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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp May 2018

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp April 2018

3 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • • 2 teaspoons lemon zest • • • Kosher salt Juice

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp


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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp March 2018


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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp January 2018

fantasy series with “Carve the Mark.” 4 | 877-483-5020 Published by The Newsletter Pro . www.Newslet

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp - April 2020


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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp - December 2020

4 tsp peppermint oil • 1 cup granular Swerve • 1 tsp flake sea salt DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat the oven t

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp - October 2017

Athens-Tours to find the perfect guide for your trip. generating what would become many of the most

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp - July 2020

4 cup parsley leaves, chopped 2 lbs assorted vegetables, trimmed and halved (asparagus, mushrooms, r

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp Nov 2017

january-soup-swap-gatherings-from-the-kitchn-214906. HOW TO HOST A SOUP SWAP How He Got Started: “I

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp - October 2020

26-10-31! | 3 Published by The Newsletter Pro . PRST STD US

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Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp May 2018




MAY 2018



For example, you might think, “I’ll never lose weight; I feel like I’ve tried everything.” You can upgrade this to a liberating truth: “When I lose this weight, I’m going to have so much more energy, strength, and confidence. I know weight loss takes time, so as long as I’m consistent and disciplined, it will come off.” As you repeat these liberating truths to yourself and take action toward them, you’ll start to live them, creating a new reality for yourself. In order to achieve big things in your life, it all starts with your beliefs. KNOW YOUR “WHY” When you’re trying to achieve any goal, you have to know what your “why” is. That’s where it all starts. I’ve said it many times before, but without a strong enough reason why, you’re doomed to fail. There have been many times when I’ve been frustrated, tired, and just wanted to quit. But remembering my “why” — the true reason why I get up early each morning, work until dark, and work a lot of weekends — is what keeps me going. SURRENDER TO THE OUTCOME This might be one of the hardest lessons I’ve learned — or should I say, I am continuing to learn . I’m an ultra-competitive, Type A person, so I’m very much focused on getting results. That being said, when we’re so focused on results, we become lost in the process it takes to achieve those results. We get so locked in to the outcome, and when it doesn’t happen the way we want or in the time frame we want, we get frustrated. The biggest way to overcome this is by “controlling the controllable” — that is, focusing on things we have direct control over, like our actions, habits, and attitude. One of my mentors says, “Control what you can, cope with what you can’t, and concentrate on what counts.” DISCIPLINE The great thing about discipline is you don’t have to be the richest, smartest, or most talented person around to carry it out.

This past month was a big deal because we celebrated being open for seven years here at Daphne Fit Body Boot Camp and Fit Body Forever!

It’s hard to believe it’s been that long. I can remember my first day like it was yesterday: I got my dumbbells and bands out of the utility closet to train my small handful of clients after my 30-minute drive from my other job. I was still in school and living with my parents. At the time, I honestly didn’t know if the fitness thing was going to work out. “Maybe I should just focus on school and get my master’s,” I thought. I didn’t really know anyone on the Eastern Shore, and I had less than $500 to my name. But something deep down inside of me told me to stick with it, and I’m glad I did. Today, the 7,500-square-foot building that housed all of my equipment in its utility closet is where FBBC and FBF reside. We’ve been blessed to serve over 4,000 people and change hundreds of lives while giving back tens of thousands of dollars to our local community. But it didn’t happen overnight. There were many times I wanted to throw in the towel. By learning some invaluable lessons, I was able to stay the course and surround myself with an amazing team. Together, we are truly building something special. Below are seven lessons that helped me along the way as an entrepreneur, and I believe they’ll help you in whatever goal or dream you’re trying to achieve. BELIEVE If I’m honest about when I first started, I didn’t truly believe in myself. Most of my thoughts about the future started with the word “if.” Eventually, I changed the “if” to “when.” How? I did it by upgrading my limiting beliefs to liberating truths.

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Success Story Gail Filotea


You just have to focus and follow through on the things you know you should do on a consistent basis, even when it hurts. I love the way John Maxwell describes discipline: “Discipline is like invisible magic. You can’t see, taste, or smell it, but its effects are huge. It can transform fat into slim, misery into happiness, poor into rich, and uninformed into expert.” SERVICE This is a lesson I’ve taken to heart over the years, and I’m glad I’ve done so. I truly believe we are put on this earth to serve others, and the quicker we realize that, the quicker we find our purpose. In every aspect of my life, serving others has given me joy, and in turn, helped the business prosper more than I thought possible. Service is truly the secret to lead a more fulfilling life. It’s why Jesus said in Mark 10:44–46, “And whoever wants to be first among you must be a servant to all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life — a ransom for many.” Life is too short to be selfish. Look for ways to serve the people around you. When you do, you’ll be blessed We live in a “microwave society” of instant gratification and results. We have to realize that if we get what we want instantly, we won’t be able to appreciate it. And we likely won’t be able to hold onto it, because we didn’t develop the necessary skills to get there. Many times, I’ve sat back and reflected on the skills I’ve learned over the last seven years. I’m astounded at just how much I acquired by investing time, energy, and consistency into my own growth. From public speaking to sales, leadership, and communication, all of these areas take time to develop. The time and effort I’ve put in has helped my team and me get to where we are, and it prepares us for where we’re headed. FAIL FORWARD When we’re in the middle of failing, it seems nearly impossible that any good can come from it. Failing at something is never fun. But what we don’t realize is that most of the super- successful people we see have failed — a lot. They understand the quickest path to success is failing, learning from your mistakes, and doing better the next time around. When we reflect on our failures, we’ll notice many lessons. In fact, it’s more than likely that we’ll be grateful for them. So when things don’t go your way, don’t throw in the towel. Ask instead, “How can I improve?” “What didn’t I do that I should have?” When you do, you’ll likely find that the answers will take you beyond your recent failure to newfound success. I hope these lessons give you some things to think about and some takeaways you can apply to your life to achieve more than you ever thought possible! more than you can imagine. EMBRACE THE JOURNEY

My family and I moved to Daphne in 2011. My twins were high school athletes and played sports year- round. I could be found in the bleachers most afternoons and weekends. Knowing this time was precious, I refused to put myself and my health before anyone else. Unfortunately, my weight and body ballooned. My husband and I joined a drop-two-sizes challenge. We worked out at 5 a.m. before work and again before the kids’ after- school activities.


We were both successful and lost weight, but we were still not ready to commit to a program. I had to have my Achilles tendon repaired before I fully understood how important my health and muscle strength are to me. I never want to be incapacitated again. The most difficult obstacle was making time for me. Working as a teacher all day, I felt guilty not being at every single function my kids had in the afternoon. My husband travels extensively during baseball season. Being the only parent here, I had to make difficult choices about the time I had in a day and how to best spend that time. I finally decided that becoming healthy and fit now would give me a better chance of spending years with my family than if I was unhealthy and overweight. After my twins graduated from high school, we moved back to Mobile, where we still live. I drive to Robertsdale to teach, but I’ll either work out on the way to work or on the way home. I have been to other gyms, but there is

nothing like the FBBC coaching staff. They encourage me to be my best and always push me past what I think I can do. I set small, attainable goals to begin with, and I wrote them down so I could see them every day. Don’t let one off-day turn into a failure; instead, make it a lesson on how to make tomorrow a better day. –Ga il F ilotea

-Steven Hadley

NOW (Lost 18 pounds and 3 sizes!)

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Delivering a Consistent Wow out and have all this confidence. They’re working all the way to the end of every round, unleashing confidence and strength. It’s really cool to see that happen.” Marc also speaks highly of the team he works with. “We’ve

Marc is used to bringing his all to workouts, and as our lead coach for the Fit Body Boot Camp, he doesn’t just bring his best, he wants everyone who’s here to give their best too. How does he help members do that? He’s a firm believer in meeting people where they are to promote success.

got a bunch of hotshots,” he explains. “Everybody is delivering at a high level, which makes it easy and fun because we’ve got a high-quality team. Every day we ask, ‘Can we shock this person with how great it is?’ We always want to deliver more than what’s expected.” As the creator of all our weekly programming, Marc is always coming up with new ways to keep coaches and members challenged. So, what’s his favorite workout? He answers, “Probably ‘jack me up.’ It’s different variations of jumping jacks. We’ve all been doing the move forever, but we make little twists and tweaks on the tried-and-true move. [We] pay attention to form, and all of a sudden, this simple move just becomes challenging. Just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s easy.” As for his focus at home, Marc says, “A lot of it has shifted to be very family oriented. We have a 1-year-old baby girl, Camille. My wife, Tiffany, and I are with her as much as we can be.” Marc also enjoys being outdoors to fish and hunt.

Marc explains, “I think a lot of it, for coaching, comes from empathy. We all have good and bad days, but the consistency of being a good coach comes from empathy. … As soon as you’re starting the class, that empathy pushes you into that role.” That’s part of what gives Marc his excellent focus. He continues, “No matter what I’ve got going on outside of here, this, what’s on the floor, just becomes the most important thing — to be here.” What does Marc enjoy most about transforming members into the best versions of themselves? He says, “It’s obviously fun to see the physical changes and that progress, but I think the biggest thing is the shift of their mentality and the mental gain. Many people come in timid, just dipping their toes in, and a few weeks later, you see them break

Sautéed Zucchini and Squash With Feta


Grocery Store Tours May 5 and 24 at 11:00 a.m.

Lean for Life Workshops May 3 and 26 at 6:30 p.m.

INGREDIENTS • 1 zucchini •

Brady With Results May 23 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

• • •

2 teaspoons fresh thyme 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese

1 summer squash

Salt and pepper to taste

• •

1/2 medium red onion

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

Fit Body Family Memorial Day Workout/Cookout May 28 FBBC 9:15 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. FBF 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Cut zucchini into 1/4-inch-thick semicircles. Dice onion. 2. Heat a large skillet to medium high. Add olive oil, onion, and thyme. 3. Once onion is soft (about 2 minutes), add zucchini and squash. Season with salt and pepper; cook 4–5 minutes until squash barely begins to caramelize. 4. Place in serving bowl and top with feta.

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Celebrating 7 Years of Daphne FBBC


Success Story


How Our Lead Coach Brings It Every Day Sautéed Zucchini and Squash With Feta

Secrets to a Great Family Vacation




grandchild’s parents are divorced. You don’t want to accidentally cause a custody dispute.

child, promise to keep the phone in your pocket. If your son-in-law wants regular updates, make time before bed for your grandchild to call home and tell her father about all the fun she’s having. A little compromise can lead to less stress and more fun for everyone. PACK NECESSARY DOCUMENTS You need to have some form of ID for your grandkids. Older kids can use a driver’s license, but if you’re traveling with little ones, find a copy of their birth certificates. You also need copies of insurance and prescription cards and a notarized letter from the parents granting you permission to authorize medical care in case of an emergency. It’s also a good idea to have a letter of permission for your grandkids to travel with you. Make sure the letter is signed by all legal guardians, especially if your

We could all use a vacation, and if you’re looking to bond with your grandkids, a trip might be the perfect answer. It’s fun for you, and getting away from Mom and Dad for a while is thrilling for any kid. But before you board a plane to Italy with your granddaughter or rent an RV for a trip to Yellowstone with your grandsons, there are a few things you need to check off your to-do list. DON’T LET THE PARENTS WORRY Letting their kids go on a trip without them can be nerve-wracking for parents. Don’t view parental worries as an implication that you are an irresponsible grandparent. Instead, think about how you felt when your own children were young, and take steps to alleviate the parents’ concerns. If your daughter asks you not to be on your phone while in crowded public places because she’s concerned you might lose sight of her

PLAN A TRIP YOU’LL BOTH LOVE When planning your itinerary, ask

yourself if your grandkids will have fun, too. You might be excited to visit an art museum, but a younger child might not appreciate it as much. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t visit museums or historical sites! In fact, most of these places offer kid-centric activities, like scavenger hunts, that can help a younger audience engage with the environment. Just be sure to think of your grandchild first when planning. There’s nothing like the adventure of travel to bring generations closer together and create lasting memories. These tips will help you ensure those memories are good ones. Happy travels!

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