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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201801

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201807

Vitality to find it! [ Throw new fruits and veggies into the mix. ] There’s a good chance you’ve onl

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201811


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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201809

afternoon tea & lunch provided) • Group Dinner Friday, 16 November 2. 1. Two ways to qual ify as ful

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201611-201612


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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201805

BusinessCenter under News &Meetings. If you’d like to host an event, talk to your Regional Sales Spe

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201605-201606


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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201609-201610

beliefs you know they value. This shift in attitude also matters to your customer too. As the saying

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201607-201608


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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201709

09 In January 2009, Christian flew to Melaleuca headquarters for the semiannual Road to Executive Di

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201803

Penguin, 2011). 2 Michael Schein, "Stop Studying Success Gurus. Do This Instead,", May 5, 2

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Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201801


January 2 0 1 8 LEADERSHIP IN ACTION | B U I L D I N G Y O U R B U S I N E S S |


Melaleuca’sNewest EXECUTIVEDIRECTOR3 Sharlene LESA

E N H A N C I N G T H E L I V E S O F T H O S E W E T O U C H ®

LEMON & MINT ICE TEA Refreshing Recipe

2 Melaleuca Lemon Tea Bags 4 cups of water 1 cup fresh mint leaves 1 lemon, sliced 1-2 cups ice cubes Bring 4 cups of water to boil in a saucepan. Add in Melaleuca Lemon Tea and mint leaves.Let sit for 5-10 minutes. Add mint leaves into saucepan and let sit for  5 minutes. Discard tea bags and then refrigerate. Serve with lemon slices and ice.

Melaleuca staff have raised $1,000 for The Smith Family in time for Christmas. The donation will contribute towards giving Australian children living in poverty the joy of a proper Christmas.


January 2 0 1 8 LEADERSHIP IN ACTION | B U I L D I N G Y O U R B U S I N E S S |



E N H A N C I N G T H E L I V E S O F T H O S E W E T O U C H ®


Childhood is full of adventure, so sometimes that means accidents happen. Try MelaGel , a soothing balm that helps heal and relieve bug bites, minor burns, and scrapes, so you can address all their little ouches.


January 2 0 1 8 LEADERSHIP IN ACTION | B U I L D I N G Y O U R B U S I N E S S |


Melaleuca’sNewest SENIOR DIRECTORS Anaise & Sione SAAFI

E N H A N C I N G T H E L I V E S O F T H O S E W E T O U C H ®

Getting on Track with Life


Life does not wait for us! It continues to go on whether we are ready for it or not. Our bodies get older…our children grow up…birthdays go by… time goes on. We cannot stop it—in fact, the older we get, the faster time seems to go. Time is our most precious commodity because it is the stuff life is made of. To waste time is to waste life itself. While I’m quite positive that there will be a life after this life, I’m not really sure what it will be like. And I don’t believe we can count on being able to catch up in “the next life” with everything we wanted to do in this life. To me, that means we need to be really careful with how we use our time here and now. One of the greatest tragedies I can imagine would be for someone to come to the end of their life and realize that they had not accomplished the purpose for which they were born. I cannot imagine a worse hell than that! Once

our time is used up, there is no way to get it back; there is no way to redo or relive the time that we have spent. We can change before it is too late, but we cannot go back. What a wonderful time to be alive on this earth! Our lives are so much better than if we would have lived just 100 or 200 years ago; we have so much more opportunity than those who lived then. Life is more convenient and more pleasant. We live in this great age of jet travel, television, electric heat, microwaves, the Internet, and mosquito repellent. The opportunities of what we can do with our lives are boundless. I believe that access to these opportunities gives us more responsibility than those who have lived decades or centuries before us. I can’t think of a more wonderful time to live. I really want to make the best of it! We have all experienced key moments in our lives when we have

“As long as our motivation for change is love for others and a desire to do good, we can accomplish great things.”


decide to change what we do and who we are. As long as our motivation for that change is love for others and a desire to do good, rather than anger and vindictiveness, we can accomplish great things, and we can experience dramatic changes in our lives. Many people avoid the experience of taking a self-assessment; perhaps they feel it would be too painful or they worry they will not like what they see or that it might be too late to change. To go through life without taking a look at the map might give us a sense of security: “If I don’t look at the map, I won’t know how lost I really am.” But such an attitude means we will also never end up where we want to end up. The other attitude—“I just can’t get there from here”—is also very likely untrue. We can almost always get there from here; we just have to be willing to pay the price. And the price is almost always making a change inside ourselves. Procrastination is the greatest enemy of success. The idea that we can always do it tomorrow keeps us from ever getting started. Tomorrow never comes! If you want to do it, do it today! Now is the time! Take a look at your map! Do not delay any longer. To wait any longer is wasting your life. Push the button. Flip the switch. Get on track with your life today!

to get back on track, and start out immediately in that direction. And although we can also easily get off track again just as fast, we can stay on track with our lives if we have some method of continual self-assessment. When we assess our lives and determine things are not how we would like them to be, we have a choice: we can blame everyone else, lament our circumstances, and wish everyone else would change; or we can take charge of the only thing that we really have control of—ourselves—and

given ourselves a wake-up call and decided to get pieces of our lives back on track. Those are great moments! Without them we could wander great distances from the road we want to be on without even realizing we are off the pavement. The wonderful thing about these moments of redirection is that no matter how far off track we have gotten, we usually do not have to take time traveling back to our desired road. All we have to do is press the button inside our souls, decide






J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 8




HOWTOREACHYOUR GOALS IN2018 .............................................................. 5

EXECUTIVEDIRECTORS ..................................... 9

SENIORDIRECTORS ............................................ 13

WHAT'S YOUR ELEMENT ? .......................... 19

THE PHYSIOLOGYOF DISAPPOINTMENT ............................................... 25

STRAWBERRY FIBRE FREEZE A summer slushie that's full of fibre goodness the whole family will love!

MEET OUR NEWEST SENIOR DIRECTORS Hear from these amazing Marketing Executives, Anaise & Sione, Olioni and their journey to Senior Director.

RECOGNITION .......................................................... 29




EXECUTIVE Melaleuca presents

LEADERSHIP COUNCIL THE EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Melaleuca is focused on understanding and helping enhance the lives of our customers. The voice and collective experience of our Executive Leadership Council are integral to the process; the Council guides us to make informed decisions that help positively impact the lives of customers, and the growth of our market.

Bj Vaughan QLD

Yvette & Justin Brewin SA

Carole Sellar SA

Karen & Matthew Buttery VIC

Hayley & Ben Harding SA




mission. Every practice we recommend, every Critical Activity, is founded on years of research and real-life results. It’s one of the reasons our growth continues to accelerate even after 32 years in business. And it’s allowed thousands of Marketing Executives to make lasting changes and achieve success. The first step in making a change is to schedule a block of time to sit down and write out your goals for 2018. Don’t just think about it. Schedule it. What gets scheduled gets done. Be specific. Be bold. Decide for yourself what’s important to you and why. What is your destination in 2018 and what will it take to get there? Are you willing to do it? This year, make plans for life. Several years ago, I had the rare opportunity to go on a morning run with Mark Allen, a six-time Ironman Triathlon World Champion. His last championship came at age 37, making him the oldest winner of the event to date. ESPN named him “The Greatest Endurance Athlete of All Time.” During our run, Mark asked me a profound question, “What does your goal expect of you?” I’ll never forget his question because it brought everything into focus. Part of Mark’s story included him making the decision to do what his goal expected of him. This decision resulted in a complete shift in his mindset, training, and nutrition. It also led to SIX World Championships! I would encourage each of you to ask that same question. What does your goal expect of you? Ignore any doubts or fears and instead focus on the things that could go right. Then use these proven practices to help you reach your goals.

It’s amazing how fast 2017 has gone by. With every passing year, time feels like it accelerates. I love this time of year because we’re on the verge of possibilities. I know I can do even more with my life. I find myself asking, “How I can do better and be more? What do I want to accomplish?” My time on this earth is finite. I have goals I want to reach, people I want to help, and lives I want to touch. I want to continue to make the world a better place by improving myself, my family, and my community. 2018 will be different than other years. I want to be more intentional in my preparation for another year. This year, I will. I love what I do. One of my favorite things in my role at Melaleuca is being surrounded by examples of leadership in action. Leaders who are committed to changing their lives and the lives of others. Jim Rohn said we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. I believe that, and I count myself lucky to work with amazing Melaleuca leaders across North America each and every day. At Melaleuca, we’ve put a lot of thought and research into how we can help people reach their goals. After all, it’s our

Darrin Johnson, Senior VP of Sales




Teaming up is one of the best steps you can take to achieve your goals. In fact, studies show that having an accountability partner is even more important than having a mentor! In Melaleuca, we’ve found that Marketing Executives who partner up have a significantly higher success rate than those who try to do it alone. Other studies show this is true for lifestyle changes, health improvements, and achieving lasting success in virtually any category.

Whether you’re trying to improve your health or build your business, you’ll find greater success taking daily action than you will doing a marathon session one day a week. Part of this is because daily action establishes a habit. You no longer have to fight a mental battle with yourself before you put on your gym shoes or pick up the phone. Instead, you simply follow your established routine. Consistently adding names to your contact list, setting appointments, and sharing the Melaleuca Overview are the precise consistent actions you need to take if you are serious about reaching your goals.



Don’t just write down what you want to have happen, write down how you will feel when it happens. If you want to lose weight, visualise the day when you reach your goal. For example, “It’s March 31. When I step on the scale in the morning, I am 10 pounds lighter. I feel great. My clothes fit better than ever. My family notices that my face looks thinner, and my friends tell me I look younger.” If your goal is to reach Senior Director, visualise yourself walking across stage at Convention 2018 as a new Senior Director. Is your heart pounding as you walk across the stage? Maybe you step off stage and see a text from your daughter telling you how proud she is. Build that moment out in your mind and then write it down. Keep it somewhere you will see it often and take the time to read it regularly.

It’s true what they say. If it were easy, everyone would do it. Five years ago, I started doing CrossFit. I like the movements. They combine functional exercises from gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing, and more to help you improve your fitness in ways that benefit you every day. I like how my accountability partner, Sam, challenges me to do more than I ever thought I could. I like how supportive the CrossFit community is to me. I like how every workout is an opportunity to get just a little bit better than the day before. And most of all, I like how every workout gets me way out of my comfort zone. That’s the point. Having a goal that challenges you and stretches you is part of the reason why you set goals in the first place. We often let external factors be our excuse for not reaching our goals when in most cases we stop ourselves before we even start. Here’s a tip: If the goal you’re thinking of scares you and makes your palms sweaty, you’re close. Break through your own beliefs about what is possible. Whether it’s a food diary, a contact list, or a financial log, virtually every goal you take on will benefit from recording and reviewing your progress. Tracking helps identify weak points in your action plan. It helps you acknowledge the true amount of effort you’re putting towards your goal and allows you to better adjust and plan for the future. When you combine tracking with reporting to your accountability partner, it adds an extra layer of positive social pressure that motivates you and encourages choices that will move you closer to your goal. And make it visible. Post a note on your bathroom mirror. Take a photo and make it the screen saver on your smartphone. TRACK YOUR PROGRESS


Few things will kill joy and stop your progress as fast as comparison. It doesn’t matter how fast anyone else advances to Senior Director or loses five pounds. As long as you keep doing the activities that are proven to work (like the Critical Activities) , you are going to achieve success. It might happen faster or slower than those around you. That’s okay. Other people’s success has no reflection on you, your abilities, or your potential. Stay focused on YOU , your goals, and your pace. It’s your life.



MAKE 2018 your best year yet!

So, as we move into 2018, what are you going to do? If things didn’t go too well in 2017, if you stayed comfortable and let fear prevent you from achieving your goals; will you repeat it in 2018? Or, will you set a goal right now – get uncomfortable – and work towards achieving it every day of 2018? Hayley Harding, Sharlene Lesa, Esther Tevega, Siutaka Vaka, Asenita Tiseli, Moana & Sonasi Samita, Ofa Wright, Anaise & Sione Saafi and Olioni Tuionetoa have all proven that normal, hard-working people can advance to Senior Director. In 2018, you can too. Set a goal now and good

This year… I will. Our 2017 convention theme was, in my opinion, a very strong one. A great deal can be accomplished in a year. At convention I committed to helping you write a new story for Melaleuca in Australia and New Zealand: “… We’ll double the size of the business by the end of 2018 … we’ll develop 44 new Senior Directors … then, we’ll lead and dominate the direct sales industry …” I have to admit it, when I was making this announcement, I was apprehensive – even scared. Getting out of your comfort-zone is, well, uncomfortable and that’s why so many people don’t do it. We fear failure and embarrassment, and what people might say about us, just the thought of standing up and telling people what we are going to do is petrifying. So, we don’t do it. It’s easier to stay comfortable and safe even though we beat ourselves up for not achieving our potential. From my experience though, reality is far better than what we imagine. Once you get over the sweaty palms and butterflies in your stomach and make a no-matter-what

commitment everything flips – it becomes more uncomfortable to NOT be working towards your goals, the fear of failure and embarrassment become your friend - they drive you towards your goal! This can be a scary place to be but as you move past your fears and disappointments something almost miraculous starts to happen: little-by-little, you become successful. In 2017 alone Melaleuca Australia and New Zealand, a 17 year-old established business has grown by a truly amazing 34%. As you know, we only grow when you are advancing your businesses and it has been incredible to see almost 1000 advancements in 2017 … remarkable considering we had less than 200 advancements in 2016! Not only that, we’ve seen nine brand new Senior Directors this year putting us well on our path to 44 by the end of 2018. It didn’t happen all at once, and initially I didn’t know if it would happen at all but I’m glad I kept believing and working – so many people have benefitted from the Pacesetter Senior Director strategy!

luck with achieving it this year. Best wishes for the year ahead,

Yours truly,



''It’s easier to stay comfortable and safe even though we beat ourselves up for not achieving our potential''






“I forget about myself and focus on the Melaleuca mission of helping others reach their goals. That has not changed since I started building my Melaleuca business. Leadership by example is all about helping, guiding, supporting, and teaching.”

Real money, enhancing lives.


To quote Lisa Nichols, “When

your clarity meets your

John F Kennedy once said “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” Leaders like new Executive Director 3, Sharlene Lesa, never stop learning because they know life never stops teaching. “My journey from Director to Senior Director to Executive Director was a journey of learning, development and problem solving where it was crucial to remain focused on the Mission Statement of the company, to build relationships with people, and help them reach their goals,” says Sharlene. “Furthermore, I knew I had a responsibility to educate and inform people on safer alternatives to the products they were used to purchasing in stores.” One thought leader that has inspired Sharlene is Lisa Nichols, who transformed her own life from public assistance for her family to leading a multi-million dollar enterprise. “I saw many parallels between Lisa’s life and mine, and I thought if she could break free from poverty and lacking to a life of abundance, then so could I. Anyone can with the right mindset, belief and determination. What we do with our gifts determines our life experience.” conviction, and you add action to the equation, your world will begin to transform before your eyes.”

Day to day, Sharlene goes through her contact list, adding names to it, setting appointments and doing those things consistently, so that her calendar is always full with presentations, enrolments and training of new business builders. “I forget about myself and focus on the Melaleuca mission of helping others reach their goals. That has not changed since I started building my Melaleuca business. Leadership by example is all about helping, guiding, supporting, and teaching.” Sharlene’s income has given her options and choices in life, as well as peace of mind because she no longer worries about bills in her mailbox. Her income has also allowed her to support her favourite non-profit organisations that help the homeless and the poor.

With a goal to become the first National Director in Australia and New Zealand in the next 12 months, Sharlene says the strongest basis for anyone’s success is knowing their “why” and believing in themselves. To quote Lisa Nichols, “When your clarity meets your conviction, and you add action to the equation, your world will begin to transform before your eyes.” “When I caught the vision of the blessings that I would receive from this company, my vision was clear and I was committed and I truly have seen my life transform into something better and bigger than it was 12 months ago. I’m truly grateful to my Heavenly Father for my many blessings and for giving me this vehicle and allowing me the opportunity to bless the lives of other people.”


senior director Real income enhancing lives





“The formula is simple – help others advance, and you advance. It’s a team effort so knowing you've progressed by helping others is very satisfying.”


“To build a solid foundation for my business, my goal has always been to ensure everyone receives quality training, mentoring and help with goal-setting, and this will continue.”

“Do something today that your future self will thank you for” is a philosophy Esther Tevaga lives by. No stranger to the Leadership in Action magazine, Esther has blazed through the leadership ranks, double-advancing from Senior Director IX to Executive Director II in the month of November. In the one year since her enrolment, Esther has continued to learn while she earns, always looking at ways to work smarter, not harder. “I set myself small goals and take one step at a time,” says Esther. “The formula is simple – help others advance, and you advance. It’s a team effort so knowing you've progressed by helping others is very satisfying.”

Recognising that her team has helped her get to where she is, Esther gives back to her team in whatever way she can. “I spend my Melaleuca earnings on my family and friends and also my Melaleuca family. I had also strived to be debt-free which I am now, and would like to use future earnings for bigger goals like property investment.” Esther’s immediate goals are to help the customers on her 5th, 6th and 7th business. “To build a solid foundation for my business, my goal has always been to ensure everyone receives quality training, mentoring and help with goal-setting, and generations with goal-setting and knowledge about the products and

this will continue,” says Esther. “If someone wants to build a life-changing business with Melaleuca, I have a responsibility to teach them what I know to work. Quality people make for a solid, sustainable business. Melaleuca has the potential to bless every family for a very long time, if people knew how to harness the power of sharing and referring, coaching and duplication. When you have crystal clarity about your future, and trust in the process, you will one day be able to look back on the opportunity presented to you today with immense gratitude. The journey is amazing.”




December 2016


senior director Real income enhancing lives





Soon after Anaise had started building their Melaleuca business, Sione ended up in hospital where he stayed for a month. When she received

"The best thing Melaleuca has given us is the ability to pay bills on time and take care of our family needs," says Anaise. "We plan to get a house in the near future, go on holidays and to go home to Tonga more often. For that, I'm going to work really hard to advance to Executive Director in the next 12 months. Melaleuca has been a blessing to our family and I won't let anything stop me from sharing that blessing with more people." The "simple person with big dreams" has this advice for anyone building a Melaleuca business: "Believe that you are bigger than your

their first Melaleuca cheque of $235 from enrolling her first two

Anaise Saafi had always considered herself a “simple person with big dreams”. Up until two months ago, Anaise had been working in a factory 7 hours a day, 5 days a week to take home a little over $700 a week. Moving to Australia from Tonga meant that she, her husband Sione and their five children who were then all of school-going age, needed to adjust to the higher cost of living in Australia. Sione had been a carpenter in Tonga, but work was hard to come by in Australia, and they struggled to pay bills. Their financial situation got a little easier when their children started working part-time while studying. “I appreciated their helping us out with expenses,” says Anaise, “but I knew there had to be a better way.” Their “better way” appeared in the form of Anaise’s father’s cousin – then Product Advocate III, (now Director IX), Ofa Wright. “I saw Ofa after a long time apart and was impressed at how good she looked! I told her I wanted whatever she was having, and that paved the way for a conversation about Melaleuca. I saw the sense in getting away from chemicals in household products too, so I got a Home Conversion Pack without hesitation.” Anaise and Sione's first customers were their oldest children. "We wanted to give them the option of building a business while studying and working part-time. They're still a little shy about sharing Melaleuca with their friends, but I think our success is starting to inspire them," says Anaise.

customers, Anaise remembers taking the cheque to the hospital to show Sione. However he was under sedation and did not wake up until a week later. "It was hard seeing Sione in that state, and I was even contemplating giving up the business for a while to spend more time with him at the

current situation. When I am coaching my team, I put them in my shoes, I explain what it means

hospital," says Anaise. "I also had a job to go to and a household to manage. Ofa

to be strong, I give them a reason to be strong, I help them solve their problems. When I sit down

and think about how my life would change if I stopped sharing Melaleuca, I realise that giving up is not an option for me. I don’t work a full time job anymore, and don’t intend to get back to the daily grind. Melaleuca gives me a feeling of freedom that I don’t want to give up. I'll keep working for those dreams we have."

encouraged me to go on, to turn that hardship into

a compelling reason to work harder on our Melaleuca business." Sharing Melaleuca with friends and family was easy. "I'd had a limp and painful joints from years of manual labour in a factory, and family members noticed that I was starting to walk better. ProvexCV, Phytomega, Replenex Extra Strength and the Vitality Pack helped me tremendously and I tell everyone how they've helped me," says Anaise. "I find that Renew appeals to my family's sense of vanity, and EcoSense offers such good value for money, so Melaleuca is not difficult to talk about." On learning about their advancement to Senior Director, Anaise and Sione went with their children to watch a Rugby League match - something they've long wanted to do. Sione also took a long awaited trip to Tonga and will be home in time to help Anaise shop for their new car.

''Believe that you are bigger than your current situation.''




February 2017


senior director Real income enhancing lives




“Wherever this business takes me, I will keep going and never give up. As Jim Rohn once said, ‘if you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.’”

consuming and at times unrewarding work, so when then-Director Siutaka Vaka introduced Olioni to Melaleuca, she saw the opportunity as a much-needed breakthrough. “I was already meeting new people every day and developing my selling skills, I saw Melaleuca as a better way to earn long-term income.” Since joining Melaleuca in April 2017, Olioni has enrolled 24 friends. Five of her enrolees are building a business and fifteen are shopping each month and enrolling customers occasionally.

Two years ago, Olioni left friends and family in Tonga to begin a new life in New Zealand. “My family and I came to New Zealand seeking better living conditions and a brighter future for our children”, says Olioni. “We were a single income family and we were barely able to make ends meet.” To help ease the financial burden, Olioni would purchase second hand goods and resell them on the side of the road. This was found to be very time-

With a focus on products, Olioni introduces people to Melaleuca by handing out travel-sized Renew, Vitality for Women and Replenex – products which have personally benefited her tremendously. As English is her second language, Senior Director 7 Siutaka Vaka, and Executive Director 3 Sharlene Lesa have frequently reached out and assisted



Two years ago, Olioni left friends and family in Tonga to begin a new life in New Zealand.


Olioni remembers how she could not hold back my tears when she received her first commission cheque for $2,750.55. “I knew from that day that Melaleuca was for me,” says Olioni. “Wherever this business takes me, I will keep going and never give up. As Jim Rohn once said, ‘if you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.’”

with business training to her customers in which she has been ever grateful. Teamwork equals success and this is evident in how Olioni has grown her business. Olioni continues to focus on what she sets out to achieve and continues to drive towards her goals. “I just kept going, even through difficult times I would think of my support team and the people I have introduced to Melaleuca, and know I could never let them down,” says Olioni. “I did not think too much about my own journey on the way to Senior Director, but I kept going.”

Olioni recalled “when we all walked onto the plane in Tonga, to catch our flight to New Zealand for the first time. I’d gathered my three children and told them to say their ‘goodbyes’ as it would be the last time they see Tonga until they are old enough to work and pay for their own holiday. I never imagined I would be able to send them back anytime soon to visit family and friends. However, in less than two years since our move to New Zealand, Melaleuca has given me the opportunity to pay for our family to go home to Tonga, and for me to spend time with my sick mother.”




April 2017


senior director Real income enhancing lives


Siutaka & Sosaia Vaka New Zealand Having a Clear Goal

People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going. Rapidly advancing Senior Director Siutaka Vaka, who advanced from Director 9 to Senior Director 7 in November admits her family kept her focused on her goals whenever the going got tough, and the temptation to slow down or give up surfaced. “I remind myself daily that this business is not just about me. There are other people in it whom I will not give up helping,” says Siutaka. “Before I earned my first cheque, I looked at the number of people I could help by introducing Melaleuca to them. Helping others is still my goal – more than the size of my commission cheque.” As her organisation grew, Siutaka was prepared to be busier than she was at the start. “I had to divide my time amongst my leaders – helping them enrol and train their new customers and business builders,” she says. ”These activities have enabled me to earn an income where paying off debt and property investment have become realities.” Siutaka’s short term goal is to reach Executive Director by February 2018, by building on the strong and stable foundation of business builders she has in her organisation. Her advice to her team is simple: “Never give up. Never deprive yourself of the opportunity to experience success.”

“Never give up. Never deprive yourself of the opportunity to experience success.”

LAST MONTH´S MELALEUCA CHEQUE: $10,083 senior director Real income enhancing lives



Ofa Wright NSW Reaching your goals

New Senior Director II, Ofa Wright, has often given this advice to the business builders in her team: “The time is now. Don’t procrastinate.” Just one month after her rapid advancement from Director VII to Senior Director, this exemplary leader has advanced to Senior Director II. “There are so many people that I need and want to thank for having contributed to my success,” she says. “First and foremost, I want to thank God for His provision, guidance, strength, courage, health and the unconditional love and servant’s heart that He’s given me to be able to love and serve others tirelessly. I also want to thank Mr Frank VanderSloot for his dream, belief and love for people, without which we would not have this incredible opportunity. Thank you to my beautiful and amazing Enroller, Senior Director IV, Dana Tinley for sharing this incredible life-changing opportunity, my US support team, Senior Directors VII, Vicki and Mark Cleveland, for their belief in me, and most of all, thank you to my wonderful, hardworking, courageous and happy business partners, who are working towards their dreams, my adorable family for their patience with me, understanding and support as I worked many a late night in pursuit of my goals and those of my team.” Ofa is dedicated to developing a knowledgeable, passionate team of product advocates in the next year who can duplicate the right attitudes, values and information. “It is a team effort, so I’m focusing my attention on the team. There is no way I can reach my goals if the team is not with me. I need to be there for them, to see that they get out of Melaleuca what I have been able to enjoy. I am really blessed with great leaders who share my passion for this business. I’m looking forward to the future because Melaleuca has given me a future worth looking forward to.”

“The time is now. Don’t procrastinate.”

LAST MONTH´S MELALEUCA CHEQUE: $10,230 senior director Real income enhancing lives



What’s your element? D Bo Le M So A Ta Ca En Or Ch Re Th Qu Co De Un L Dynamic Bold Leader Motivator Social Articulate Talkative Caring Enthusiastic Organizer Cheerful Relaxed Thoughtful Quiet Confident Determined Understanding Listener Every human has strengths. When we function in our strengths we are in our element—and we are effortlessly successful. We will go to great lengths to avoid work- ing outside this comfort zone, but what if we can’t? What happens when success requires consistently doing all 7 Critical Business Building Activities whether they are in our element or not? Sometimes, the perfect partner to counterbalance your strengths and weaknesses (and vice versa) shares your same anniversary…


These five successful couples are partners in business as well as in marriage, and they have words of wisdom for every couple balancing the delight of being in their element, and the discomfort of being outside it, as they achieve success together.

Corporate Directors 3 Mark & Myrna Atha Combining Strengths

It sounds like a riddle, but it isn’t: “We both do all aspects of the business together, but we don’t always do them together.” This is how the Athas explain their strategy for handling a complex schedule: divide and conquer. Mark and Myrna were both established in business before they enrolled in Melaleuca, and both are in their element with all the activities. But they are understanding when a husband or wife tries to barricade themselves in a comfort zone and let their spouse handle the scary activities. “Sometimes one person would rather do anything than be in front of a roomful of prospective customers presenting the Overview,” Mark says. “And that’s okay. We encourage couples to do whatever works. But we always say we love to see people learn and grow.” The Athas function as a fully engaged team, but they have many words of practical wisdom for couples where one still feels more in their element when in a supporting role. “Sometimes Marketing Executives get frustrated because they want their spouse to do more, and we help them see there are many ways for a spouse to be supportive,” Mark says. “When your partner takes care of dinner, homework, bath time, and bedtime so you’re free to work, that’s huge! When they attend a school event you must miss, it helps tremendously.” They also counsel the supporting partner to have a supply of their spouse’s business cards, and to refer clients if the opportunity comes up to do so. They recommend attending leadership celebrations together as a good way for a couple to become drawn into the excitement of success. The Athas also suggest making the business a family affair. “When you make advancement a family goal, everyone becomes supportive,” says Mark. As a powerhouse business team, Mark and Myrna agree on another thing as well: “Before Melaleuca,” Mark says, “neither of us really loved what we did. Today we both love what we do!” Now that is being in your element!

Executive Directors 3 Geoff & Danielle Doucette Together Is Better!

Before Geoff and Danielle enrolled in Melaleuca, they were both strong business people in their own right. “It was a big deal to work together,” Geoff says. “This was our first time to be recognized as a couple accomplishing something in business.” “It’s been an adaptation process,” Geoff admits. “We had never worked hand in hand. So we found a place for each other. We can fill in for each other too, but it’s all about balance—knowing who’s going to do what.” They each have their own desk and work area in their office upstairs in their North Carolina home. “We’ve blended our skills pretty well,” Danielle says. “Geoff is an organizer, a strategist—a nuts and bolts kind of guy. He gets into the numbers and is great at explaining the Compensation Plan. I’m the one reaching out to people, asking them about their goals, and encouraging them along the way. If we do calls together, I start it out, and then Geoff gives them a strategic plan.” For the Doucettes, the biggest challenge is working with people with different levels of commitment. They respond by combining their strengths to motivate without pushing. “There’s a balancing act of motivating your team without being overbearing,” Geoff explains. “That is Danielle’s strength. That’s where building the relationship comes into play. You can’t always be calling about their business. You have to connect with them, get to know about their families, and have a genuine interest in their life.” It was a golden moment for them at Road to Executive Director when couples asked the Doucettes for advice in making a business work as a team. “It’s gratifying for us to know that we can help to inspire other couples,” Geoff says.



National Directors 9 Brooke & Jason Paulin A Lifelong Business Team Brooke and Jason were compatible business partners in their self-owned fitness center for eleven years before they launched their Melaleuca business together. “We had ironed out all the wrinkles in working together, so with our Melaleuca business, it was awesome!” Brooke says. Two unshakable pillars in their business success as a couple are “No blame” and “No orders.” “We treat each other like respected business partners,” Brooke says. “We never tell each other what to do. There is no chief. We work with each other as team members.” When one struggles, the other steps up and leads by example. Although both Brooke and Jason are very glad to work from home, they take care not to blur the lines between home and business. “We have business hours. We have meetings. We treat our business exactly the way we treated our gym,” Jason says. Jason and Brooke are aware of their differences, and yet over time both have developed the ability to do all aspects of their Melaleuca business. Brooke describes herself as a good cheerleader, but she was distinctly out of her element when it came to talking about business and sales. “I just wasn’t brave about it,” Brooke says. “But after observing how Jason did it, I learned to be confident about it!” Jason, so dynamic in one-on-one situations, studied Brooke’s magic with groups and learned to convey his energetic intensity to a roomful of people. At the same time, they inevitably rely on their original strengths. Brooke is gifted in the emotional realm. “My strength is coaching team members, sticking with them and believing in them, having the psychological conversations, and getting them to another level,” Brooke explains. “Jason brings a business side to the equation, and an intensity that motivates and focuses everyone.” It’s almost a dance, this balance of two dynamic personalities, but the better analogy would be team players getting the ball down the field and to the goal line by skillful interaction. Brooke and Jason are a winning team!

Senior Directors 6 Kyle & Taran Helm Two Introverts Discover Their Inner Extroverts

When Kyle Helm traveled on an airline, he was the guy wearing headphones so he didn’t have to talk to his seatmate. Now he’s totally open to conversation—about Melaleuca! Taran was supportive of Kyle’s Melaleuca business, but uninvolved in the activities. Now she has made a personal commitment to get to the 20/20 Club. What happened to transform this quiet couple so dramatically? In Taran’s case, she became passionate about the products. “It’s not uncomfortable to talk about a product when you truly believe it’s better for your family and your home, and the environment,” she says. “About three months into our Melaleuca business, I came home and Taran was talking to our neighbor about Melaleuca,” Kyle says. “She enrolled her first customer all on her own. What a moment! She has taken on the business side by side with me, and it’s an incredible thing to lock arms with my partner and build a business together.” With Kyle, what changed him was the Melaleuca opportunity. “I love to inspire, motivate, and help people with Melaleuca, and that’s what got me out of my comfort zone.” That, and a little mental trick he plays on himself. When Kyle shares Melaleuca, he mentally puts on an entirely new persona. He becomes Batman. “It’s kind of a joke around the house that my kids call me Batman. I have this mindset that I’m dad and Kyle at home, but I mentally put on my Batsuit when I go out to present Melaleuca. I get out of my own head and step out of my comfort zone, and become more energetic and engaged. I become who I need to be to build my business.” There is a superhero inside all of us. Sometimes it just takes the right opportunity—and the right motivation—to don the cape, leave our mild- mannered alter ego behind, and set out to help those who are in distress!


The Melaleuca Seven Critical Business-Building Activities 1. Build Your Contact List 2. Set Appointments 3. Present Melaleuca: An Overview 4. Schedule Strategy Sessions 5. Celebrate Success 6. Always Be Involved with Fast Track 7. Lead by Example

Corporate Directors 4 Lance & Michelle Smith For the Love of Family Seventeen years ago, Michelle decided, “A Melaleuca business was the perfect career for me as a brand-new mother who wanted to work from home and was passionate about wellness.” She was right. Her husband, Lance, worked in the corporate realm and referred customers to her. But he admits, “I had a tendency to just look at the pay- check, which was the dumbest thing I could have done. The money part will take care of itself. Don’t be critical and counter-productive while your wife is trying to stay positive. Understand the importance of what she’s doing. She is building a real business.” “Within a year we had replaced our incomes, and Lance was able to come home,” Michelle says. Although Michelle had advanced to Executive Director in a year’s time with little input from Lance, once he was home, he found himself bossing her around before he had even enrolled a single Preferred Member! “It was a matter of getting over my ego a little bit,” Lance admits. “After all, one day I was running a staff of more than 30 people and the next I was taking direction from my wife. But once I listened, we created our respective, compatible work niches. Today I tell husbands, from a male standpoint, when your wife brings you home, appreciate that fact. Don’t start telling her she needs to do things the way you would do them.” They discovered they needed separate offices. “We were in the same office for a week,” Michelle says. They create a monthly business plan and work off a calendar. “We even have rewards for ‘employee of the day’ between the two of us!” Michelle says with a smile. Their main goal in working together is to spend as much time as pos- sible as a family. “There are things you don’t get a second chance at,” Lance says. “Your son’s first three-point jump shot. Your daughters’ first equestrian jump.” “Today we make in two months what Lance’s entire annual salary used to be,” Michelle says. And they never miss a day of their children’s lives. Now that is great teamwork!

Every Marketing Executive is a signature blend of strengths and more neutral abilities. Don’t hesitate to talk with your enroller about developing your skills and becoming confident in all of the Seven Critical Business-Building Activities. A wealth of training is available to you through Melaleuca, and your enroller can also connect you with others who will be happy to share their wisdom and suggestions for success. No one builds alone at Melaleuca!




A successful Melaleuca business can lead you to what you want at retirement age—the income to enjoy life. Start creating reliable residual income now so that when it’s time to retire, you can do so in style.*

*Results vary.




Psychol o gy of Disappointment The

Disappointment is that awful feeling you get when something didn’t turn out the way you thought it would. As critically thinking beings, we attach expectations to almost every- thing we do. Usually, we’re pretty good at aligning our expectations with outcomes. But sometimes things don’t turn out the way you thought they would. The greater the disparity, the greater the disappointment.

Disappointment is likely when: • You’re in a new situation in which the outcome is uncertain • You hope for a positive outcome and feel you deserve it • The outcome is out of your control

There’s no way to avoid feeling disappointed from time to time-it’s part of being human. But what you do after a letdown makes all the difference in how far you will rebound.


Psychologists suggest these ways to rebound from disappointments:

“I’m moving to LA to be a star! I am going to be an overnight sensation— I just know it!” Are your expectations realistic? If you base your expectations on desires instead of actual probabilities, your anticipated outcome will likely be way off.

Give it time. Studies show that experience and age lead to a higher tolerance of disappointment.

Gain wisdom from your losses. Figure out why your expectations weren’t met. What could you have done differently? What can you do now to make the situation better?

Take pride in your struggle. Sports fans who remain loyal to a team through years of bad sea- sons often relish supporting the underdog. When their team wins, it’s so much sweeter.

Retroactively adjust expectations. Reimagine that your initial expectations were more aligned with the eventual outcome.

“I didn’t really think I would win first place. Placing fourth is pretty good! Next time...”

Don’t make big decisions after a letdown—especially economic decisions. After a big disappointment, we tend to make hasty, pessimistic decisions. Let your emotions recalibrate before you do anything permanent.

“It feels like I lost out on a promotion, but the truth is, I never had it to lose. I still have the same job I was content with before with the same salary. I didn’t really lose anything at all.” after a disappointment is psychologically painful, but sometimes there actually isn’t a real loss. Question what was lost. The sense of loss felt

Compare with caution. Hoping to replicate the outcome others have can be a source of inspiration or frustration. Use comparison only as a source of education to encourage duplication. “We both enrolled at the same time. How come he’s a Senior Director and I’m not? I wonder how many calls he makes. I should compare activity instead of starting dates.”

Focus on the big picture. Disappointment is temporary. Figure out what comes next. Will you adjust your expectations and actions and try again? Will you close a chapter and walk away? Take a step back and remember what you want in the long run, not just what you wanted now.

As disheartening as disappointment is, it is a catalyst for action. When you reach the crossroads of disappointment, only you can choose which path you’ll take. Those who reach their goals don’t luck into it. Perseverance in the face of failure is the keystone of success. Learn to overcome disappointment faster and see your next success sooner. LH

The cr ssroads of bitter and better