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The Livewell Clinic - November 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - September 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - April 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - June 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - October 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - July 2018

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The Livewell Clinic- January 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - February 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - December 2018

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Livewell Clinic - August 2018

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The Livewell Clinic - November 2018

NOVEMBER 2018 LEDGER FINDING GRAT I TUDE THE 13375 University Avenue, Suite 100, Clive, IA 50325||515.279.9900 TAK I NG T IME FOR THANKFULNE SS FOS T ERS GOOD HEAL TH

This past year, my role withThe Livewell Clinic has adapted. I’ve had to don the CEOhat more often than the care-provider hat as I stepped up to foster business expansion. As someone who is deeply invested inmy work, I was sad to step away and worried about what that move would mean. Still, I knew I was doing something that would ultimately benefit our patients, employees, and clinic. We’re pretty lucky here atThe Livewell Clinic. We have employees who are passionate and committed to the work we do, and our patients trust us to help them foster good health. As I took time to grow the business in 2018, I was still able to pop in and witness these success stories unfold. One recent story sticks out to me. Aman who has only been with our clinic for a short time came in recently with his water bottle and binder, ready to get to work. He was radiating positivity and telling us how thankful he was to be there. He said the answers he was receiving were helping him feel better. Whether he knew it or not, feeling and expressing that gratitude was working wonders for his health. Gratitude plays a major role in stress reduction and well-being. You can apply the correct diet and focus on exercise, but if you don’t address what’s happening in your life, you’re avoiding a key part of wellness. Regardless of your situation, you have to connect to positivity. Expressing an appreciation for what you have, what has happened, and those who are present for you will create purposeful living. You’ll feel empowered to do and feel better! You can read more about this phenomenon on Page 3 of this month’s newsletter. I’m a firm believer in practicing what I preach. Like our experts atThe Livewell Clinic recommend, I keep a gratitude journal of sorts. It’s not precisely the kind that the clinic introduces to patients, but I’ve adapted it to my lifestyle, just as patients should. I use a five-minute journal to briefly record what I’ve done and should be thankful for. And I’ve had plenty to appreciate in 2018.

I’m forever thankful for my employees and patients as they continue to give me an opportunity to spread and grow Livewell’s mission. I appreciate the development groups I’m part of and the cohorts of other business owners I’ve met during this time of expansion. They give me a sense of camaraderie in my pursuits. I’m thankful that I was givenmore opportunities to read and do research this year so that I may further educate myself about my practice and mission. Most of all, I’m thankful for my wife, Tammy. She’s been by my side during this time of change, and she’s supported bothme andThe Livewell Clinic more than she could ever know. She saw a need and stepped in, making her own sacrifices along the way. Despite the initial anxiety of transitioning into a new role in 2018, I’m thankful for the opportunities it provided and the people who stepped up along withme. As the year comes to an end, I hope you’ll take time to find positivity in your life. I think you’ll be surprised by how lucky you are—and how good you’ll feel.

317-776-9942 515.279.9 00 –Dr. Z a c Watki ns


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Thanksgiving conversation is often a minefield of topics: political divides, your English degree, and Aunt Marjory’s insistence that you meet her neighbor’s cousin's dog walker’s uncle’s son who’s a fantastic up-and-coming podiatrist. Between constantly passing the potatoes and dodging your relatives’ questions, Thanksgiving can be an exhausting holiday. But it’s a day to be grateful for what and whom you have in your life, so why do so many people leave their annual gatherings feeling overwhelmed and misunderstood? This year, when the conversation begins steering in an awkward direction, try these conversation starters for a more relaxing and fulfilling holiday. 1. What’s your pet been up to? Maybe Fluffy learned a new trick or Oscar is undergoing some intensive grooming next week. Whatever the case may be, people love to talk about their pets. 2. WhatThanksgiving dish can you not live without? Without going culinary critic on your grandma’s meal, gush about your favorite dish. Just like with pets, people love discussing foods and recipes. You may start a fun debate or a recipe swap with this question. 3. Dad did what as a kid? Getting to know your relatives, friends, and significant others better will only strengthen those bonds. You’ll likely hear some interesting stories you can share with others and forge a stronger connection with your relatives. 4. Stupid human tricks, anyone? Let’s see those double joints! This one might not be for the squeamish at the dinner table, but it’s a fun, goofy activity that’s best shared over a glass of after-dinner wine. 5. How about we get coffee? Sometimes part of the stress of answering your relatives’ questions stems from holiday pressures. It may force you to address your bank account, love life, and general life choices. If you really do want to talk about your job or your love life with relatives, suggest meeting up again without the holiday atmosphere. While you’re all in one place trying to enjoy a piece of pie, plan a family winery tour, beach day, or camping trip. Family situations will always be a little stressful, but without the pressure of the holidays, you might feel more relaxed. DODGING THANKSGIVING AWKWARDNESS CONVERSAT IONS APPROPR IATE FOR THE DINNER TABLE

During the course of their long friendship, Dr. Zac often joked with Christina Davis, asking her to come work for him at The Livewell Clinic. By the time Christina had her second child, she decided it was time to move on from a job that required her to travel 70 percent of the time. After a more serious conversation, Dr. Zac and Christina agreed that it was time for her to join The Livewell Clinic team, since this was a job that would allow her more time with her family. Four years later, Christina is happy she took the leap. “It’s certainly not easy work. It’s certainly not a no-stress job. It’s certainly not a slow pace,” Christina says. “At the same time, what we do is incredibly important, and we make people well. We empower people to take control of their health.” Since she began at The Livewell Clinic, Christina has worn many hats. She started working up front, transitioned into marketing and business growth, and is currently the interim director of operations for the clinic. Her role is ever-changing and expanding. But unlike her experience in large business, Christina feels like she’s contributing to a tangible dream and vision for patients. “It’s seeing things actually come to fruition,” Christina says. “We see the results of what we’re doing. It’s fun to see all the hard work pay off.” When she isn’t helping serve patients or grow the business, Christina spends time with her two kids and her husband of 22 years, a local chiropractor. She enjoys traveling and going to the movies, but her most recent and favorite hobby is aerial artistry. Resulting from a two-year family goal to challenge themselves, and at the insistence of one of her kids, Christina decided to do more than just take a few classes on acrobatics. You can now catch Christina flying through the skies at two exhibition shows and a few other events throughout the year, like the Iowa State Fair. Christina says the best part is that she gets to tap into a different version of herself in a theatrical-style outlet. Whether she’s flying high or managing our clinic, we appreciate the hard work Christina does for The Livewell Clinic and our patients each day. Keep up the great work, Christina!



TheThanksgiving holiday evokes feelings of gratitude each year, but it’s a practice we should engage in year-round if we want our bodies to stay healthy. If you don’t believe us, take a look at this research. Grateful for Science Robert E. Emmons andMichael E. McCullough studied three groups of people. Every week, one group would write about what they were grateful for, another would document what irritated them, and the third would write about what had impacted them in any way. After 10 weeks, the researchers found those who wrote about gratitude were more likely to exercise, visited the doctor less, and were more optimistic. In another study, psychologist Martin E.P. Seligman studied positive psychology interventions on 411 people. In one of the tasks, participants wrote a thank-you letter to someone from their past. After this, they noted the highest happiness score compared to any other intervention in the study. Other studies have found that couples who show appreciation to one another are more comfortable expressing their concerns to their partner and employees who felt appreciated by their managers were more productive.

Finding ways to actively show gratitude can be difficult to fit into our daily lives. So if you find yourself struggling after the holiday season, try some of these techniques. Thank Someone Whether you mail a card or appreciate them internally, regularly find someone in your life who you appreciate. This action gives you a physical example of your gratefulness. Plus, you could make someone’s day in the process. Track ‘Em Practice keeping a gratitude journal, and write out what you’re thankful for each day. If writing isn’t your thing, schedule time each week to think about and track your blessings from the previous week. Whatever method you choose to actively be aware of the good things in your life, you’ll be happier and more productive. Tap Into the Spiritual There’s no right or wrong way to connect with your spirituality. Some people sing, others pray, and some choose to meditate. Each action you do that focuses on your spiritual well-being will pull you closer to gratitude.


Combat the Stress of the HOLIDAYS All of these products are 15% off for the month of November • B12 lozenges • B Well • Relax Max • Insomnitol • B12 drops • Digestive enzymes (all types) Holiday foods tend to throw us off our eating routine, which causes our bodies to digest poorly. Unfortunately, this makes it harder for our bodies to absorb the stress-fighting nutrient B12. The holidays are stressful without such an essential vitamin.

Intro to Living Well 11/7 at 4:30 p.m. 11/15 at 4:30 p.m.

11/10 at 9 a.m. 11/28 at 4:30 p.m.

Facebook Live events will continue onThursdays at 11:30 a.m.

11/13 at 5:00 p.m. – Yoga class centered on gratitude and mindfulness led by Melissa (our very own health coach!)

11/20 at 5:30 p.m. – "The Art of the Thank-You Note"

Livewell Chat

11/13 – Gratitude

Our Patient Appreciation event will be held on Jan. 9, 2019. More information to follow. Effective Nov. 1, 2018, repeat blood panel prices will increase to $399, and new patient blood panels will increase to $449. Coming Soon

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INSIDE 13375 University Avenue, Suite 100 Clive, IA 50325

Appreciating Life and Improving Health

What to Talk About This Thanksgiving Meet Livewell’s Christina Davis

Tricks for Showing Daily Gratitude Livewell Events Special Holiday Offer!

3 Movie Locations to Captivate Your Eyes


CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL Harry Potter captured the imagination of the world. There are multiple sites across the United Kingdom where you can get lost in the adventure that shaped a generation, but there is one spot at the top of almost every fan’s list. Hogwarts is a magic castle in J.K. Rowling’s books, but in real life, its film location is a functioning cathedral in Oxford. Take one step onto the grounds of Christ Church Cathedral, and you might begin to wonder when the next Quidditch match will begin. TIKAL NATIONAL PARK When George Lucas witnessed a poster of this famous archeological site, he didn’t see an ancient culture — he saw Yavin IV, the perfect location for the Massassi Outpost, a rebel haven found in the first film of Star Wars. Though the movie paints a futuristic look at the region, walk through Tikal National Park, and you’ll experience it as a trip through history.

Movies captivate audiences partially because of their ability to transport you to a different place. The heart yearns to be taken places, and cinema facilitates that journey. But what if you could immerse yourself in those fantastical worlds by visiting the destinations that you’ve seen on the big screen? Here are three places that are worth the trip. HOBBITON The only aspect of “The Lord of the Rings” that is more compelling than the fantastical journey of Frodo is the alluring, untamed countryside and quaint towns that make up Middle Earth. The Green Dragon Inn, Bilbo’s house, and the rolling hills of New Zealand make for a backdrop that will transport you straight into the life of Middle Earth’s smallest people — only these houses aren’t small at all. And you don’t need large, hairy feet to enjoy them.


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