andre Bustanoby is Pastor of the Temple Baptist Church in Fuller­ ton, California, and a part-time As­ sistant Professor of Bible at Biola College. Page 19

ing the child out of the house be­ cause you are full of frustrations and hangups, or because he gets in the way of your living your own life. I am talking about being a firm, fair, rational, cool person who is the kind of adult a teen can admire and emulate. When the three years were up Jochebed had to turn Moses over to Pharoah's daughter (Exodus 2: 10). How would you like to have to turn your three year old over to an ungodly stranger? The Bible does not say how Jochebed felt, but she being a believer and ap­ plying God's word to her life and that of her children, must have prayed something like this: "God, I have done everything I know to do with this child. I have spent

Joyce McKeen, Miss Biola of 1970, gave her testimony at this year’s Coronation.

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Chris Davis and Marilyn Wiebe Chris, Senior Class President, will graduate in June as a P.E. Major and begin work on a ThB at Baptist Bible College. Marilyn is a Music Major, the daughter of mission­ aries, and is interested in the mission field for her future.

Page 20

Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland

Dr. Charles L. Feinberg

Dr. J. Richard Chase

light which ruled the day, and a lesser light for the night. No doubt this canopy was a great mass of material letting light through. The rays were reflected and refracted. In the daytime the sun's rays came directly through it so that it was the greater light. At night, when the sun was at the opposite side of the earth, the light was reflect­ ed and refracted causing a dusk­ like condition all night long. We are sure that this condition pre­ vailed for an unknown period of time. Certainly the naked rays of the sun never got to the earth be­ ing blocked out by this great can­ opy. This must have created a hot­ house condition prevailing over Page 21

Q. "Was the rain during the time of Noah and the great flood the first on the earth? Gen. 2:6 indi­ cates a mist. I have heard someone suggest that there was a change in the atmospheric condition which caused grape juice to ferment." A. There are some indications that this last observation may be true. Scripture does not say specifically, and we must not be dogmatic. There have been many interesting antedeluvian theories advanced. Some believe that a great canopy covered the earth, somewhat sim­ ilar to the rings around the plan­ ets Saturn or Jupiter. The fact re­ mains that no one really knows. We read that there was a greater

most of the surface of the earth, except for the north and south poles. Here there was practically no pull from the earth from the horizontal point of view. This fas­ cinating condition would cause a moisture to go up from all the wa­ ters on the surface of the earth. This watered the world during that period of time. Do not ever minimize the mir­ acle of the flood which God per­ formed at this time. He saw to it that the rain descended to the earth from above and that the wa­ ters came up from deep in the earth. Both forces worked togeth­ er in this cataclysmic event. There had never been a rainbow prior to the flood. When this great canopy

crashed to the earth we find rain with its attendant seasons. It is reasoned that fermentation would not take place before the flood be­ cause the rays of the sun could not reach the earth in full strength. Noah did not know anything about chemistry. The juice before the flood was pure and delicious. Lat­ er, when he partook of it, he got drunk. Consider another point. Before the flood a man would live hun­ dreds of years. Decay was much slower in its process. After the de­ luge man's lifespan dropped re­ markably. We simply say that this is a possible explanation of a lot of things discussed in the early chapters of Genesis.

Col. John Ft. Stanley (USMC) was named Biota’s Alumnus of the Year at the Alumni Banquet on February 19. Adrian House (right) Director of Alumni, is shown congratu­ lating Col. Stanley. Page 22

Q. Wichita, Kansas. "How do you explain Isa. 45:7? The concept of created evil concerns me. If there had been no devil in the begin­ ning, all sin could have been avoided." A. Cod, in His loving grace and sovereign mercy, has not been nor would He ever be, responsible in any sense for sin coming into the world. Man was created with a hu­ man will so that he might choose between good and evil. When Lu­ cifer was created, he was perfect, as were Adam and Eve in the Gar­ den of Eden, before their tempta­ tion and degradation. With the verse you have mentioned we might translate our Lord's saying, "\ form the light and create dark­ ness; I make peace and I create trouble or adversity as a judgment upon sin." You see the purpose here of wretchedness and dark­ ness. We do not know for a fact that if there had been no devil in the beginning, all evil could have been avoided. No doubt evil must have existed as a possibility along with goodness. Cod created all things good. No, Cod did not cre­ ate evil. He would not work at cross-purposes with Himself. Then, why did the Lord allow such things to happen? Someday when you are the most despondent, thinking this world is an unutterable mess, remember one thing — it will pre­ serve your sanity and balance. In spite of all the imperfections in the world, an infinitely wise, and loving and compassionate God saw this plan of His was the best and only means of bringing glory to His name (Rom. 11:36). Many times there are questions that with our human mind and limited view we cannot begin to fathom. This

should bring us even closer to our most valuable possession in life, namely faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Q. Fresno, Ca lif. "Wou ld you please explain the passage in John 6:54-57? Does it have to do with communion?" A. In its broad context this chapter deals with our Lord Jesus feeding the 5,000. Having pacified their physical hunger He tells them of a more important need which He can fulfill. The positive assertion comes, "I am the bread of life." Here He contrasts Himself to the manna that the Jewish fathers ate in the wilderness. When they par­ took of it they still eventually died. He points out that He is "the living bread." He promises that if any man would "eat of this bread he shall live forever". The reference here is not to some physical nour­ ishment. He refers to the fact that He would give His perfect, peer­ less body as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. The people there could see only the physical inter­ pretation. They could not under­ stand how they could eat flesh and blood and live forever. Jesus testifies, "He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in Me and I in him." That is the se­ cret. It is a spiritual, mystical rela­ tionship. It does not refer to our communion. The Scripture cannot be twisted to mean His physical body. As a matter of fact, there is nothing in John's gospel at all that deals with the institution of the Lord's supper. In John 13:2 we have a celebration of the last pass- over but this is not the institution of the last supper. This is found in Matthew 26, Mark 14 and Luke 22. Page 23

salvation is a once-for-all transac­ tion. Q. Holstead, Kan. "In Gen. 1:1-2 as well as Jer. 4:23-26 we see that the earth was without form and void. Was all of this because of God's judgment on fallen angels?" A. We might also inject Isa. 45:18, too. The description which we read speaks of total desolation. There are some very good Bible students who believe that between Genesis 1 and 2 the creation became cha­ otic. We do not believe in the evo­ lutionary concept that things go from bad to better. It is just the opposite. There is an abnormalistic trend in history. There is a very good footnote on page 752 of the New Scofield Bible. It is too long to quote here, but deals very well with the subject. The Hebrew ex­ pression for "without form and void" is used to describe condi­ tions about Cod's judgment upon sin. Such a prehistoric, divine judg­ ment would throw some light on Satan's fall (Isa. 14 and Ezk. 28). The fact remains that what hap­ pened between Gen. 1:1 and 2 no one knows for sure. It could well be, however, Cod 's judgment upon the sin of Satan and the de­ monic forces who followed him. Q. Fremont, Calif. "If Paul were writing a letter to the church at Fremont, as he did to the other particular cities, to which church would he write?" A. That is a question we have never been asked before. In Paul's case, when he addressed his Epis­ tles, there was only one church in each community made up of born- again believers. Such is not the case today! The actual situation is

It is a feature of the synoptic gos­ pels. Q. Denver, Colo. "What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Is it possib le for a born-again Christian to commit this sin?" A. This is found in the 12th chap­ ter of Matthew (vrs. 31ff). There are many good Bible students who are divided in opinion on this sub­ ject. One had been brought to Christ possessed of a demon. He was blind and dumb. The Lord healed him so that the man was given back his natural functions. The people were amazed. They could not understand His power. The Pharisees immediately attrib­ uted His abilities to Satan— Beelze­ bub—the prince of devils. Christ reasons, "Why would Satan want to cast out himself? He would work at cross-purposes." It is our convic­ tion that the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is ascribing to Satan the works of the Holy Spirit. This is exactly what the Pharisees had done. We do believe that there is a dispensational aspect to this pas­ sage. The other interpretation of this passage has to do with those who steadfastly refuse to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. In the final analysis such rejection of Cod's free gift of love can never be forgiven. When such happens a person literally con­ demns himself to eternal perdi­ tion. We do not believe that a child of Cod, regardless of which view is held, could ever commit this sin. Christians may deny the Lord, and even betray Him on oc­ casions, but they do not blasphe­ me against the Holy Spirit. True Page 24

David Perry and Peggy Patterson, Homecoming Court candidates from the Sophomore Class. Dave majors in Latin American Studies and Peggy is an Art Major. Page 25

that the Scripture is finished and complete. There is no need at this point for a letter to a church at Fremont or any other city. There are sufficient Scriptures to which we can, and should, give heed which will provide us our guide­ lines for daily existence. Q. Pasadena, Calif. "Is there any Scripture that can give us hope for life after death?" A. It has been pointed out that there are untold precious prom­ ises in the Word of God. Not one of them, however, belongs to an individual outside of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is definite hope after death to the child of God. To those who have never made this most important decision of life there is nothing more than can be expect­ ed than eternal damnation. Let us take the positive side and suggest such passages as John 14:1-6; I Thess. 4:13-17; I Cor. 15:51-58; John 3:16-18; 10:27-30; 11:25-26, and so many, many others. Yes, there is more than ample Scrip­ tural hope and evidence for us to be well assured of life after death! Q. San Mateo, Calif. "What aids to Bible study would you suggest a person to secure which would help in their initial study of the Word of God? Also, I have a friend who has studied science of the mind for about 50 years. She has come to the conclusion that Christ has already returned to the earth. How could this be, and how can I help her to see the truth? I also would like to know where Cain got his wife." A. It is most encouraging to hear from one who is anxious to study the Bible more thoroughly! If you live near our La Mirada Campus Page 26

we have a well-stocked bookroom. Of course, any of these materials can be ordered by mail. C.H. Spur­ geon said, "Any person who de­ clares that he does not read other people will not be read himself!" In other words, do not be afraid of commentaries written by good and godly men. For a first volume, add to your library the work of Jami­ son, Faucett and Brown. If you can afford it, the four-volume un­ abridged edition is even better. It would be a good investment. The comments in here are based upon the original text, and can be relied upon. Then there are the eight vol­ umes of Ellicott on the Bible for English readers. This has been done by a number of scholarly men. The third set to secure would be. Lange's Commentary. This has many more volumes treating the texts gramatically, doctrinally and theologically. It is very well done. As to the subject of science of the mind we can see the danger when one arrives at the erroneous conclusion that Jesus has come back already. Christ said in John 14:1-3 that He would come again and receive us unto himself "that where I am there ye may be also". This has certainly not happened! There is no Scriptural authentica­ tion for the thought that our Sav­ iour has already returned to this earth (I Thess. 4:13-18). As to your last question, Cain got his wife from among his sis­ ters. Adam and Eve, following the birth of Cain and Abel, had other children. The proof is found in Cen. 5:4 where we find this fact. Someone may then ask, "Is that Biblical for a man to marry his sis­ ter?" In Exodus it is absolutely for­ bidden to marry too close a blood

relationship. How could the human family begin from two parents and their two sons if it had not been in this way? Keep in mind, too, there had not been the centuries upon centuries of sin and degrada­ tion in the human race as we know it today. Q. Renton, Wash. "/ have won­ dered about the age of the earth. I assume that the Old Testament covers a period of about 4,000 years, while the New, including this present, may engulf 2,000. The last final 1,000 years covers the millennium. This would make the earth about 6,000 years old now. Scientists, however, declare that evidence shows animal life exist­ ed billions of years ago. I need to help explain this to my children. I have used II Pet. 3:8 which tells us that a thousand years is as one day with the Lord." A. The passage you have cited shows us that the Lord is infinite and eternal, not subject to time or space. The reference has nothing to do with the days of creation in Genesis. It is not a correct assump­ tion to hold that the Old Testa­ ment covers a perid of 4,000 years. The dates found in the top margin of many Bibles were added by Bishop Ussher of England who lived several centuries ago. His computations were based on genealogies. As more manuscripts of ancient days have been discov­ ered we see that there were other generations, without any particular spiritual significance, which were not included in the Biblical record. Some good Bible scholars be­ lieve that there could have been, for example, a vast time period be­ tween the first two verses of Gen-

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esis lasting thousands of years. We are assured, however, that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Never lose sight of that all-important fact. Scientists may be right in saying that there were great prehistoric animals which lived hundreds of thousands, and perhaps even millions, of years ago. This would be a pre-Adamic age, before the period of the re­ construction shown in verse three. They were destroyed so far as life was concerned. Their fossil re­ mains were hidden in that condi­ tion of destruction. No, the book of Genesis goes back much further than 4,000 years. As to a declara­ tion that the earth is billions of years old, that is simply a guess at very best. Such a figure is what they have to use in order to teach an evolutionary hypothesis. Q. Bakersfield, Calif. "Why does a certain preacher keep having us repeat Luke 16:16?" A. Without knowing the pastor and what his motivation might be, it would be difficult for us to an­ swer. Knowing the verse involved it would appear that this minister is interested in seeing souls saved. This is not only the opportune time, but also we are to offer sal­ vation to all men without any cov­ etous thoughts. In the context, the Lord has been rebuking the Phar­ isees on this point. This is the hour of opportunity (II Cor. 6:2). This is a wonderful chapter, by the way, on money. There are two marvel­ ous parables here on how and how not to use money.


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Page 28

Q. Long Beach, Calif. "How does an unbeliever become a believer? The only tools I have to work with are the brain and mind with which I was born. If God wants me to be a believer, should not He have giv­ en me a different brain and mind?” A. What God has given you, no matter who you are, is absolutely all you need to be saved. Our eter­ nal destiny is not determined upon how clever or brilliant we may be. It is totally what Christ has done for us, and our willingness to ac­ cept His free gift by personal faith! God has given you a free will to make whatever choice you may desire. You are not an automaton butare capable of coming to God, or rejecting His Son. Q. Fallbrook, Calif. "In Matthew 21:43, Christ is speaking to the Jews. He told them, 'The kingdom of God is taken from you, and giv­ en to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.' What and where is this nation?” A. Some people would have us believe that there is not going to be any kingdom for Israel. That is entirely wrong. Again, consider the context. Christ has been speaking to the scribes and Pharisees. The kingdom of God in that sphere where genuine faith has been ex­ ercised. We see that in John 3. There is a sense in which the king­ dom of God includes all willing as well as unwilling beings. He is the universal Sovereign in the soteri- ological sense. One enters the kingdom of God only by being born again. The Pharisees were not in this kingdom. They had rejected Christ. The kingdom was now to be given to the godly in Israel and to godly Gentiles. Neither in the

Dr. Israel Carmona using overhead projector lor a class lecture.

present age nor in the future mil­ lennium is the Kingdom of God the exclusive possession of either Is­ rael or the Gentiles. Acts 1:6 clear­ ly shows that there will be a literal restoration of an earthly kingdom to Israel. It will be when the Son of man comes back and sits on the throne of His glory. Today, by faith in Christ, both Jew and Gentile are considered a spiritual nation (I Pet. 2:9). Page 29

a reflection of our culture and so often shows the sickness pervad­ ing our society today. If we would have strong Christians then let us not feed them on empty husks or even pablum. We realize there are differences between modern music. People want us to get used to it. If this is our destiny then we are involved in situation ethics. We know that some of the modern songs do have musical value, but there is not nearly enough emphasis on the message of salvation. The Gospel is good news! Let us emphasize that. The passage about which you have asked has to do with long hair. The Scripture reminds us that nature itself teaches us that long hair is a shame to a man. We see behavioristic attitudes heading for a single sex in many areas of life, such as clothing. It is interesting to realize that anthropologists have studied hundreds of different cul­ tures. In each case they have point­ ed out that their decline was di­ rectly attributable to this lack of distinction between male and fe­ male. Some may call us old fash­ ioned, but we may as well face facts.

Q. San Jose, Calif. "Should we be­ come involved in the war in the Middle East? With our policy of 'no win', we might be doing more harm to Israel by sending our boys there. One of my friends, who is a Jew, was asking how far we should go in criticizing the lews when we know God says He will hurt those who hurt His people? I love the lews, and I believe the Word of God. But what should be our stand?" A. As to our involvement in the Middle East dispute, we believe this is a governmental decision. We do owe help to the Jews be­ cause we have promised to help them, and we know the hate and envy which causes her enemies to seek her total destruction. They are God's chosen people. The promise of blessing and cursing cannot be bypassed. Just look at the decline and fall of nations and empires which have sought to bring her ruin. We do not agree to the policy you have stated of "no win". It is wrong in every way. We, with you, love the Jews, and we, too, believe the Word of God! This is not to minimize the Arabs in their plight. We must be sensi­ tive to all needs which are in­ volved in this respect. Q. *7 have been concerned about our modern music. Sometimes singers will use words of Jesus but how can such a thing be pleasing to Him, especially in churches? Also, could you clarify I Cor. 11: 14?" A. We should be concerned about what is known today as modern "music". It is often difficult even to understand the words. Music is

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